Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

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Rand paid so much more than her fair share that getting a little of it back was hypocrisy zero.

now Obama, saying he should pay more taxes and fighting to raise taxes while not paying them, that hits the perfect 10 in the hypocrisy scale

Sorry, I keep forgetting, Rands two fellow travelers who CHOSE not to suck off the teet of the collectivists, weren't the principled ones it was was Miss Rand who chose to indulge. Got it

Paying less in taxes is sucking off government. Gotcha, Karl. Of course, government taking money is government giving money, all money is the people's money.

Note you're still not man enough to respond to the part that while you demand Rand give government more money, you are actually OK with obama saying he should pay more taxes while proposing higher taxes, then not paying them

YOUR inability to be honest, EVER is noted Bubba

Ayn Rand who railed against collectivists and collectivism, unlike the other two fellow travelers, sucked hard on the teet of the collective as soon as she could!

OK with Obama paying the taxes he pays according to current law? Sure just like I think it was stupid of Romney to pay more than he was required to pay, just because he wanted to look better than he was on the tax system he fought for!

I fight for CHANGING the laws, (like Obama), not a voluntary taxing system, if I wanted that I'd try Greece or Somalia!

Now that ALL your talking points were demolished, what else do you have Bubba?

So Obama is following "current law." that's your standard, right? Well no Rand can't follow "current law" she has to give government money.

Even you have to feel butt hurt from that flagrant hypocrisy

I agree Bubs, I do feel the hypocracy from Rand who detested the collectivists but started sucking on the teet of it as soon as she could, the opposite of her other two travelers who had a principled stand against it!

Back to the playground, are you dudley? That is your natural domain. You're an intellectual eight year old. the reality is you got picked on a lot, didn't you? never got over it?

BTW, none of those graphs in the last post supported your point. They were either for too short a period or didn't address contractors or the military.

LOL, do you actually read shit before you post it or do you just not understand it?
Republicans can't stop thinking in partisan terms about anything, can you?

Yeah, says the guy who supports their policies.

Can't refute the FACTS huh bubs? Not surprised at your lack of even trying!

You support Republican policies WAY more than I do, dickless one

Sure Bubba, sure. We "believe"

"we?" so who are these hordes of Republicans hanging on your every word? Name them.

Just so you know, "I" is a far more powerful word than "we." Why? You can speak for "I." When you say "we" that means your dick isn't inflated without the approval of others. Others who don't exist

I think it's just about every honest person on this forum, that excludes most GOPers and Randian fetishists like yourself Bubs

They sure are silent while they worship you. You have serious delusions of grandeur
That's because they use contractors now instead of direct employees, which they used to do exclusively. Also, our military with technology is less direct manpower dependent, as well as they also use huge numbers of contractors for logistics they didn't do previously

Who built the Transcontinental RR? Oh yeah, "In 1862, the Pacific Railroad Act chartered the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroad Companies, and tasked them with building a transcontinental railroad that would link the United States from east to west. Over the next seven years, the two companies would race toward each other from Sacramento, California on the one side and Omaha, Nebraska on the other, struggling against great risks before they met at Promontory, Utah, on May 10, 1869."

Looks like President Lincoln and The Congress had the idea to hire contractors 150 years ago.

"A list of modern day construction projects that demonstrate a construction company's ingenuity and creativity may very well begin with The Hoover Dam.

"The Hoover Dam was built by a construction company called Six Companies Inc, which was actually a consortium of several companies: Morrison-Knudsen Co., Utah Construction Co., J. F. Shea Co., Pacific Bridge Co., MacDonald & Kahn Ltd. and a joint venture of W. A. Bechtel Co., Henry J. Kaiser, and Warren Brothers. The reason these construction companies got together was simple: no single construction company could raise the $5 million needed to secure the performance bond."

Your comment, "That's because they use contractors now instead of direct employees, which they used to do exclusively" is a half-truth, aka, a lie by omission.

Gotcha, if the government ever hired contractors before then it's the same. one contractor = one million contractors. It's as much brainpower as you apply to anything else...

