Can Any Dem/lib Tell Us What Agency The Govt Has Run Efficiently?

The post office will deliver a letter from my house in NJ to my brothers house in California for 49 cents

Let's see private industry match that

A private corporation will deliver the contents of your letter for free instantaneously. Who mails letters anymore?
The post office will deliver a letter from my house in NJ to my brothers house in California for 49 cents

Let's see private industry match that

A private corporation will deliver the contents of your letter for free instantaneously. Who mails letters anymore?
People who don't want or trust their letters and correspondence to be permanently recorded on a net that can be hacked by untold numbers of global hackers. Also people who need to send hard copies of letters and documents. Add the folks who like to give a personal touch to their greetings, notes and correspondence.
Those private for profit colleges have done a wonderful job. Same with prisons.

What evidence is there that they haven't done a wonderful job?
All of it.

List one example.
It's not my job to educate your dumb azz. You not knowing that private prisons have been a huge failure and prime example of how privatization cause self perpetuating looting of tax payer funds, or the scams of private colleges, it can only indicate your lack of common knowledge.
The post office will deliver a letter from my house in NJ to my brothers house in California for 49 cents

Let's see private industry match that

A private corporation will deliver the contents of your letter for free instantaneously. Who mails letters anymore?
People who don't want or trust their letters and correspondence to be permanently recorded on a net that can be hacked by untold numbers of global hackers. Also people who need to send hard copies of letters and documents. Add the folks who like to give a personal touch to their greetings, notes and correspondence.
Weak argument as usual. Essentially: black helicopters and registered letters is worth untold millions to the taxpayer. Go back to trying the slight Reagan.

Do you think things out before hitting the keyboard?
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You guys keep ranting about turning all of medicine over to the government. What has the government ever run efficiently? the post office? DOD? Social security? medicare? welfare? border security? the budget?

Why would you want to turn more of our economy over to them?
I'm 78. I've been using the Postal Service all my life and it's performed flawlessly.

Also, Social Security has been performing flawlessly for 77 years.

And Medicare has been working quite nicely for me and many others.
Can Any Dem/lib Tell Us What Agency The Govt Has Run Efficiently?

Would you rather have GM, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Walmart, Koch Industries, Halliburton, or Bank of America running the government? Just imagine if such companies were left 100% to police themselves. They get away with too much as it is.
You guys keep ranting about turning all of medicine over to the government. What has the government ever run efficiently? the post office? DOD? Social security? medicare? welfare? border security? the budget?

Why would you want to turn more of our economy over to them?
I'm 78. I've been using the Postal Service all my life and it's performed flawlessly.

Also, Social Security has been performing flawlessly for 77 years.

And Medicare has been working quite nicely for me and many others.
I'm 58. I've been using email for the last 20 years. It's worked flawlessly and I haven't had to wait days for delivery. Oh yeah, I've never had to buy a stamp.
You guys keep ranting about turning all of medicine over to the government. What has the government ever run efficiently? the post office? DOD? Social security? medicare? welfare? border security? the budget?

Why would you want to turn more of our economy over to them?
I'm 78. I've been using the Postal Service all my life and it's performed flawlessly.

Also, Social Security has been performing flawlessly for 77 years.

And Medicare has been working quite nicely for me and many others.
I'm 58. I've been using email for the last 20 years. It's worked flawlessly and I haven't had to wait days for delivery. Oh yeah, I've never had to buy a stamp.

How many crooked corporations are involved in your email system? Comparing USPS to email is comparing apples to oranges. Email does not PHYSICALLY deliver - it ELECTRONICALLY delivers. I like USPS for what it does and I like email for what it does.

BTW, your email can only work "flawlessly" if your computer and internet provider are working. Electricity also helps...
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The post office will deliver a letter from my house in NJ to my brothers house in California for 49 cents

Let's see private industry match that

A private corporation will deliver the contents of your letter for free instantaneously. Who mails letters anymore?
People who don't want or trust their letters and correspondence to be permanently recorded on a net that can be hacked by untold numbers of global hackers. Also people who need to send hard copies of letters and documents. Add the folks who like to give a personal touch to their greetings, notes and correspondence.
Weak argument as usual. "Black helicopters and registered letters is worth untold millions to the taxpayer. Go back to trying the slight Reagan.

