Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

The PPACA (Obamacare) did not take over health care in America, nor is it socialism.

What Obamacare did not do is anything to control costs, make healthcare more available or improve the quality. We were lied to about being able to keep our insurance and doctors, and every aspect of it is designed to push us into socialized (single payer) healthcare.

Yeah, you're not a parrot, are you? LOL.

How do YOU know he lied? Did you hear that from Hannity or Limbaugh?
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The PPACA (Obamacare) did not take over health care in America, nor is it socialism.

What Obamacare did not do is anything to control costs, make healthcare more available or improve the quality. We were lied to about being able to keep our insurance and doctors, and every aspect of it is designed to push us into socialized (single payer) healthcare.

Yeah, you're not a parrot, are you? LOL.

How do YOU know he lied? Did you hear that from Hannity or Limbaugh?

Anyone who isn't totally brain damaged knows he lied. Even the mainstream media shills admit he lied.

Could you possibly be any more of a brainwashed tool?
You're as dumb as Stephanie and as obnoxious as Rabbi(t). You're a concrete thinker, unable to critically think through issues and can't (or so it seems) consider all their parts and elements; which is why you parrot right wing propaganda.

Corporations are not people, notwithstanding Mr. Romney's belief. Corporations are amoral, though some act with a moral certitude, others seek to profit and have business models which take into consideration the risks, and then decide some harm is better for the bottom line.

To debate anything with you is to become a character in a Kafka novel, or to feel as does Bert when he listens to Ernie (Bert bangs his head on the desk).

Exactly which constituent member of a corporation is not a person?

Explain why you say that corporations are amoral.

Do you think people are amoral?

How would you describe a corporation that acted with "moral certitude?"

All good business models consider risks before acting. Explain what you mean by this: "then decide some harm is better for the bottom line."
@Wry Catcher

Are you going to answer any of my questions?
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

What exists today is clearly NOT better than what existed before. Time has already told us that it can only get worse. The reforms made do nothing to bring down cost of health care, make it more available or improve quality. All of it was built on lies. You don't need to worry about the GOP, you need to worry about the 55% of America who do not want this monstrosity and will bury the GOP in order to get rid of it.
Everything Government does, sucks. Period.

We need a 95% reduction in people that work for the Government, from the Politicians and their staffs to the Bureaucracy.

Fire them all and let us, the people have the jobs. Put it all out to bid to private companies, which will trim half the waste and fat overnight..
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.
Watch out there Wry, someone might mistake you for a coward hiding behind a keyboard with all those insults being hurled my way! Seems like a "wise" person once told me to not begin my posts that way.... wonder who that was?

Corporations ARE people, that's exactly what they are comprised of. They are groups of people. The First Amendment is very clear, you can't deny the right to political free speech on the basis of what group a person happens to belong to or on the basis they belong to any group. You want to deny people their right to free speech because they happen to belong to a corporation and that is unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court.

I have evidence that you're all of what I posted; you have none to convict me of Marxism.

You've convicted yourself of Marxism by espousing the planks of the definition of Marxism, the Communist Manifesto, using it's anti-wealth, anti-capitalist rhetoric, he doesn't have to. The only remaining question is why you don't like the word.
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).

Uh... yeah. Pissing in the soup isn't 'seasoning'. The Dems saw it happening and not only voted for it, but lied to the public to cover-up their complicity.
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).

And this is an argument for letting them run everything? Or anything for that matter?
Watch out there Wry, someone might mistake you for a coward hiding behind a keyboard with all those insults being hurled my way! Seems like a "wise" person once told me to not begin my posts that way.... wonder who that was?

Corporations ARE people, that's exactly what they are comprised of. They are groups of people. The First Amendment is very clear, you can't deny the right to political free speech on the basis of what group a person happens to belong to or on the basis they belong to any group. You want to deny people their right to free speech because they happen to belong to a corporation and that is unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court.

I have evidence that you're all of what I posted; you have none to convict me of Marxism.

You've convicted yourself of Marxism by espousing the planks of the definition of Marxism, the Communist Manifesto, using it's anti-wealth, anti-capitalist rhetoric, he doesn't have to. The only remaining question is why you don't like the word.

