Can anyone tell me what the main problem Obamacare (AHCAA)

The only problem with obamacare is it didn't go far enough. The insurance companies need taken over and healthcare prices CAPPED for each medical procedure and medicine someone may need.

So you blame the insurance companies for just paying the claims as they come in?
Because the average insurance company pays 80% of the premium income out in claims.

FACTS The three largest health insurance companies already pay out an average of 83% of premium revenue in claims.

Aetna Reports Aetna | Investor Relations | Annual Reports
In 2012 of every dollar in premium 81.5% went out in CLAIMS!!!
It's called Medical liability ratio.. i.e. how many dollars paid out to dollars coming in!
Revenue $8,864.1m
Net income $511.0m
or 5.7% of gross revenue as profit --- BEFORE THEY PAID FEDERAL INCOME TAXES

WellPoint, Inc WellPoint, Inc | Investor Relations | Annual Reports
Benefit Expense Ratio: The benefit expense ratio was 87.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012,
Total Operating Margin 2.8% of gross revenue as profit --- BEFORE THEY PAID FEDERAL INCOME TAXES

UnitedHealth care UnitedHealth Group, Inc. | Company Spotlight Profile
Summary of UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC - Yahoo! Finance
Premiums $ 27,274
Medical costs 22,569 82.7% of the premiums went out in CLAIMS you dumb f..k!

So why not attack the source of the claims and not the payers of the claims?
I am in favor of a single payer system and nationalizing health care so prices for things are capped and tightly regulated. NO ONE should die or go into debt for a medical procedure or needing medicine.In a republican run world that's what would happen. Obama tried appeasing everyone and didn't go far enough with the healthcare overhaul.
Obamacare has a mandate, that's my first problem, mandating is just plain un-American. Secondly there is too much BS added to it. How many pages was the legislation?
The original intent about stopping the runaway costs and making healthcare insurance more affordable was noble but like anything done by Washington, they got really carried away.
I would like to see Obamacare to cease. However, our healthcare system is broke and needs to be fixed. We still need to have our healthcare's cost competitive with other countries. The high costs we pay today are almost double of what other developed nations pay. This hurts individuals, families and businesses. Considering how much healthcare eats up our GDP, the cost of healthcare also hurts our economy.
was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

To stop the system from raping everyone to death and or bankruptcy


I know a lot of people and I don't know anyone that has died or been bankrupted by medical bills.

And that is why personal anecdotes mean jack
was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

To stop the system from raping everyone to death and or bankruptcy

Yes. The new system keeps them alive, just barely, so they can be bled indefinitely. Successful parasites must prevent their host from dying off.

You know when you dont have anything to add you dont HAVE to type anything.
I am in favor of a single payer system and nationalizing health care so prices for things are capped and tightly regulated. NO ONE should die or go into debt for a medical procedure or needing medicine.In a republican run world that's what would happen. Obama tried appeasing everyone and didn't go far enough with the healthcare overhaul.

No one was dying or going into bankruptcy because of medical costs before ACA. No one in the USA was denied medical treatment before ACA.

uninsured did not mean untreated.

ACA was not passed to help american citizens, it was passed to increase govt power over our everyday lives and take away more freedoms.

Before ACA those who paid covered the costs of those who did not, that exact same situation exists under ACA, the only difference being that we now also have to pay for a huge wasteful govt beaurocracy.
Oh and when in the HELL! Should a medical treatment cost 400k!?
Since that $400K also goes to pay for the next three poor people who come in, plus the next four illegal aliens, plus the next three welfare queens having their 12th and 13th baby by as many fathers who aren't there to pay themselves.
That's freaking outrageous.

Tell me about it.

That's another thing that needs clamped down on.
I am in favor of a single payer system and nationalizing health care so prices for things are capped and tightly regulated. NO ONE should die or go into debt for a medical procedure or needing medicine.In a republican run world that's what would happen. Obama tried appeasing everyone and didn't go far enough with the healthcare overhaul.

