Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

How will you vote in Nov. 2016

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It's time to reject the ignorance and hate common to most on the right; the reactionaryism and fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

So in other words when a Liberal spews ignorance and hate it's not the same...

It's also time to reject failed conservative fiscal dogma, to instead pursue a pragmatic course predicated on what works, not what conforms to that failed conservative economic dogma.

So we can tax the individuals who actually contribute revenue more and more until we have no one else to tax...
No Bubba, the MAJORITY of those not in the labor force IS because they ARE retiring. THAT'S A FACT!

You see Deadbeatdad2three is the author of all facts, true story...

You know Carvel was one of the better spinners on the DNC payroll, but Deadbeatdad2three is working real hard here at USMB to become the new spin master...
How will you vote in Nov. 2016
This poll will close on Oct 12, 2015 at 11:48 AM.

  1. I vote to stay the course
    1 vote(s)
  2. *
    I vote for change
    13 vote(s)
Looks like vote for change wins...

You can wait all you want, but the truth is Obama is the biggest f'ing failure of all time, just sayin...
Is this a precursor of things to come?

Are The People ready to recoil from the consequences of Reaganism as the Brits have of Thatcherism?

Are the people ready to take back democracy from the plutocrats?

Is it possible that all the wealth of Brothers Koch and the SuperPacs have met their match, as the antipathy of The People seeing great wealth continue to flow to the few at the expense of the many continues to grow?

Is Sen. Sanders our Jeremy Corbyn?

It's past time for a correction, American voters have in the past rejected extremism, and today's Republican Party is not today, and not since 1981, a party of the people, by the people and for the people.

Once single issue voters understand the GOP is all hat and no cattle, as the have given the cattle to the wealthy elite, they will realize the wedge issues have never been fixed by the GOP.

In fact the GOP and it's benefactors - the Power Elite - understand that to solve issues like immigration, health care, the meme that they will take away your guns, make abortion harder SSM and will destroy marriage between a man and a women will take away their talking points.

The changes necessary to take back America from the power held by the First and Second Estates will be a monumental task, given the money which the clergy and nobility - our power elites - will put into keeping the Congress under the leadership they own.

You selfish POS Wry...

You lying POS Wry...

No where on GODS green earth do you have a better opportunity than right here in America, the only reason any of this has eroded has to do with the extreme Left Wing ideology that has taken over...

If the Republicans take back the WH the court will be changed for decades to come and you will be looking for a cave to hide in...
It's time to reject the ignorance and hate common to most on the right; the reactionaryism and fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

So in other words when a Liberal spews ignorance and hate it's not the same...

It's also time to reject failed conservative fiscal dogma, to instead pursue a pragmatic course predicated on what works, not what conforms to that failed conservative economic dogma.

So we can tax the individuals who actually contribute revenue more and more until we have no one else to tax...



Share of income

Is this a precursor of things to come?

Are The People ready to recoil from the consequences of Reaganism as the Brits have of Thatcherism?

Are the people ready to take back democracy from the plutocrats?

Is it possible that all the wealth of Brothers Koch and the SuperPacs have met their match, as the antipathy of The People seeing great wealth continue to flow to the few at the expense of the many continues to grow?

Is Sen. Sanders our Jeremy Corbyn?

It's past time for a correction, American voters have in the past rejected extremism, and today's Republican Party is not today, and not since 1981, a party of the people, by the people and for the people.

Once single issue voters understand the GOP is all hat and no cattle, as the have given the cattle to the wealthy elite, they will realize the wedge issues have never been fixed by the GOP.

In fact the GOP and it's benefactors - the Power Elite - understand that to solve issues like immigration, health care, the meme that they will take away your guns, make abortion harder SSM and will destroy marriage between a man and a women will take away their talking points.

The changes necessary to take back America from the power held by the First and Second Estates will be a monumental task, given the money which the clergy and nobility - our power elites - will put into keeping the Congress under the leadership they own.

You selfish POS Wry...

You lying POS Wry...

No where on GODS green earth do you have a better opportunity than right here in America, the only reason any of this has eroded has to do with the extreme Left Wing ideology that has taken over...

If the Republicans take back the WH the court will be changed for decades to come and you will be looking for a cave to hide in...


Yes, 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies weren't enough for you


It's time to reject the ignorance and hate common to most on the right; the reactionaryism and fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

So in other words when a Liberal spews ignorance and hate it's not the same...

It's also time to reject failed conservative fiscal dogma, to instead pursue a pragmatic course predicated on what works, not what conforms to that failed conservative economic dogma.