LOL, I don't know if you think, err believe, echoing Boss makes you feel smart, or if you're so limited you have nothing to offer and simply need attention. Wanting Government as a watch dog to protect the consumer has nothing to do with the failed economic system you and other morons fear.

Marxism/Communism is an idea whose time has long passed. Ask any Chinese Investor [(Reuters) - Alibaba Group Holding (BABA.N) priced its initial public offering at $68 a share, the top end of the expected range, raising $21.8 billion on Thursday, in the latest sign of strong investor appetite for the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut].

See: Alibaba IPO prices at top of range raising 21.8 billion - Yahoo Finance

Every "socialist Republic" has been an authoritarian/despotic system of governance.

Mine is a simple idea, one which should appeal to a simpleton like you, Boss and Rabbi(t); sadly it is too pragmatic for indoctronated ideologues to consider (cognitive dissonance is dangerous to true believers).

Greed in inherent to the human spirit, and greed will flourish without laws, regulations and sanctions (fines and jail). Ideologues believe the markets will self regulate, they also believe in the easter bunny and santa claus.
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).

So why do you advocate going down that route? You just admitted that it can't possibly come up with a well designed solution.
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).

True, so why do you keep pushing for that?
Watch out there Wry, someone might mistake you for a coward hiding behind a keyboard with all those insults being hurled my way! Seems like a "wise" person once told me to not begin my posts that way.... wonder who that was?

Corporations ARE people, that's exactly what they are comprised of. They are groups of people. The First Amendment is very clear, you can't deny the right to political free speech on the basis of what group a person happens to belong to or on the basis they belong to any group. You want to deny people their right to free speech because they happen to belong to a corporation and that is unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court.

I have evidence that you're all of what I posted; you have none to convict me of Marxism.

You've convicted yourself of Marxism by espousing the planks of the definition of Marxism, the Communist Manifesto, using it's anti-wealth, anti-capitalist rhetoric, he doesn't have to. The only remaining question is why you don't like the word.

LOL, I don't know if you think, err believe, echoing Boss makes you feel smart, or if you're so limited you have nothing to offer and simply need attention. Wanting Government as a watch dog to protect the consumer has nothing to do with the failed economic system you and other morons fear.

Marxism/Communism is an idea whose time has long passed. Ask any Chinese Investor [(Reuters) - Alibaba Group Holding (BABA.N) priced its initial public offering at $68 a share, the top end of the expected range, raising $21.8 billion on Thursday, in the latest sign of strong investor appetite for the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut].

See: Alibaba IPO prices at top of range raising 21.8 billion - Yahoo Finance

Every "socialist Republic" has been an authoritarian/despotic system of governance.

Mine is a simple idea, one which should appeal to a simpleton like you, Boss and Rabbi(t); sadly it is too pragmatic for indoctronated ideologues to consider (cognitive dissonance is dangerous to true believers).

Greed in inherent to the human spirit, and greed will flourish without laws, regulations and sanctions (fines and jail). Ideologues believe the markets will self regulate, they also believe in the easter bunny and santa claus.

LOL, you admit you post to feel smart and get attention? That's funny. As for the rest of your post, all you did is explain your dislike for the word "Marxist." Not liking the word doesn't mean you are not one. However, your belief the planks of the Manifesto and use of the rhetoric to justify them does.

My favorite was your part where your support of Marxism is because you are pragmatic. You're a hoot.
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).

So why do you advocate going down that route? You just admitted that it can't possibly come up with a well designed solution.

The nature of the beast is also compormise, hence a check and balance within the checks and balances designed in the COTUS. Ironically, the people's house (The H. of Rep.) was thought to be the one which represented the wants and needs of our citizens and not the wants and greeds of corporations, which it has become. But that is our fault, we vote for dolts whose primary interest is their job, not yours, mine or the rest of our nation's people.
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).

True, so why do you keep pushing for that?

I don't (your biases and ignorance always amaze me). I believe in campagin finance reform, public financing of federal elections and the repeal of CU v. FEC, McCutheon v. FEC; the passage of real sanctions (jail and fines) for those who attempt or garner special and extraordinary attention from elected or appointed officals.
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).

True, so why do you keep pushing for that?