When caught in a lie, Kaz resorts to ad hominem.

Two graphic examples too prove his statement was untrue, and he doubles down on being dishonest.

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Bad Business: Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Wasted on Hiring Contractors

When Wry's ad hominem gets ad hominem back, he cries and whines like a little bitch.

And none of your links still show actual content regarding the extent on contractors, only that contractors existed. that the founding fathers weren't anarchists doesn't make them marxists, completely contrary to your black and white world

Founders who got rid of that Articles of Confederation, the thing the libertarians should LOVE for that BIG FEDERAL GOV'T CONSTITUTION? The Founders who gave US HEAVILY protected economy over Adam Smith's "free markets"? The guys who chose the socialized medicine and mandated not only employer funded insurance but BUYING and owning a gun for adult males? How very unMarxist of them right? lol


Maybe you can run that one by me again when you sober up
[Ayn Rand who railed against collectivists and collectivism

Your standard? Well, Obama said he should pay more taxes ... and didn't. What a hypocrite you are

OK with Obama paying the taxes he pays according to current law?

Your standard for your boy, Obama. Current law. Do you apply that standard to Rand?, she obviously got a little of her taxes back according to "current law," but you reject it. You are a hypocrite

[I fight for CHANGING the laws, (like Obama), not a voluntary taxing system

Actually, Holmes, you can donate taxes. Here you go.

Maybe the government will get an extra dollar this year from you and Obama combined. Probably not

Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG

strawman, comrade dudley
Sorry, I keep forgetting, Rands two fellow travelers who CHOSE not to suck off the teet of the collectivists, weren't the principled ones it was was Miss Rand who chose to indulge. Got it

Paying less in taxes is sucking off government. Gotcha, Karl. Of course, government taking money is government giving money, all money is the people's money.

Note you're still not man enough to respond to the part that while you demand Rand give government more money, you are actually OK with obama saying he should pay more taxes while proposing higher taxes, then not paying them

YOUR inability to be honest, EVER is noted Bubba

Ayn Rand who railed against collectivists and collectivism, unlike the other two fellow travelers, sucked hard on the teet of the collective as soon as she could!

OK with Obama paying the taxes he pays according to current law? Sure just like I think it was stupid of Romney to pay more than he was required to pay, just because he wanted to look better than he was on the tax system he fought for!

I fight for CHANGING the laws, (like Obama), not a voluntary taxing system, if I wanted that I'd try Greece or Somalia!

Now that ALL your talking points were demolished, what else do you have Bubba?

So Obama is following "current law." that's your standard, right? Well no Rand can't follow "current law" she has to give government money.

Even you have to feel butt hurt from that flagrant hypocrisy

I agree Bubs, I do feel the hypocracy from Rand who detested the collectivists but started sucking on the teet of it as soon as she could, the opposite of her other two travelers who had a principled stand against it!

Back to the playground, are you dudley? That is your natural domain. You're an intellectual eight year old. the reality is you got picked on a lot, didn't you? never got over it?

BTW, none of those graphs in the last post supported your point. They were either for too short a period or didn't address contractors or the military.

LOL, do you actually read shit before you post it or do you just not understand it?

Dad2three just throws as much shit against the wall as he can find. He hopes no one actually reads it.
I'm so glad you shared, and opened your post by calling me a liar and a piece of shit. It puts your education and intelligence (or lack thereof) up front and obviates any effort on my part to engage in a discussion with a fool.

You're welcome...

It's interesting though that you would question someone's intelligence or education because they called you a piece of shit or a liar...

I am sorry, you must be a pussy too...

There now I feel better...

I guess it's from the years of ready your BS opinions...

A Pussy hides behind a keyboard and puffs up his chest. You've offered nothing except to whine that my opinions are bullshit and call me a POS. There is no indication that you have the ability to offer evidence that my opinions - which you haven't posted - are wrong or evidence that whatever beliefs you hold are premised on pragmatic, compassionate, rational thought.

