Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

Pot calling the kettle black... you are such a hypocrite it is astonishing!
To follow the Constitution, one must recognize and defend the right’s of one’s fellow citizens, including when citizens exercise their rights in a manner one might disapprove of – whether it’s having an abortion or seeking to possess an AR 15.
Utterly false.

Fringe movements in various states to legalize pot may have been started by Hippies in the 60's. But serious decriminalization was driven by Libertarian minded Republicans - while democrats opposed marijuana legalization.

The idea that the people can decide the issue of abortion outrages democrats. People deciding? Instead of our rulers? Who came up with such an idea? Letting people vote on issues destroys our democracy. Rule by the central authority is the heart of democracy. Democracy will end our democracy - only dictatorship can save democracy. Uber Alles Democrat

Republicans, that are pro-cannabis legalization? I've been to many cannabis legalization lectures, conventions, and I've met very few Republicans. It's mostly leftists and independent Libertarian types. Ron Paul, Ayn Rand Libertarians aren't representative of American conservativism or the Republican party. They are themselves on the fringe of Republican politics. Most conservative Republicans are of the Evangelical or Neocon type, they're not Ron Paul Republicans. I should perhaps add the fake populist, Trump types. I say fake populist because that's essentially what Trump is.

He's a genius, he knows how to play the Republican working-class. Heck he even convinced me, a communist, to vote for him in 2016. I figured he would actually protect those workers in Indiana, that he promised wouldn't lose their jobs. He stood there wearing a white hardhat, looking all "pro-worker", and then a few months later the Carrier plant moves to Mexico, and all of those workers lost their jobs. No repercussions, no tariffs, no loss of tax cuts, nothing. He didn't drain the swamp, he was the swamp. He was scuba diving in the swamp.
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Conservatives are supposed to be ‘advocates’ of ‘small government.’

An actual conservative consistent in his application of ‘small government’ dogma would oppose both ‘bans’ on abortion and ‘bans’ on assault weapons.

‘Small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

But there are no actual, consistent conservatives – there are only dishonest hypocrites.

There is no ban on abortion.

Nazi democrats like Saul Goodman hate democracy. That the SCOTUS returned the issue to the states so that the people could vote on the issue and decide what is right for them in a democratic fashion outrages democrats.

Democracy is a threat to our democracy, say the fascist democrats.
To follow the Constitution, one must recognize and defend the right’s of one’s fellow citizens, including when citizens exercise their rights in a manner one might disapprove of – whether it’s having an abortion or seeking to possess an AR 15.
Shut up you know nothing about the constitution. You are a black supremacists. I bet you support the welfare mom and her ex-con criminal boyfriend in the NYC bodega self-defense case. So buzzer off!
You're an anti-constitutional gun grabber. It doesn't get more lefty than that.
Nope… I support a new amendment to the constitution. Later amendments can nullify earlier amendments!

When both parties saw how destructive and counter-productive prohibition was, they came together to add an amendment to the constitution. I
This is a pretty new thread and I'm already 24 pages behind so I am sure this has been said but let me pile on.

All of the police, all of the military, are nothing in numbers compared to the numbers of trained gun owners, veterans, and others. Your claim that the government could not be beaten is absurd unless you support Biden's plan to nuke his own people. So the numbers and the weapons are meaningless.

The deep state intelligence and spy networks are also meaningless. If the left tries to overthrow the people or the Constitution, I have no need to coordinate or plan with others. I know my part: take out more of the enemy than they do of me. By attrition, the Constitution wins.

Don't worry; the Constitution is safe. Tyranny is not.
Lol… I always hear this, but when any anti-government group (including ones that are armed to the teeth) are confronted, they lose without much of a fight.

In modern society and with modern technology, armed groups have little chance of upending even third world dictatorship, much less the most power government in the planet.
It makes you sound mentally challenged.
Having guns is not going to protect you from the police or military.
January 20 2020, 27,000 armed Americans showed up on the VA capitol grounds to protest pending anti-gun legislation.
Had this been illegal, what could the state of VA have done about it?
No, the only reason you want certain guns (such as a AR-15) is because you like to have them.
If true: So?
If you want to hunt, then a single shot hunting rifle will suffice. If it is about home defense, then handguns and shotguns (which as both short-range) would be sufficient.
Your opinion doesn't matter.
There should be a ban on all guns other then single shot hunting rifles, handguns and shotguns.
- US Constitution
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Lol… I always hear this, but when any anti-government group (including ones that are armed to the teeth) are confronted, they lose without much of a fight.

