Can Donald Trump win a one-on-one debate with Bernie Sanders ?

He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

I think Trump would have difficulty debating Sanders, he'd spend too much of his time laughing his ass off, just like the majority of Americans would. In reality Sanders would be Trumps dream opponent, that's why the commiecrats will never nominate him. Bloomberg will likely be their candidate and he's as unlikable as the bitch was.

This news will not make Comrade Bernie a happy commie:

Pete Buttigieg is ending presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN) -- Pete Buttigieg will end his campaign for President on Sunday, multiple aides tell CNN, ending an unlikely campaign that vaulted the once-unknown mayor from South Bend, Indiana, to a top presidential contender.

Buttigieg was scheduled to fly from Selma, Alabama, to Dallas, Texas, but during the flight he informed reporters that he would be flying back to his hometown of South Bend to make an announcement on the future of his campaign.

That announcement, aides said, is that he is ending his run.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

I think Trump would have difficulty debating Sanders, he'd spend too much of his time laughing his ass off, just like the majority of Americans would. In reality Sanders would be Trumps dream opponent, that's why the commiecrats will never nominate him. Bloomberg will likely be their candidate and he's as unlikable as the bitch was.

This news will not make Comrade Bernie a happy commie:

Pete Buttigieg is ending presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN) -- Pete Buttigieg will end his campaign for President on Sunday, multiple aides tell CNN, ending an unlikely campaign that vaulted the once-unknown mayor from South Bend, Indiana, to a top presidential contender.

Buttigieg was scheduled to fly from Selma, Alabama, to Dallas, Texas, but during the flight he informed reporters that he would be flying back to his hometown of South Bend to make an announcement on the future of his campaign.

That announcement, aides said, is that he is ending his run.

Yeah, but I think Warren will hang in for a while, which won't give him any comfort either. But even she will likely give it up after Tuesday when she gets zero delegates. I have no idea why Amy hasn't dropped out yet.

An ambulance needs to be ready take the socialist out of the debate stage.

Private health care workers saving the socialist's life under American free market system always feels just as great. Right afterwards Sanders can fuck off to Venezuela and die next time he tries to do something as suicidal as debating Trump.
How’s all of your business’s running?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No worries here mate.
But if you're offering, feel free to pay the property
tax on our 38 acres.

I could use a new tractor or something useful.
I've been promoting tractor therapy here for days. My current fav is the red one … I find it very soothing:

Last edited:
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Time for a change. Feel the Bern.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

I think Trump would have difficulty debating Sanders, he'd spend too much of his time laughing his ass off, just like the majority of Americans would. In reality Sanders would be Trumps dream opponent, that's why the commiecrats will never nominate him. Bloomberg will likely be their candidate and he's as unlikable as the bitch was.

This news will not make Comrade Bernie a happy commie:

Pete Buttigieg is ending presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN) -- Pete Buttigieg will end his campaign for President on Sunday, multiple aides tell CNN, ending an unlikely campaign that vaulted the once-unknown mayor from South Bend, Indiana, to a top presidential contender.

Buttigieg was scheduled to fly from Selma, Alabama, to Dallas, Texas, but during the flight he informed reporters that he would be flying back to his hometown of South Bend to make an announcement on the future of his campaign.

That announcement, aides said, is that he is ending his run.

Yeah, but I think Warren will hang in for a while, which won't give him any comfort either. But even she will likely give it up after Tuesday when she gets zero delegates. I have no idea why Amy hasn't dropped out yet.


She may have been holding out for the deal Petey Butt received but if he was promised Bloomberg VP, she could still get Biden's.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Time for a change. Feel the Bern.

Let's bring you up to speed. The Dem delegates are awarded only to those who meet the 15% threshold, meaning the many "centrists" were in danger of so dividing those votes as to exclude each other from getting any and assuring Sanders even more than his vote totals would earn. By dropping out Mayor Pete poured sand in Comrade Bernie's gears. If you are gonna post on an adult board, please do so as an informed adult.
Time for a change. Feel the Bern.
This election will be the biggest turnout ever...let the people decide, not the globalists controlling our politicians and corporate media.

Turnout for the Dems may not be so great as you think for the Dems. When they see who the DNC picks for them again, a lot of people may be demoralized.

I doubt it will ever come down to Bernie and Trump, but if it does, Bernie loses on points. Trump will be like the Nobleman standing up there looking like the accomplished statesman for a change, speaking of success after success, confidence and stability, Bernie with his crazy talk will eventually start in with his crazy accusations and wild ideas and will quickly make a lot of voters nervous.

He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Bernie has no 'good points' and Donald Trump will zero in on it.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

I think Trump would have difficulty debating Sanders, he'd spend too much of his time laughing his ass off, just like the majority of Americans would. In reality Sanders would be Trumps dream opponent, that's why the commiecrats will never nominate him. Bloomberg will likely be their candidate and he's as unlikable as the bitch was.

This news will not make Comrade Bernie a happy commie:

Pete Buttigieg is ending presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN) -- Pete Buttigieg will end his campaign for President on Sunday, multiple aides tell CNN, ending an unlikely campaign that vaulted the once-unknown mayor from South Bend, Indiana, to a top presidential contender.

