Can Donald Trump win a one-on-one debate with Bernie Sanders ?

Not offering.
Sounds like you have enough money to take care of yourself, and pass judgement on real businessmen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not enough to retire comfortably.
You could say I'm a late bloomer whose first 20 years went by way too fast and during the last 30 what I thought were my long-term goals turned out to be a series of temporary 10 year 'learning experiences'.

God probably has a plan for me or he could have easily taken me on any of
several specific occasions.

As I mentioned previously, my guess is Crazy Bernie will refuse to debate President Trump. It would be way too embarrassing for Crazy Bernie on so many levels.

You kidding?.....Batshit Bernie is a one-man Marxist boilerplate and platitude generator....Ask him actual policy prescriptions and he starts blabbering and gesticulating like he's going to try to take off like a B-25.

Regardless. . . . that doesn't matter. It is all about how he comes off in the minds of the moderates and independents.

Trump's WWE tactics don't play well to that crowd.

. . . nor, I grant you, do grandpa commie's platitudes.

The only thing that matters to that key demographic are ANSWERS.

Trump better study up, b/c Sanders is a lifelong state technocrat. He might make Trump look the fool to those with no investment in the system.

. . . the question is, can he convince them with enough passion to show up at the polls though? :dunno:
Moderates and Independents love Trump.

Here is the thing you are not getting Angelo, and follow me here, and do the math at the end------------->

The reason BERNARD is doing as well as he is in the DNC debates is...……...the debate points are being argued from a Democratic perspective. Nobody on that stage is going to attack his views to much, when they also are arguing for a version of his plan. In essence, the perspective is a one way street on which they travel, and they are debating upon how far along that street they should go. In other words...…..far less contrast than you would expect.

Not so with Trump up there! The policy differences would be striking, along with how much money that taxpayers would have to fork over for these grand plans.

Consider the stark difference to the taxpayer------------> Trump insists he wants to give another tax break of about a grand to middle income people. (and I am not here to debate if he will or not, just repeating his plan)

On the other hand, Bernie wants to raise the taxes of the same people by almost 20,000 dollars to pay for his plans! By my count, that is a LOSS to average taxpayers of 21,000 bucks, and that doesn't even address the deficit!

And then the main thrust is healthcare, right! You have 160 million people with employer funded healthcare. (and I grant you, not all 160 million are voters, many are dependents of voters) And Bernie says----------->20,000 buck raise in taxes, you no longer have employer funded healthcare, and you get ours!

The Lefts comeback is almost comical, it really, really is, and it goes something like this------------->well, then your employer can give you a raise, because they no longer have to pay for your healthcare, so it is almost neutral for you.

REALITY----------------> The government under BERNARD is going to skyrocket business taxes, so how much is going to be left to compensate their employees on a raise? He is basically going to TAKE the healthcare premiums they pay for their employees, and add it into the system to prop up his idea, so where is the money coming from to pay the employees more after the healthcare payment is removed?

So now what? Is BERNARD going to pass legislation that DEMANDS that employers compensate their employees for the healthcare premiums that have been removed?

If that is the case, then that is 100% SOCIALISTIC, telling employers of every stripe, how much of a raise they are forced to give their employees, even if those employees are already far above the minimum wage!


Spoken by a Trump surrogate for the debate where BERNARD will get clobbered!

And the math part?

Well, 60% of Americans proclaim they will NOT vote for a SOCIALIST candidate; they just won't, it is to repugnant. So how does anyone do the math for BERNARD to win if everyone who can vote, votes?

Easy! You tear President Trump down, and keep his voters home...………..and that ladies and gentlemen, is an exact microcosm of what you see on this board. They can NOT win on ideas after doing the math, so they try and win on fostering hate and division. The only question is------->are you going to let them!
Americans are smart enough to see the two of them debate the issues and then make up their minds.

Or do you feel the need to coach everyone going in ?

Not at all Angelo. I am just pointing out to everyone, that if I can easily figure it out...…..not being a rocket scientist and all...……….that so can many, many, others.

Trump and his team do note need my help, only my vote.

On the other hand, some people watching Sanders, need to realize that his opponents against him today, are basically on the SAME team! Winning an inter squad baseball game, is a whole lot easier, then it is when you face another REAL team, that is actually trying to win!
Trump would eat him alive. Sanders doesn't answer questions. He goes off on his socialist bull shit when anyone askes him a serious question.
Sure he does twisted sister.