So we can tax the individuals who actually contribute revenue more and more until we have no one else to tax...

In other words Deadbeatdad2three is a Socialist...

Gee Maw I didn't realize the Democrats left such a mess listening to the Liberal News...
In other words Deadbeatdad2three is a Socialist...

Gee Maw I didn't realize the Democrats left such a mess listening to the Liberal News...

The Deficit Explained And Fiscal Conservatism Debunked (In Two Graphs)



Note that the last five times we’ve had budget surpluses (four of them were Clinton budgets), revenue was near 20% of GDP. So that is a good guideline for the minimum size of govt Americans actually want in the modern age. But the Clinton surpluses were squandered in the Bush years when revenue dropped to below 15% of GDP and spending soared to 25%.


It's obvious, the callous conservatives won't awaken until ...

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

...they find themselves the victims, when it is too late.

Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

No one is putting union members in prison, numskull.

LOL, you really are dense.

Does that mean I don't swallow liberal bullshit, like equating not being forced to join a union with being shoved into a gas oven?
What difference does it make how much wealth they possess? Why is it any of your business or mine? Why should anybody pay more in percentage of taxes just because they worked harder, took high risks, and eventually became successful?

Is it any wonder why this country is on the track it's on when our liberal policies dictate punishing those who are successful while rewarding those who are failures or didn't feel like trying? No wonder we have 94 million Americans of working age not working. This is the lowest participation rate since the early 70's.

"No wonder we have 94 million Americans of working age not working. This is the lowest participation rate since the early 70's."


Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002

The incredible shrinking labor force

From one of your very own, the Central Communist News network:

So why is the U.S. moving in the wrong direction? Part of it is that America's workforce is aging and the Baby Boomers are retiring,said Paul Swaim, principal economist at the OECD.

But the U.S. rate is also declining because women are leaving the workforce to care for their children.

So why is the U.S. moving in the wrong direction? Part of it is that America's workforce is aging and the Baby Boomers are retiring,said Paul Swaim, principal economist at the OECD.

But the U.S. rate is also declining because women are leaving the workforce to care for their children.

In most of Europe, women's participation in the labor market is on the rise. Not only do mothers have paid leave in Europe, but many fathers do too, Swaim said. Also, childcare is more affordable there.

"Mothers in the U.S. have a harder time combining career and family, especially when the children are young," Swain said.

Also, the U.S. has a sizable number of working-age citizens out on disability with chronic health conditions. Few of them return to the workforce. Europe, on the other hand, is doing more to get the disabled employed again.

The OECD isn't the only organization to find the U.S. falling behind its peers.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis last month found the U.S. to be the only country among eight developed nations to be slipping backward. It noted that America once had one of the highest participation rates among women age 25 to 54, but now has one of the lowest.

Also, American men in that age group have the lowest rate of participation, hovering just above 88%. The other nations are in the 90% range. Men in the U.S. have also experienced a steep decline in participation since the Great Recession began in 2007.

Looking at younger workers, the U.S. had the greatest decline -- 11.2 percentage points -- between 1995 and 2013. But this is in large part because these youth are in school.

While more Americans nearing retirement are staying in the workforce, the U.S. had the second smallest increase in participation in this age groupahead of Japan.

Why America's workforce is shrinking and Europe's isn't

So you can quit trying to place the entire blame on people retiring (even though people have always worked past their retirement age).


Gawd YOU are stupid.

You PREFER the US have our seniors stay in the workforce? lol

Fukkn moron


I already did, but you must be drinking too much tonight.

As my post pointed out, our workforce participation rate has several layers that explain why. You want to use just one to make a conclusion.

Women have a new sugar daddy, it's called government. They prefer to stay home and raise the children instead of working. Also from my post, more men not working than in the past. More younger people not working either. It's not just those who opted to retire.

Yet you want to compare the US to Europe with their safety nets? FAIL Bubs

No Bubba, the MAJORITY of those not in the labor force IS because they ARE retiring. THAT'S A FACT!

And no matter how well the economy is, less will be in the labor force in 2020.. ANOTHER FACT!

Obviously you confuse facts with predictions. Now where in your piece (or mine) does it say that the "majority" of people not working is due to retirement? Neither article made that statement. And I even used one of your own Communist sources to make my point.

Retirees are a factor, but not the entire cause. In the past, retirees have also worked beyond their retirement age which apparently, is not happening now. Why is that?
She repeated it as empirical evidence which as we've read, it's not. It is a matter of opinion since there is no consensus among economists worth their weight.

