Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

BackAgain writes:​

No. I’m assuming that at conception, a human’s spermatozoon and a human’s ovum become life.


Sperm and ovums are already life and yes they can generate human life. Human life is not the same as a human being or person.

BackAgain writes:​

And the resulting life will never be anything other than human.


The resulting life, a zygote or embryo is human. Yes? The sperm that fertilized the egg was human. The body of cells that the embryo is attached to is a human body. However, the woman whose body is being used by the embryo, is an actual human being and person. A member of the community of actual human beings with rights. In our community of human beings, who have rights, a woman has the right to end her pregnancy. A human embryo, that is a potential human being, doesn't have the right to remain attached to an actual human being in order to actualize itself into an actual human being. That human embryo that is a potential human being, doesn't have the right to force an actual human being to actualize itself into an actual human being. That potential doesn't have a right over the actual. Sorry.

If I extract a human cell from my finger, that human life could potentially, become a clone of me. Another human being. However, I'm not morally obligated to actualize that potential. Get it? The embryo in the woman's womb, doesn't have a right to demand or force a woman to actualize it. To brave through nine months of pregnancy, and 12 months of sleepless nights, and all that comes with raising people. Throwing that unwanted child in the foster care system is not a solution. Most unwanted children put up for adoption aren't adopted. Many of them end up homeless or in prison. So you're not pro-life, your pro-death.

BackAgain writes:​

And I am saying that the Constitution protects the right to life.


The right to life for actual human beings, yes. Actual human beings have a right to life, not potential humans.

BackAgain writes:​

I am saying that we shouldn’t march to the tune played by liberals. They seek to shape the discussion by framing the issue improperly. “When does a preborn human become a ‘person?’” l think that’s a disingenuous way to frame the question. “Life” doesn’t require “personhood.”


No, life doesn't require personhood. The constitution assumes that it's people who have rights, not potential people or persons. The rights of the actual person, the woman, takes precedence over the potential human that is attached to her.

BackAgain writes:​

So it comes down to a matter of trivial and unprovable definitions. Is a zygote a “person?” How about an embryo? How about a fetus? Maybe we’ll go by “trimesters.” Maybe we’ll go by whether the child has been “born” and drawn its first breath. Or, maybe we can allow “it” to be partially “born” before we sever its spinal cord? Or maybe we can let it be fully born and breathing but pave it on a shelf make it comfortable and provide it with no food or liquid as long as it’s “comfortable.”

Some of those are “stage of development” issues. Well, ok. How do we come to determine what stage of development is the right one? Maybe we have to await the development of secondary sex characteristics? Maybe baby teeth need to come in? Maybe adult teeth need to come in? Until that artificially defined stage, we can snuff out the life?

A life (the right to life itself) shouldn’t be subjected to the whims of some other person, not even if it’s premised on “privacy” concerns.


The zygote, the embryo or fetus, that is in the process of actualizing itself into a human being/person, is not a human being or person yet. The actual human being or person is the one who has the right, to determine whether to remain in a position to actualize a potential human being or not. Why? Because she is the one that has to pay the price, as far as her health, finances..etc.

So if you want society to force women to remain pregnant and give birth to unwanted children, that's your prerogative. Try convincing most people to accept that position and women across the United States will be forced to remain pregnant and give birth to unwanted children. I doubt you'll convince enough people that's the way to go, but hey, who knows? Maybe you'll get what you want until us Marxists take control of the state and liberate everyone from your religious tyranny and stupidity.

Fucking moron.

Does the cell from your finger have separate and distinct DNA?

All you do is spout idiocy from the Ghoul hate sites.

Now you're creating a new arbitrary standard for what constitutes valuable human life and what doesn't. The fact that the human life that I extract from my finger in the form of a living cell contains my DNA, doesn't make it any less human or alive, than the life in a woman's womb that you claim is equal to the woman that conceived it. Again potential human beings are not actual human beings, hence to suggest that a potential human being has any rights over the woman who conceived it is "fucking moronic". You are the one who is a fucking retard.
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And the ghoul pivots to another lie.

As soon as I see the "zygote lie" I know I'm dealing with someone devoid of integrity.