Thus it is easy to conclude you're one more thoughtless parrot fueled by hate and fear. But please continue to post fatuous ad hominems, it's what callous conservatives do. Rebuttal takes a sagacious effort, callous conservatism is all emotion.
Paying less in taxes is sucking off government. Gotcha, Karl. Of course, government taking money is government giving money, all money is the people's money.

Note you're still not man enough to respond to the part that while you demand Rand give government more money, you are actually OK with obama saying he should pay more taxes while proposing higher taxes, then not paying them

YOUR inability to be honest, EVER is noted Bubba

Ayn Rand who railed against collectivists and collectivism, unlike the other two fellow travelers, sucked hard on the teet of the collective as soon as she could!

OK with Obama paying the taxes he pays according to current law? Sure just like I think it was stupid of Romney to pay more than he was required to pay, just because he wanted to look better than he was on the tax system he fought for!

I fight for CHANGING the laws, (like Obama), not a voluntary taxing system, if I wanted that I'd try Greece or Somalia!

Now that ALL your talking points were demolished, what else do you have Bubba?

So Obama is following "current law." that's your standard, right? Well no Rand can't follow "current law" she has to give government money.

Even you have to feel butt hurt from that flagrant hypocrisy

I agree Bubs, I do feel the hypocracy from Rand who detested the collectivists but started sucking on the teet of it as soon as she could, the opposite of her other two travelers who had a principled stand against it!

Back to the playground, are you dudley? That is your natural domain. You're an intellectual eight year old. the reality is you got picked on a lot, didn't you? never got over it?

BTW, none of those graphs in the last post supported your point. They were either for too short a period or didn't address contractors or the military.

LOL, do you actually read shit before you post it or do you just not understand it?

Dad2three just throws as much shit against the wall as he can find. He hopes no one actually reads it.

YOUR inability to be honest, EVER is noted Bubba

Ayn Rand who railed against collectivists and collectivism, unlike the other two fellow travelers, sucked hard on the teet of the collective as soon as she could!

OK with Obama paying the taxes he pays according to current law? Sure just like I think it was stupid of Romney to pay more than he was required to pay, just because he wanted to look better than he was on the tax system he fought for!

I fight for CHANGING the laws, (like Obama), not a voluntary taxing system, if I wanted that I'd try Greece or Somalia!

Now that ALL your talking points were demolished, what else do you have Bubba?

So Obama is following "current law." that's your standard, right? Well no Rand can't follow "current law" she has to give government money.

Even you have to feel butt hurt from that flagrant hypocrisy

I agree Bubs, I do feel the hypocracy from Rand who detested the collectivists but started sucking on the teet of it as soon as she could, the opposite of her other two travelers who had a principled stand against it!

Back to the playground, are you dudley? That is your natural domain. You're an intellectual eight year old. the reality is you got picked on a lot, didn't you? never got over it?

BTW, none of those graphs in the last post supported your point. They were either for too short a period or didn't address contractors or the military.

LOL, do you actually read shit before you post it or do you just not understand it?

Dad2three just throws as much shit against the wall as he can find. He hopes no one actually reads it.


And more jobs for the rest of us, yeah, gimme
So Obama is following "current law." that's your standard, right? Well no Rand can't follow "current law" she has to give government money.

Even you have to feel butt hurt from that flagrant hypocrisy

I agree Bubs, I do feel the hypocracy from Rand who detested the collectivists but started sucking on the teet of it as soon as she could, the opposite of her other two travelers who had a principled stand against it!

Back to the playground, are you dudley? That is your natural domain. You're an intellectual eight year old. the reality is you got picked on a lot, didn't you? never got over it?

BTW, none of those graphs in the last post supported your point. They were either for too short a period or didn't address contractors or the military.

LOL, do you actually read shit before you post it or do you just not understand it?

Dad2three just throws as much shit against the wall as he can find. He hopes no one actually reads it.


And more jobs for the rest of us, yeah, gimme

Dubya proved that right? LOL
I agree Bubs, I do feel the hypocracy from Rand who detested the collectivists but started sucking on the teet of it as soon as she could, the opposite of her other two travelers who had a principled stand against it!