Furthermore is the fact that the multipliers that favor your position are assuming that without food stamps, people will not eat nor buy food. Without unemployment or welfare, people will quit buying.

The truth is if you took away SNAP's cards, people will still buy food and eat, just using their own money. Same holds true for unemployment insurance or even welfare. Nobody is going to quit spending money--especially on food in this country. Hell, even if they had to go to a soup kitchen, the charity has to spend the money to buy food.

Got it, YOU choose to "believe" the effects of SNAP and extending unemployment during Dubya's great recession WEREN'T multiplied BECAUSE CATO/Heritage used studies NOT using recession numbers, but during a static period, AND refuse to recognize Dubya's own CBO projection from 2008, McSames/Mitten's economic adviser AND IMF's look at the stimulative effects of "multipliers" (looking back from 2010)

That sum it up Bubs, you "believe"?

Hint IF the poor/unemployed didn't have money, SNAP AND U/E benefits WOULD AND DID HELP THE ECONOMY. Unlike Dubya's $4 trillion tax cuts which the US lost over 1+ million private sector jobs in 8 years!

Soup kitchens spend as much as SNAP? LOL


Can you explain the difference between a private person spending $100.00 on food or spending $100.00 on food from the SNAP's program? It doesn't make a difference. The only difference is where the money is coming from. Just because it's coming from the government doesn't mean it's value is any higher.

SNAP's, welfare, unemployment does not stimulate the economy because most people are still going to spend that money anyway. They still have to buy gasoline, they still have to buy food, the still have to pay to keep their utilities on, they still have to go shopping for items outside of groceries.



If you give the money via Gov't, didn't THAT free up money for their phone payments, utilities bills, etc????


Just BECAUSE you don't like it, I DON'T GIVE A FUKK!

Sounds to me like you're the stupid fuk. You're assuming that since people were on government assistance of some kind, they had no way to get money other ways. Sorry, but everybody I knew that was on unemployment used it as a paid vacation. Some still worked on the side. They still lived the exact same lifestyle as when they were working full time. In fact most had job opportunities they could have tried to get, but for what? Unemployment paid quite comfortably. Why work when you don't have to?

Many years ago I was unemployed, but I was not eligible for unemployment. I didn't have any income. But I didn't starve. I didn't lose my apartment. I didn't have the utilities turned off. I went to work instead.

It was tough but I made it. I took any job that paid anything. At one point, I was working three jobs: one full-time and two part-time. Sure, I had to cut back a bit, but at no point was I about to do without the necessities.

Find me a person that would do that today. Hell no. Replace a paycheck with a government paycheck instead.

Oh sorry, I forget in right wing world, anecdotes replace FACTS.

Economy lost 9%+ in 3 months, 8+ million jobs in 12 months, you dumbfukk!

I get it, to many people were on hammocks *shaking head*

Yes they did, and did you know that in my industry, we still couldn't find enough American workers to enter the workforce? When my employer was looking for help, we couldn't find American workers to take the job. They were either too caught up on government handouts or couldn't pass the drug test. Apparently, smoking pot is more important to younger folks today than securing a full-time job and quite possibly a career.

Now that the economy has improved, we still need thousands of people to fill these positions. Employers are so desperate that they are now looking to foreigners to take these jobs. Of course they offer these jobs to Americans first, and not only offer free training, but willing to pay the worker while being trained. That's just not good enough for an American with a SNAP's card and an Obama phone.

Stay home. Wait for something that's right up your alley before considering a job. Don't trouble yourself with learning something new and securing a future. Why work when you can do just as well staying home? Keep smoking pot. It's good for you they say........
"No wonder we have 94 million Americans of working age not working. This is the lowest participation rate since the early 70's."


Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

Demographics have always played a big role in the rise and fall of the labor force. Between 1960 and 2000, the labor force in the United States surged from 59 percent to a peak of 67.3 percent. That was largely due to the fact that more women were entering the labor force while improvements in health and information technology allowed Americans to work more years.

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002

The incredible shrinking labor force

From one of your very own, the Central Communist News network:

So why is the U.S. moving in the wrong direction? Part of it is that America's workforce is aging and the Baby Boomers are retiring,said Paul Swaim, principal economist at the OECD.

But the U.S. rate is also declining because women are leaving the workforce to care for their children.

So why is the U.S. moving in the wrong direction? Part of it is that America's workforce is aging and the Baby Boomers are retiring,said Paul Swaim, principal economist at the OECD.

But the U.S. rate is also declining because women are leaving the workforce to care for their children.

