Can Garland be charged with influencing an election?

OK….so let’s say that their investigation yields the classified documents were “inadvertently misplaced.” Lack of intent does not excuse the behavior, and is still a felony.

Representatives should be expected to demand a relevant investigation into whether the actual Laws were ignored and broken. And do so loudly and publicly.They have to be forced to acknowledge the Law.

They're not gonna make such a demand without a demand from their constituency, however.

So the constituency, rather than just fruitlessly arguing over the spin being tossed out there by those in ''media'' who run interference for them, would do well to be calling and writing their Representatives.

It's the only way they can be held accountable after the fact for not doing what they were elected to do.

Jump on the tweeter or whatever and read what your Representatives are saying about it..or not saying...hit them where it hurts.

Let em now you're gonna start looking for someone to replace them at the local level if they don't approach the issue in the relevant manner it should be approached.

But don't just talk about it. Be about it. Actually do it.
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Representatives should be expected to demand a relevant investigation into whether the actual Laws were ignored and broken. And do so loudly and publicly.They have to be forced to acknowledge the Law.

They're not gonna make such ademand without a demand from their constituency, however.

So the constituency, rather than just fruitlessly arguing over the spin being tossed out there by those in ''media'' who run interference for them, would do well to be calling and writing their Representatives.

It's the only way they can be held accountable after the fact for not doing what they were elected to do.

Jump on the tweeter or whatever and read what your Representatives are saying about it..or not saying...hit them where it hurts.

Let em now you're gonna start looking for someone to replace them at the local level of they don't approach the issue in the relevant manner it should be approached.
That works for those in swing states and conservative areas. For those of us in Liberaville, our representatives don’t even bother to respond to emails from those on the conservative side. We are persona non grata to them.
I get the point of the first point - not to rush out and spew garbage right off the bat.

But think….the only reason this is known NOW, two months after it happened, is because someone leaked the story to CBS. How long was Garland planning to sit on this? Keep it quiet until….the 12th of Never?

And you know that if something this consequential - we ARE talking about possible, and multiple felonies - were leaked about Trump, CBS would have been on the airwaves within hours. What should be concerning is the double standards.

Thanks ... And there may still be some questions Attorney General Garland may have to answer.

I was just making the point that jumping the gun ... Based on things we don't know ... Wouldn't necessarily be a good idea.
I am not so much giving the Attorney General the benefit of the doubt ... As I am expressing how I want our Officials to start acting.

We ... The People ... Have tolerated the crap long enough.
There may be double standards ... We need to make sure they understand there is only one acceptable standard.
Throwing crap at each other is never going to accomplish that.

He found out about the classified documents Biden stole (and had in an unsecured place) on November 2nd. Instead of raiding the place as the FBI did to Trump, he suppressed the news from the voters.

We had some very close races this midterm. Would knowledge that our current president Biden illegally removed classified documents from the WH when he was VP, at the same time he was enriching his family with Communist payouts, have been concerning to enough voters to have them vote for more Republican control?

He should be impeached, and charged with denial of civil liberties under color of authority, fraud, influence peddling, and treason.

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