Can China and Russia take over the world?

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Before Putin invaded the Ukraine, he and President Xi made a "no limits" relationship in a private meeting.

Without this support, Putin would never have invaded the Ukraine because he would have faced a hostile world for doing so.

Make no mistake, Xi wants Taiwan as badly, if not more so, than Putin wants the Ukraine. So he is watching intently as the world seemingly is allowing Putin to have his way.

Will they succeed?
Depends who's president.

With Biden at the helm they just might.

Putin invades Ukraine and Biden does nothing, and meanwhile all the Dems are still screaming Russia Russia Russia

I wonder if those stupid dimtards will EVER wake up and realize how badly they're being played.

Probably not, is my guess. They're not generally very smart
Depends who's president.

With Biden at the helm they just might.

Putin invades Ukraine and Biden does nothing, and meanwhile all the Dems are still screaming Russia Russia Russia

I wonder if those stupid dimtards will EVER wake up and realize how badly they're being played.

Probably not, is my guess. They're not generally very smart
It's not only the United States that's doing nothing NATO doing nothing either except by proxy. The Threat of the Russian nuclear arsenal is real. With a hypersonic delivery system that they have now apparately perfected.. the probability of a successful strike on major cities here in the US has gone up exponentially.

Can China and Russia take over the world?​

No, and the loons making such claims belong in nut houses. Even the US empire, with it’s strong desire to do so has spent itself to the verge of bankruptcy, economically and morally, and failed in it’s drive for global hegemony.
If china were to start a war or invade taiwan, the media, this installed admin, nato, western countries, would go silent.
No they would not. You’re confusing Nato immediate border relationship to Russia with Island ring of nations from Japan to Australia. Taiwan is the worlds leader in the production of the most advanced computer chips used literally by every advanced nation in the world, including China, United States, Japan and ALL OF THE NATIONS of NATO. We all use them in our electronics including those in our weaponry. Until production is brought back into the United States and other free nations which could take years, we have an interest.

Taiwan is also at the heart of the Island ring that controls China’s shipping access to the rest of the world and this wealth of computer technology. It’s another resource just as valuable as the nat gas and oil from Russia. No advanced electronics or weapons system exist without computer technology and at the heart of it, is Taiwan.
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I'd worry more about China (for the obvious reasons) and India and the H1Bs. The H1Bs are becoming a force on the left coast and are making leftist inroads in DC.

Russia, meh, not so much.
I worry about Russia politically. We saw how influential they are as a fascist nation on the gop with it’s own fascist tendencies. They are already trying to install thier own gop controlled Secretary of states to swing elections in their favor simply by over turning results they don’t want. That fascism.
They could very easily succeed.
1.) We have ceded our manufacturing base to China, mistake number one.
2.) Technologically speaking China is nipping at the heels of the United States and is set to pass them by graduating nearly 250,000 engineering students annually. They will become the technology Giants just by sheer force of number.
3.) Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth by far and is willing to use it.
4.) China has spent the past decade developing anti-navel missile weaponry... If they haven't already reached that level they will soon reach the level of complete neutralization of US naval assets.
5.) China will take Taiwan regardless of how fortified it becomes because Taiwan is an island.
6.) The fact that the West has not been able to crash the ruble despite all of the heavy-handed sanctioning should demonstrate that the Petro-Yuan-Ruble relationship is already alive and active. This economic fact is perhaps far more damning than any of the military facts.
7.) United States is dying from within and simply cannot compete culturally with any country that has a strong national identity like China or Russia. The fractiousness of the groups here is so intense that the more immediate threat of war is here in the states and not abroad.

We have simply outsourced manufacturing to China over the years because our tax dollars have not been plowed back into the middle class in the form of healthcare and education. We have neither the educated engineering base nor the resources to put into both manufacturing for less money nor preparing our citizens to work at the unfilled thousands of jobs we have to outsource because we are ill preparing our citizens. Really, think,of it. Our economy is directly and indirectly dependent upon quantum theory for example, and the average citizens doesn’t even know it, nor do they care to. Until they value education more, we will continue to outsource both our toys and our freedom with it.
I worry about Russia politically. We saw how influential they are as a fascist nation on the gop with it’s own fascist tendencies. They are already trying to install thier own gop controlled Secretary of states to swing elections in their favor simply by over turning results they don’t want. That fascism.
I'd be less than truthful if I claimed that I did not appreciate their hold on traditional values.