Do you think things out before hitting the keyboard?
I think them out far more than you do. You correlate the simple desire for privacy with black helicopters and the drawing of a five year old for hanging on a refrigerator door with registered letters. Not my fault you don't know or appreciate the value of a hand written letter or thank you or congratulations note. Just because you are all happy with e-mails doesn't mean everyone has to follow your opinion or even believe your opinion makes sense. I happen to think your ideas are anti freedom and totalitarian. But you are a Reaganite Church member, so that is to be expected.
You guys keep ranting about turning all of medicine over to the government. What has the government ever run efficiently? the post office? DOD? Social security? medicare? welfare? border security? the budget?

Why would you want to turn more of our economy over to them?
I'm 78. I've been using the Postal Service all my life and it's performed flawlessly.

Also, Social Security has been performing flawlessly for 77 years.

And Medicare has been working quite nicely for me and many others.
I'm 58. I've been using email for the last 20 years. It's worked flawlessly and I haven't had to wait days for delivery. Oh yeah, I've never had to buy a stamp.

How many crooked corporations are involved in your email system? Comparing USPS to email is comparing apples to oranges. Email does not PHYSICALLY deliver - it ELECTRONICALLY delivers. I like USPS for what it does and I like email for what it does.
So does Fed-Ex, DHL and numerous other companies, far more efficiently too. WTF are you, a progressive dinosaure?
The post office will deliver a letter from my house in NJ to my brothers house in California for 49 cents

Let's see private industry match that

A private corporation will deliver the contents of your letter for free instantaneously. Who mails letters anymore?
People who don't want or trust their letters and correspondence to be permanently recorded on a net that can be hacked by untold numbers of global hackers. Also people who need to send hard copies of letters and documents. Add the folks who like to give a personal touch to their greetings, notes and correspondence.

For the most part, none of my private correspondance would bother me if it became public. There are methods for safeguarding your privacy online if it is seriously a major concern. Commiting your words to hard-copy that will actually leave your control is more dangerous than taking precautions and transmitting the information electronically. You don't know what will happen to your letter en-route or what your recipient will do with it when they get it.

Hard-copy document sending is a legitimate reason to send physical mail. For the most part though, you won't be sending sensitive important documents via a 49 cent letter.

What is more personal than the words you express? If you really must send your actual handwriting (which for some people is downright illegible) you can scan a hand-written document and send that pretty easily.

For me, there is little to no reason to send a paper letter. I hate buying and storing paper. I hate the tediousness of writing anything by hand. I hate buying a stamp, sticking it on an envelope, and hoping that the Post Office actually gets it where I want it to go in a reasonable amount of time.
You guys keep ranting about turning all of medicine over to the government. What has the government ever run efficiently? the post office? DOD? Social security? medicare? welfare? border security? the budget?

Why would you want to turn more of our economy over to them?
I'm 78. I've been using the Postal Service all my life and it's performed flawlessly.

Also, Social Security has been performing flawlessly for 77 years.

And Medicare has been working quite nicely for me and many others.
I'm 58. I've been using email for the last 20 years. It's worked flawlessly and I haven't had to wait days for delivery. Oh yeah, I've never had to buy a stamp.

How many crooked corporations are involved in your email system? Comparing USPS to email is comparing apples to oranges. Email does not PHYSICALLY deliver - it ELECTRONICALLY delivers. I like USPS for what it does and I like email for what it does.
So does Fed-Ex, DHL and numerous other companies, far more efficiently too. WTF are you, a progressive dinosaure?