No one was dying or going into bankruptcy because of medical costs before ACA. No one in the USA was denied medical treatment before ACA.

uninsured did not mean untreated.

ACA was not passed to help american citizens, it was passed to increase govt power over our everyday lives and take away more freedoms.

Before ACA those who paid covered the costs of those who did not, that exact same situation exists under ACA, the only difference being that we now also have to pay for a huge wasteful govt beaurocracy.

I have heard and seen thousands of times what Obama has said was the reason which is:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

How many people on this board think there were 46 million uninsured men, women and children???
I am in favor of a single payer system and nationalizing health care so prices for things are capped and tightly regulated.

One of the crowning absurdities that our socialists constantly push on us, is the idea the "government can do it better".

was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

To stop the system from raping everyone to death and or bankruptcy

Yeah, because you have it so rough.....

In any other system, you'd be living in a refrigerator box in an alley somewhere fighting stray dogs for your next meal.

Believe it.

I am in favor of a single payer system and nationalizing health care so prices for things are capped and tightly regulated.

One of the crowning absurdities that our socialists constantly push on us, is the idea the "government can do it better".


I agree and the reason is these "socialists" are truly uninformed and definitely lacking in logical rational thinking.

I am NOT against the Federal government when it comes to common defense of the nation.

What I am against is the ignorance of those favoring Federal management as to the 50 state laboratories that can be the test beds for improving the country.
Romney care is a great example!
Does it work well as a state run health care system? Still open for debate.
But why not look at the good parts and encourage other states to adopt until the system is perfected.
Again using states as laboratories also prove the uselessness of putting for example standardized speed limits in states like Montana/Texas compared to dense populated areas.
That's a major reason the USA worked so well UNTIL we determined the Federal government can do all things BETTER then the private segment.
was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

I was talking to an Obama supporter about Obamacare and how I looked at it and it was very expensive if I were to sign up. He said he had done the same and it didn't look so bad for his wife, he is already on disability/VA. Which I didn't question but then I thought about it. It wasn't bad for them because they would receive subsidizes. THAT makes it somewhat affordable. Those who make over 64000 married get no subsidizes. That is why they need young people to sign up who will just pay and not use health care until later in life. That is why Obama scares them with if they get sick stories. Well if they do then sign up, in my opinion.

Also, at the beginning of the health care take over the number of unemployed was bantered about as being around 46 million. Well if I read the news correctly Obama's goal was 10 million signing up and he got, at the very best 5 million. That according to their numbers about 40 million still without health care. So we went through all this BS to supply 10 percent of those not insured with insurance? Really?
was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

So it sounds like he didn't have health insurance coverage for the treatment he received.

People don't get "Obamacare," they buy private health insurance. The website the government provides is there to establish a single place to shop for private insurance plans that meet the requirements of the ACA and to see if the person is eligible for Medicaid or subsidization.

You said "person eligible for Medicaid"...
How many people were eligible for Medicaid "before ACA" do you think that said they wanted insurance but didn't know they were eligible?

They also expanded Medicaid. I don't know the number but it was greater than zero.

I am not sure what point you are trying to make.
was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

The problem it was to have solved is to make health care so expensive that we would embrace a single payer system where the costs are hidden in taxes on the upper middle class and we all get in line.

exactly, in the ignorance of the left, they want to copy the failed and failing medical systems in the UK and Canada. What these idiots don't get is that NOTHING is free, someone has to pay. But the stupid lefties think it will be someone else. But it won't, they will be paying, and paying more than they are now.

The US system costs significantly more than those systems and has as many if not more failures than those systems.

If the US kept our current system but only spent what other nations spend on health care there would be rioting in the streets from all the people dying.
was to have solved?

Affordable Health Care for America Act is the name but when you read this story where does "Affordable" come in??

Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor bills | Las Vegas Review-Journal

To stop the system from raping everyone to death and or bankruptcy

I was paying 1/2 of what I pay today and without a change in life style I would be paying the same amount or close to it. So when you say everyone you really don't mean everyone you mean the 5 million or so that have signed up, maybe will save some money.

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