I don't (your biases and ignorance always amaze me). I believe in campagin finance reform, public financing of federal elections and the repeal of CU v. FEC, McCutheon v. FEC; the passage of real sanctions (jail and fines) for those who attempt or garner special and extraordinary attention from elected or appointed officals.

Those are your only non-libertarian positions? Other than that, you want government out of health care and redistribution of wealth?
Watch out there Wry, someone might mistake you for a coward hiding behind a keyboard with all those insults being hurled my way! Seems like a "wise" person once told me to not begin my posts that way.... wonder who that was?

Corporations ARE people, that's exactly what they are comprised of. They are groups of people. The First Amendment is very clear, you can't deny the right to political free speech on the basis of what group a person happens to belong to or on the basis they belong to any group. You want to deny people their right to free speech because they happen to belong to a corporation and that is unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court.

I have evidence that you're all of what I posted; you have none to convict me of Marxism.

You've convicted yourself of Marxism by espousing the planks of the definition of Marxism, the Communist Manifesto, using it's anti-wealth, anti-capitalist rhetoric, he doesn't have to. The only remaining question is why you don't like the word.

LOL, I don't know if you think, err believe, echoing Boss makes you feel smart, or if you're so limited you have nothing to offer and simply need attention. Wanting Government as a watch dog to protect the consumer has nothing to do with the failed economic system you and other morons fear.

Marxism/Communism is an idea whose time has long passed. Ask any Chinese Investor [(Reuters) - Alibaba Group Holding (BABA.N) priced its initial public offering at $68 a share, the top end of the expected range, raising $21.8 billion on Thursday, in the latest sign of strong investor appetite for the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut].

See: Alibaba IPO prices at top of range raising 21.8 billion - Yahoo Finance

Every "socialist Republic" has been an authoritarian/despotic system of governance.

Mine is a simple idea, one which should appeal to a simpleton like you, Boss and Rabbi(t); sadly it is too pragmatic for indoctronated ideologues to consider (cognitive dissonance is dangerous to true believers).

Greed in inherent to the human spirit, and greed will flourish without laws, regulations and sanctions (fines and jail). Ideologues believe the markets will self regulate, they also believe in the easter bunny and santa claus.

LOL, you admit you post to feel smart and get attention? That's funny. As for the rest of your post, all you did is explain your dislike for the word "Marxist." Not liking the word doesn't mean you are not one. However, your belief the planks of the Manifesto and use of the rhetoric to justify them does.

My favorite was your part where your support of Marxism is because you are pragmatic. You're a hoot.

You really are dumb. But on some level you know that. Don't parse my words, others beside you and your echo chamber buddies read my words and understand your effort to spin them is feeble.
Really? Do you think most Democrats supported giving in to the insurance industry? Health care reform has been on the plate for over a century, no one believed reform would be easy and not messy. But, what exists today is better than what existed before, and time will tell if it can be improved, or if the GOP will continue to demand its repeal.

Every Democrat who voted for ACA supported giving in to the insurance industry.

And that is the nature of the beast. When a committee or legilative body begins to design a horse, it inevitably ends up produces a camel. Rarely is a bill passed by the Congress which has not had dozens or more 'chefs' adding seasonings (some of which are in the form of special interests).

True, so why do you keep pushing for that?

I don't (your biases and ignorance always amaze me). I believe in campagin finance reform, public financing of federal elections and the repeal of CU v. FEC, McCutheon v. FEC; the passage of real sanctions (jail and fines) for those who attempt or garner special and extraordinary attention from elected or appointed officals.

Those are your only non-libertarian positions? Other than that, you want government out of health care and redistribution of wealth?

Your are either dumber than I believe or ... well I suspect that sums it up.
LOL, you admit you post to feel smart and get attention? That's funny. As for the rest of your post, all you did is explain your dislike for the word "Marxist." Not liking the word doesn't mean you are not one. However, your belief the planks of the Manifesto and use of the rhetoric to justify them does.

My favorite was your part where your support of Marxism is because you are pragmatic. You're a hoot.

You really are dumb. But on some level you know that. Don't parse my words, others beside you and your echo chamber buddies read my words and understand your effort to spin them is feeble.

I see, so you can tell me what I think, but when I say you're projecting, I'm "parsing" your words and I shouldn't do that. Oh, and I'm the one who's dumb. LOL, gotcha.

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