Can Donald Trump win a one-on-one debate with Bernie Sanders ?

How about we splash your every utterance across the "news" for four years and see to it you never live down your missteps?

Fact remains that even when ol' Bern is relatively lucid, he's still a crackpot....He won't be able to hide that in a 1-on-1 with Trump.

In case you didn't know, every utterance of the president is watched by every country in the world. Always has been. It's a big part of his job that he really sucks at.
Not anywhere near the substance of what I was getting at....But thanks for playing.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

He can't, but it won't matter.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

According to the media traitors who will run it, no.
You kidding?.....Batshit Bernie is a one-man Marxist boilerplate and platitude generator....Ask him actual policy prescriptions and he starts blabbering and gesticulating like he's going to try to take off like a B-25.

Regardless. . . . that doesn't matter. It is all about how he comes off in the minds of the moderates and independents.

Trump's WWE tactics don't play well to that crowd.

. . . nor, I grant you, do grandpa commie's platitudes.

The only thing that matters to that key demographic are ANSWERS.

Trump better study up, b/c Sanders is a lifelong state technocrat. He might make Trump look the fool to those with no investment in the system.

. . . the question is, can he convince them with enough passion to show up at the polls though? :dunno:
Plenty of alleged "moderates" saw the Trump show in 2016, when he dismantled the Hildabeest....And Bern is no technocrat, he might have some marginal value if he were....He's a thickheaded ideologue, who has never accomplished a single thing, other than getting elected, in his entire life.
Trump will destroy Bernie, Biden, or any other Democrat candidate that is foolish enough to publicly debate him. ... :cool:
You don't have to flip a coin, lol, of course President Trump can win any debate with Breadline Bernie!
We'll see.

That's right! :04:
You're saying you agree with Trump on everything ?
And disagree with Sanders on everything ?

Let's say....almost everything. .....I agree with the President in almost everything! :thup:

with Breadline Bernie .....without any doubt I disagree in everything he says or stands for.
Let's say....almost everything. .....I agree with the President in almost everything! :thup:

with Breadline Bernie .....without any doubt I disagree in everything he says or stands for.
All about the tax cuts ?

I suppose if I were in the $200+ K a year club, I may agree with you
if it meant losing $10's of thousands a year.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Do you remember the "cause you would be in jail comment". A classic.

Bernie is toast... "cause you prefer Venezuela"...
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

According to the media traitors who will run it, no.

That's an interesting point. Of course they'll be loaded questions but would they rather keep Trump ? It may be too early to tell the way the economy is
teetering at the moment.
Let's say....almost everything. .....I agree with the President in almost everything! :thup:

with Breadline Bernie .....without any doubt I disagree in everything he says or stands for.
All about the tax cuts ?

I suppose if I were in the $200+ K a year club, I may agree with you
if it meant losing $10's of thousands a year.

Obviously I agree with the American tax rates. Americans used to pay a lot less in taxes. The government didn't attempt to run moocher's lives back then.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Trump lost every debate to Hillary. As a matter of fact it was not even close. A Sanders Trump debate would be entertaining because they are both obnoxious New Yorkers who think they know it all. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns into a name calling fest.

Biden will demolish trump. Biden will be the epitome of calm and presidential and Trump will be his usual raving lunatic self. The same self Americans have grown sick and tired of.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Trump lost every debate to Hillary. As a matter of fact it was not even close. A Sanders Trump debate would be entertaining because they are both obnoxious New Yorkers who think they know it all. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns into a name calling fest.

Biden will demolish trump. Biden will be the epitome of calm and presidential and Trump will be his usual raving lunatic self. The same self Americans have grown sick and tired of.

I think Hillary won the first debate. But Trump crushed her in the final 2 debates and had her off balance start to finish.

Trump will crush Bernie, or any of these candidates. That is why it will be Rodham on the second ballot at the convention.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

Trump lost every debate to Hillary. As a matter of fact it was not even close. A Sanders Trump debate would be entertaining because they are both obnoxious New Yorkers who think they know it all. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns into a name calling fest.

Biden will demolish trump. Biden will be the epitome of calm and presidential and Trump will be his usual raving lunatic self. The same self Americans have grown sick and tired of.

Biden doesn't even know where the fuck he is from day to day....Trump would eat him like a Twinkie.
You kidding?.....Batshit Bernie is a one-man Marxist boilerplate and platitude generator....Ask him actual policy prescriptions and he starts blabbering and gesticulating like he's going to try to take off like a B-25.

Regardless. . . . that doesn't matter. It is all about how he comes off in the minds of the moderates and independents.

Trump's WWE tactics don't play well to that crowd.

. . . nor, I grant you, do grandpa commie's platitudes.

The only thing that matters to that key demographic are ANSWERS.

Trump better study up, b/c Sanders is a lifelong state technocrat. He might make Trump look the fool to those with no investment in the system.

. . . the question is, can he convince them with enough passion to show up at the polls though? :dunno:
Plenty of alleged "moderates" saw the Trump show in 2016, when he dismantled the Hildabeest....And Bern is no technocrat, he might have some marginal value if he were....He's a thickheaded ideologue, who has never accomplished a single thing, other than getting elected, in his entire life.

. . . well, yeah. I agree.

But ever since he has been winning, I have seen a lot of establishment articles presenting "plans," for funding his fantasies, that would present themselves as workable for those who have been steeped in a lifetime of Keynesian fantasy. :71:

If Sanders can keep his cool and make such solutions seem like reality and not fantasy, he might possibly acquit himself against Trump.

. . I have, from the beginning, believed, it will hinge upon who the corporate media loathes least. That is why it will be so fun to watch.

For the viewer, the real losers will be the Networks. :113:
The Democrats are in such a bad position, they are rooting for a pandemic to save their political fortunes. That is all we need to know. We are going to see a blowout in November.
I haven't seen trump really debate yet. So far he mostly insults his opponents and brags about himself like the spoiled rotten little punk that he is.
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

You like Bernie and you like Trump?

Bernie is for National Rent Control and all his ideas will be taxing everyone which me higher gas prices, higher food prices, lousy healthcare, and government in your life on every aspect.

If you want that why not move to China or Cuba?

Well, they will not let you in, so no point answering that one...
He destroyed Hillary in 2016 ( even though she tried to cheat ), and probably would do the same with Lizzy Boredom or Quid Pro Joe but I'm not so sure about Bernie.

He makes a lot of good points, and without ever mentioning Russia.

I'll be honest. I like them both, so this coming November
I may have to flip a coin.

That depends on what you mean by "win".

If you use the definition favored by fools like Oddball , then "winning" will mean whoever had the best insults, or whoever appealed to your most base, mindless gut feelings, fetishes, neuroses, and emotions.

If you define "winning" by presenting more compelling arguments and evidence, and at the same time undermining arguments and premises offered by your opponent, then yes: Sanders would embarrass trump from start to finish.

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