Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

Guns are used for self protection over a million times a year, on average. Collecting guns from the population would make Hitler proud although the registration was done before him, during the Weimar republic, he used the lists to confiscate the guns. It turned out well though. Yaaah government!
Isn’t all of that the government? Military, cops etc run by democrats is the reason to own guns. It really boils down to defense from democrats and the government agencies they control.

So thank you for listing the exact government we need to defend ourselves from.
Perhaps he's their emissary and his purpose here is to call for our immediate surrender.
We need to protest in order to make sure government reforms and begins to serve the people. If people were more proactive and involved in keeping the government accountable we wouldn't be in this situation.

Because throughout history, peace, liberty, and security have come from peaceful protests. Yes, we need more protests... That's the ticket.
Wait, you're the second person I've seen here talking about "unfired" guns being more valuable -----------------------

Is this like unopened First Editions? Or more for the 21th Century, action figures or video games still in the package? More resale value if never used?

Hmmmmmmmm, I generally suppose things are for using. The idea of keeping wine around 200 years without opening it ---- something is wrong there.
If he bought that gun on Friday and if it's still unfired tonight, a whole weekend since he bought it, then it's not valuable at all.

When the OP's war starts, 1srelluc won't even know if the things works reliably. It needs a couple thousand rounds through it by next weekend or it's a paperweight.
Perhaps he's their emissary and his purpose here is to call for our immediate surrender.
It really is. Please disarm yourself so we can use the government forces more freely. Those government forces the 2A was supposed to help you keep in check. No sale here bud.
You raise some interesting points, but the LGBT stuff you mention is pushed by people who align politically more with Communists and Socialists than Capitalists.

And profit is a great motivator. Without it, the successful are not motivated to make great improvements, as the profit gets confiscated and redistributed.

Tolerance of homosexuals and perversion is not a thing the Socialists and Communists are known for.

Letting others live their own lives and make their own choices (where there choices do not harm or kill innocents) is a conservative value.
Tolerance of homosexuals and perversion is not a thing the Socialists and Communists are known for.

Letting others live their own lives and make their own choices (where there choices do not harm or kill innocents) is a conservative value.


Letting others live their own lives and make their own choices (where there choices do not harm or kill innocents) is a conservative value.

Yet you "righteous" conservatives are the first ones to vote for the criminalization of cannabis use and women having power over their own bodies. You want to force women to remain pregnant when they don't want to.
Really? You actually believe that people only draw motivation to work, committing themselves to a cause, only for money? You have a very skewed if not naive opinion about human nature. I and other political activists, don't do this for the money. People work for meaning and purpose, for brotherhood, for family, for country..etc. Many billionaires work, but they don't do it for the money or even for profits anymore, they do it because they feel that's their life mission, whatever that might be.

American liberals might identify themselves as leftists, even Marxists, but if they're not promoting actual Marxist principles and ideology, then they're not really Marxists. A synthetic left was created durring the coldwar here in the United States, by the CIA, to act as a counterbalance to the actual leftists who were pro-USSR. The "free love" of the 1960s, the drug culture, all of that liberalism, really has nothing to do with Karl Marx or communism. What is behind the present LGBTQ movement and all of the transgenderism, is the medical industry and big pharmaceutical companies. There are also capitalist elites who like the idea of a male population that is completely emasculated and less rebelious. More subservient and morally defeated men ensure that wealthy and powerful men remain in power. Emasculated men are easier to control and capitalize on. Effeminate men are great for retail sales and selling Starbucks coffee. A masculine man is satisfied with a black and perhaps a brown pair of boots, where an effeminate man will buy black, purple, pink, burgandy, bright red, bright yellow and green. Metrosexual, effeminate men, buy more of everything from skin moisturizer to nail polish. Everything.
I work for wages only for the wages, not for my self worth. I do it so I have the means to care for and enjoy my family.

I worked hard to gain skills in things that I loved to do, literally on my 4th full career as my interests have changed. I found ways to make a living doing things I love to make the tortuous time that I am away from my family easier to tolerate but work, at its very best, is never as good as time with my family, at its very worst.

I am very sorry for you, that your own measure of your worth is based on what you do for some corporation or board of directors or management team for whom you slave, rather than on your relationship with your parents and your children, your spouse, grandchildren, grandparents, and all those others who, hopefully, love you.
It's way more than that.

If the federal government knows where you live?
All they have to do is fly an F-16 at 30,000 feet over your house.
Then drop a JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) on your head.

You will not see or hear the plane.
Or hear the bomb until a few seconds before it hits.
A thousand guns and a million rounds of ammunition would do NOTHING to protect you from it.
And there are dozens of other ways the military could kill you - with ease - if it wanted to.

Anyone who says that guns can protect the masses from government tyranny are utterly and completely clueless about modern, weapons systems.

Do think the US military will drop thousands, let alone millions, of bombs in America?

If they do, do you think that will save them? If they started to do that, all military members should know to never wear their uniforms in public again. Never leave the base. Get your families on the base with you. Never bomb the house of a trucker or supplies, including food, won't be showing up. Bring plenty of lunch when you head to the base.

Do you think that gun owning patriots would lay down their arms in fear? What about the millions of veterans who have already proven they won't run in fear when it comes to saving their nation?

But this is all just talk because it won't happen. If the military thought that would work then why didn't they do it in Afghanistan?