Most pro-life hypocrite Evangelicals and Catholics are against not only the termination of an embryo's life or the life of a fetus, but the life of zygotes as well, that's why they denounce the use of birth control, which terminates the life of zygotes. So yes it's a relevant talking point to present to the discussion.
Probably in more ways than we could count.

Educate yourself.

But I’m a charitable kinda guy. Being a conservative, that’s actually redundant.

What is a living thing? Well, that’s an interesting question and often comes down to a matter of definition.

Fertilization begins human life. Just consider the chromosomes. An egg alone, in humans, will never reproduce. Neither will a spermatozoon, alone. But when you combine them, bam. Life.

No need to thank me.

Nonetheless, that zygote or embryo is still not a human being and needs an actual human being (the woman), to actualize itself into a human being. You claim that potential has the right to obligate the actual human being or woman to actualize it as a human being and that's where we disagree. A potential human being in a woman's womb, attached to her body, doesn't have the right to obligate a woman to remain pregnant.
Now you're creating a new arbitrary standard for what constitutes valuable human life and what doesn't.

No moron, I'm not.

A cell from your finger will never grow into a distinct and separate life. A zygote will - at about 6 weeks gestation.

The fact that the human life that I extract from my finger in the form of a living cell contains my DNA, doesn't make it any less human or alive,

Of course it does. That you are abjectly ignorant is irrelevant.

than the life in a woman's womb that you claim is equal to the woman that conceived it. Again potential human beings are not actual human beings, hence to suggest that a potential human being has any rights over the woman who conceived it is "fucking moronic". You are the one who is a fucking retard.

You are poorly educated without a rudimentary grasp of basic biology.

Leftists hate science - all those facts get in the way of the agenda.
No moron, I'm not.

A cell from your finger will never grow into a distinct and separate life. A zygote will - at about 6 weeks gestation.

Of course it does. That you are abjectly ignorant is irrelevant.

You are poorly educated without a rudimentary grasp of basic biology.

Leftists hate science - all those facts get in the way of the agenda.

Uncensored2008 writes:​

A cell from your finger will never grow into a distinct and separate life. A zygote will - at about 6 weeks gestation.


So what? It's all still human life. The zygote, a potential human being, needs a woman (an actual human being) to go through the process of gestation, to actualize itself into a human being. You're claiming that zygote has rights or that a woman is morally obligated to remain pregnant and allow it to continue going through the gestation process at her great expense. Well, NO. You want to conjure up rights for zygotes, at the expense of women (actual human beings), that's just fucking retarded. Subjecting women to nine months of pregnancy and all of the hardship, pain and suffering, and expenses that come with it, because a zygote or an embryo (a mere potential) supposedly has the right to exist at women's expense. You're dumb and hypocritical.

If this woman loses her job, due to her pregnancy, are you going to support her financially? You're forcing her to remain pregnant, jerk! The streets are full of homeless youth that were released from foster care at the age of 18.

This is "pro-life" ? You "Christian" hypocrite, republican asshole. Yeah you're "pro-life", why are all of those people out there? You fake ass disciples of Jesus.​

Our prisons are full of inmates born to single mothers and people who were raised in foster care. If that wasn't enough, your right-wing Republican politics, undermines a single mother's ability to raise her child. You defund social programs that provide single mothers and their children with healthcare, providing housing, food, daycare, job training. You defund all of that, but you still want to force women to remain pregnant when they often can't? How are you "pro-life"? You conservatives are just hypocrites. You don't give a shit about life. You're the champions of fetuses. You "love life"in the womb, not actual breathing human beings outside of the womb. You have more concern for zygotes, embryos and fetuses than women. Well fuck you then. You keep your warped religious "ideals" to yourself asshole.



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Uncensored2008 writes:​

A cell from your finger will never grow into a distinct and separate life. A zygote will - at about 6 weeks gestation.


