Campaign flyer tells blacks in Alabama to vote or face the honoring of ‘klansmen’


Democrat Candidate for Governor Hulsey Confronted…:
Gubernatorial candidate to hand out Klan hoods - Yahoo News

I call bullshit.

God Bless that woman, she told it how it is to another psycho democrat that forgets history. Bravo

Really now? So you endorse this kind of language?


There wasn't anything inflammatory or libelous written on the list. They are truthfully pointing out what could very well happen if they don't vote for their interests. These are things that the right wing advocates. The right would like to put an end to or greatly curtail healthcare, section 8 housing, student loans, pell grants, unemployment benefits, etc. The right thinks discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc is just hunky dory. Nothing wrong with pointing out that you can't change anything if you don't get out and vote for the changes you believe in.

Prove it.

Really now? So you endorse this kind of language?


There wasn't anything inflammatory or libelous written on the list. They are truthfully pointing out what could very well happen if they don't vote for their interests. These are things that the right wing advocates. The right would like to put an end to or greatly curtail healthcare, section 8 housing, student loans, pell grants, unemployment benefits, etc. The right thinks discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc is just hunky dory. Nothing wrong with pointing out that you can't change anything if you don't get out and vote for the changes you believe in.

Prove it.

Prove what? That Republicans are against healthcare? How many time have they voted to end the ACA? 50? Just look at voting records and you can see how they want to defund social programs at every opportunity. Discrimination? Look at any number of threads on this very board to see where the right stands.

Really now? So you endorse this kind of language?


There wasn't anything inflammatory or libelous written on the list. They are truthfully pointing out what could very well happen if they don't vote for their interests. These are things that the right wing advocates. The right would like to put an end to or greatly curtail healthcare, section 8 housing, student loans, pell grants, unemployment benefits, etc. The right thinks discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc is just hunky dory. Nothing wrong with pointing out that you can't change anything if you don't get out and vote for the changes you believe in.

Prove it.

Prove what? That Republicans are against healthcare? How many time have they voted to end the ACA? 50? Just look at voting records and you can see how they want to defund social programs at every opportunity. Discrimination? Look at any number of threads on this very board to see where the right stands.

Its actually Democrats who answer to what you charge.
The GOP is FOR healthcare, as evidenced by their opposition to Obamacare, a law that has led millions to lose their health care policies and their doctors.
Democrats are in favor of racial discimination.
Democrats are in favor of enslaving blacks.
The list goes on and on.
Dems are the real racists in American society.
Sounds like 18 good reasons to get off your ass and vote!

Really now? So you endorse this kind of language?


There wasn't anything inflammatory or libelous written on the list. They are truthfully pointing out what could very well happen if they don't vote for their interests. These are things that the right wing advocates. The right would like to put an end to or greatly curtail healthcare, section 8 housing, student loans, pell grants, unemployment benefits, etc. The right thinks discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc is just hunky dory. Nothing wrong with pointing out that you can't change anything if you don't get out and vote for the changes you believe in.

Prove it.

Prove what? That Republicans are against healthcare? How many time have they voted to end the ACA? 50? Just look at voting records and you can see how they want to defund social programs at every opportunity. Discrimination? Look at any number of threads on this very board to see where the right stands.
Its actually Democrats who answer to what you charge.
The GOP is FOR healthcare, as evidenced by their opposition to Obamacare, a law that has led millions to lose their health care policies and their doctors.
Democrats are in favor of racial discimination.
Democrats are in favor of enslaving blacks.
The list goes on and on.
Dems are the real racists in American society.

Where? Bizarro world? Republicans are supporting healthcare by denying it to the poor or those with pre-existing conditions? Democrats are in favor of racial discrimination? How? By trying to correct past injustices? Democrats in favor of enslaving blacks? How do you figure that? Minorities vote for Democrats because they can see how Republicans view them.
Really now? So you endorse this kind of language?