Back to the playground, are you dudley? That is your natural domain. You're an intellectual eight year old. the reality is you got picked on a lot, didn't you? never got over it?

BTW, none of those graphs in the last post supported your point. They were either for too short a period or didn't address contractors or the military.

LOL, do you actually read shit before you post it or do you just not understand it?

Dad2three just throws as much shit against the wall as he can find. He hopes no one actually reads it.


And more jobs for the rest of us, yeah, gimme

Dubya proved that right? LOL

Yes, economies are determined by one factor. Gotcha. You really are a simpleton, dud. I see how Democrats control you so easily
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country.

The wealthy receive far more FROM society therefore they owe more TO society.

What could be more fair than that?


So we can tax the individuals who actually contribute revenue more and more until we have no one else to tax...
Back to the playground, are you dudley? That is your natural domain. You're an intellectual eight year old. the reality is you got picked on a lot, didn't you? never got over it?

BTW, none of those graphs in the last post supported your point. They were either for too short a period or didn't address contractors or the military.

LOL, do you actually read shit before you post it or do you just not understand it?

Dad2three just throws as much shit against the wall as he can find. He hopes no one actually reads it.


And more jobs for the rest of us, yeah, gimme

Dubya proved that right? LOL

Yes, economies are determined by one factor. Gotcha. You really are a simpleton, dud. I see how Democrats control you so easily

Yep, according to the GOP, it's tax cuts, because they not ONLY magically create jobs but also bring in more revenues, lol
If the 1%'ers get 80% of the nations income they should pay 80% of the taxes.

Each income level should pay the same percentage in taxes( as a group ... not individuals ) that they get of the nations income.

If a group gets 80% of the income they pay 80% of the taxes it takes to run the country.
If a group gets 10% of the income they pay 10% of the taxes it takes to run the country

Wow, a leftists who wants to cut the rich's tax in half. That's amazing.

The top 1% now earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes

Is your standard going to change now that you have the actual IRS numbers?
Dad2three just throws as much shit against the wall as he can find. He hopes no one actually reads it.


And more jobs for the rest of us, yeah, gimme

Dubya proved that right? LOL

Yes, economies are determined by one factor. Gotcha. You really are a simpleton, dud. I see how Democrats control you so easily

Yep, according to the GOP, it's tax cuts, because they not ONLY magically create jobs but also bring in more revenues, lol

rim shot
[Ayn Rand who railed against collectivists and collectivism

Your standard? Well, Obama said he should pay more taxes ... and didn't. What a hypocrite you are

OK with Obama paying the taxes he pays according to current law?

Your standard for your boy, Obama. Current law. Do you apply that standard to Rand?, she obviously got a little of her taxes back according to "current law," but you reject it. You are a hypocrite

[I fight for CHANGING the laws, (like Obama), not a voluntary taxing system

Actually, Holmes, you can donate taxes. Here you go.

Maybe the government will get an extra dollar this year from you and Obama combined. Probably not

Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG

strawman, comrade dudley

That is not a premise, it was a question. It was not a Straw Man, it was a restatement of your comment about President Obama.

You need to stop using terms you can't understand, using them wrongly makes a post ridiculous.

"comrade" used as a pejorative is an ad hominem, and does not describe a person who believes income inequality is in the best interest of our nation. Sadly, you've bought into the ideology of "it's my money", rejected the concept of a social contract and mock those who still believe money is the root of most evil (religion too, but that's for another thread).

75 years from now you'll be dead. Money isn't of any value in the grave and in the short time we are alive, making life easier for others seems virtuous, yet is alien to callous conservatives.
[Ayn Rand who railed against collectivists and collectivism

Your standard? Well, Obama said he should pay more taxes ... and didn't. What a hypocrite you are

OK with Obama paying the taxes he pays according to current law?

Your standard for your boy, Obama. Current law. Do you apply that standard to Rand?, she obviously got a little of her taxes back according to "current law," but you reject it. You are a hypocrite

[I fight for CHANGING the laws, (like Obama), not a voluntary taxing system

Actually, Holmes, you can donate taxes. Here you go.

