Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

How will you vote in Nov. 2016

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If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.

The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.

What could be more fair than that?


So we can tax the individuals who actually contribute revenue more and more until we have no one else to tax...

So you are up to taxing the bottom 40% which pay no federal taxes at all ?

I'm up for that.
Well the last 35 pages read like the first two.

Glad people have so much time on their hands.
Are the people ready to take back democracy from the plutocrats?
Take back? It's time you worked for your earnings. There has never been a better time to accomplish success in this nation, in fact the sad truth is more and more are starting to believe the same crap you're preaching. The top 1% does not control our society as you claim, if they did how do we have a Socialist as POTUS? That's definitely counter to their desires as you claim? Wry you're weakness is so clear, have you directly been denied by a 1%'er? Or are you just too intimidated to dedicate the hard work it takes to have financial success?

Is it possible that all the wealth of Brothers Koch and the SuperPacs have met their match, as the antipathy of The People seeing great wealth continue to flow to the few at the expense of the many continues to grow?

Can you be any clearer that you believe in Socialism? There are more individuals today in the top 10% than ever before, you're so afraid someone is going to have more than you, didn't your parents teach you jealousy is wrong?

A Pussy hides behind a keyboard and puffs up his chest.

I'll meet you anytime in Austin and tell you the same things I have here, are you able to handle that? They are only words and the weakness you express on this board for the years I have been on it are pretty sad...

Life is full of struggles for rich and poor, there are many wealthy individuals with a weak mind, but there are very few poor individuals who have a chance to improve their plight believing the crap you're promoting...
So you are up to taxing the bottom 40% which pay no federal taxes at all ?

I'm up for that.

What they fail to understand is they receive refund checks for taxes they never paid...

We have created a Welfare Society run buy politicians and bureaucrats (lawyers and accountants)...
In actuality, it is the modern American "liberals" (actually, a bunch of slovenly thinking socialists) who are the callous ones, because they are absolutely indifferent to the misery their desired policies inflict on everyone.

In their zeal to create random utopias, they ignore human nature, economic realities and almost all consequences of their perverse policies.

LIEablity always chooses the low road, attacking the intelligence of millions of American citizens as if he has some metric to prove the ideology of neglect benefits the aged, the sick and those suffering. There is nothing benign about callous conservatives, or perverse oin those who offer the needy a helping hand.

It's odd that Conservatives preach the bible and attack the Pope and American citizens, liberals, progressives and RINO's, who see problems and hope to fix them.

Poor little Fly Catcher. It gets all insulted when anybody to the right of his mindless political ideology dares to suggest that HIS thinking is shallow, or stupid or whatever. But he yuks it up whenever some libturd asswipe (like him) takes the "low road" and mindlessly attacks those on the right.

The bottom line remains, despite Shit's fake complaints. It IS the modern American liberal and his socialist ideology that leads to the most misery. It denies us freedom and kowtows to the power and authority of the damn State as though the State has the first damn clue on how to run a society.

Hey Fly Catcher, you gutless pussy, instead of pissing, moaning, and whining that I insult the intelligence of you turd liberals, why not defend the record of the Socialism you adore? Show me where conservatives are the callous ones instead of socialists and demonstrate that socialism doesn't achieve more hideous results causing more misery thus making you liberals the callous ones.

Good luck you whining bitch.
In actuality, it is the modern American "liberals" (actually, a bunch of slovenly thinking socialists) who are the callous ones, because they are absolutely indifferent to the misery their desired policies inflict on everyone.

In their zeal to create random utopias, they ignore human nature, economic realities and almost all consequences of their perverse policies.

LIEablity always chooses the low road, attacking the intelligence of millions of American citizens as if he has some metric to prove the ideology of neglect benefits the aged, the sick and those suffering. There is nothing benign about callous conservatives, or perverse oin those who offer the needy a helping hand.

