Can China and Russia take over the world?

China is using Russia and Putin is too blind to realize it.

If/when China is ready they'll take Russia.

If they did they'd immediately become the richest and most powerful nation on earth because of all the natural resources they would control.
Exactly. China is all about China period. They are executing their plan to dominate the world to a tee. And Biden is helping them achieve it because he is bought and paid for.
It wasn't whites marching in protests burning cities across the US for 2 years under the last administration or any other administration in the last century.
And it wasn’t just blacks doing the looting. Maybe you had your TV set to non white.

And it wasn’t non whites doing the rioting to replace democracy with fascism at the capital. This BLM crappola spread by the QAnon following congress ignoramus group is hilarious. First they say, it was peaceful, then they claim it was violence spread by BLM…..with white face make up. You can’t make this shit it.
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Exactly. China is all about China period. They are executing their plan to dominate the world to a tee. And Biden is helping them achieve it because he is bought and paid for.
Keep telling yourself that. Don’t forget to click your heals together three times.
LOL.....It sucks when you run-up on someone that won't knuckle under to bullshit doesn't it? ;)
You still believe in a rigged election for Biden……how many millions of aliens came across the border in busses to vote this time ? Let’s see, one million is 28,000 busses which crossed the border and drove to all the battle ground states and no one noticed. Multiply that by 7 for each million which Trump lost by and it’s over 150,000 busses. Wow, you’re math is non existence. Use a little of your self proclaimed logic…..if the right has any. 150,000 busses and the gop poll watchers just let them walk in and vote….unregistered. Amazing. Oh, by mail ? They delivered 7 million votes by mail to Mexico ? Wow. And the return address, all from Mexico got by the poll watchers too. Tell us whuch BS story the right is making up now.
You still believe in a rigged election for Biden……how many millions of aliens came across the border in busses to vote this time ? Let’s see, one million is 28,000 busses which crossed the border and drove to all the battle ground states and no one noticed. Multiply that by 7 for each million which Trump lost by and it’s over 150,000 busses. Wow, you’re math is non existence. Use a little of your self proclaimed logic…..if the right has any. 150,000 busses and the gop poll watchers just let them walk in and vote….unregistered. Amazing. Oh, by mail ? They delivered 7 million votes by mail to Mexico ? Wow. And the return address, all from Mexico got by the poll watchers too. Tell us whuch BS story the right is making up now.
LOL....Now you are just making up shit to try to deflect from your failed argument.....That mess was not even a nice try......I suggest you quit while you are behind. :laughing0301:
The Ruble is in pretty bad shape and the Euro's are refusing to pay for their petroleum in Rubles as Putin has demanded.

The EU is in the process of phasing out all uses of Russian Petroleum at a rapid rate.

The Russian Economy gone to hell with runaway inflation and they are falling into what may become a catastrophic recession.

Their inflation rate will most likely continue to rise form it's current 17% plus to over 20% by the end of the year.

They are in worse shape today economically than the US was in 1980.
Though not nearly as bad as the Bush recession which caused millions of middle class to loose their jobs. You forgot that one.
LOL....Now you are just making up shit to try to deflect from your failed argument.....That mess was not even a nice try......I suggest you quit while you are behind. :laughing0301:
Which story are you claiming ? Can’t keep up with all of them ? So which boundaries do you want to respect. The one where half of Germany was included in the Soviet Union ?
View attachment 638726

Before Putin invaded the Ukraine, he and President Xi made a "no limits" relationship in a private meeting.

Without this support, Putin would never have invaded the Ukraine because he would have faced a hostile world for doing so.

Make no mistake, Xi wants Taiwan as badly, if not more so, than Putin wants the Ukraine. So he is watching intently as the world seemingly is allowing Putin to have his way.

Will they succeed?
China will succeed. It’s a economic behemoth that over the next decade will become the world’s greatest economic power by far. It’s likely to have a middle class population greater than the entire US. They won’t need to export products to continue to attain full employment.

No doubt our CIA and MIC know this and might be planning something to stop it.
China will succeed. It’s a economic behemoth that over the next decade will become the world’s greatest economic power by far. It’s likely to have a middle class population greater than the entire US. They won’t need to export products to continue to attain full employment.

