Can government check ID to buy a gun and vote?

Is checking your ID to get a Constitutional right a violuation of your Constitutional Rights?

  • No: It's fine to check your ID, including to buy a gun and to vote

  • No: It's fine to check ID to buy a gun but it's not OK to check an ID to vote

  • Yes: It's not OK to check an ID to buy a gun, but voting isn't a Constitutional right so ID is OK

  • Yes: It's not OK to check an ID to buy a gun or to vote

Results are only viewable after voting.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
The left argue you can't check ID for voting because it's a Constitutional right, which it actually isn't, but you can to buy guns even though it actually is a Constitutional right

On the right, I see more arguments against registration and licensing than checking ID. I'm curious on that point. Is the right against checking ID? I don't mean waiting periods, just checking your ID to buy a gun.

As for me, I'm a libertarian with the goal of minimizing government to maximize liberty. Minimizing doesn't mean no government, it means government does those things only government can do, like roads, police, ... Here's a thread with more details.

What is a small government libertarian? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

On buying guns, I am against licensing, registration, waiting periods and limits on gun ownership. However, for checking ID, I want them to do that. If they are a convicted felon, it won't stop them from getting a gun, but the police should know they are trying to buy one, and they should be arrested. I also don't want minors to be able to buy guns just like they shouldn't be able to buy booze or cigarettes. ID is the way to validate that.

So, what's your thought?
I just find it interesting that no ID is required to vote for those who establish laws that ID's are required for a host of other matters

"Can government check ID to buy a gun and vote?"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Although inalienable, the rights to possess a firearm and to vote are not absolute, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government. (See e.g. DC v. Heller)

Current Second Amendment jurisprudence holds that background checks are Constitutional as a reasonable regulatory measure.

This is not the case with regard to requiring citizens to show ID to vote when they are already registered to vote, are listed on registration rolls as being eligible to vote, and have already provided the required ID when initially registering to vote.

The issue therefore concerns what regulatory measures are Constitutional with regard to possession of firearms and voting, and what regulatory measures are not.

Consequently, there's nothing 'inconsistent' with requiring background checks and providing an ID to purchase a firearm while not requiring a citizen lawfully registered to vote to cast a ballot absent providing an ID.
Would think what's being checked during mandatory ID checks is the age more than your identity per se'. Probably how it's considered legal to do.
"Can government check ID to buy a gun and vote?"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Although inalienable, the rights to possess a firearm and to vote are not absolute, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government. (See e.g. DC v. Heller)

Current Second Amendment jurisprudence holds that background checks are Constitutional as a reasonable regulatory measure.

This is not the case with regard to requiring citizens to show ID to vote when they are already registered to vote, are listed on registration rolls as being eligible to vote, and have already provided the required ID when initially registering to vote.

The issue therefore concerns what regulatory measures are Constitutional with regard to possession of firearms and voting, and what regulatory measures are not.

Consequently, there's nothing 'inconsistent' with requiring background checks and providing an ID to purchase a firearm while not requiring a citizen lawfully registered to vote to cast a ballot absent providing an ID.

And what about states who automatically enroll you to vote as a result of obtaining a driver license? And in some states, driver licenses are issued to illegal criminal aliens

what the left is actually pushing for is demanding that only white racist conservatives need to show ID and all Democrats/Democrat wanna-bees dont need to show any ID and can vote in all of their local precincts.
"Can government check ID to buy a gun and vote?"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Although inalienable, the rights to possess a firearm and to vote are not absolute, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government. (See e.g. DC v. Heller)

Current Second Amendment jurisprudence holds that background checks are Constitutional as a reasonable regulatory measure.

This is not the case with regard to requiring citizens to show ID to vote when they are already registered to vote, are listed on registration rolls as being eligible to vote, and have already provided the required ID when initially registering to vote.

The issue therefore concerns what regulatory measures are Constitutional with regard to possession of firearms and voting, and what regulatory measures are not.

Consequently, there's nothing 'inconsistent' with requiring background checks and providing an ID to purchase a firearm while not requiring a citizen lawfully registered to vote to cast a ballot absent providing an ID.

So a dumbass Liberals says.
Is the problem:
Too many people voting or not enough?

Will American problems be solved with more guns...

The problem the GOP has, is that the more people vote the worse they do... Now the GOP has not tried to tackle why don't people vote for us. They tried a different tack.
Lets get the least amount of people voting as possible.
Is the problem:
Too many people voting or not enough?

Will American problems be solved with more guns...

The problem the GOP has, is that the more people vote the worse they do... Now the GOP has not tried to tackle why don't people vote for us. They tried a different tack.
Lets get the least amount of people voting as possible.
Conservatives will not show up to vote for Rinos...
They standards
"Can government check ID to buy a gun and vote?"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Although inalienable, the rights to possess a firearm and to vote are not absolute, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government. (See e.g. DC v. Heller)

Current Second Amendment jurisprudence holds that background checks are Constitutional as a reasonable regulatory measure.

This is not the case with regard to requiring citizens to show ID to vote when they are already registered to vote, are listed on registration rolls as being eligible to vote, and have already provided the required ID when initially registering to vote.

The issue therefore concerns what regulatory measures are Constitutional with regard to possession of firearms and voting, and what regulatory measures are not.

Consequently, there's nothing 'inconsistent' with requiring background checks and providing an ID to purchase a firearm while not requiring a citizen lawfully registered to vote to cast a ballot absent providing an ID.

And what about states who automatically enroll you to vote as a result of obtaining a driver license? And in some states, driver licenses are issued to illegal criminal aliens


What about them? Do you really believe that undocumented people or non citizens who get licenses are going to be automatically registered to vote? Do you also believe the the moon landing was faked?
You people want voting requirements to be the same as buying a gun?

Fine. To buy a gun then, you will first have to be registered, in a district, and then, when you go to buy a gun, ONLY IN THAT DISTRICT because that is the only place your registration is valid, you will have to show ID.

Same for voting. Fair enough?
what the left is actually pushing for is demanding that only white racist conservatives need to show ID and all Democrats/Democrat wanna-bees dont need to show any ID and can vote in all of their local precincts.

Considering that democrats are the ones shooting people…..that is pretty funny.
Voting is not a constitutional right?

Ha, first good laugh of the day.

Voter requirements are up to the States, but regulated by several amendments to the constitution that limit who they can restrict.

So are gun ownership requirements.

The 2nd Amendment supersedes state action…actually, our Right to bear arms is not dependent on STate permission.

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