In most of Europe, women's participation in the labor market is on the rise. Not only do mothers have paid leave in Europe, but many fathers do too, Swaim said. Also, childcare is more affordable there.

"Mothers in the U.S. have a harder time combining career and family, especially when the children are young," Swain said.

Also, the U.S. has a sizable number of working-age citizens out on disability with chronic health conditions. Few of them return to the workforce. Europe, on the other hand, is doing more to get the disabled employed again.

The OECD isn't the only organization to find the U.S. falling behind its peers.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis last month found the U.S. to be the only country among eight developed nations to be slipping backward. It noted that America once had one of the highest participation rates among women age 25 to 54, but now has one of the lowest.

Also, American men in that age group have the lowest rate of participation, hovering just above 88%. The other nations are in the 90% range. Men in the U.S. have also experienced a steep decline in participation since the Great Recession began in 2007.

Looking at younger workers, the U.S. had the greatest decline -- 11.2 percentage points -- between 1995 and 2013. But this is in large part because these youth are in school.

While more Americans nearing retirement are staying in the workforce, the U.S. had the second smallest increase in participation in this age groupahead of Japan.

Why America's workforce is shrinking and Europe's isn't

So you can quit trying to place the entire blame on people retiring (even though people have always worked past their retirement age).


Gawd YOU are stupid.

You PREFER the US have our seniors stay in the workforce? lol

Fukkn moron


I already did, but you must be drinking too much tonight.

As my post pointed out, our workforce participation rate has several layers that explain why. You want to use just one to make a conclusion.

Women have a new sugar daddy, it's called government. They prefer to stay home and raise the children instead of working. Also from my post, more men not working than in the past. More younger people not working either. It's not just those who opted to retire.

Yet you want to compare the US to Europe with their safety nets? FAIL Bubs

No Bubba, the MAJORITY of those not in the labor force IS because they ARE retiring. THAT'S A FACT!

And no matter how well the economy is, less will be in the labor force in 2020.. ANOTHER FACT!

Obviously you confuse facts with predictions. Now where in your piece (or mine) does it say that the "majority" of people not working is due to retirement? Neither article made that statement. And I even used one of your own Communist sources to make my point.

Retirees are a factor, but not the entire cause. In the past, retirees have also worked beyond their retirement age which apparently, is not happening now. Why is that?

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002.

The incredible shrinking labor force


The fact that the majority of those who fall in the “no longer want a job” category are in the 55+ age bracket suggests a significant move into retirement. This is consistent with the rise in the proportion of the population receiving social security benefits for retired workers.

There's been a big demographic shift, and most of the people who have left the workforce do not want a job. Yes, the phenomenon of labor force exile is real, but not enough to discount the improvement in the jobs market.

Barclays Debunks The Greatest 'Urban Legend' Of The Labor Market - - Business Insider

Got it, YOU choose to "believe" the effects of SNAP and extending unemployment during Dubya's great recession WEREN'T multiplied BECAUSE CATO/Heritage used studies NOT using recession numbers, but during a static period, AND refuse to recognize Dubya's own CBO projection from 2008, McSames/Mitten's economic adviser AND IMF's look at the stimulative effects of "multipliers" (looking back from 2010)

That sum it up Bubs, you "believe"?

Hint IF the poor/unemployed didn't have money, SNAP AND U/E benefits WOULD AND DID HELP THE ECONOMY. Unlike Dubya's $4 trillion tax cuts which the US lost over 1+ million private sector jobs in 8 years!

Soup kitchens spend as much as SNAP? LOL


Can you explain the difference between a private person spending $100.00 on food or spending $100.00 on food from the SNAP's program? It doesn't make a difference. The only difference is where the money is coming from. Just because it's coming from the government doesn't mean it's value is any higher.

SNAP's, welfare, unemployment does not stimulate the economy because most people are still going to spend that money anyway. They still have to buy gasoline, they still have to buy food, the still have to pay to keep their utilities on, they still have to go shopping for items outside of groceries.



If you give the money via Gov't, didn't THAT free up money for their phone payments, utilities bills, etc????


Just BECAUSE you don't like it, I DON'T GIVE A FUKK!

Sounds to me like you're the stupid fuk. You're assuming that since people were on government assistance of some kind, they had no way to get money other ways. Sorry, but everybody I knew that was on unemployment used it as a paid vacation. Some still worked on the side. They still lived the exact same lifestyle as when they were working full time. In fact most had job opportunities they could have tried to get, but for what? Unemployment paid quite comfortably. Why work when you don't have to?