Other than that they are a corrupt criminal nation....Same as Ukraine and all the former Soviet Republics....It's just a matter of degree between them.....Russia can have them back for all I care.

As long as Russia's boundaries are respected they are fine, at least no worse than the US is in the war mongering department.....I mean it's not like Putin did not warn the west that they they were pushing too much.....They know now.
I'd be less than truthful if I claimed that I did not appreciate their hold on traditional values.

Other than that they are a corrupt criminal nation....Same as Ukraine and all the former Soviet Republics....It's just a matter of degree between them.....Russia can have them back for all I care.

As long as Russia's boundaries are respected they are fine, at least no worse than the US is in the war mongering department.....I mean it's not like Putin did not warn the west that they they were pushing too much.....They know now.
So, you’re willing to consider France as part of Germany because they were once under the control of Germany ? That’s ill informed. Russia gave up their boundaries when the nations they once occupied were freed when the Soviet block collapsed. Now you want to let them take them back ? All nations have a right to determine their own destiny. Maybe, you really don’t understand that our security is determined by all the nations that buffer the Soviet border. You need do some research of ww2 and how much America sacrificed for Europe’s freedom from tyranny in all it’s formed from Hitler to Putin.
So, you’re willing to consider France as part of Germany because they were once under the control of Germany ? That’s ill informed. Russia gave up their boundaries when the nations they once occupied were freed when the Soviet block collapsed. Now you want to let them take them back ? All nations have a right to determine their own destiny. Maybe, you really don’t understand that our security is determined by all the nations that buffer the Soviet border. You need do some research of ww2 and how much America sacrificed for Europe’s freedom from tyranny in all it’s formed from Hitler to Putin.

Damn, you sure are full of yourself.....Sorry Skippy but I suspect I know a lot more of world/US history that you give me credit for. ;)

Evidently you know nothing of the different Russias....White, Little, and Greater and their histories.....No problem, I know empty virtue-signaling is a lot easier.
Damn, you sure are full of yourself.....Sorry Skippy but I suspect I know a lot more of world/US history that you give me credit for. ;)

Evidently you know nothing of the different Russias....White, Little, and Greater and their histories.....No problem, I know empty virtue-signaling is a lot easier.
Its you who need a history lesson, not me.
Russia is not part of China's long term plans. They are executing their incremental attack on America and succeeding a little bit each day. This is China, they invented death by a thousand cuts.
China is using Russia and Putin is too blind to realize it.

If/when China is ready they'll take Russia.

If they did they'd immediately become the richest and most powerful nation on earth because of all the natural resources they would control.
6.) The fact that the West has not been able to crash the ruble despite all of the heavy-handed sanctioning should demonstrate that the Petro-Yuan-Ruble relationship is already alive and active. This economic fact is perhaps far more damning than any of the military facts.
The Ruble is in pretty bad shape and the Euro's are refusing to pay for their petroleum in Rubles as Putin has demanded.

The EU is in the process of phasing out all uses of Russian Petroleum at a rapid rate.

The Russian Economy gone to hell with runaway inflation and they are falling into what may become a catastrophic recession.

Their inflation rate will most likely continue to rise form it's current 17% plus to over 20% by the end of the year.

They are in worse shape today economically than the US was in 1980.
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Before Putin invaded the Ukraine, he and President Xi made a "no limits" relationship in a private meeting.

Without this support, Putin would never have invaded the Ukraine because he would have faced a hostile world for doing so.

Make no mistake, Xi wants Taiwan as badly, if not more so, than Putin wants the Ukraine. So he is watching intently as the world seemingly is allowing Putin to have his way.

Will they succeed?
They already did thanks to the Democrat States of America having overthrown the USA.

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