Can anyone tell me what the main problem Obamacare (AHCAA)

I am in favor of a single payer system and nationalizing health care so prices for things are capped and tightly regulated. NO ONE should die or go into debt for a medical procedure or needing medicine.In a republican run world that's what would happen. Obama tried appeasing everyone and didn't go far enough with the healthcare overhaul.

No one was dying or going into bankruptcy because of medical costs before ACA. No one in the USA was denied medical treatment before ACA.

uninsured did not mean untreated.

ACA was not passed to help american citizens, it was passed to increase govt power over our everyday lives and take away more freedoms.

Before ACA those who paid covered the costs of those who did not, that exact same situation exists under ACA, the only difference being that we now also have to pay for a huge wasteful govt beaurocracy.

I have heard and seen thousands of times what Obama has said was the reason which is:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

How many people on this board think there were 46 million uninsured men, women and children???

What he meant is that there will be 46 million uninsured AFTER the full implementation of ACA.:D
The problem it was to have solved is to make health care so expensive that we would embrace a single payer system where the costs are hidden in taxes on the upper middle class and we all get in line.

exactly, in the ignorance of the left, they want to copy the failed and failing medical systems in the UK and Canada. What these idiots don't get is that NOTHING is free, someone has to pay. But the stupid lefties think it will be someone else. But it won't, they will be paying, and paying more than they are now.

The US system costs significantly more than those systems and has as many if not more failures than those systems.

If the US kept our current system but only spent what other nations spend on health care there would be rioting in the streets from all the people dying.

exactly, in the ignorance of the left, they want to copy the failed and failing medical systems in the UK and Canada. What these idiots don't get is that NOTHING is free, someone has to pay. But the stupid lefties think it will be someone else. But it won't, they will be paying, and paying more than they are now.

The US system costs significantly more than those systems and has as many if not more failures than those systems.

If the US kept our current system but only spent what other nations spend on health care there would be rioting in the streets from all the people dying.


If you think I am resorting to hyperbole how about you estimate how many people would die in the US if we only spent $4,500 per person on health care like Canada instead of around $8,500.

The facts are against your world view.
No, they are not. But i'm not going to debate using logic and specificity against blatant hyperbole.
No, they are not. But i'm not going to debate using logic and specificity against blatant hyperbole.

Then use your logic to compare the US system to the Canadian system while accounting for the massive cost per person differential.

You can't because the facts are against you.
was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

I was talking to an Obama supporter about Obamacare and how I looked at it and it was very expensive if I were to sign up. He said he had done the same and it didn't look so bad for his wife, he is already on disability/VA. Which I didn't question but then I thought about it. It wasn't bad for them because they would receive subsidizes. THAT makes it somewhat affordable. Those who make over 64000 married get no subsidizes. That is why they need young people to sign up who will just pay and not use health care until later in life. That is why Obama scares them with if they get sick stories. Well if they do then sign up, in my opinion.

Also, at the beginning of the health care take over the number of unemployed was bantered about as being around 46 million. Well if I read the news correctly Obama's goal was 10 million signing up and he got, at the very best 5 million. That according to their numbers about 40 million still without health care. So we went through all this BS to supply 10 percent of those not insured with insurance? Really?

4 million truly uninsured that want and need health insurance.

See of the 46 million Obama says "uninsured" he has later reduced because 10 million the Census counted as uninsured were not citizens.

Also Obama's administration BEFORE ACA didn't enroll 14 million of the "uninsured" under Medicaid then the number drops to 22 million.

Finally why must people be forced to buy health insurance for the future if they are under 34, make over $50,000 and spend less then the cost of employers' health plans?
18 million people bogusly counted as "uninsured" that didn't want it.

That leaves 4 million!

Yet the argument is get the young people to pay premiums to pay the claims for older people...WHY?
Why not encourage these young people to join Medical Savings Accounts instead!
10 million illegals Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
14 million already covered:
18 million that don't need/want..CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

But what passed ACA was the bogus 46 million uninsured! Truly the biggest LIE EVER!
was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

I was talking to an Obama supporter about Obamacare and how I looked at it and it was very expensive if I were to sign up. He said he had done the same and it didn't look so bad for his wife, he is already on disability/VA. Which I didn't question but then I thought about it. It wasn't bad for them because they would receive subsidizes. THAT makes it somewhat affordable. Those who make over 64000 married get no subsidizes. That is why they need young people to sign up who will just pay and not use health care until later in life. That is why Obama scares them with if they get sick stories. Well if they do then sign up, in my opinion.