Maybe the government will get an extra dollar this year from you and Obama combined. Probably not

Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG

strawman, comrade dudley

That is not a premise, it was a question. It was not a Straw Man, it was a restatement of your comment about President Obama.

You need to stop using terms you can't understand, using them wrongly makes a post ridiculous.

"comrade" used as a pejorative is an ad hominem, and does not describe a person who believes income inequality is in the best interest of our nation. Sadly, you've bought into the ideology of "it's my money", rejected the concept of a social contract and mock those who still believe money is the root of most evil (religion too, but that's for another thread).

75 years from now you'll be dead. Money isn't of any value in the grave and in the short time we are alive, making life easier for others seems virtuous, yet is alien to callous conservatives.

Yes, Republicans are consumed with money, you need stop obsessing over your greed and start caring about people. And BTW, W sucked, stop defending him.

Don't you like the irony that you're telling me what my views are, then you make clear you don't even know what they are? No wonder your arguments are so stupid
[Ayn Rand who railed against collectivists and collectivism

Your standard? Well, Obama said he should pay more taxes ... and didn't. What a hypocrite you are

OK with Obama paying the taxes he pays according to current law?

Your standard for your boy, Obama. Current law. Do you apply that standard to Rand?, she obviously got a little of her taxes back according to "current law," but you reject it. You are a hypocrite

[I fight for CHANGING the laws, (like Obama), not a voluntary taxing system

Actually, Holmes, you can donate taxes. Here you go.

Maybe the government will get an extra dollar this year from you and Obama combined. Probably not

Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG

strawman, comrade dudley

That is not a premise, it was a question. It was not a Straw Man, it was a restatement of your comment about President Obama.

You need to stop using terms you can't understand, using them wrongly makes a post ridiculous.

"comrade" used as a pejorative is an ad hominem, and does not describe a person who believes income inequality is in the best interest of our nation. Sadly, you've bought into the ideology of "it's my money", rejected the concept of a social contract and mock those who still believe money is the root of most evil (religion too, but that's for another thread).

75 years from now you'll be dead. Money isn't of any value in the grave and in the short time we are alive, making life easier for others seems virtuous, yet is alien to callous conservatives.

Yes, Republicans are consumed with money, you need stop obsessing over your greed and start caring about people. And BTW, W sucked, stop defending him.

Don't you like the irony that you're telling me what my views are, then you make clear you don't even know what they are? No wonder your arguments are so stupid

Non Sequitur ^^^. I corrected your use of logic and scolded you for using logical fallacies. You may disagree out of ignorance or arrogance, but that will not make my comments stupid, wrong or go away.

Your are neither left or right IMO, you've staked a claim on the idiot fringe; the place where pragmatic and panoptic thought is extinct, replaced by a dogmatic ideology.
Your standard? Well, Obama said he should pay more taxes ... and didn't. What a hypocrite you are

Your standard for your boy, Obama. Current law. Do you apply that standard to Rand?, she obviously got a little of her taxes back according to "current law," but you reject it. You are a hypocrite

Actually, Holmes, you can donate taxes. Here you go.

Maybe the government will get an extra dollar this year from you and Obama combined. Probably not

Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG

strawman, comrade dudley

That is not a premise, it was a question. It was not a Straw Man, it was a restatement of your comment about President Obama.

You need to stop using terms you can't understand, using them wrongly makes a post ridiculous.

"comrade" used as a pejorative is an ad hominem, and does not describe a person who believes income inequality is in the best interest of our nation. Sadly, you've bought into the ideology of "it's my money", rejected the concept of a social contract and mock those who still believe money is the root of most evil (religion too, but that's for another thread).

75 years from now you'll be dead. Money isn't of any value in the grave and in the short time we are alive, making life easier for others seems virtuous, yet is alien to callous conservatives.

Yes, Republicans are consumed with money, you need stop obsessing over your greed and start caring about people. And BTW, W sucked, stop defending him.

