Can anyone guess why it's usefull for Establishment to have sports stars make BIG$$$?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Try to come up with your own answer, then highlight read my text below in white color

When establishment has us watching sports stars who make 100 times more than an average worker, then excuse is created for us not to worry about other crooks making 100 or 1000 times more than the average worker "it's the type of culture" they can claim - this is degenerate culture, it is not normal, and it exists because it was molded that way by the establishment - with commercials, regulations, laws, and so on. You can take the same puppy and raise him to be a nuisance, or you can raise the same dog to be a great dog. this is a FACT. Sports stars, like welfare class is a buffer zone for the true welfare class of billionaires who run not just America, but the world. I am proud to say that as the spokesman of the new world government, I have not watched any game in full for at least last 15 years, maybe a clip here and there. But most or all of the political experts here I believe can not say the same thing about themselves.
I don't mind Sports figures making huge money. If the league makes that much and wants to pay them that much, good for them. Would YOU turn down a 10 year, 120 million dollar contract to do whatever it is that YOU do? I didn't think so. Neither would I.

What pisses ME off are Owners who use local Taxes to build their stadiums of self aggrandizement. Like that asshole owner of the Chargers who raided the San Diego Teachers retirement fund for his Stadium. And that asshat Jerry Jones in Dallas.

Why can't they spend their OWN fuckin' money?
Can anyone guess why it's usefull for Establishment to have sports stars make BIG$$$?

To line the pockets of unions that support the racist far left Obama drone DNC?

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