In modern society and with modern technology, armed groups have little chance of upending even third world dictatorship, much less the most power government in the planet.
Yep, that's what I told the Vietcong, the Taliban, and the Iraqi insurgents.

But they just wouldn't listen.
Lol read what we are sending them. Sophisticated guidance systems, high grade military gear, munitions, anti-tank weapons… none of which are legal to own in the us right now and rightfully so!
And they were begging for any weapon they could get. You need small arms to protect those nice cool defense systems
What does smoking marijuana or anything else for that matter, have to do with committing an act of murder? How do you equate the two?
Please let me know what the duck you’re talking about. I didn’t mention weed.

I was pointing out that the Roe foundation was a “right to privacy.” It is a stupid basis on which to claim a right to have an abortion. The rest you can work out.
We will always consume. What won't exist are paying consumers. Consumers will always exist, as long as we are living in the physical world.
But, they won't be consuming the products produced by automation, because they can't afford it. Because no jobs.

Thus, the automation producers have no one capable of paying for those products. Thus, failure.

The main arguments for UBI are not based in real thought or examination.
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Conservatives are supposed to be ‘advocates’ of ‘small government.’

An actual conservative consistent in his application of ‘small government’ dogma would oppose both ‘bans’ on abortion and ‘bans’ on assault weapons.

‘Small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

But there are no actual, consistent conservatives – there are only dishonest hypocrites.
"Small" is the wrong word. LIMITED is what libertarian-minded people want.

The Constitution exist to establish AND LIMIT the federal government.
There is no ban on abortion.

Nazi democrats like Saul Goodman hate democracy. That the SCOTUS returned the issue to the states so that the people could vote on the issue and decide what is right for them in a democratic fashion outrages democrats.

Democracy is a threat to our democracy, say the fascist democrats.

But, they won't be consuming the products produced by automation, because they can't afford it. Because no jobs.

Thus, the automation producers have no one capable of paying for those products. Thus, failure.

They main arguments for UBI are not based in real thought or examination.

We're not for UBI. Technology will make working 20 hours a week, five days weekly possible. You can keep your current home, all of your personal property. You won't work for a wage, because the capitalist system where you have a boss and they hire you for a wage..That's the old capitalist system. The new system, is you join a production team. That production team is led by people elected by the workers and you and I will still work, at least 20 hours weekly. Everyone that can work, will work supervising the system. Maybe you'll work four hours daily at the mine, supervising the mining robots. Maybe you will work as a drone operator, piloting high-speed drones that monitor convoys of self-driving 18-wheelers? Maybe you'll work as a physician or nurse, as part of a children's surgical team, that supervises surgical robots. at children's hospitals? Maybe you'll work in a factory supervising the robots that build robots? Maybe you'll work as a police officer, leading a team of patrol robots? Maybe after work, you'll go to the motorcycle shop as I will do, to work on our motorcycles. Maybe you like riding a motorcycle as I do, and we'll ride as part of a club.

Maybe you'll see other people riding their motorcycles and you'll be like "I want to ride a motorcycle"...and you'll go to the distribution center and get your motorcycle. You have a right to get a motorcycle for yourself, and your husband will also have that right. Both of you can now ride motorcycles. Heck your whole family can ride motorcycles. That's the new world we will live in thanks to technology. You and I will have a very high standard of living thanks to technology. We will socialize, democratize production. Capitalism with that little dictator over you, treating you like you're some cog in a machine, all of that is in the past. Socialism is the inevitable consequence of high tech production. No more wage labor, but so what? We don't need wages when we have everything, thanks to technology. We put in a little work, 20 hours weekly and that's it, we live the equivalent of an upper-middclass lifestyle. Are you getting the idea? That's 21st century socialism.

Socialism leads to something even better and more advanced. In the future, maybe in 100 or 200 years, we will have APMMs. Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines. Scientists are working on this right now. It's advanced nanotechnology. With APMMs, you will be able to produce everything in the comfort of your home. You'll pour a glass of water into a machine and that water will be transformed into a leather jacket or a spare part for your motorcycle. APMMs:

Communism is defined by Marx as a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. Socialism is the process that leads to high-communism/high-tech communism. It's when the consumer has complete control over the means of production (APMMs). Socialism will produce APMMs. We will research and develop it. Freeing everyone, giving everyone power to produce whatever they want, practically. If you want to produce a nuclear bomb, we may have a problem. But practically everything else.

21st century socialism / communism...