Don't you like the irony that you're telling me what my views are, then you make clear you don't even know what they are? No wonder your arguments are so stupid

Non Sequitur ^^^. I corrected your use of logic and scolded you for using logical fallacies. You may disagree out of ignorance or arrogance, but that will not make my comments stupid, wrong or go away.

Your are neither left or right IMO, you've staked a claim on the idiot fringe; the place where pragmatic and panoptic thought is extinct, replaced by a dogmatic ideology.

Yes, comrade. My thinking I don't need government to take care of me, pure dogma. I can do it on my own, WTF? Seriously? No rational person thinks that. On the other hand, you believing government should run our lives for us and can make better decisions for us than we can ourselves, pure logic, no dogma anywhere. Bureaucrats and politicians and lawyers, they are Gods, you worship them and thank them for all that they do. And all they ask in return is ubiquitous power. No self interest there.

You actually believe it too, LOL. You're a sheep by choice
Wait advocating for Gov't POLICY to have the richest pay higher taxes means by not VOLUNTARILY paying them makes you a hypocrite?

BUT railing against the collectivist society, like Rand did, but as soon as she was able to suck off the teet of the collective, unlike her two fellow travelers, DOESN'T?

THAT'S your premise Bubba? SERIOUSLY? LMAROG

strawman, comrade dudley

That is not a premise, it was a question. It was not a Straw Man, it was a restatement of your comment about President Obama.

You need to stop using terms you can't understand, using them wrongly makes a post ridiculous.

"comrade" used as a pejorative is an ad hominem, and does not describe a person who believes income inequality is in the best interest of our nation. Sadly, you've bought into the ideology of "it's my money", rejected the concept of a social contract and mock those who still believe money is the root of most evil (religion too, but that's for another thread).

75 years from now you'll be dead. Money isn't of any value in the grave and in the short time we are alive, making life easier for others seems virtuous, yet is alien to callous conservatives.

Yes, Republicans are consumed with money, you need stop obsessing over your greed and start caring about people. And BTW, W sucked, stop defending him.

Don't you like the irony that you're telling me what my views are, then you make clear you don't even know what they are? No wonder your arguments are so stupid

Non Sequitur ^^^. I corrected your use of logic and scolded you for using logical fallacies. You may disagree out of ignorance or arrogance, but that will not make my comments stupid, wrong or go away.

Your are neither left or right IMO, you've staked a claim on the idiot fringe; the place where pragmatic and panoptic thought is extinct, replaced by a dogmatic ideology.

Yes, comrade. My thinking I don't need government to take care of me, pure dogma. I can do it on my own, WTF? Seriously? No rational person thinks that. On the other hand, you believing government should run our lives for us and can make better decisions for us than we can ourselves, pure logic, no dogma anywhere. Bureaucrats and politicians and lawyers, they are Gods, you worship them and thank them for all that they do. And all they ask in return is ubiquitous power. No self interest there.

You actually believe it too, LOL. You're a sheep by choice

You finally got it. Good for you, you've learned the art of the Straw Man.

Here it is, in your own words, the classic form of a logical fallacy,

"you believing government should run our lives for us and can make better decisions for us than we can ourselves, pure logic, no dogma anywhere. Bureaucrats and politicians and lawyers, they are Gods, you worship them and thank them for all that they do. And all they ask in return is ubiquitous power."

And the clincher, "You're a sheep by choice".

In fact I don't believe government should run our lives, and the evidence has shown all governments can and do make serious errors. I don't believe in Gods, human or otherwise.

I believe in the rule of law, though mistakes are made by juries, judges and justices, and the legislatures (the Congress, in states and even local government) is owned by the special interests thanks in part to conservative SC Justices who made the egregious decision to allow unlimited anonymous money*** to influence our elections

I believe in doing what works, scraping what doesn't and making as strong as possible arguments to protect our democracy from the invasion of the Plutocrats. Avarice remains a deadly sin, one which is killing democracy in America.

Nine things you need to know about super PACs

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