Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

If the OP was trying to be reasonable, perhaps "GUN NUTS" wouldn't be included in the title.

The 2nd Amendment was just affirmed by the SCOTUS, again :rolleyes:, and you gun grabbing wannabees can pound sand.
True, you can't get rid of certain guns without adding an amendment to the constitution
Believe it.

Conservatives are truly this stupid.

Particularly given Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where we have proof ongoing how useless small arms are against a modern military force.

Indeed, Ukrainian solders report the last thing they need is more small arms.

The notion that untrained civilians with semi-automatic AR 15s would be a match for a modern invading army is as idiotic as it is wrong.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a need.

Letting others live their own lives and make their own choices (where there choices do not harm or kill innocents) is a conservative value.

Yet you "righteous" conservatives are the first ones to vote for the criminalization of cannabis use and women having power over their own bodies. You want to force women to remain pregnant when they don't want to.

Illegal marijuana is a thing authoritarians support but not conservatives.

And I fully support women who do not want to be pregnant getting free-choice to not get pregnant and I would defend with my life their right to say no.
So they just threw that in there for no purpose huh?

It absolutely has a purpose: to require that the Government maintain a well-organized militia to defend against insurrection and invasion.

that a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free state.
Illegal marijuana is a thing authoritarians support but not conservatives.

And I fully support women who do not want to be pregnant getting free-choice to not get pregnant and I would defend with my life their right to say no.

Woodwork201 writes:
Illegal marijuana is a thing authoritarians support but not conservatives.


It's not illegal unless you make it so. Conservatives are the ones pushing for the criminalization of marijuana (i.e. cannabis) use, hence you're not for allowing people to do what they choose to do with their own bodies and lives.

Woodwork201 writes:

And I fully support women who do not want to be pregnant getting free-choice to not get pregnant and I would defend with my life their right to say no.


Not only do they have the right to choose whether they're going to have sex or not, they also have the right to determine if they want to remain pregnant or not. It's their body and that zygote or embryo attached to her uterus doesn't have the right to remain attached to her. You don't have the right to force women to remain pregnant.
Woodwork201 writes:
Illegal marijuana is a thing authoritarians support but not conservatives.


It's not illegal unless you make it so. Conservatives are the ones pushing for the criminalization of marijuana (i.e. cannabis) use, hence you're not for allowing people to do what they choose to do with their own bodies and lives.

Woodwork201 writes:

And I fully support women who do not want to be pregnant getting free-choice to not get pregnant and I would defend with my life their right to say no.


Not only do they have the right to choose whether they're going to have sex or not, they also have the right to determine if they want to remain pregnant or not. It's their body and that zygote or embryo attached to her uterus doesn't have the right to remain attached to her. You don't have the right to force women to remain pregnant.
Wrong. You don’t have the right to commit murder in the privacy of your own home, either.
It does not restrict the right of the people which means individual citizens no matter how badly you want it to
I never said it restricted anything.

It simply only PROTECTS the right in relation to a well regulated militia

Letting others live their own lives and make their own choices (where there choices do not harm or kill innocents) is a conservative value.

Yet you "righteous" conservatives are the first ones to vote for the criminalization of cannabis use and women having power over their own bodies. You want to force women to remain pregnant when they don't want to.

Utterly false.

Fringe movements in various states to legalize pot may have been started by Hippies in the 60's. But serious decriminalization was driven by Libertarian minded Republicans - while democrats opposed marijuana legalization.

The idea that the people can decide the issue of abortion outrages democrats. People deciding? Instead of our rulers? Who came up with such an idea? Letting people vote on issues destroys our democracy. Rule by the central authority is the heart of democracy. Democracy will end our democracy - only dictatorship can save democracy. Uber Alles Democrat
It's way more than that.

If the federal government knows where you live?
All they have to do is fly an F-16 at 30,000 feet over your house.
Then drop a JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) on your head.

You will not see or hear the plane.
Or hear the bomb until a few seconds before it hits.
A thousand guns and a million rounds of ammunition would do NOTHING to protect you from it.
And there are dozens of other ways the military could kill you - with ease - if it wanted to.

Anyone who says that guns can protect the masses from government tyranny are utterly and completely clueless about modern, weapons systems.

How did that work out in Afghanistan, Nazi?

Further, what is it that makes you Nazis so sure the military would take your side in your revolution? A good many may decide to uphold the Constitution you wage war against. The DC Generals may not be in the position of command they believe themselves to be.
They pretend a document written by wealthy land and slave owners in the 18th century can't be improved or even replaced with something better and more applicable to our present circumstances and time. They treat the US constitution as if it were the inerrant, inspired word of an almighty God.
Conservatives are supposed to be ‘advocates’ of ‘small government.’

An actual conservative consistent in his application of ‘small government’ dogma would oppose both ‘bans’ on abortion and ‘bans’ on assault weapons.

‘Small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

But there are no actual, consistent conservatives – there are only dishonest hypocrites.

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