Buttigieg was scheduled to fly from Selma, Alabama, to Dallas, Texas, but during the flight he informed reporters that he would be flying back to his hometown of South Bend to make an announcement on the future of his campaign.

That announcement, aides said, is that he is ending his run.

Yeah, but I think Warren will hang in for a while, which won't give him any comfort either. But even she will likely give it up after Tuesday when she gets zero delegates. I have no idea why Amy hasn't dropped out yet.


She may have been holding out for the deal Petey Butt received but if he was promised Bloomberg VP, she could still get Biden's.

Neither have gotten enough voted to be an asset to either campaign. I figure they'll both be lobbying for cabinet positions in the unlikely event a commiecrat wins.

How about we splash your every utterance across the "news" for four years and see to it you never live down your missteps?

Fact remains that even when ol' Bern is relatively lucid, he's still a crackpot....He won't be able to hide that in a 1-on-1 with Trump.

In case you didn't know, every utterance of the president is watched by every country in the world. Always has been. It's a big part of his job that he really sucks at.
Not anywhere near the substance of what I was getting at....But thanks for playing.

I understood your remark to mean it was unfair to look at everything Trump says as if it were statements from the President of the United States, but if you had some other meaning, than please clarify your point.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

I think Trump would have difficulty debating Sanders, he'd spend too much of his time laughing his ass off, just like the majority of Americans would. In reality Sanders would be Trumps dream opponent, that's why the commiecrats will never nominate him. Bloomberg will likely be their candidate and he's as unlikable as the bitch was.

This news will not make Comrade Bernie a happy commie:

Pete Buttigieg is ending presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN) -- Pete Buttigieg will end his campaign for President on Sunday, multiple aides tell CNN, ending an unlikely campaign that vaulted the once-unknown mayor from South Bend, Indiana, to a top presidential contender.

Buttigieg was scheduled to fly from Selma, Alabama, to Dallas, Texas, but during the flight he informed reporters that he would be flying back to his hometown of South Bend to make an announcement on the future of his campaign.

That announcement, aides said, is that he is ending his run.

Yeah, but I think Warren will hang in for a while, which won't give him any comfort either. But even she will likely give it up after Tuesday when she gets zero delegates. I have no idea why Amy hasn't dropped out yet.


She may have been holding out for the deal Petey Butt received but if he was promised Bloomberg VP, she could still get Biden's.

Neither have gotten enough voted to be an asset to either campaign. I figure they'll both be lobbying for cabinet positions in the unlikely event a commiecrat wins.


The trick being to exact a hard promise of future glory before bowing out for "the good of the party." They are politicians, after all.
I think Trump would have difficulty debating Sanders, he'd spend too much of his time laughing his ass off, just like the majority of Americans would. In reality Sanders would be Trumps dream opponent, that's why the commiecrats will never nominate him. Bloomberg will likely be their candidate and he's as unlikable as the bitch was.

This news will not make Comrade Bernie a happy commie:

Pete Buttigieg is ending presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN) -- Pete Buttigieg will end his campaign for President on Sunday, multiple aides tell CNN, ending an unlikely campaign that vaulted the once-unknown mayor from South Bend, Indiana, to a top presidential contender.

Buttigieg was scheduled to fly from Selma, Alabama, to Dallas, Texas, but during the flight he informed reporters that he would be flying back to his hometown of South Bend to make an announcement on the future of his campaign.

That announcement, aides said, is that he is ending his run.

Yeah, but I think Warren will hang in for a while, which won't give him any comfort either. But even she will likely give it up after Tuesday when she gets zero delegates. I have no idea why Amy hasn't dropped out yet.

She may have been holding out for the deal Petey Butt received but if he was promised Bloomberg VP, she could still get Biden's.

Neither have gotten enough voted to be an asset to either campaign. I figure they'll both be lobbying for cabinet positions in the unlikely event a commiecrat wins.

The trick being to exact a hard promise of future glory before bowing out for "the good of the party." They are politicians, after all.

Once again, I don't think either have enough support to have any bargaining chips. They'll both go back to their previous jobs.

No, they are scared of Bernie. They merely dislike Trump.
Trump could send a JSOC team to John Brennan's house at 4 am
and have him sent to Guantanamo if he wants. They're scared.
No one other than loony wackjobs thinks thats going to happen.

Lessee: Trump out-debated:
  1. Jeb Bush
  2. Ben Carson
  3. Chris Christie
  4. Ted Cruz
  5. Carly Fiorina
  6. Lindsay Graham
  7. Mike Huckabee
  8. Bobby Jindal
  9. John Kasich
  10. Rand Paul
  11. Rick Perry
  12. Marco Rubio
  13. Rick Santorum
  14. Scott Walker and
  15. former First Lady, Senator and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton
but we should worry whether Donald can out debate a socialist who didn't work until he was in his 50s, lived in a house with a dirt floor, that even his own party is nervous will cost them the election.

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