It's odd that Conservatives preach the bible and attack the Pope and American citizens, liberals, progressives and RINO's, who see problems and hope to fix them.

Poor little Fly Catcher. It gets all insulted when anybody to the right of his mindless political ideology dares to suggest that HIS thinking is shallow, or stupid or whatever. But he yuks it up whenever some libturd asswipe (like him) takes the "low road" and mindlessly attacks those on the right.

The bottom line remains, despite Shit's fake complaints. It IS the modern American liberal and his socialist ideology that leads to the most misery. It denies us freedom and kowtows to the power and authority of the damn State as though the State has the first damn clue on how to run a society.

Hey Fly Catcher, you gutless pussy, instead of pissing, moaning, and whining that I insult the intelligence of you turd liberals, why not defend the record of the Socialism you adore? Show me where conservatives are the callous ones instead of socialists and demonstrate that socialism doesn't achieve more hideous results causing more misery thus making you liberals the callous ones.

Good luck you whining bitch.

Less is more; in four paragraphs you posted nothing more than a personal attack, by not offering a rebuttal to my comment:

LIEablity always chooses the low road, attacking the intelligence of millions of American citizens as if he has some metric to prove the ideology of neglect benefits the aged, the sick and those suffering. There is nothing benign about callous conservatives, or perverse in those who offer the needy a helping hand."

ou've proved the truth of my words in your first phrase, and nothing but your penchant for logical fallacies in the remainder of your rant.

It strikes me that you and PoliticalChic never post on the same thread, is it possible that when you dress in a dress you post under her nom de plume?
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.
What could be more fair than that?

What you describe is a flat tax, viewed as unfair to the bottom 49% which currently pays nothing. In 2015 the top 1% will earn 17% of all income and pay roughly 50% (up from 40% in 2012) of all federal income tax.

Somebody has to carry the load for the bottom 49%.

They need what our gov't provides just as much as the top 1%.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"The top-earning 1 percent of Americans will pay nearly half of the federal income taxes for 2014, the largest share in at least three years, according to a study.

According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available).

The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study. The bottom 60 percent are expected to pay less than 2 percent of federal income taxes.

While the top 1 percent pay a larger share of taxes, they also earn an outsized share of income. According to the Tax Policy Center, they earned 17 percent of expanded cash income in 2014."
I will vote to prevent you people from airing out the pockets of the creative and productive in order to purchase your voting bloc of those who produce nothing but urine, feces, crime and terrorism.

Billy wins.

On a radical rightwing, low-brow message board....imagine that.

Since PredFan and Billy (are adults called 'Billy'?) post nothing but bullshit, or echos of other bullshitters, and if and only if one presumes their perfidious bullshit is productive (of anything other than the efforts of a digestively challenged bull).
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.
What could be more fair than that?

What you describe is a flat tax, viewed as unfair to the bottom 49% which currently pays nothing. In 2015 the top 1% will earn 17% of all income and pay roughly 50% (up from 40% in 2012) of all federal income tax.

Somebody has to carry the load for the bottom 49%.

They need what our gov't provides just as much as the top 1%.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"The top-earning 1 percent of Americans will pay nearly half of the federal income taxes for 2014, the largest share in at least three years, according to a study.

According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available).

The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study. The bottom 60 percent are expected to pay less than 2 percent of federal income taxes.

While the top 1 percent pay a larger share of taxes, they also earn an outsized share of income. According to the Tax Policy Center, they earned 17 percent of expanded cash income in 2014."

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Q. Would you pay half of $1,000,000,000 in taxes (50% tax rate, and keep $500.000.000).

Q. Would you choose to pay no taxes and keep all of $100,000

If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.
What could be more fair than that?

What you describe is a flat tax, viewed as unfair to the bottom 49% which currently pays nothing. In 2015 the top 1% will earn 17% of all income and pay roughly 50% (up from 40% in 2012) of all federal income tax.

Somebody has to carry the load for the bottom 49%.