Also, at the beginning of the health care take over the number of unemployed was bantered about as being around 46 million. Well if I read the news correctly Obama's goal was 10 million signing up and he got, at the very best 5 million. That according to their numbers about 40 million still without health care. So we went through all this BS to supply 10 percent of those not insured with insurance? Really?

4 million truly uninsured that want and need health insurance.

See of the 46 million Obama says "uninsured" he has later reduced because 10 million the Census counted as uninsured were not citizens.

Also Obama's administration BEFORE ACA didn't enroll 14 million of the "uninsured" under Medicaid then the number drops to 22 million.

Finally why must people be forced to buy health insurance for the future if they are under 34, make over $50,000 and spend less then the cost of employers' health plans?
18 million people bogusly counted as "uninsured" that didn't want it.

That leaves 4 million!

Yet the argument is get the young people to pay premiums to pay the claims for older people...WHY?
Why not encourage these young people to join Medical Savings Accounts instead!
10 million illegals Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
14 million already covered:
18 million that don't need/want..CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

But what passed ACA was the bogus 46 million uninsured! Truly the biggest LIE EVER!

be careful posting facts. Facts make little liberal heads implode. there they go---hear them? :bang3::bang3::bang3::bang3:
Yeah millions of uninsured children is really the facts that prove the left wrong.

You people are crazy town.
No, they are not. But i'm not going to debate using logic and specificity against blatant hyperbole.

Then use your logic to compare the US system to the Canadian system while accounting for the massive cost per person differential.

You can't because the facts are against you.

Compare apples and oranges and then account for the reason one needs to be peeled before consumption and why one doesn't.

I'll pass.

Next you're going to tell me the US has a free market healthcare system too.
No, they are not. But i'm not going to debate using logic and specificity against blatant hyperbole.

Then use your logic to compare the US system to the Canadian system while accounting for the massive cost per person differential.

You can't because the facts are against you.

Compare apples and oranges and then account for the reason one needs to be peeled before consumption and why one doesn't.

I'll pass.

Next you're going to tell me the US has a free market healthcare system too.

I am shocked to find out that you are running away and deflecting. SHOCKED!
And it is mostly the young who say they won't buy insurance because they are healthy.
Thirty-one percent of respondents age 18-29 cited that reason.
Only 6 percent of those 30-49 said they were healthy enough to remain uninsured. Defiant Americans: A Third of Uninsured Refuse to Buy Obamacare

Remember Obama COUNTED 18 million people under 34 as uninsured that don't WANT health insurance... So that would leave of the 46 million 28 million right?
Yet even Obama NOW says 10 million illegals counted as uninsured WON"T be covered under ACA... so that means 18 million left "uninsured"...
BUT we are finding out that many of the " enrollees are eligible for Medicaid! SO why did it take Obamacare to do something these 14 million that
said they are uninsured and counted as part of Obama's 46 million could have done BEFORE ACA????
That leaves truly 4 million that want and need health insurance and for these we're destroying the mechanisms that have provided coverage 99.4% of the country!

ALL Congress should have done was listen to the experts... Physicians who say THEY SEND patients to do duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because the physicians
fear being sued and as a result $850 billion a year called defensive medicine is the cost which insurance/medicare and out of pocket pay!
And it is mostly the young who say they won't buy insurance because they are healthy.
Thirty-one percent of respondents age 18-29 cited that reason.
Only 6 percent of those 30-49 said they were healthy enough to remain uninsured. Defiant Americans: A Third of Uninsured Refuse to Buy Obamacare

Remember Obama COUNTED 18 million people under 34 as uninsured that don't WANT health insurance... So that would leave of the 46 million 28 million right?
Yet even Obama NOW says 10 million illegals counted as uninsured WON"T be covered under ACA... so that means 18 million left "uninsured"...
BUT we are finding out that many of the " enrollees are eligible for Medicaid! SO why did it take Obamacare to do something these 14 million that
said they are uninsured and counted as part of Obama's 46 million could have done BEFORE ACA????
That leaves truly 4 million that want and need health insurance and for these we're destroying the mechanisms that have provided coverage 99.4% of the country!