No doubt our CIA and MIC know this and might be planning something to stop it.
Seriously. You think the Chinese only concerned is about producing * goods overseas consumption.
No. I didn’t state that.
China will become as big an economic power as the west allows them to. Like Russia, their technology and econonomic power collectively with other dictatorial regimes will always be less then the collective economy of free nations. That’s why Taiwan is important. China has limits with Taiwan.
“Data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows Taiwan is almostthree times as productive as mainland China. A higher GDP per capita also usually translates to a higher standard of living and economic growth. Taiwan ranks among advanced economies like Germany and Australia for GDP per capita.”
China will become as big an economic power as the west allows them to. Like Russia, their technology and econonomic power collectively with other dictatorial regimes will always be less then the collective economy of free nations. That’s why Taiwan is important. China has limits with Taiwan.
“Data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows Taiwan is almostthree times as productive as mainland China. A higher GDP per capita also usually translates to a higher standard of living and economic growth. Taiwan ranks among advanced economies like Germany and Australia for GDP per capita.”
I don’t think so. China’s economic growth isn’t dependent on the west. It’s a nation of over 1 billion people. As more and more of them become middle class, they could purchase the entire economic output of China and still be the world’s largest economy.
I don’t think so. China’s economic growth isn’t dependent on the west. It’s a nation of over 1 billion people. As more and more of them become middle class, they could purchase the entire economic output of China and still be the world’s largest economy.
That’s uninformed. China exports over 100 billion more then it takes in. It’s number one trade partner is the US. You’re hilariously uninformed .

China’s top three export partners are the United States ($432 billion, or 18%), Hong Kong ($258 billion, or 11%), and Japan ($166 billion, or 7%).

only 3.8 billion goes to Russia. Read up 8nstead of guessing.

China needs the west to grow. Their average 8n come is well be.ow average and has no where near the purchase power of the west.
“The figure shows that China’s average real per capita income is $12,472.51, far below the world average.”
That’s uninformed. China exports over 100 billion more then it takes in. It’s number one trade partner is the US. You’re hilariously uninformed .

China’s top three export partners are the United States ($432 billion, or 18%), Hong Kong ($258 billion, or 11%), and Japan ($166 billion, or 7%).

only 3.8 billion goes to Russia. Read up 8nstead of guessing.

China needs the west to grow. Their average 8n come is well be.ow average and has no where near the purchase power of the west.
“The figure shows that China’s average real per capita income is $12,472.51, far below the world average.”
Your not good at reading comprehension are you?
Your not good at reading comprehension are you?
I see you have no retort. Just making up sht isn’t working. The facts show, you’re totally wrong about mainland China.

All these non democracies including mainland China and Russia do worse economically. China with an average income od $12k wants to annex Hong Kong a limited democracy whose average income is $53k. Same with Taiwan. This is what Putin is doing now trying to take over Ukraine with it’s gas natural shipping lanes, oil and gas reserves. They including SA all depend upon the west. The worse despots of the world all seem to depend upon the GOP to kiss their collective asses.
Your not good at reading comprehension are you?
You’re overwhelmed by facts because the right ideology doesn’t allow them to do anything but make up sht. Seriously. What are you reading ?
View attachment 638726

Before Putin invaded the Ukraine, he and President Xi made a "no limits" relationship in a private meeting.

Without this support, Putin would never have invaded the Ukraine because he would have faced a hostile world for doing so.

Make no mistake, Xi wants Taiwan as badly, if not more so, than Putin wants the Ukraine. So he is watching intently as the world seemingly is allowing Putin to have his way.

Will they succeed?

Within 100 Years - at the present rates - America's economy and military will be weaker than both China's and India's.

Russia is nothing - other than it's nukes and natural resources.
China and India are the future superpowers...for better or worse.

Within 100 Years - at the present rates - America's economy and military will be weaker than both China's and India's.

Russia is nothing - other than it's nukes and natural resources.
China and India are the future superpowers...for better or worse.
Other then nukes and natural resources ? That is something. Any capitalism democracy with the population, military and natural resources of Russia, would be a major world super power. China, like Russia depends upon the west for its wealth. We are the leading trading partner of China.
You’re overwhelmed by facts because the right ideology doesn’t allow them to do anything but make up sht. Seriously. What are you reading ?
Right? You think I’m a conservative. LMFAO.

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