They need what our gov't provides just as much as the top 1%.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"The top-earning 1 percent of Americans will pay nearly half of the federal income taxes for 2014, the largest share in at least three years, according to a study.

According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available).

The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study. The bottom 60 percent are expected to pay less than 2 percent of federal income taxes.

While the top 1 percent pay a larger share of taxes, they also earn an outsized share of income. According to the Tax Policy Center, they earned 17 percent of expanded cash income in 2014."

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Q. Would you pay half of $1,000,000,000 in taxes (50% tax rate, and keep $500.000.000).

Q. Would you choose to pay no taxes and keep all of $100,000


Did you misunderstand the conversation or were you just looking to express your disdain for successful Americans?
Willie said each percentile of American earners should pay income tax equal to the income they earn. 1%ers, according to that CNBC study, earn 17% while paying 50% of the taxes (while the bottom 49% pay NOTHNG). I'm not arguing that the bottom should pay more, just that gov't spending must be reduced so those who do carry the load are not required to pay more.
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.

The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.

What could be more fair than that?


So we can tax the individuals who actually contribute revenue more and more until we have no one else to tax...

What principle of morality is that theory based on?
I will vote to prevent you people from airing out the pockets of the creative and productive in order to purchase your voting bloc of those who produce nothing but urine, feces, crime and terrorism.

Billy wins.

On a radical rightwing, low-brow message board....imagine that.

Billy (are adults called 'Billy'?)

My namesake:

Ellison Webderland: Paladin of the Lost Hour

Billy Clinton
Billy Graham
Billy Wilder
Billy Joel
Billy Preston

Shall we continue?
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.
What could be more fair than that?

What you describe is a flat tax, viewed as unfair to the bottom 49% which currently pays nothing. In 2015 the top 1% will earn 17% of all income and pay roughly 50% (up from 40% in 2012) of all federal income tax.

Somebody has to carry the load for the bottom 49%.

They need what our gov't provides just as much as the top 1%.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"The top-earning 1 percent of Americans will pay nearly half of the federal income taxes for 2014, the largest share in at least three years, according to a study.

According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available).

The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study. The bottom 60 percent are expected to pay less than 2 percent of federal income taxes.

While the top 1 percent pay a larger share of taxes, they also earn an outsized share of income. According to the Tax Policy Center, they earned 17 percent of expanded cash income in 2014."

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Q. Would you pay half of $1,000,000,000 in taxes (50% tax rate, and keep $500.000.000).

Q. Would you choose to pay no taxes and keep all of $100,000


That misses the point entirely.

If we are all equal members of this country and society, there should be more equality in what we pay. It doesn't matter what we earned, only that we contribute an equal share as everybody else.

Of course we will never see the day when that becomes reality. But raping people for being successful is totally unfair. The wealthy pay most of the income tax for the rest of us, they pay a higher dollar amount, and they pay a higher percentage amount. Yet, people keep screaming to steal more of their money.
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.
What could be more fair than that?

What you describe is a flat tax, viewed as unfair to the bottom 49% which currently pays nothing. In 2015 the top 1% will earn 17% of all income and pay roughly 50% (up from 40% in 2012) of all federal income tax.

Somebody has to carry the load for the bottom 49%.

They need what our gov't provides just as much as the top 1%.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"The top-earning 1 percent of Americans will pay nearly half of the federal income taxes for 2014, the largest share in at least three years, according to a study.

According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available).

The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study. The bottom 60 percent are expected to pay less than 2 percent of federal income taxes.

While the top 1 percent pay a larger share of taxes, they also earn an outsized share of income. According to the Tax Policy Center, they earned 17 percent of expanded cash income in 2014."

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Q. Would you pay half of $1,000,000,000 in taxes (50% tax rate, and keep $500.000.000).