ALL Congress should have done was listen to the experts... Physicians who say THEY SEND patients to do duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because the physicians
fear being sued and as a result $850 billion a year called defensive medicine is the cost which insurance/medicare and out of pocket pay!

I am sorry to disagree but I don't buy the defensive medicine story. I have been sitting in the hospital for the last two weeks with a sick relative and I have seen none of it.

Why would a doctor get sued for not ordering a test? Because he really didn't know what was wrong with you and was treating you any way. A friend of mine went through radiation treatment for a year until they destroyed her heart. Then a different doctor looked at her tests and they were treating her for the wrong type of cancer, they sent her to an early grave.

So when the doctor tells you that they are practicing defensive medicine, in my opinion, they don't know what they are doing.
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And it is mostly the young who say they won't buy insurance because they are healthy.
Thirty-one percent of respondents age 18-29 cited that reason.
Only 6 percent of those 30-49 said they were healthy enough to remain uninsured. Defiant Americans: A Third of Uninsured Refuse to Buy Obamacare

Remember Obama COUNTED 18 million people under 34 as uninsured that don't WANT health insurance... So that would leave of the 46 million 28 million right?
Yet even Obama NOW says 10 million illegals counted as uninsured WON"T be covered under ACA... so that means 18 million left "uninsured"...
BUT we are finding out that many of the " enrollees are eligible for Medicaid! SO why did it take Obamacare to do something these 14 million that
said they are uninsured and counted as part of Obama's 46 million could have done BEFORE ACA????
That leaves truly 4 million that want and need health insurance and for these we're destroying the mechanisms that have provided coverage 99.4% of the country!

ALL Congress should have done was listen to the experts... Physicians who say THEY SEND patients to do duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because the physicians
fear being sued and as a result $850 billion a year called defensive medicine is the cost which insurance/medicare and out of pocket pay!

Dude your own link says there are well over 4 million children that don't have insurance.

I am for malpractice reform in this country but that doesn't mean children should go without insurance or that young people who are going without insurance are not taking a huge risk with their financial future.
And it is mostly the young who say they won't buy insurance because they are healthy.
Thirty-one percent of respondents age 18-29 cited that reason.
Only 6 percent of those 30-49 said they were healthy enough to remain uninsured. Defiant Americans: A Third of Uninsured Refuse to Buy Obamacare

Remember Obama COUNTED 18 million people under 34 as uninsured that don't WANT health insurance... So that would leave of the 46 million 28 million right?
Yet even Obama NOW says 10 million illegals counted as uninsured WON"T be covered under ACA... so that means 18 million left "uninsured"...
BUT we are finding out that many of the " enrollees are eligible for Medicaid! SO why did it take Obamacare to do something these 14 million that
said they are uninsured and counted as part of Obama's 46 million could have done BEFORE ACA????
That leaves truly 4 million that want and need health insurance and for these we're destroying the mechanisms that have provided coverage 99.4% of the country!

ALL Congress should have done was listen to the experts... Physicians who say THEY SEND patients to do duplicate tests, refer to specialists all because the physicians
fear being sued and as a result $850 billion a year called defensive medicine is the cost which insurance/medicare and out of pocket pay!

Duplicate tests? Why on Earth would any doctor do duplicate tests unless they didn't trust their own judgment or quality of the test. Either way, yeah I want duplicate tests.
The main problem ACA solved was the pending income insecurity faced by the beleagured insurance industry. Thankfully, they'll be in tall cotton now, thanks to the generosity of Congress and the placid compliance of braindead voters.
Oh and when in the HELL! Should a medical treatment cost 400k!? That's freaking outrageous. That's another thing that needs clamped down on.

Obozocare does nothing to cap the cost of medical procedures and drugs. It does nothing to cap outrageous malpractice awards, it does nothing to stop defensive medicine that wastes billions every year.

what it does is make the insured uninsured in order to make a few of the uninsured insured, and in that stupid process, create a huge new govt beaurocracy.

^^^ What he said...:eusa_clap:
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