Many years ago I was unemployed, but I was not eligible for unemployment. I didn't have any income. But I didn't starve. I didn't lose my apartment. I didn't have the utilities turned off. I went to work instead.

It was tough but I made it. I took any job that paid anything. At one point, I was working three jobs: one full-time and two part-time. Sure, I had to cut back a bit, but at no point was I about to do without the necessities.

Find me a person that would do that today. Hell no. Replace a paycheck with a government paycheck instead.

Oh sorry, I forget in right wing world, anecdotes replace FACTS.

Economy lost 9%+ in 3 months, 8+ million jobs in 12 months, you dumbfukk!

I get it, to many people were on hammocks *shaking head*

Yes they did, and did you know that in my industry, we still couldn't find enough American workers to enter the workforce? When my employer was looking for help, we couldn't find American workers to take the job. They were either too caught up on government handouts or couldn't pass the drug test. Apparently, smoking pot is more important to younger folks today than securing a full-time job and quite possibly a career.

Now that the economy has improved, we still need thousands of people to fill these positions. Employers are so desperate that they are now looking to foreigners to take these jobs. Of course they offer these jobs to Americans first, and not only offer free training, but willing to pay the worker while being trained. That's just not good enough for an American with a SNAP's card and an Obama phone.

Stay home. Wait for something that's right up your alley before considering a job. Don't trouble yourself with learning something new and securing a future. Why work when you can do just as well staying home? Keep smoking pot. It's good for you they say........

MORE right wing BS that's supposed to be taken as truth? lol
It's obvious, the callous conservatives won't awaken until ...

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

...they find themselves the victims, when it is too late.

Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

No one is putting union members in prison, numskull.

LOL, you really are dense.

Does that mean I don't swallow liberal bullshit, like equating not being forced to join a union with being shoved into a gas oven?

Is this a precursor of things to come?

Are The People ready to recoil from the consequences of Reaganism as the Brits have of Thatcherism?

Are the people ready to take back democracy from the plutocrats?

Is it possible that all the wealth of Brothers Koch and the SuperPacs have met their match, as the antipathy of The People seeing great wealth continue to flow to the few at the expense of the many continues to grow?

Is Sen. Sanders our Jeremy Corbyn?

It's past time for a correction, American voters have in the past rejected extremism, and today's Republican Party is not today, and not since 1981, a party of the people, by the people and for the people.

Once single issue voters understand the GOP is all hat and no cattle, as the have given the cattle to the wealthy elite, they will realize the wedge issues have never been fixed by the GOP.

In fact the GOP and it's benefactors - the Power Elite - understand that to solve issues like immigration, health care, the meme that they will take away your guns, make abortion harder SSM and will destroy marriage between a man and a women will take away their talking points.

The changes necessary to take back America from the power held by the First and Second Estates will be a monumental task, given the money which the clergy and nobility - our power elites - will put into keeping the Congress under the leadership they own.

You selfish POS Wry...

You lying POS Wry...

No where on GODS green earth do you have a better opportunity than right here in America, the only reason any of this has eroded has to do with the extreme Left Wing ideology that has taken over...

If the Republicans take back the WH the court will be changed for decades to come and you will be looking for a cave to hide in...

It depends on which Republican wins the White House, if the neo cons win, the surveyors may be the ones looking for a cave for shelter.

I'm so glad you shared, and opened your post by calling me a liar and a piece of shit. It puts your education and intelligence (or lack thereof) up front and obviates any effort on my part to engage in a discussion with a fool.
It's obvious, the callous conservatives won't awaken until ...

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

...they find themselves the victims, when it is too late.

Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

No one is putting union members in prison, numskull.

LOL, you really are dense.

Does that mean I don't swallow liberal bullshit, like equating not being forced to join a union with being shoved into a gas oven?

No, of course not; it simply means you are as smart as a box of rocks.
It's obvious, the callous conservatives won't awaken until ...

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

...they find themselves the victims, when it is too late.

Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."

No one is putting union members in prison, numskull.

LOL, you really are dense.

Does that mean I don't swallow liberal bullshit, like equating not being forced to join a union with being shoved into a gas oven?

No, of course not; it simply means you are as smart as a box of rocks.

I seriously doubt Pat's got that much going on up there
I'm so glad you shared, and opened your post by calling me a liar and a piece of shit. It puts your education and intelligence (or lack thereof) up front and obviates any effort on my part to engage in a discussion with a fool.

You're welcome...

It's interesting though that you would question someone's intelligence or education because they called you a piece of shit or a liar...

I am sorry, you must be a pussy too...

There now I feel better...

I guess it's from the years of ready your BS opinions...

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