There wasn't anything inflammatory or libelous written on the list. They are truthfully pointing out what could very well happen if they don't vote for their interests. These are things that the right wing advocates. The right would like to put an end to or greatly curtail healthcare, section 8 housing, student loans, pell grants, unemployment benefits, etc. The right thinks discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc is just hunky dory. Nothing wrong with pointing out that you can't change anything if you don't get out and vote for the changes you believe in.

Prove it.

Prove what? That Republicans are against healthcare? How many time have they voted to end the ACA? 50? Just look at voting records and you can see how they want to defund social programs at every opportunity. Discrimination? Look at any number of threads on this very board to see where the right stands.
Its actually Democrats who answer to what you charge.
The GOP is FOR healthcare, as evidenced by their opposition to Obamacare, a law that has led millions to lose their health care policies and their doctors.
Democrats are in favor of racial discimination.
Democrats are in favor of enslaving blacks.
The list goes on and on.
Dems are the real racists in American society.

Where? Bizarro world? Republicans are supporting healthcare by denying it to the poor or those with pre-existing conditions? Democrats are in favor of racial discrimination? How? By trying to correct past injustices? Democrats in favor of enslaving blacks? How do you figure that? Minorities vote for Democrats because they can see how Republicans view them.
No, Demspeak is bizarro world.
Opening up insurance to be sold across state lines is in favor of expanding coverage. Opening up insurance so people can buy just the coverage they need is expanding coverage. Allowing companies to price risk is expanding coverage.
There are no past injustices that need correcting. This isnt 1965, no matter how hard Dems try. Look at the record of blacks over the last 40 years with Democrats in control and it is bleak. If Dems gave up race baiting they'd never win an election.
Pretty low. But do most African Americans really buy into this stuff? Maybe?

All the things on the list are things right wingers have advocated, and the gentleman in the clip was accurate in what he said. It's a sad situation when the right wing's goals need to be exposed this way. I guess you can be mad at the messenger if you want to, but the facts remain the came.

You have never been accused of being too bright have you?

Feel free to show ANY of those are going to happen after we destroy your side tomorrow?

All the things on the list are things right wingers have advocated, and the gentleman in the clip was accurate in what he said. It's a sad situation when the right wing's goals need to be exposed this way. I guess you can be mad at the messenger if you want to, but the facts remain the came.

You have never been accused of being too bright have you?

Feel free to show ANY of those are going to happen after we destroy your side tomorrow?

Well it's true enough that even if the Repugs win tomorrow and control the senate, they still won't have a veto proof majority. If they could, I'm sure they would do those things.

All the things on the list are things right wingers have advocated, and the gentleman in the clip was accurate in what he said. It's a sad situation when the right wing's goals need to be exposed this way. I guess you can be mad at the messenger if you want to, but the facts remain the came.

You have never been accused of being too bright have you?

Feel free to show ANY of those are going to happen after we destroy your side tomorrow?

Well it's true enough that even if the Repugs win tomorrow and control the senate, they still won't have a veto proof majority. If they could, I'm sure they would do those things.

Really, and you can prove that?

All the things on the list are things right wingers have advocated, and the gentleman in the clip was accurate in what he said. It's a sad situation when the right wing's goals need to be exposed this way. I guess you can be mad at the messenger if you want to, but the facts remain the came.

You have never been accused of being too bright have you?

Feel free to show ANY of those are going to happen after we destroy your side tomorrow?

Well it's true enough that even if the Repugs win tomorrow and control the senate, they still won't have a veto proof majority. If they could, I'm sure they would do those things.

Really, and you can prove that?

WTF do you want? I can only go by what these assholes keep saying they want to do. So far, they've been held in check.

Oddly enough, the reason I vote is because I want to end my over-taxation supporting about half the things in that list.
It's not my responsibility to pay for another's health insurance, food, housing, college or unemployment. All those things are the individual's responsibility. Also, if you want to make more money, improve your skills and then get a better job.
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All the things on the list are things right wingers have advocated, and the gentleman in the clip was accurate in what he said. It's a sad situation when the right wing's goals need to be exposed this way. I guess you can be mad at the messenger if you want to, but the facts remain the came.

You have never been accused of being too bright have you?

