Camille Paglia: “It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary Clinton is

The transgressions of liberals/progressives are easily forgiven if it means the party remain in power.
Look at how many voted for Obama just because he's black? (or half-black!). Wouldn't surprise me if they would vote for her just because she's a woman. Never mind that she's been caught lying so many times and she's known to be a real bitch.
Look at how many voted for Obama just because he's black? (or half-black!). Wouldn't surprise me if they would vote for her just because she's a woman. Never mind that she's been caught lying so many times and she's known to be a real bitch.


Old ashtray throwing bitch. I hear she can really pitch them.

And I had a thread up the other day about how Hillary went ballistic during a briefing on Benghazi for someone suggesting it was a terror attack.

Two days after the slaughter behind close doors she blatantly continued to lie that it was a video that caused the deaths of the four men.
Look at how many voted for Obama just because he's black? (or half-black!). Wouldn't surprise me if they would vote for her just because she's a woman. Never mind that she's been caught lying so many times and she's known to be a real bitch.
Liberals only care if they have a D behind their name. They can care less this women did not help 4 men fighting for their lives. I seen a picture on Facebook of the Ambassador while being attacked he was being raped but you libs think that is just fine that NO ONE IN THIS ADMINISTRATION helped these people.. When Obama called seal team 6 to Kill bin ladin they went with out question to put their lives on the line. RETIRED SEALS CALL OBAMA to help them. Crickets for 7 hours until there was crickets on the other end because they were DEAD!
It is baffling that somebody as smart as Camille Paglia still thinks its "OUR PARTY".
If Hillary wins all of the mess that's going on continues and will become worse.

Somebody needs to clean out the White House and Washington. People need to be put in jail.
Now I'll bet you dollars to donuts on these reasons why Hillary will get elected if we can't stop her with a good candidate.

First the female factor. She's a woman and the American public will shoot itself in the foot again by feeling that they are participating in a "historic" election like they did when they voted for Obama. First female American President. I can see the memorabilia now. :)

Voting with heart and not with their head not realizing they are voting for the CEO that runs one of the most powerful countries on earth.

Secondly, and I guarantee you this is even why many hard core anti Hillary Dems will go for her....
The Bill factor..

Liberals will vote for Hillary thinking that this way they can get President Clinton back in the WH and then he'll really be the one running the show.
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Now I'll bet you dollars to donuts on these reasons why Hillary will get elected if we can't stop her with a good candidate.

First the female factor. She's a woman and the American public will shoot itself in the foot again by feeling that they are participating in a "historic" election like they did when they voted for Obama. First female American President. I can see the memorabilia now. :)

Voting with heart and not with their head not realizing they are voting for the CEO that runs one of the most powerful countries on earth.

Secondly, and I guarantee you this is even why many hard core anti Hillary Dems will go for her....
The Bill factor..

Liberals will vote for Hillary thinking that this way they can get President Clinton back in the WH and then he'll really be the one running the show.
I think you're on to something there but I suspect it's deeper than that, I think many Democrats just assume Hillary is a female version of Bill, which is odd because her nomination run in 2008 should have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she has none of Bill's political talent or charisma.
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.
When the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM starts with the "Star Treatment" you won't even recognize who she is.

Negative Internet stories of her will be scrubbed (happens ALL the time with other dimocrap scum) like they did with Carol Browner and her 'International Socialists' affiliation, they'll do movies about her, they'll mention her wonderfulness in SITCOMs and on late night TV, she'll appear on Sunday Morning and Weekday Morning Talk Shows and given the 'Royalty' treatment (no harsh questions, no wedge issues)......

dimocrap scum could nominate Adolf Hitler and.......

Wait a sec :confused:
When the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM starts with the "Star Treatment" you won't even recognize who she is.

Negative Internet stories of her will be scrubbed (happens ALL the time with other dimocrap scum) like they did with Carol Browner and her 'International Socialists' affiliation, they'll do movies about her, they'll mention her wonderfulness in SITCOMs and on late night TV, she'll appear on Sunday Morning and Weekday Morning Talk Shows and given the 'Royalty' treatment (no harsh questions, no wedge issues)......

dimocrap scum could nominate Adolf Hitler and.......

Wait a sec :confused:

Seems to me if negative internet stories will be scrubbed you'd be put out to pasture. You and the rest of the right wing mentally challenged members of the echo chamber.
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

Camille Paglia is a right-winger?
The only question I have is whether her friend in charge of Bimbo Eruptions will multitask, or Hillary appoints someone else to handle Blue Dress Stains and whatnot?
Hillary has no qualifications which was the point of Paglia's article.

Hillary did nothing. Not as senator, not as secretary of state.

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