Campaign flyer tells blacks in Alabama to vote or face the honoring of ‘klansmen’

Only hateful ignorant African American Democrats buy into this shite. But they're voting Democrat anyway, no? On the other hand, African American Republicans know this stuff is shallow Race-Baiting Bullshite. The ones who buy into this stuff, were voting Democrat anyway. It doesn't hurt the Republicans in any way.
Well it's true enough that even if the Repugs win tomorrow and control the senate, they still won't have a veto proof majority. If they could, I'm sure they would do those things.

Really, and you can prove that?
WTF do you want? I can only go by what these assholes keep saying they want to do. So far, they've been held in check.

(smile) In other words you got nuthin, just your stupid hatred.
Hey, if the Republicans tell me they want to end entitlements and social programs including SSA, I believe them. I don't want this to happen, so I vote against them. You like Repugs? Fine, go ahead and vote for them. Vote early and vote often. I'll be happy to cancel your vote.

Except that you can prove that they want look pretty stupid welfare boy.
So, are you saying that Republicans are going to leave welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps, student loans, social security, unemployment benefits, etc alone? They aren't going to do anything about the "moochers" and "leeches"? Aren't all you wingnuts going to be terribly upset if they don't?
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

Muslim isn't a race, but you're an idiot.
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

Muslim isn't a race, but you're an idiot.

Kenyan isn't a race, either.

Lazy isn't a race, either.

Thieves isn't a race, either.

Violent criminals isn't a race, either.

We are discussing common stereotypes used by racists to denigrate a person die to their race, not the race itself.

But then, you are an idiot.
Really, and you can prove that?
WTF do you want? I can only go by what these assholes keep saying they want to do. So far, they've been held in check.

(smile) In other words you got nuthin, just your stupid hatred.
Hey, if the Republicans tell me they want to end entitlements and social programs including SSA, I believe them. I don't want this to happen, so I vote against them. You like Repugs? Fine, go ahead and vote for them. Vote early and vote often. I'll be happy to cancel your vote.

Except that you can prove that they want look pretty stupid welfare boy.
So, are you saying that Republicans are going to leave welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps, student loans, social security, unemployment benefits, etc alone? They aren't going to do anything about the "moochers" and "leeches"? Aren't all you wingnuts going to be terribly upset if they don't?

It's funny that you kooks ALWAYS take ever argument out to it's illogical extreme and expect to be taken seriously ;)
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

Muslim isn't a race, but you're an idiot.

Kenyan isn't a race, either.

Lazy isn't a race, either.

Thieves isn't a race, either.

Violent criminals isn't a race, either.

We are discussing common stereotypes used by racists to denigrate a person die to their race, not the race itself.

But then, you are an idiot.

well, I'm sure you can quote me saying the above were races, can't you IDIOT ?
Blacks who vote are a threat to the Republican Party. This is why so many of their Election Day strategies involve complex forms of disenfranchisement.

People don't get it. The game is over. The left is going to wake up one day - perhaps in 20+ yrs- and realize they cannot vote; and those who sneak by the jackbooted thugs at the polls will find that their country's political organs have been gerrymandered out of reach. It's over. Concentrated wealth has won.
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

Muslim isn't a race, but you're an idiot.

Kenyan isn't a race, either.

Lazy isn't a race, either.

Thieves isn't a race, either.

Violent criminals isn't a race, either.

We are discussing common stereotypes used by racists to denigrate a person die to their race, not the race itself.

But then, you are an idiot.

well, I'm sure you can quote me saying the above were races, can't you IDIOT ?

You are the one that stated with the irrelevant bullshit, I just threw it back in your face.

I didn't anticipate you being so retarded that such a simple point would escape you.

My apologies for the overestimation.
Only hateful ignorant African American Democrats buy into this shite. But they're voting Democrat anyway, no? On the other hand, African American Republicans know this stuff is shallow Race-Baiting Bullshite. The ones who buy into this stuff, were voting Democrat anyway. It doesn't hurt the Republicans in any way.