Feel free to show ANY of those are going to happen after we destroy your side tomorrow?

Well it's true enough that even if the Repugs win tomorrow and control the senate, they still won't have a veto proof majority. If they could, I'm sure they would do those things.

Really, and you can prove that?

WTF do you want? I can only go by what these assholes keep saying they want to do. So far, they've been held in check.

(smile) In other words you got nuthin, just your stupid hatred.
All the things on the list are things right wingers have advocated, and the gentleman in the clip was accurate in what he said. It's a sad situation when the right wing's goals need to be exposed this way. I guess you can be mad at the messenger if you want to, but the facts remain the came.

You have never been accused of being too bright have you?

Feel free to show ANY of those are going to happen after we destroy your side tomorrow?

Well it's true enough that even if the Repugs win tomorrow and control the senate, they still won't have a veto proof majority. If they could, I'm sure they would do those things.

Really, and you can prove that?
WTF do you want? I can only go by what these assholes keep saying they want to do. So far, they've been held in check.

(smile) In other words you got nuthin, just your stupid hatred.
Hey, if the Republicans tell me they want to end entitlements and social programs including SSA, I believe them. I don't want this to happen, so I vote against them. You like Repugs? Fine, go ahead and vote for them. Vote early and vote often. I'll be happy to cancel your vote.
You have never been accused of being too bright have you?

Feel free to show ANY of those are going to happen after we destroy your side tomorrow?

Well it's true enough that even if the Repugs win tomorrow and control the senate, they still won't have a veto proof majority. If they could, I'm sure they would do those things.

Really, and you can prove that?
WTF do you want? I can only go by what these assholes keep saying they want to do. So far, they've been held in check.

(smile) In other words you got nuthin, just your stupid hatred.
Hey, if the Republicans tell me they want to end entitlements and social programs including SSA, I believe them. I don't want this to happen, so I vote against them. You like Repugs? Fine, go ahead and vote for them. Vote early and vote often. I'll be happy to cancel your vote.

Except that you can prove that they want look pretty stupid welfare boy.

All the things on the list are things right wingers have advocated, and the gentleman in the clip was accurate in what he said. It's a sad situation when the right wing's goals need to be exposed this way. I guess you can be mad at the messenger if you want to, but the facts remain the came.

You have never been accused of being too bright have you?

Feel free to show ANY of those are going to happen after we destroy your side tomorrow?

Ok, it does look pretty good for the repubs, but if they do pull it off, we'll find out if they are actually able to run the government, or if they are just able to run their mouth. You better hope a lot of good things come out of that potentially right wing senate, or in two years you will lose everything. I personally expect more of the same.
Campaign materials aimed at getting out the black vote are featuring references to lynchings, Jim Crow-era signs, racial unrest — and, as of last weekend, the Ku Klux Klan.

In Alabama, flyers distributed in largely black communities warn voters to cast ballots or else “land may be given to extremist groups to honor klansmen.” A copy of the flyer was obtained by The Washington Times.

The specter of the KKK comes as the latest example of the rise of racially charged scare tactics aimed at bolstering turnout in the black community, a traditional Democratic Party voting bloc that strategists view as key to winning razor-thin races in an otherwise Republican year.

Read more: Campaign flyer tells blacks in Alabama to vote or face the honoring of klansmen - Washington Times
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Too funny, you Dems are ignorant sonsabitches.....the "boogie racists" are coming.

The funny thing is, you poor and middle class whites make fun of blacks for voting Democratic but the fact is to the GOP, we are all N*(#$rs. Including you. They wouldn't live next to your broke ass. They'd rather live next door to a rich black, muslim, gay illegal immigrant before they'd live next to your broke ass.

And it is true. A vote for the GOP or if you don't show up to vote Democratic is like voting for the KKKGOP. If you don't show up and vote, everyone who hates you will win. They don't like American workers because we use to be the highest paid workers in the world.

Today people in Seattle wish they lived in Vancouver, or Australia. Republicans no longer deny it either. Today they try to blame it on Obama. But the recovery? Oh, the GOP governors want credit for that.

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