Can Donald Trump win a one-on-one debate with Bernie Sanders ?

That depends on what you mean by "win".

If you use the definition favored by fools like Oddball , then "winning" will mean whoever had the best insults, or whoever appealed to your most base, mindless gut feelings, fetishes, neuroses, and emotions.

If you define "winning" by presenting more compelling arguments and evidence, and at the same time undermining arguments and premises offered by your opponent, then yes: Sanders would embarrass trump from start to finish.
The American people are not as stupid as we're expected to be, and after the last 4 years especially, most people have a pretty good sense about what's true and what's bullshit.

And like him or not , Bernie i pretty close to 100% on the truth-o-meter....not so sure if Trump can BS his way through certain subjects - especially climate change.
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He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

That depends on what you mean by "win".

If you use the definition favored by fools like Oddball , then "winning" will mean whoever had the best insults, or whoever appealed to your most base, mindless gut feelings, fetishes, neuroses, and emotions.

If you define "winning" by presenting more compelling arguments and evidence, and at the same time undermining arguments and premises offered by your opponent, then yes: Sanders would embarrass trump from start to finish.

He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

That depends on what you mean by "win".

If you use the definition favored by fools like Oddball , then "winning" will mean whoever had the best insults, or whoever appealed to your most base, mindless gut feelings, fetishes, neuroses, and emotions.

If you define "winning" by presenting more compelling arguments and evidence, and at the same time undermining arguments and premises offered by your opponent, then yes: Sanders would embarrass trump from start to finish.


So painfully stupid. Goddamn you are embarrassing yourself. No candidate is suggesting we nationalize all industry. This is the kind of emotional, fetish appeal I am talking about. yes, a guy like you would pick a winner based on whoever touches your fee-fees.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

That depends on what you mean by "win".

If you use the definition favored by fools like Oddball , then "winning" will mean whoever had the best insults, or whoever appealed to your most base, mindless gut feelings, fetishes, neuroses, and emotions.

If you define "winning" by presenting more compelling arguments and evidence, and at the same time undermining arguments and premises offered by your opponent, then yes: Sanders would embarrass trump from start to finish.


Look, all we have to do is learn from Stalin, Mao, Castro and Chavez mistakes and eliminate greed, sloth and envy and we can have the perfect Marxists Society...

Now work with me on how to do that and my only solution is aborting humanity which defeats the cause...
Look, all we have to do is learn from Stalin, Mao, Castro and Chavez mistakes and eliminate greed, sloth and envy and we can have the perfect Marxists Society...

Now work with me on how to do that and my only solution is aborting humanity which defeats the cause...
FDR saved capitalism.
Case closed.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie. He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia. I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

You must flip a coin to decide between America and socialism?

BTW, the guy who honeymooned in Moscow would be smart never to mention Russia.
You kidding?.....Batshit Bernie is a one-man Marxist boilerplate and platitude generator....Ask him actual policy prescriptions and he starts blabbering and gesticulating like he's going to try to take off like a B-25.
I like a good political circus as much or more than most but while Trump's is certainly an America-First show Comrade Bernie's is definitely not.
Look, all we have to do is learn from Stalin, Mao, Castro and Chavez mistakes and eliminate greed, sloth and envy and we can have the perfect Marxists Society...

Now work with me on how to do that and my only solution is aborting humanity which defeats the cause...
FDR saved capitalism.
Case closed.

No, he did not and you need to offer proof that is not Huffington Post or Dailykos opinion pieces to support that notion.

Ike did more to spur the economy than FDR with his ( Ike ) infrastructure program from the Interstate System to NASA...

Sorry but Ike saved us more than FDR...
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Simple, rational, economic discussions will destroy Bernie. The only thing Trump has to worry about is the lies that the Democratic loyalist will print about him.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

I think Trump would have difficulty debating Sanders, he'd spend too much of his time laughing his ass off, just like the majority of Americans would. In reality Sanders would be Trumps dream opponent, that's why the commiecrats will never nominate him. Bloomberg will likely be their candidate and he's as unlikable as the bitch was.

Bernie will need an oxygen tank during the debate, and a team of EMT’s on standby. Plus he drops R’s on every word. [emoji1787]

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You fukin retard, Bernie couldn't win a debate with himself.

All Donald has to do is stand aside and let him talk himself out of an election. The more Bernie talks, the better voters get to hear what he really thinks, the more they realize this guy is somewhere between a loon and a fantastic liar pitching stardust.

He did, after all, have 54 years to practice his rhetoric waiting for his first job.

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