So what? It's all still human life. The zygote, a potential human being, needs a woman (an actual human being) to go through the process of gestation, to actualize itself into a human being. You're claiming that zygote has rights or that a woman is morally obligated to remain pregnant and allow it to continue going through the gestation process at her great expense. Well, NO. You want to conjure up rights for zygotes, at the expense of women (actual human beings), that's just fucking retarded. Subjecting women to nine months of pregnancy and all of the hardship, pain and suffering, and expenses that come with it, because a zygote or an embryo (a mere potential) supposedly has the right to exist at women's expense. You're dumb and hypocritical.

If this woman loses her job, due to her pregnancy, are you going to support her financially? You're forcing her to remain pregnant, jerk! The streets are full of homeless youth that were released from foster care at the age of 18.

This is "pro-life" ? You "Christian" hypocrite, republican asshole. Yeah you're "pro-life", why are all of those people out there? You fake ass disciples of Jesus.​

Our prisons are full of inmates born to single mothers and people who were raised in foster care. If that wasn't enough, your right-wing Republican politics, undermines a single mother's ability to raise her child. You defund social programs that provide single mothers and their children with healthcare, providing housing, food, daycare, job training. You defund all of that, but you still want to force women to remain pregnant when they often can't? How are you "pro-life"? You conservatives are just hypocrites. You don't give a shit about life. You're the champions of fetuses. You "love life"in the womb, not actual breathing human beings outside of the womb. You have more concern for zygotes, embryos and fetuses than women. Well fuck you then. You keep your warped religious "ideals" to yourself asshole.

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You really are very stupid.

Tell me, what do you think an unborn baby is? A starfish?

I get that you idiots hate science and have no understanding of biology. Still, you're level of stupidity is jaw dropping.
You really are very stupid.

Tell me, what do you think an unborn baby is? A starfish?

I get that you idiots hate science and have no understanding of biology. Still, you're level of stupidity is jaw dropping.

It's not a human being or person, it's an IT, not a WHO. The woman is a "who", she's a human being and a member of our community, with rights. The mass of cells attached to her uterus isn't a person but rather a potential human being, provided that the actual human being, is in a position to provide it with nine months of pregnancy and everything else that comes with gestation and giving birth. She has no moral obligation to actualize the potential of an IT. You don't give a shit about these women or life outside of the womb, you're just a fucking religious shithead.

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Tolerance of homosexuals and perversion is not a thing the Socialists and Communists are known for.

Letting others live their own lives and make their own choices (where there choices do not harm or kill innocents) is a conservative value.
I fully agree.

As a Conservative myself who is a strong advocate for traditional families with a loving father and mother, I have to admit that it took me some soul searching to come to that conclusion myself but....

The Declaration of Independence says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

And the Civil Rights Act of 1964 might also be relevant, even though it does not specifically mention sexual orientation.

I have learned to get over my innate biases against others for being different than I am. As long as they are law-abiding and do not harm others, these US citizens also deserve the opportunity to pursue their own happiness.

It's not a human being or person,

Oh, move those goal posts Ghoul.

You just ignorantly claimed that an unborn baby is not human.

You fucking ghouls hate science, so what would a DNA result mean to one like you? You reject facts.

But then you floated some idiotic lie about a cell from your finger - again demonstrating your abject ignorance and rejection of science. You don't grasp that cloning would require a fertilized egg, a zygote, to even occur.

No, you're far too stupid and uneducated to deal with fact,

it's an IT, not a WHO.

So like Jews then?

Just like your mentor said. :thup:

The woman is a "who", she's a human being and a member of our community, with rights.

So you prey on the most vulnerable in society - the weakest and least able to defend themselves.

How very progressive of you.

The mass of cells attached to her uterus isn't a person but rather a potential human being,
Seig Heil indeed.

provided that the actual human being, is in a position to provide it with nine months of pregnancy and everything else that comes with gestation and giving birth.

Ah, so the "magic vagina" theory? A baby is transformed from a blob of cells into a human by passing through the magic vagina.

You Science hating Nazis are a hoot.

She has no moral obligation to actualize the potential of an IT

Seig Heil.

. You don't give a shit about these women or life outside of the womb, you're just a fucking religious shithead. that doesn't have a clue of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.


Fucking Nazi.

I've never said a word about religion.

But your hate site only gives you talking points against the religious - you have no clue what to do when confronted by a scientist.