Q. Would you choose to pay no taxes and keep all of $100,000


Did you misunderstand the conversation or were you just looking to express your disdain for successful Americans?
Willie said each percentile of American earners should pay income tax equal to the income they earn. 1%ers, according to that CNBC study, earn 17% while paying 50% of the taxes (while the bottom 49% pay NOTHNG). I'm not arguing that the bottom should pay more, just that gov't spending must be reduced so those who do carry the load are not required to pay more.

Duh. Why would you feel the need to defend billionaires? They have Attorney's and Tax experts and shelters to pay as little as possible, and have all the toys they want. Do you really believe they create jobs out of the kindness of their heart? Chevron is still making billions per Qtr. and yet recently laid off staff.
I will vote to prevent you people from airing out the pockets of the creative and productive in order to purchase your voting bloc of those who produce nothing but urine, feces, crime and terrorism.

Billy wins.

On a radical rightwing, low-brow message board....imagine that.

Since PredFan and Billy (are adults called 'Billy'?) post nothing but bullshit, or echos of other bullshitters, and if and only if one presumes their perfidious bullshit is productive (of anything other than the efforts of a digestively challenged bull).

Translation: Wrycatcher doesn't understand what they post so he just labels it bull shit.
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.
What could be more fair than that?

What you describe is a flat tax, viewed as unfair to the bottom 49% which currently pays nothing. In 2015 the top 1% will earn 17% of all income and pay roughly 50% (up from 40% in 2012) of all federal income tax.

Somebody has to carry the load for the bottom 49%.

They need what our gov't provides just as much as the top 1%.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"The top-earning 1 percent of Americans will pay nearly half of the federal income taxes for 2014, the largest share in at least three years, according to a study.

According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available).

The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study. The bottom 60 percent are expected to pay less than 2 percent of federal income taxes.

While the top 1 percent pay a larger share of taxes, they also earn an outsized share of income. According to the Tax Policy Center, they earned 17 percent of expanded cash income in 2014."

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Q. Would you pay half of $1,000,000,000 in taxes (50% tax rate, and keep $500.000.000).

Q. Would you choose to pay no taxes and keep all of $100,000


Did you misunderstand the conversation or were you just looking to express your disdain for successful Americans?
Willie said each percentile of American earners should pay income tax equal to the income they earn. 1%ers, according to that CNBC study, earn 17% while paying 50% of the taxes (while the bottom 49% pay NOTHNG). I'm not arguing that the bottom should pay more, just that gov't spending must be reduced so those who do carry the load are not required to pay more.

Duh. Why would you feel the need to defend billionaires? They have Attorney's and Tax experts and shelters to pay as little as possible, and have all the toys they want. Do you really believe they create jobs out of the kindness of their heart? Chevron is still making billions per Qtr. and yet recently laid off staff.

Still more of your whiny sniveling loony left lament.

Chevron retains the workforce necessary to conduct its biz, not to satisfy your sense of fairness.

Everyone pays "as little as possible" and the top 1% are not all (or even mostly) billionaires.

What I defend is every American's right to seek (and enjoy) their fortune without you or our gov't playing the loser's game of "wealth redistribution."

Get out there and get yours or continue down your wabbit hole but please stop the incessant whining!
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of th

Oh right that PART of the pie which is 46% of ALL US revenues, income taxes? How about EVERYTHING else? nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country

Wow, a leftists who wants to cut the rich's tax in half. That's amazing.

The top 1% now earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes

Is your standard going to change now that you have the actual IRS numbers?

Oh right that PART of the pie which is 46% of ALL US revenues, income taxes? How about EVERYTHING else?

And more jobs for the rest of us, yeah, gimme

Dubya proved that right? LOL

Yes, economies are determined by one factor. Gotcha. You really are a simpleton, dud. I see how Democrats control you so easily

Yep, according to the GOP, it's tax cuts, because they not ONLY magically create jobs but also bring in more revenues, lol

rim shot

YOUR dodge noted Bubs

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