Can Atheists be Moral?

To an atheist there is no such thing as evil. And since there is no such thing as evil, there is no such thing as good. To an atheist all they know is pleasure and pain.
Then you need to quote and credit Nietzsche with saying it. Simply your word is worth less than crap at this point.

The reality.
One of the first questions Atheists are asked by true believers and doubters alike is, “If you don’t believe in God, there’s nothing to prevent you from committing crimes, is there? Without the fear of hell-fire and eternal damnation, you can do anything you like, can’t you?”

It is hard to believe that even intelligent and educated people could hold such an opinion, but they do! It seems never to have occurred to them that the Greeks and Romans, whose gods and goddesses were something less than paragons of virtue, nevertheless led lives not obviously worse than those of the Baptists of Alabama! Moreover, pagans such as Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius – although their systems are not suitable for us today – managed to produce ethical treatises of great sophistication, a sophistication rarely if ever equaled by Christian moralists.

The answer to the questions posed above is, of course, “Absolutely not!” The behavior of Atheists is subject to the same rules of sociology, psychology, and neurophysiology that govern the behavior of all members of our species, religionists included. Moreover, despite protestations to the contrary, we may assert as a general rule that when religionists practice ethical behavior, it isn’t really due to their fear of hell-fire and damnation, nor is it due to their hopes of heaven. Ethical behavior – regardless of who the practitioner may be – results always from the same causes and is regulated by the same forces, and has nothing to do with the presence or absence of religious belief.
I didn’t quote anything from him. You want me to credit him for a quote I didn’t use?
So clearly atheists have no reason to be moral. So why should an atheist be moral? That word really shouldn’t even mean anything to them.

Just what the heck is their standard? How would they even know a line was crooked without first having an idea of what is straight.

Let’s take abortion. Atheist see pleasure as good and moral and pain as evil and immoral. So telling a woman that it is wrong to end a human life causes her pain and prevents her from having pleasure. So abortion is good and moral to an atheist. See how fucked up these people are.

I would have more respect for them if they just said the hell with your laws of common decency. I want as much pleasure as I can get and I don’t care who gets hurt. That I could respect because they aren’t ass fucking logic to make themselves feel better.

Which is why I ask why would they even need to be moral.
I think it’s cool atheists have their websites so they can congregate for their religious services and be told what to believe.

Of course I still don’t know why they need to rationalize their behaviors as moral. Makes no sense at all.
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The reality.
It is hard to believe that even intelligent and educated people could hold such an opinion, but they do! It seems never to have occurred to them that the Greeks and Romans, whose gods and goddesses were something less than paragons of virtue, nevertheless led lives not obviously worse than those of the Baptists of Alabama! Moreover, pagans such as Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius – although their systems are not suitable for us today – managed to produce ethical treatises of great sophistication, a sophistication rarely if ever equaled by Christian moralists.

The answer to the questions posed above is, of course, “Absolutely not!” The behavior of Atheists is subject to the same rules of sociology, psychology, and neurophysiology that govern the behavior of all members of our species, religionists included.
Wow, you are really killing it. :lol:

I woke up this morning hoping I would meet someone who couldn’t explain his own beliefs.
Apparently having conversations isn’t high on the list of militant atheism.
So we are all in agreement that atheists have no need to believe in or to be moral.
To an atheist there would be nothing wrong or immoral with having forced abortions.
Why was incest okay after the flood?

Why don't you read my post again?

Why don’t you explain why the gods created the conditions where incest / familial relations were required.
Why don’t you explain why the gods created the conditions where incest / familial relations were required.

or explain why they would corrupt the religion of antiquity with their false version of a family outing ...
it's bing who puts a worm on the hook, no moral regards at all. and does so compulsively ...
Yep, no morals while blathering on about others having no morals.
Sarah: So is bing crazy?
Dr. Silberman: In technical terminology, he's a loon.

Can theists self-reflect?
Some of the most belligerent? Clearly no.
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My mistake. Substitute “The Talking Snake” for “Satan”

Why do you put talking snake in caps? See what I mean?

The snake can't talk either. It's Satan talking through the snake. That's how we know it was Satan.

"god" or "gods" - uncapitalized
"God" or "Satan" - capitalized.

The latter is the academic way to address the Abrahamic God unless referring to other religions with multiple gods or a lesser god. In the case of atheists on the internet, many choose to refer to the Abrahamic God in lower case. That refers to Satan, so inadvertently they are paying homage to Satan. Coincidence?

Anyway, in response to Hollie and Grumblenuts, how does Satan influence us today?

He appeals to human's pride, interferes with the transmission of truth, and places false believers within the church. We have divisions between Protestants and Catholics and there are those who do not believe in Jesus as Savior or Lord such as JW. Jesus says that Satan is the father of lies. Thus, the cartoon which I posted is a lie that that the guitarist believes that he will grant his wish to be the greatest in return for his soul. Instead, he tricks him into a box of crackers. (Maybe in the future, I'll post more Satan cartoons.)

Satan also has the power of death from Adam's original sin which gave him powers to be "god of the world." Thus, Jesus saved us from Satan and provided us salvation with his ultimate sacrifice.

While Satan is the god of the world and is quite powerful, his power is limited in the presence of God. One has to be self-controlled and alert or else they could fall under his temptations. Satan tempts us while God warns us. Temptation and warning are opposites.

The Bible says that “the whole world is under the control of the evil one” 1 John 5:19 "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” 1 Peter 5:8. Yet, Christians have a great hope for Jesus Christ and faith in Him to overcome Satan’s evil. “The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” 1 John 4:4.

Thus, when you are tempted to do wrong, you have to ask yourself how you are tempted? Does a voice inside you egg you on to take the easy way out and cheat or disregard objective moral values? If one does not believe in Satan, they will be easily swayed.

Atheists do not believe in God, either, so they do not receive the warnings and could end up being misled by Satan. It causes arguments in objective moral values as well as secular/atheist science vs creation science. How we write our laws gets into politics. There "is" a reason why we are polar opposites.
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To an atheist there is no such thing as evil. And since there is no such thing as evil, there is no such thing as good. To an atheist all they know is pleasure and pain.

We are all created in God's image, so we all have an innate sense of what is right and wrong. However, we do not always follow it whether due to temptation or our values. If there is a difference between the two groups, then it has to do with objective moral values and what is written in the Bible. In those situations, we go by what our laws state. Unfortunately, it isn't what is written in the Bible anymore.

We all know pleasure and pain, but I think pain is the great persuader. We may be able to change one atheist's mind about Jesus, but the atheists state that every single atheist has to be convinced or else there is no God. There's only one way that I know of to do that and Jesus, like gravity, stands before us.
In your dreams.

In your nightmares. I thought that was the best thing an atheist ever said.

Gravity stands? Who knew?


Look at how mysterious gravity is. Atheist scientists think it's the weakest force since a magnet can lift a piece of steel. Is it really the weakest force when its force is felt across the galaxy? Like gravity, we cannot escape Jesus no matter where we go in the universe. Everyone has their day.

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