You think that is representative of what it will be like on the debate stage? Bernie couldn't take it on the Dem debate stage, he will rant, rave, and scream up there. It will be a Howard Dean redux.
Not offering.
Sounds like you have enough money to take care of yourself, and pass judgement on real businessmen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not enough to retire comfortably.
You could say I'm a late bloomer whose first 20 years went by way too fast and during the last 30 what I thought were my long-term goals turned out to be a series of temporary 10 year 'learning experiences'.

God probably has a plan for me or he could have easily taken me on any of
several specific occasions.

As I mentioned previously, my guess is Crazy Bernie will refuse to debate President Trump. It would be way too embarrassing for Crazy Bernie on so many levels.

You kidding?.....Batshit Bernie is a one-man Marxist boilerplate and platitude generator....Ask him actual policy prescriptions and he starts blabbering and gesticulating like he's going to try to take off like a B-25.

Regardless. . . . that doesn't matter. It is all about how he comes off in the minds of the moderates and independents.

Trump's WWE tactics don't play well to that crowd.

. . . nor, I grant you, do grandpa commie's platitudes.

The only thing that matters to that key demographic are ANSWERS.

Trump better study up, b/c Sanders is a lifelong state technocrat. He might make Trump look the fool to those with no investment in the system.

. . . the question is, can he convince them with enough passion to show up at the polls though? :dunno:
Moderates and Independents love Trump.

Here is the thing you are not getting Angelo, and follow me here, and do the math at the end------------->

The reason BERNARD is doing as well as he is in the DNC debates is...……...the debate points are being argued from a Democratic perspective. Nobody on that stage is going to attack his views to much, when they also are arguing for a version of his plan. In essence, the perspective is a one way street on which they travel, and they are debating upon how far along that street they should go. In other words...…..far less contrast than you would expect.

Not so with Trump up there! The policy differences would be striking, along with how much money that taxpayers would have to fork over for these grand plans.

Consider the stark difference to the taxpayer------------> Trump insists he wants to give another tax break of about a grand to middle income people. (and I am not here to debate if he will or not, just repeating his plan)

On the other hand, Bernie wants to raise the taxes of the same people by almost 20,000 dollars to pay for his plans! By my count, that is a LOSS to average taxpayers of 21,000 bucks, and that doesn't even address the deficit!

And then the main thrust is healthcare, right! You have 160 million people with employer funded healthcare. (and I grant you, not all 160 million are voters, many are dependents of voters) And Bernie says----------->20,000 buck raise in taxes, you no longer have employer funded healthcare, and you get ours!

The Lefts comeback is almost comical, it really, really is, and it goes something like this------------->well, then your employer can give you a raise, because they no longer have to pay for your healthcare, so it is almost neutral for you.

REALITY----------------> The government under BERNARD is going to skyrocket business taxes, so how much is going to be left to compensate their employees on a raise? He is basically going to TAKE the healthcare premiums they pay for their employees, and add it into the system to prop up his idea, so where is the money coming from to pay the employees more after the healthcare payment is removed?

So now what? Is BERNARD going to pass legislation that DEMANDS that employers compensate their employees for the healthcare premiums that have been removed?

If that is the case, then that is 100% SOCIALISTIC, telling employers of every stripe, how much of a raise they are forced to give their employees, even if those employees are already far above the minimum wage!


Spoken by a Trump surrogate for the debate where BERNARD will get clobbered!

And the math part?

Well, 60% of Americans proclaim they will NOT vote for a SOCIALIST candidate; they just won't, it is to repugnant. So how does anyone do the math for BERNARD to win if everyone who can vote, votes?

Easy! You tear President Trump down, and keep his voters home...………..and that ladies and gentlemen, is an exact microcosm of what you see on this board. They can NOT win on ideas after doing the math, so they try and win on fostering hate and division. The only question is------->are you going to let them!
Americans are smart enough to see the two of them debate the issues and then make up their minds.

Or do you feel the need to coach everyone going in ?

"Americans are smart enough to see the two of them debate the issues and then make up their minds."

I agree

unfortunately they are NOT SMART ENOUGH to see that NEITHER of these two is capable of actually presenting a cogent or rational response.

The debate point is easy, and anyone who does not grasp it, is NOT paying attention!

--------------> How much Socialism do you want, and how much are YOU personally willing to pay for it? Done, and done!

As long as Trump can point out what it will cost the AVERAGE ACTUAL taxpayer, then that is enough of a point, and they have to decide for themselves if it is worth it, especially those on the Left, because those on the right are gonna say no! Meaning---------------->far more people from the Left will filter to the right or stay home, than vice-versa.

The math points this out succinctly, so if you want to argue, argue with the math, and not me!
Not offering.
Sounds like you have enough money to take care of yourself, and pass judgement on real businessmen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not enough to retire comfortably.
You could say I'm a late bloomer whose first 20 years went by way too fast and during the last 30 what I thought were my long-term goals turned out to be a series of temporary 10 year 'learning experiences'.