At least they aren't voting against their own pocket books. Do you realize that rich blacks vote GOP? They too are voting correctly. For example, Herman Cain should be voting GOP. So poor and middle class blacks are smart and rich people are voting correctly it is just you stupid poor and middle class whites that are dumb.

And come to think about it, how come only 55% white people vote GOP? Why don't the rest of us vote GOP? Is there also something wrong with half of the poor and middle class whites who vote Democratic too?

You sound like Romney asshole. Everyone who doesn't agree with your rich spoiled arrogant ass is a taker and or commy socialist?
Blacks who vote are a threat to the Republican Party. This is why so many of their Election Day strategies involve complex forms of disenfranchisement.

People don't get it. The game is over. The left is going to wake up one day - perhaps in 20+ yrs- and realize they cannot vote; and those who sneak by the jackbooted thugs at the polls will find that their country's political organs have been gerrymandered out of reach. It's over. Concentrated wealth has won.[/QUOT

I thought in 2000 when they stole the election that the citizens would revolt but nothing. Then they stole the 2004 election, lied us into iraq, bankrupted the country, tarp, sent jobs overseas, lowered our wages, shifted the tax burden onto us, broke unions, gerimandered, filbusteed, citizens united, wallstreet protesters, etc.

And here we are I'm sitting in the library and the polls are empty. Where are the voters? Where is the outrage? I use to say we need to revolt or unionize/organize again but Americans can't even bother to vote. Yes concentrated wealth has won, for now.

I guess things have to get worse for people under 30 before they will show up to vote. Maybe we need another draft. You would think $100K college loan and only a $30K a year job would bother them but they just live in their parents basement.
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

No. If you don't get why that's racist calling him a Muslim then you are an archie bunker dumb mother phuker.
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously.

Covert racism, sometimes called "color blind" racism, is less obvious than overt racism. This "laissez-faire" form of racism is not governmentally sanctioned like the overt Jim Crow laws of the 1950s, and it is not always obvious. Covert racism comes in many forms including unnecessary politeness to a racial group,[3] the use of political correctness.

First of all, Obama has said he's a Christian. Why do you doubt him but you never questioned Bush? Is it because he's black?
"Obama is a Muslim" has a clear implication that that is a bad thing.

Just ask one of the retarded assholes who believe that lie what they think of Muslims.
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously.

Covert racism, sometimes called "color blind" racism, is less obvious than overt racism. This "laissez-faire" form of racism is not governmentally sanctioned like the overt Jim Crow laws of the 1950s, and it is not always obvious. Covert racism comes in many forms including unnecessary politeness to a racial group,[3] the use of political correctness.

First of all, Obama has said he's a Christian. Why do you doubt him but you never questioned Bush? Is it because he's black?

You an angry black chile?
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

No. If you don't get why that's racist calling him a Muslim then you are an archie bunker dumb mother phuker.
Says the imbecile that can't master basic sentence structure.
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously.

Covert racism, sometimes called "color blind" racism, is less obvious than overt racism. This "laissez-faire" form of racism is not governmentally sanctioned like the overt Jim Crow laws of the 1950s, and it is not always obvious. Covert racism comes in many forms including unnecessary politeness to a racial group,[3] the use of political correctness.

First of all, Obama has said he's a Christian. Why do you doubt him but you never questioned Bush? Is it because he's black?

You an angry black chile?

Not at all. I'm a 43 year old white male. Who do you think is wrong in this scenario, a KKKlansman, the black who speaks out against him or the white who agrees with the black guy?

By the way, I am done caring about poor black people. Herman Cain doesn't care about them and from the turnout numbers in Detroit yesterday, blacks clearly don't care about themselves so why should I? If they can't even bother to vote, why should I give one shit about their pathetic circumstances?

I bet if the Democrat running for Governor was black they would have showed up. Pathetic!
Only hateful ignorant African American Democrats buy into this shite. But they're voting Democrat anyway, no? On the other hand, African American Republicans know this stuff is shallow Race-Baiting Bullshite. The ones who buy into this stuff, were voting Democrat anyway. It doesn't hurt the Republicans in any way.

