Can a 16-year-old girl adopt a baby?

Every situation is unique with the decision to abort a pregnancy... the only constant is the fact that a life is ended... if you can live with that then you and I are very different....
Every situation is unique with the decision to abort a pregnancy... the only constant is the fact that a life is ended... if you can live with that then you and I are very different....

That's the tough choice pregnant women have to make - based on their mental/physical/financial condition. It's their choice to make!
Having sex at early ages is trauma enough and will turn your life upside down but thats not what they're learning in school...they're told how to do it in any number of ways. Seems counter productive to me. PERHAPS schools should be helping parents by encouraging girls and boys to leave sex tell them that they should guard their minds, hearts, bodies and i'll throw soul in there too. It is quite a responsibility to be able to bring a new life into the world.

And yet people without sex education are more likely to get pregnant young.

What it seems like to you, and what it actually is, are two very different things.
If you did research, you'd know the REALITY.
I call it the pro rapist court now.
I can't go that far, actually. I think better of the Supreme Court and every single person on it than that. The legislators, State and Federal, yep. Several of them have said as much. One is considering make abortion a homicide charge, even if it is rape and incest for that matter.

Don't get me wrong. I am not like the gun nuts that say all the guns, all the kinds for all the people all the time, anywhere and everywhere. I don't believe abortion is the right decision much of the time. I do realize there are circumstances at times that make it the lessor choice of awful circumstance and outcome for the girl or woman involved at times and a one size fits all policy at the hand of politicians is the wrong way to go. Rape is an outlier, but a girl or woman may not be up to the anguish of dealing with it, especially if forced by the state to carry the coerced, forced, possibly brutally forced, seed into their womb. There could be other reasons as valid. It is not for me or the courts to decide. I do think, women that have multiple abortions are an abomination to normal human beings, are basically ignorant sluts of low moral character and after two, would not object to them being sterilized, whether they wanted it or not. One source (true or not, I don't know) says that 45% of abortions are repeat abortions. To me that is as bad as a woman never married and having 6 kids by different men and drawing money from the state to support them. People should learn from their mistakes, not to repeat those mistakes or else they just are worth a sh#t. Like Chris Rock said. "Put the d#ck down!"
I don't want you to think I'm not an equal opportunity kind of guy. If you are a guy, going around repeatedly knocking up multiple women without a care, spreading your seed and waltzing away, you are just as guilty, responsible for this whole damn mess, and a low moral, worthless hound dog, that should likewise be castrated by the state.
You just spit on every woman that overcame adversity.
I admire the ones that do, but still have some human sympathy for those that cannot. You need to get a grip.
Twilight Zone shit….watching you weirdos stand so firmly against accountability and cause and effect is just plain mind-blowing.
I suppose it’s time that shit families in shitholes start teaching their little whores the causation principle huh?
I taught mine, girl and boys and we never even had to live in a shithole. I suspect two of them still just got lucky without having to pay for their mistakes. Kids in general are rebellious, undisciplined, ignorant little people, often a danger to themselves and others even in normal conservative families. I've met some preacher kids as wild as any when out of sight. I don't think mine were little angels all the time. I wasn't. Were you?
Thanks for bringing this clear and present instance of hypocrisy to light. If she cannot legally adopt a baby...she shouldn't be forced to carry a baby to term (nor should anyone else).

Yeah, I had a sister-in-law that had a child at 16, he turned out to be a very successful dentist. She and the father married and are still married today. Imagine how much better he could have done if she were older. LMFAO

I'm talking about the four times more likely for a foster kid to get raped and the Republicans want that raped foster girl to be forced to have the baby. Screw your life and health girl.

Again, 1% of abortions are because of abuse. Foster care abuse is a very small portion of that very small 1%.
That means that 99% of the aborted is just due to carelessness, and inconvenience.
Amen! Thank you!
1 in 5 pregnancies in the US end in miscarriage. 20 percent. I'm sure the "well meaning" officials in red states will have all sorts of compassion as they pry and probe into a woman's activities before a pregnancy that isn't brought to term.

Yeah, I had a sister-in-law that had a child at 16, he turned out to be a very successful dentist. She and the father married and are still married today. Imagine how much better he could have done if she were older. LMFAO

The 16 year old married her father? Texans are going to Texan.
The question was - Can she adopt a baby? But you don't mind her just being an incubator or birthing pod while suffering the trauma of having her life turned upside down at such a young age?
Abortion has in many cases many long term negative psychological consequences for the mother at any age, especially for very young mothers.

A few months inconvenience for the life you create isn't going to ruin your life.

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