God probably has a plan for me or he could have easily taken me on any of
several specific occasions.

As I mentioned previously, my guess is Crazy Bernie will refuse to debate President Trump. It would be way too embarrassing for Crazy Bernie on so many levels.

Regardless. . . . that doesn't matter. It is all about how he comes off in the minds of the moderates and independents.

Trump's WWE tactics don't play well to that crowd.

. . . nor, I grant you, do grandpa commie's platitudes.

The only thing that matters to that key demographic are ANSWERS.

Trump better study up, b/c Sanders is a lifelong state technocrat. He might make Trump look the fool to those with no investment in the system.

. . . the question is, can he convince them with enough passion to show up at the polls though? :dunno:
Moderates and Independents love Trump.

Here is the thing you are not getting Angelo, and follow me here, and do the math at the end------------->

The reason BERNARD is doing as well as he is in the DNC debates is...……...the debate points are being argued from a Democratic perspective. Nobody on that stage is going to attack his views to much, when they also are arguing for a version of his plan. In essence, the perspective is a one way street on which they travel, and they are debating upon how far along that street they should go. In other words...…..far less contrast than you would expect.

Not so with Trump up there! The policy differences would be striking, along with how much money that taxpayers would have to fork over for these grand plans.

Consider the stark difference to the taxpayer------------> Trump insists he wants to give another tax break of about a grand to middle income people. (and I am not here to debate if he will or not, just repeating his plan)

On the other hand, Bernie wants to raise the taxes of the same people by almost 20,000 dollars to pay for his plans! By my count, that is a LOSS to average taxpayers of 21,000 bucks, and that doesn't even address the deficit!

And then the main thrust is healthcare, right! You have 160 million people with employer funded healthcare. (and I grant you, not all 160 million are voters, many are dependents of voters) And Bernie says----------->20,000 buck raise in taxes, you no longer have employer funded healthcare, and you get ours!

The Lefts comeback is almost comical, it really, really is, and it goes something like this------------->well, then your employer can give you a raise, because they no longer have to pay for your healthcare, so it is almost neutral for you.

REALITY----------------> The government under BERNARD is going to skyrocket business taxes, so how much is going to be left to compensate their employees on a raise? He is basically going to TAKE the healthcare premiums they pay for their employees, and add it into the system to prop up his idea, so where is the money coming from to pay the employees more after the healthcare payment is removed?

So now what? Is BERNARD going to pass legislation that DEMANDS that employers compensate their employees for the healthcare premiums that have been removed?

If that is the case, then that is 100% SOCIALISTIC, telling employers of every stripe, how much of a raise they are forced to give their employees, even if those employees are already far above the minimum wage!


Spoken by a Trump surrogate for the debate where BERNARD will get clobbered!

And the math part?

Well, 60% of Americans proclaim they will NOT vote for a SOCIALIST candidate; they just won't, it is to repugnant. So how does anyone do the math for BERNARD to win if everyone who can vote, votes?

Easy! You tear President Trump down, and keep his voters home...………..and that ladies and gentlemen, is an exact microcosm of what you see on this board. They can NOT win on ideas after doing the math, so they try and win on fostering hate and division. The only question is------->are you going to let them!
Americans are smart enough to see the two of them debate the issues and then make up their minds.

Or do you feel the need to coach everyone going in ?

"Americans are smart enough to see the two of them debate the issues and then make up their minds."

I agree

unfortunately they are NOT SMART ENOUGH to see that NEITHER of these two is capable of actually presenting a cogent or rational response.
Clue us in as to how every citizen gets everything for free.

"Clue us in as to how every citizen gets everything for free."

I can't.

I never said that.

You can't QUOTE me on that.

It is NOT something I said or believe.

Care to NOT MAKE UP LIES and then try to have a discussion?
You think that is representative of what it will be like on the debate stage? Bernie couldn't take it on the Dem debate stage, he will rant, rave, and scream up there. It will be a Howard Dean redux.

That old Jew ranting up there....people love him.
Not enough to retire comfortably.
You could say I'm a late bloomer whose first 20 years went by way too fast and during the last 30 what I thought were my long-term goals turned out to be a series of temporary 10 year 'learning experiences'.

God probably has a plan for me or he could have easily taken me on any of
several specific occasions.

As I mentioned previously, my guess is Crazy Bernie will refuse to debate President Trump. It would be way too embarrassing for Crazy Bernie on so many levels.

Moderates and Independents love Trump.