I'm 68 - and I can spell dinosaur... UPS also works efficiently.
The post office will deliver a letter from my house in NJ to my brothers house in California for 49 cents

Let's see private industry match that

A private corporation will deliver the contents of your letter for free instantaneously. Who mails letters anymore?
People who don't want or trust their letters and correspondence to be permanently recorded on a net that can be hacked by untold numbers of global hackers. Also people who need to send hard copies of letters and documents. Add the folks who like to give a personal touch to their greetings, notes and correspondence.
Weak argument as usual. "Black helicopters and registered letters is worth untold millions to the taxpayer. Go back to trying the slight Reagan.

Do you think things out before hitting the keyboard?
I think them out far more than you do. You correlate the simple desire for privacy with black helicopters and the drawing of a five year old for hanging on a refrigerator door with registered letters. Not my fault you don't know or appreciate the value of a hand written letter or thank you or congratulations note. Just because you are all happy with e-mails doesn't mean everyone has to follow your opinion or even believe your opinion makes sense. I happen to think your ideas are anti freedom and totalitarian. But you are a Reaganite Church member, so that is to be expected.
Stop being a dingbat. When you argue that USPS is a bastion of freedom and the vanguard against totalitarianism you've pretty reached the end of your tether. Oh yeah, Reagan too.
You guys keep ranting about turning all of medicine over to the government. What has the government ever run efficiently? the post office? DOD? Social security? medicare? welfare? border security? the budget?

Why would you want to turn more of our economy over to them?
I'm 78. I've been using the Postal Service all my life and it's performed flawlessly.

Also, Social Security has been performing flawlessly for 77 years.

And Medicare has been working quite nicely for me and many others.
I'm 58. I've been using email for the last 20 years. It's worked flawlessly and I haven't had to wait days for delivery. Oh yeah, I've never had to buy a stamp.

How many crooked corporations are involved in your email system? Comparing USPS to email is comparing apples to oranges. Email does not PHYSICALLY deliver - it ELECTRONICALLY delivers. I like USPS for what it does and I like email for what it does.
So does Fed-Ex, DHL and numerous other companies, far more efficiently too. WTF are you, a progressive dinosaure?
Pure deflection and escape from your lost argument. We are discussing a letter that currently cost forty nine cents for a stamp for mailing. None of those companies you mention will do the same thing for the same price.
, Stop being a dingbat. When you argue that USPS is a bastion of freedom and the vanguard against totalitarianism you've pretty reached the end of your tether. Oh yeah, Reagan too.
You have to constantly distort what others post to make your stupid arguments.
You guys keep ranting about turning all of medicine over to the government. What has the government ever run efficiently? the post office? DOD? Social security? medicare? welfare? border security? the budget?

Why would you want to turn more of our economy over to them?
I'm 78. I've been using the Postal Service all my life and it's performed flawlessly.

Also, Social Security has been performing flawlessly for 77 years.

And Medicare has been working quite nicely for me and many others.
I'm 58. I've been using email for the last 20 years. It's worked flawlessly and I haven't had to wait days for delivery. Oh yeah, I've never had to buy a stamp.

How many crooked corporations are involved in your email system? Comparing USPS to email is comparing apples to oranges. Email does not PHYSICALLY deliver - it ELECTRONICALLY delivers. I like USPS for what it does and I like email for what it does.
So does Fed-Ex, DHL and numerous other companies, far more efficiently too. WTF are you, a progressive dinosaure?
Pure deflection and escape from your lost argument. We are discussing a letter that currently cost forty nine cents for a stamp for mailing. None of those companies you mention will do the same thing for the same price.
So, we need to keep a white elephant alive so paranoid people can save a few cents to send letters?

Camp, honestly, do you think before posting drivel? Sorry, that's really not a question I suppose.
Why do I still receive so much junk mail in my regular USPS snail mail? Why don't all those companies choose to send EVERYTHING via email? Hint: It's because email has not, and can not, replace USPS.

My mailman also delivers packages.
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Why do I still receive so much junk mail in my regular USPS snail mail? Why don't all those companies choose to send EVERYTHING via email? Hint: It's because email has not replaced USPS.
So you think the taxpayer should subsidize private-sector advertising?

You're a very confused person.

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