Like the OP, you're an idiot.
The guy compared a nation being invaded by another country to his right to bear arms here. I can't believe I read that.
Believe it.

Conservatives are truly this stupid.

Particularly given Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where we have proof ongoing how useless small arms are against a modern military force.

Indeed, Ukrainian solders report the last thing they need is more small arms.

The notion that untrained civilians with semi-automatic AR 15s would be a match for a modern invading army is as idiotic as it is wrong.

Possessing an AR 15 is a want, not a need.
In general, a used firearm, that is provably in unfired condition, will bring a premium over the same type of firearm that has been fired.
I have no interest at all in owning a firearm with less than 1000 rounds through it.

I understand collectable value but a lot of very expensive collectables were destroyed in New Orleans, Australia, the UK, Canada. Spend money on unfired collectables at your own risk - and, obviously, at your own choice.

Keep modern guns with only marginal extra value for being unfired in their unfired condition, not having been tested by fire for reliability and accuracy, once again, at your own risk.
I work for wages only for the wages, not for my self worth. I do it so I have the means to care for and enjoy my family.

I worked hard to gain skills in things that I loved to do, literally on my 4th full career as my interests have changed. I found ways to make a living doing things I love to make the tortuous time that I am away from my family easier to tolerate but work, at its very best, is never as good as time with my family, at its very worst.

I am very sorry for you, that your own measure of your worth is based on what you do for some corporation or board of directors or management team for whom you slave, rather than on your relationship with your parents and your children, your spouse, grandchildren, grandparents, and all those others who, hopefully, love you.


I work for wages only for the wages, not for my self-worth. I do it so I have the means to care for and enjoy my family.


Self-worth can come from many different sources. Unlike you, not everyone does what they do for a living strictly for the money. Some people choose to work in a certain field or industry because they find it intellectually, emotionally, and socially rewarding. The money is secondary. They commit themselves to a certain line of work because the work itself defines who they are and provides them with an immense amount of personal satisfaction, that is unrelated to money. A career soldier in the army, could be making more money in the private sector doing the same job, but they've decided to remain in the military because being a soldier imbues their lives with meaning, purpose, and value. If you're unable to appreciate that, that's your problem.


I worked hard to gain skills in things that I loved to do, literally on my 4th full career as my interests have changed. I found ways to make a living doing things I love to make the tortuous time that I am away from my family easier to tolerate but work, at its very best, is never as good as time with my family, at its very worst.


Well good for you, I support your effort to support yourself and your family. In this capitalist system, we have to work for a wage or charge clients money if we're self-employed. As a socialist and communist, I believe a capitalist run society should provide everyone with all of the opportunities that you had, to study and acquire marketable skills. A so called "trade". When I was in highschool back in the 1980s, we had workshops for woodworking, machining, even auto mechanics ..etc. Young men and women were prepared for life, unlike today.


I am very sorry for you, that your own measure of your worth is based on what you do for some corporation or board of directors or management team for whom you slave, rather than on your relationship with your parents and your children, your spouse, grandchildren, grandparents, and all those others who, hopefully, love you.


Feel sorry for yourself, because you support an economic system that actually enslaves people (all of your family, who supposedly you love) to corporations, reducing them to cogs in a machine. Communism doesn't employ private for-profit business enterprises to produce consumer goods or any of the other products and services we consume. We socialize and democratize production, unlike you someone who defends a system of production that exploits and dehumanizes human beings.
Everything in the Constitution that is inconvenient to you gun nuts is "one small blurb" and can be ignored...because ya know...the Founders were so sloppy with their words...


You've been demonstrably wrong on every pint so far RETARD
It’s not just guns, conservatives’ dishonesty about the Constitution is comprehensive.

Conservatives treat the Constitution like a cafeteria plan – supporting the rights they like and rejecting the rights they don’t like or find inconvenient to their political agenda.

The right’s contempt for the Constitution is why they’re incapable of sound, responsible governance.
It’s not just guns, conservatives’ dishonesty about the Constitution is comprehensive.

Conservatives treat the Constitution like a cafeteria plan – supporting the rights they like and rejecting the rights they don’t like or find inconvenient to their political agenda.

The right’s contempt for the Constitution is why they’re incapable of sound, responsible governance.

They pretend a document written by wealthy land and slave owners in the 18th century can't be improved or even replaced with something better and more applicable to our present circumstances and time. They treat the US constitution as if it were the inerrant, inspired word of an almighty God.
It’s not just guns, conservatives’ dishonesty about the Constitution is comprehensive.

Conservatives treat the Constitution like a cafeteria plan – supporting the rights they like and rejecting the rights they don’t like or find inconvenient to their political agenda.

The right’s contempt for the Constitution is why they’re incapable of sound, responsible governance.
Pot calling the kettle black... you are such a hypocrite it is astonishing!
The five previous responses pretty much say it all to discredit your thought process. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting. So, why even bring it up?
If our tyrannical leaders attempt to take away our guns, we will defend the Constitution with those guns. We may lose, but we will fight. Because, if we lose our guns, we lose our liberty, freedom and religion. And, we won't allow that to happen. As Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death." We aren't afraid to die for our liberty and freedom. Some of you may want to give up and give into tyranny of the left. But, this won't continue very much longer. The Second Coming of Christ is around the corner. Whose on the Lord side who? Those who defend the Constitution is who is on the Lord side.
haha and you will lose that fight!

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