Here is the thing you are not getting Angelo, and follow me here, and do the math at the end------------->

The reason BERNARD is doing as well as he is in the DNC debates is...……...the debate points are being argued from a Democratic perspective. Nobody on that stage is going to attack his views to much, when they also are arguing for a version of his plan. In essence, the perspective is a one way street on which they travel, and they are debating upon how far along that street they should go. In other words...…..far less contrast than you would expect.

Not so with Trump up there! The policy differences would be striking, along with how much money that taxpayers would have to fork over for these grand plans.

Consider the stark difference to the taxpayer------------> Trump insists he wants to give another tax break of about a grand to middle income people. (and I am not here to debate if he will or not, just repeating his plan)

On the other hand, Bernie wants to raise the taxes of the same people by almost 20,000 dollars to pay for his plans! By my count, that is a LOSS to average taxpayers of 21,000 bucks, and that doesn't even address the deficit!

And then the main thrust is healthcare, right! You have 160 million people with employer funded healthcare. (and I grant you, not all 160 million are voters, many are dependents of voters) And Bernie says----------->20,000 buck raise in taxes, you no longer have employer funded healthcare, and you get ours!

The Lefts comeback is almost comical, it really, really is, and it goes something like this------------->well, then your employer can give you a raise, because they no longer have to pay for your healthcare, so it is almost neutral for you.

REALITY----------------> The government under BERNARD is going to skyrocket business taxes, so how much is going to be left to compensate their employees on a raise? He is basically going to TAKE the healthcare premiums they pay for their employees, and add it into the system to prop up his idea, so where is the money coming from to pay the employees more after the healthcare payment is removed?

So now what? Is BERNARD going to pass legislation that DEMANDS that employers compensate their employees for the healthcare premiums that have been removed?

If that is the case, then that is 100% SOCIALISTIC, telling employers of every stripe, how much of a raise they are forced to give their employees, even if those employees are already far above the minimum wage!


Spoken by a Trump surrogate for the debate where BERNARD will get clobbered!

And the math part?

Well, 60% of Americans proclaim they will NOT vote for a SOCIALIST candidate; they just won't, it is to repugnant. So how does anyone do the math for BERNARD to win if everyone who can vote, votes?

Easy! You tear President Trump down, and keep his voters home...………..and that ladies and gentlemen, is an exact microcosm of what you see on this board. They can NOT win on ideas after doing the math, so they try and win on fostering hate and division. The only question is------->are you going to let them!
Americans are smart enough to see the two of them debate the issues and then make up their minds.

Or do you feel the need to coach everyone going in ?

"Americans are smart enough to see the two of them debate the issues and then make up their minds."

I agree

unfortunately they are NOT SMART ENOUGH to see that NEITHER of these two is capable of actually presenting a cogent or rational response.
Clue us in as to how every citizen gets everything for free.

"Clue us in as to how every citizen gets everything for free."

I can't.

I never said that.

You can't QUOTE me on that.

It is NOT something I said or believe.

Care to NOT MAKE UP LIES and then try to have a discussion?
My post was a direct question to Bernie; and he can’t tell the truth and get elected.
It’s that simple.
My post was a direct question to Bernie; and he can’t tell the truth and get elected.
It’s that simple.
Your question was loaded. Premised on a lie. No one has asserted "every citizen gets everything for free" but you. Not even remotely. That's the truth. Nice day. Go play outside.
My post was a direct question to Bernie; and he can’t tell the truth and get elected.
It’s that simple.
Your question was loaded. Premised on a lie. No one has asserted "every citizen gets everything for free" but you. Not even remotely. That's the truth. Nice day. Go play outside.
Unlike yourself, I actually watch Bernie’s speeches.
He’s gone so far left in the last 8 years he’s fallen off the planet.
Bernie will need an oxygen tank during the debate, and a team of EMT’s on standby.
Trump had his own health moment last year, with his emergency visit to Walter Reed

Plus he drops R’s on every word.
Which is an accent. On the other hand, the child president often cannot even recall words and fails miserably when he tries. And then there is the frequent slurring...
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Bernie would get smashed IMO. I hope we get to see it. Bernie never held a job that he was not elected into. Tough to crawl out of that hole.
I hope they have a cardiac expert at the debates. Bernie's blood pressure looks dangerous.
Trump would eat him alive. Sanders doesn't answer questions. He goes off on his socialist bull shit when anyone askes him a serious question.
Sure he does twisted sister.

He says “I dont have the numbers right in front of me”. He is a moron. At $15 per hour, Mcds can absorb it by spending on tech and hiring fewer people but a mom and pop burger joint will go out of business. $15 / hour = higher unemployment due to automation
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

By default.

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