At least they aren't voting against their own pocket books. Do you realize that rich blacks vote GOP? They too are voting correctly. For example, Herman Cain should be voting GOP. So poor and middle class blacks are smart and rich people are voting correctly it is just you stupid poor and middle class whites that are dumb.

And come to think about it, how come only 55% white people vote GOP? Why don't the rest of us vote GOP? Is there also something wrong with half of the poor and middle class whites who vote Democratic too?

You sound like Romney asshole. Everyone who doesn't agree with your rich spoiled arrogant ass is a taker and or commy socialist?

In general, African American Democrats are hateful, racist, and ignorant. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is the truth. On the other hand, African American Republicans are intelligent non-bigoted people. When African Americans get their shit together, more of em will abandon the Democratic Party and become Republicans.

Most African Americans have virtually nothing in common with Communist/Progressive wankers. For the most part, they're good Church-going Conservatives. The Republican Party better-represents their values. I truly do believe a shift will happen at some point. More African Americans will become Republicans in the future.
You KKK Jake?

I mean the ONLY KKK member to EVER serve came from you Dems.

Until the "Southern Strategy" when the racists in the south went from being Democrats to Republicans.

Oh, and today the racists in the GOP are not openly racist, but you can tell. Whenever one of you calls Obama a Muslim or Kenyan you expose yourselves for the racists you really are.

Calling Obama a Muslim isn't racist. He's a Muslim.

That you consider that to be a disparaging remark speaks to your character, not anybody else's.

Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously.

Covert racism, sometimes called "color blind" racism, is less obvious than overt racism. This "laissez-faire" form of racism is not governmentally sanctioned like the overt Jim Crow laws of the 1950s, and it is not always obvious. Covert racism comes in many forms including unnecessary politeness to a racial group,[3] the use of political correctness.

First of all, Obama has said he's a Christian. Why do you doubt him but you never questioned Bush? Is it because he's black?

You an angry black chile?

Not at all. I'm a 43 year old white male. Who do you think is wrong in this scenario, a KKKlansman, the black who speaks out against him or the white who agrees with the black guy?

By the way, I am done caring about poor black people. Herman Cain doesn't care about them and from the turnout numbers in Detroit yesterday, blacks clearly don't care about themselves so why should I? If they can't even bother to vote, why should I give one shit about their pathetic circumstances?

I bet if the Democrat running for Governor was black they would have showed up. Pathetic!

False dichotomy.

There was no Klan involved and it was a pathetic ploy to play to the lowest common denominator.

They counted on the Race card to motivate uneducated blacks into voting against a mythical problem.
Only hateful ignorant African American Democrats buy into this shite. But they're voting Democrat anyway, no? On the other hand, African American Republicans know this stuff is shallow Race-Baiting Bullshite. The ones who buy into this stuff, were voting Democrat anyway. It doesn't hurt the Republicans in any way.

At least they aren't voting against their own pocket books. Do you realize that rich blacks vote GOP? They too are voting correctly. For example, Herman Cain should be voting GOP. So poor and middle class blacks are smart and rich people are voting correctly it is just you stupid poor and middle class whites that are dumb.

And come to think about it, how come only 55% white people vote GOP? Why don't the rest of us vote GOP? Is there also something wrong with half of the poor and middle class whites who vote Democratic too?

You sound like Romney asshole. Everyone who doesn't agree with your rich spoiled arrogant ass is a taker and or commy socialist?

In general, African American Democrats are hateful, racist, and ignorant. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is the truth. On the other hand, African American Republicans are intelligent non-bigoted people. When African Americans get their shit together, more of em will abandon the Democratic Party and become Republicans.

Most African Americans have virtually nothing in common with Communist/Progressive wankers. For the most part, they're good Church-going Conservatives. The Republican Party better-represents their values. I truly do believe a shift will happen at some point. More African Americans will become Republicans in the future.

No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

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