And you hate science more than you hate religion.

Has nothing to do with anything, moron.

Focus, retard
Oh, move those goal posts Ghoul.

You just ignorantly claimed that an unborn baby is not human.

You fucking ghouls hate science, so what would a DNA result mean to one like you? You reject facts.

But then you floated some idiotic lie about a cell from your finger - again demonstrating your abject ignorance and rejection of science. You don't grasp that cloning would require a fertilized egg, a zygote, to even occur.

No, you're far too stupid and uneducated to deal with fact,

So like Jews then?

Just like your mentor said. :thup:

So you prey on the most vulnerable in society - the weakest and least able to defend themselves.

How very progressive of you.

Seig Heil indeed.

Ah, so the "magic vagina" theory? A baby is transformed from a blob of cells into a human by passing through the magic vagina.

You Science hating Nazis are a hoot.

Seig Heil.


Fucking Nazi.

I've never said a word about religion.

But your hate site only gives you talking points against the religious - you have no clue what to do when confronted by a scientist.

And you hate science more than you hate religion.

Has nothing to do with anything, moron.

Focus, retard

You're a hopeless case. If you want to continue believing that life in the womb, at every single stage of gestation is equal to an actual human being and person, there's no hope for you. Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn.
You're a hopeless case. If you want to continue believing that life in the womb, at every single stage of gestation is equal to an actual human being and person, there's no hope for you. Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn.

I'll stick to the science.

You'll stick to Nazi lies and ignorance.

I know that a DNA test confirms that the unborn are human - despite what you Nazi fucks claim. You seek to dehumanize your victims, just as your mentor Adolf did.
Nonetheless, that zygote or embryo is still not a human being and needs an actual human being (the woman), to actualize itself into a human being. You claim that potential has the right to obligate the actual human being or woman to actualize it as a human being and that's where we disagree. A potential human being in a woman's womb, attached to her body, doesn't have the right to obligate a woman to remain pregnant.
It ain’t a giraffe.
You're assuming abortion is murder. That's the issue. You can deny women the right to determine whether they remain pregnant or not and force them to go through the pregnancy but if most people in society don't want to force women to remain pregnant, and give birth to unwanted children, then abortion will remain legal in most states. In a socialist, Marxist democracy, abortion is a right. Women choose what they want to do with respect to their pregnancies.
Marxism is never a democracy with rights it is always an oppressive authoritarian tyranny as Marxd designed it.

China for example forced abortions which is more heinous than banning them

That sortr of ghorrow show is typical of marxism'

As always you are clueless and ignorant about your false god
Woodwork201 writes:
Illegal marijuana is a thing authoritarians support but not conservatives.


It's not illegal unless you make it so. Conservatives are the ones pushing for the criminalization of marijuana (i.e. cannabis) use, hence you're not for allowing people to do what they choose to do with their own bodies and lives.

Woodwork201 writes:

And I fully support women who do not want to be pregnant getting free-choice to not get pregnant and I would defend with my life their right to say no.


Not only do they have the right to choose whether they're going to have sex or not, they also have the right to determine if they want to remain pregnant or not. It's their body and that zygote or embryo attached to her uterus doesn't have the right to remain attached to her. You don't have the right to force women to remain pregnant.

You're an idiot. Republicans want marijuana illegal. Authoritarians want marijuana illegal. A whole lot of Democrats want marijuana illegal. The one group who does not want it illegal because they don't believe in government interference in personal lives, are conservatives.
It ain’t a giraffe.

It's an "IT" nonetheless, not an actual human being or person.
You're an idiot. Republicans want marijuana illegal. Authoritarians want marijuana illegal. A whole lot of Democrats want marijuana illegal. The one group who does not want it illegal because they don't believe in government interference in personal lives, are conservatives.

Yeah sure.
Conservatives are supposed to be ‘advocates’ of ‘small government.’

An actual conservative consistent in his application of ‘small government’ dogma would oppose both ‘bans’ on abortion and ‘bans’ on assault weapons.

‘Small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

But there are no actual, consistent conservatives – there are only dishonest hypocrites.

That's their hypocrisy. They claim to be for freedom, but love tyranny.

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