Can a Biden Voter Answer this Man's Question?

False. Only medical grade masks work. Not what most people are wearing. But you know this. You are a liar. That jogger does not need a mask.

I've been wearing a mask for the last year, I haven't gotten sick.

The Japanese employed masks even before the crisis started, they've had less than 10K deaths compared to our 600K.

They do not work except for the N95 masks.


Still, nobody can answer WHY these individuals do this when there is ZERO RISK

The jogger and bikers are virtue signaling.

I ran about 20 feet from some virtue signaling asshole today. I waved and said hello. He scowled at me and pulled up a mask he had under his chin.

What a dumb asshole to think I was going to give him COVID.
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I am so sick of these imbeciles...

The New York Times publishes a little newsletter every morning, highlighting a news story or an aspect of the news that the Times believes its readers will find edifying.

A week or so ago, they answered the burning question of why someone who is fully vaccinated would wear a mask. The answer was that, even though it makes no sense whatever medically speaking, wearing a mask promotes a culture of mask-wearing, which is beneficial to all, in the long run.

Clearly, Comrade Biden and his minions subscribe to this philosophy.
That was another question I was about to ask.

I got the first shot. Is there any "science" to back up the "need" to continue wearing the mask? I know all their arguments. They are wrong, but they will continue to insist we do. At some point people are just gonna say, "f*** it!"
I'm betting no one from the mask cult (aka Biden voter) can answer that
None of us are gonna click your silly video.
We know you did. Coward. You cant even admit that these people are fools. And you're too cowardly to distance yourself from them.

You could at least say "not all liberals are like these." Yet you cant even bring yourself to do that.
That was another question I was about to ask.

I got the first shot. Is there any "science" to back up the "need" to continue wearing the mask? I know all their arguments. They are wrong, but they will continue to insist we do. At some point people are just gonna say, "f*** it!"

I never started wearing the fucking mask. I walked off jobs when they got stupid about it. I finally found a job working for a client who knows how stupid this shit is and has stated he will fire someone who wears a fuckin mask.

This shit is intolerable to me.
I've been wearing a mask for the last year, I haven't gotten sick
I wear a 3 month old disposable mask only entering stores because it is required. I've never gotten sick either
I am on my second mask for the last year.
Apparently it makes idiots feel safe around me.
Soon as I hit the exit of the store, the stupid useless thing comes off.
That was another question I was about to ask.

I got the first shot. Is there any "science" to back up the "need" to continue wearing the mask? I know all their arguments. They are wrong, but they will continue to insist we do. At some point people are just gonna say, "f*** it!"

I never started wearing the fucking mask. I walked off jobs when they got stupid about it. I finally found a job working for a client who knows how stupid this shit is and has stated he will fire someone who wears a fuckin mask.

This shit is intolerable to me.
Nobody wears a mask where I work. You are allowed to if you want.

All we have to do is sign a paper stating we do not feel any of the symptoms of covid.
Lots of us want to know

View attachment 483654

Because it is better than nothing.
SPECIFICALLY, HOW are masks needed in these situations? Placebo? Comfort? Security?

Can you explain the liberal "science" behind wearing a mask while jogging ALONE???
Because they have some effect in helping to mitigate the spread of the virus. Simply claiming that the virus is too small is a fallacy since not all of the pathogens will make it past the mask. Less will than would otherwise be the case, especially when with any coughing.
False. Only medical grade masks work. Not what most people are wearing. But you know this. You are a liar. That jogger does not need a mask.

I've been wearing a mask for the last year, I haven't gotten sick.

The Japanese employed masks even before the crisis started, they've had less than 10K deaths compared to our 600K.
I haven't wore a mask and I haven't gotten sick. I even rode around with a buddy all day. That tested positive for covid a few days later. Still haven't gotten sick.
Can someone explain to me why we are still wearing masks after people are getting vaccinated?

Why didnt we do all of this for the swine flu? Is it because we had a black Dem in office?

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