Cambridge Analytica: Data-mining, Cruz, Trump, Russians, Brits, & hookers, oh my!


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Jesus christ! More international internecine plots, data stolen and manipulated, corruption, money, bribes--oh yeah & HOOKERS. Russian oil companies wanting AMERICAN POLITICAL DATA, BRITS, and Americans working for CRUZ and then TRUMP. Financed by Robert Mercer with Steve Bannon as a director, Kellyann Conway was a 'consultant' who ran Cruz's campaign, paid for MERCER before Trump knocked him out.

(And somewhere JARED KUSHNER fits into it all of it with his own data. But this article doesn't get in to that angle. Save it for a later date).

Cambridge Analytica CEO filmed talking about using bribes, sex workers in political work
BY LUIS SANCHEZ - 03/19/18 03:28 PM EDT 1,271

The CEO of the British data firm Cambridge Analytica was filmed saying that his firm used bribes and sex workers to trap politicians in compromising situations, an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News in London reported Monday.

Channel 4 reports that over a four-month undercover investigation, it discovered that Cambridge Analytica has secretly worked to influence more than 200 elections all over the world, sometimes using sub-contractors or a web of secretive front companies.

Alexander Nix, the company's chief executive, in one exchange talks about sending "some girls around to the candidate's house" in order to dig up dirt on political opponents.

He also talks of putting information "into the bloodstream of the internet" and watching to grow.

Nix did not appear to know he was being filmed when he made the statements at what Channel 4 said were a series of hotel meetings. The news organization said its reporter posed as the representative of a client hoping to get candidates elected in Sri Lanka.

In another exchange, he speaks of how "we'll offer a large amount of money to the candidate, to finance his campaign in exchange for land for instance, we’ll have the whole thing recorded, we’ll blank out the face of our guy and we post it on the internet.”

Nix also said that, because clients in foreign nations don’t want to be seen as working with foreigners, they have to hide their identities, often passing as students or tourists.

In a statement, Cambridge Analytica denied using bribes, entrapment "or so-called honey-traps."

The Trump campaign used Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 presidential contest. It also had obtained a $15 million investment from wealthy GOP donor Robert Mercer
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Jesus christ! More international internecine plots, data stolen and manipulated, corruption, money, bribes--oh yeah & HOOKERS. Russian oil companies wanting AMERICAN POLITICAL DATA, BRITS, and Americans working for CRUZ and then TRUMP. Financed by Robert Mercer with Steve Bannon as a director, Kellyann Conway was a 'consultant' who ran Cruz's campaign, paid for MERCER before Trump knocked him out.

(And somewhere JARED KUSHNER fits into it all of it with his own data. But this article doesn't get in to that angle. Save it for a later date).

Cambridge Analytica CEO filmed talking about using bribes, sex workers in political work
BY LUIS SANCHEZ - 03/19/18 03:28 PM EDT 1,271

The CEO of the British data firm Cambridge Analytica was filmed saying that his firm used bribes and sex workers to trap politicians in compromising situations, an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News in London reported Monday.

Channel 4 reports that over a four-month undercover investigation, it discovered that Cambridge Analytica has secretly worked to influence more than 200 elections all over the world, sometimes using sub-contractors or a web of secretive front companies.

Alexander Nix, the company's chief executive, in one exchange talks about sending "some girls around to the candidate's house" in order to dig up dirt on political opponents.

He also talks of putting information "into the bloodstream of the internet" and watching to grow.

Nix did not appear to know he was being filmed when he made the statements at what Channel 4 said were a series of hotel meetings. The news organization said its reporter posed as the representative of a client hoping to get candidates elected in Sri Lanka.

In another exchange, he speaks of how "we'll offer a large amount of money to the candidate, to finance his campaign in exchange for land for instance, we’ll have the whole thing recorded, we’ll blank out the face of our guy and we post it on the internet.”

Nix also said that, because clients in foreign nations don’t want to be seen as working with foreigners, they have to hide their identities, often passing as students or tourists.

In a statement, Cambridge Analytica denied using bribes, entrapment "or so-called honey-traps."

The Trump campaign used Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 presidential contest. It also had obtained a $15 million investment from wealthy GOP donor Robert Mercer
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The Democrats are very proud that they data-mine social media for elections
soooooooo what is your point
Jesus christ! More international internecine plots, data stolen and manipulated, corruption, money, bribes--oh yeah & HOOKERS. Russian oil companies wanting AMERICAN POLITICAL DATA, BRITS, and Americans working for CRUZ and then TRUMP. Financed by Robert Mercer with Steve Bannon as a director, Kellyann Conway was a 'consultant' who ran Cruz's campaign, paid for MERCER before Trump knocked him out.

(And somewhere JARED KUSHNER fits into it all of it with his own data. But this article doesn't get in to that angle. Save it for a later date).

Cambridge Analytica CEO filmed talking about using bribes, sex workers in political work
BY LUIS SANCHEZ - 03/19/18 03:28 PM EDT 1,271

The CEO of the British data firm Cambridge Analytica was filmed saying that his firm used bribes and sex workers to trap politicians in compromising situations, an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News in London reported Monday.

Channel 4 reports that over a four-month undercover investigation, it discovered that Cambridge Analytica has secretly worked to influence more than 200 elections all over the world, sometimes using sub-contractors or a web of secretive front companies.

Alexander Nix, the company's chief executive, in one exchange talks about sending "some girls around to the candidate's house" in order to dig up dirt on political opponents.

He also talks of putting information "into the bloodstream of the internet" and watching to grow.

Nix did not appear to know he was being filmed when he made the statements at what Channel 4 said were a series of hotel meetings. The news organization said its reporter posed as the representative of a client hoping to get candidates elected in Sri Lanka.

In another exchange, he speaks of how "we'll offer a large amount of money to the candidate, to finance his campaign in exchange for land for instance, we’ll have the whole thing recorded, we’ll blank out the face of our guy and we post it on the internet.”

Nix also said that, because clients in foreign nations don’t want to be seen as working with foreigners, they have to hide their identities, often passing as students or tourists.

In a statement, Cambridge Analytica denied using bribes, entrapment "or so-called honey-traps."

The Trump campaign used Cambridge Analytica in the 2016 presidential contest. It also had obtained a $15 million investment from wealthy GOP donor Robert Mercer
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The Government now states that I no longer live in this world, they could be right things have changed and I no longer feel that I am where I was. The Government is my Doctor and the Drug Store enforces drug laws. The DEA has become the Drug experts. The people I voted for are wanting to over throw the Government and Doctors can withhold drugs that could keep me alive. Something just does not seen right in this level of the universe.

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