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We're not for UBI. Technology will make working 20 hours a week, five days weekly possible. You can keep your current home, all of your personal property. You won't work for a wage, because the capitalist system where you have a boss and they hire you for a wage..That's the old capitalist system. The new system, is you join a production team. That production team is led by people elected by the workers and you and I will still work, at least 20 hours weekly. Everyone that can work, will work supervising the system. Maybe you'll work four hours daily at the mine, supervising the mining robots. Maybe you will work as a drone operator, piloting high-speed drones that monitor convoys of self-driving 18-wheelers? Maybe you'll work as a physician or nurse, as part of a children's surgical team, that supervises surgical robots. at children's hospitals? Maybe you'll work in a factory supervising the robots that build robots? Maybe you'll work as a police officer, leading a team of patrol robots? Maybe after work, you'll go to the motorcycle shop as I will do, to work on our motorcycles. Maybe you like riding a motorcycle as I do, and we'll ride as part of a club.

Maybe you'll see other people riding their motorcycles and you'll be like "I want to ride a motorcycle"...and you'll go to the distribution center and get your motorcycle. You have a right to get a motorcycle for yourself, and your husband will also have that right. Both of you can now ride motorcycles. Heck your whole family can ride motorcycles. That's the new world we will live in thanks to technology. You and I will have a very high standard of living thanks to technology. We will socialize, democratize production. Capitalism with that little dictator over you, treating you like you're some cog in a machine, all of that is in the past. Socialism is the inevitable consequence of high tech production. No more wage labor, but so what? We don't need wages when we have everything, thanks to technology. We put in a little work, 20 hours weekly and that's it, we live the equivalent of an upper-middclass lifestyle.
technology makes none of that possible or plausible. It is nothing more than the same old tired worn out and disproven marxist claims with a technotwist.

Socializing and democratizing production means desatroying production. The world wide failure of communism every where it is attempted proves this and technology is not a magic solution to universal failure of an evil idea.

People do not work for wages becasuse they need to they do so because they WISH to and your utopian delusion will not change that. People demand pay for their labor whether twenty hours a week or or 100 hours a week,

People simply will not work at this vision of yours and they reject it. Once again you ignore how the working classes of the free world reject communism every time.

Techonology always increases the demand for labor whether forced or paid and that is not changing
Please let me know what the duck you’re talking about. I didn’t mention weed.

I was pointing out that the Roe foundation was a “right to privacy.” It is a stupid basis on which to claim a right to have an abortion. The rest you can work out.

You're assuming abortion is murder. That's the issue. You can deny women the right to determine whether they remain pregnant or not and force them to go through the pregnancy but if most people in society don't want to force women to remain pregnant, and give birth to unwanted children, then abortion will remain legal in most states. In a socialist, Marxist democracy, abortion is a right. Women choose what they want to do with respect to their pregnancies.
You're assuming abortion is murder. That's the issue. You can deny women the right to determine whether they remain pregnant or not and force them to go through the pregnancy but if most people in society don't want to force women to remain pregnant, and give birth to unwanted children, then abortion will remain legal in most states. In a socialist, Marxist democracy, abortion is a right. Women choose what they want to do with respect to their pregnancies.
No. I’m assuming that at conception, a human’s spermatozoon and a human’s ovum become life. And the resulting life will never be anything other than human. And I am saying that the Constitution protects the right to life.

I am saying that we shouldn’t march to the tune played by liberals. They seek to shape the discussion by framing the issue improperly. “When does a preborn human become a ‘person?’” l think that’s a disingenuous way to frame the question.

“Life” doesn’t require “personhood.”

So it comes down to a matter of trivial and unprovable definitions. Is a zygote a “person?” How about an embryo? How about a fetus? Maybe we’ll go by “trimesters.” Maybe we’ll go by whether the child has been “born” and drawn its first breath. Or, maybe we can allow “it” to be partially “born” before we sever its spinal cord? Or maybe we can let it be fully born and breathing but pave it on a shelf make it comfortable and provide it with no food or liquid as long as it’s “comfortable.”

Some of those are “stage of development” issues. Well, ok. How do we come to determine what stage of development is the right one? Maybe we have to await the development of secondary sex characteristics? Maybe baby teeth need to come in? Maybe adult teeth need to come in? Until that artificially defined stage, we can snuff out the life?

A life (the right to life itself) shouldn’t be subjected to the whims of some other person, not even if it’s premised on “privacy” concerns.
No. I’m assuming that at conception, a human’s spermatozoon and a human’s ovum become life. And the resulting life will never be anything other than human. And I am saying that the Constitution protects the right to life.
As evidenced by the univerally-recognized fact the only time someone has the right to end a human life is in the act of self-defense.

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