Can Anybody Stop Putin?

Putin is very popular with the average Russian citizen.

He puts his country first and is a strong nationalist.

I wish we had a leader like him here in the U.S.

All the polls are rigged because he controls the media. Sanctions starting to bite the common people, oil prices tanking, body-bags coming home....they smell Afghanistan revisited.
And they are making a Finland like advance in the Ukraine, just as I predicted...

He's done in Ukraine....the Ukes are standing up to him and he's looking at a 20 year guerrilla war if he tries to take Kiev. He's got his land-bridge to he can resupply the port without interference....that's what this is all about....that and messing with Barry the Fairy.
I have a natural affinity for anybody that fucks with Obama.

Just can't help it.
Can Anybody Stop Putin?
Why should we even be concerned, Last time I checked Putin was in charge of Russia.
So why should we even care?
The population of the Crimea is around 90% Russian and they wanted to be absorbed into Russia.

So I fail to see the problem? ..... :cool:
"Independent" Ukraine was a Soviet ruse to get another UN vote back in the Cold War Days.

Ukraine was always Russian, and will be again.

As will Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

That is just how it will play out.

Within forty years probably, as the US goes down in a flood of dependent class slugs, it will not be able to do shit short of a mutually destructive nuclear option.

Face it, we do not have the balls or the means to exert influence in that region.
Remember how there used to be this red line involving Assad?

You don't?

Thazz OK, neither does Obama.
Remember Lurch Kerry saying bombing of Assad would start in 24 hours?

Then, Putin came in with his deal to replace old Syrian and Iraqi junk chemical weapons with new ones, and we fell for it?
Were you MACV-SOG ?? ..... :cool:

We worked with them on occasion. The SOG and Ranger units in I Corps were fairly fluid. They were all-volunteer, and some people moved back and forth between the two units. We both worked a long way out there, in Laos, sometimes in North Vietnam. We shared radio relay stations, usually some godforsaken rat-infested collection of bunkers on top of some mountain top in the Chaine Anamatiques that ran along the Laotian border. stinkin fake.

Say that to my face sometime, Alice. You're probably some 385 lb. turd who can't even get out of his own chair. You're a liar and a poser, but mostly you're a fucking coward, as all posers are who try to parasite a pretend past they never had in reality, from men whose boots they couldn't shine. You're the lowest form of parasite. I use my real name online, asshole. Here's the web site I helped found 15 years ago: Everyone there knows me. All the old Ranger fraternity know me. My handle is "hobbit". Check me out. Then post some proofs of your own you gutless sack of offal.

I busted you like a soap bubble, bitch. And I won't get suckered into threatening you and you snitching me out. You ain't worth the effort to correct more of your comic book fantasies. No Ranger would ever praise a stinkin russian dictator....never happen.....go Robin Williams....I'll lend you a belt.

As if some poser sack of shit like you speaks for the US Army Ranger fraternity.

Tom Sweetnam
Lima Company Rangers
75th Infantry
101st Airborne Division 1970-1972

View attachment 32090
Why can't we read the name tag?
We worked with them on occasion. The SOG and Ranger units in I Corps were fairly fluid. They were all-volunteer, and some people moved back and forth between the two units. We both worked a long way out there, in Laos, sometimes in North Vietnam. We shared radio relay stations, usually some godforsaken rat-infested collection of bunkers on top of some mountain top in the Chaine Anamatiques that ran along the Laotian border. stinkin fake.

Say that to my face sometime, Alice. You're probably some 385 lb. turd who can't even get out of his own chair. You're a liar and a poser, but mostly you're a fucking coward, as all posers are who try to parasite a pretend past they never had in reality, from men whose boots they couldn't shine. You're the lowest form of parasite. I use my real name online, asshole. Here's the web site I helped found 15 years ago: Everyone there knows me. All the old Ranger fraternity know me. My handle is "hobbit". Check me out. Then post some proofs of your own you gutless sack of offal.

I busted you like a soap bubble, bitch. And I won't get suckered into threatening you and you snitching me out. You ain't worth the effort to correct more of your comic book fantasies. No Ranger would ever praise a stinkin russian dictator....never happen.....go Robin Williams....I'll lend you a belt.

As if some poser sack of shit like you speaks for the US Army Ranger fraternity.

Tom Sweetnam
Lima Company Rangers
75th Infantry
101st Airborne Division 1970-1972

View attachment 32090
Why can't we read the name tag?
Those of us who know how to use the zoom in option can.
I've already made my prediction about Putin......but for those of you who may have forgotten (that seems impossible I know)...

Putin will either be poisoned or shot dead by his security team at the behest of the oligarchs by......MAY DAY. :terror:
I've already made my prediction about Putin......but for those of you who may have forgotten (that seems impossible I know)...

Putin will either be poisoned or shot dead by his security team at the behest of the oligarchs by......MAY DAY. :terror:

If it was gonna happen, would've happened already.
The predictive power of wishful thinking is significantly low.

I wish him no harm....I think his midlife crisis is fascinating to watch....what's next, a red Corvette? :lol: But then, he's bankrupting his country and the russian people aren't apt to want to go back to borscht breakfast, lunch, and supper while he eats caviar in his palace like some bolshevik tsar.....he ain't got much longer.
I have been following Putin on twitter, and he gave the impression he only signed the Minsk ceasefire treaty to get away from the meeting. He has since suggested the Ukraine army surrenders. He never had any intention of enforcing a ceasefire. He is a megalomaniac lying bastard with his finger on the nuclear button and he scares me. He said to the west "remember we are a nuclear nation" which is a veiled threat to use nukes.
We have had Russian warships in the English channel and bombers flying close to our air space.
I have been following Putin on twitter, and he gave the impression he only signed the Minsk ceasefire treaty to get away from the meeting. He has since suggested the Ukraine army surrenders. He never had any intention of enforcing a ceasefire. He is a megalomaniac lying bastard with his finger on the nuclear button and he scares me. He said to the west "remember we are a nuclear nation" which is a veiled threat to use nukes.
We have had Russian warships in the English channel and bombers flying close to our air space.
Merkel kept telling Pootin' no,,,
borscht...we like borchsh very much what's up chap ? Bliny, caviar it is not expensive ...we have enough food all right

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