Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

The personhood of that thing doesn't exist until it is actualized. For example, if you're a child, you're not an adult until you become one. You're a potential adult. The zygote and embryo is a potential human being and person, not an actual one. The woman is the actual human being, with rights. She shouldn't be forced to remain pregnant to actualize a thing into a human being. Her interests and needs should take precedence over the non-existent prerogatives or will of a zygote or embryo attached to her uterus.
Zzzzz. The preborn human being is a life at conception. Your construct of and spin on personhood is irrelevant. The zygote is not a “potential” life. It is a life.

Your views about abortion are not controlling. Nobody wishes to compel any woman to be pregnant. But once she is, the issue goes beyond just her body. The issue involves the other human life or lives inside of her. Separate human life or lives.
Zzzzz. The preborn human being is a life at conception. Your construct of and spin on personhood is irrelevant. The zygote is not a “potential” life. It is a life.

Your views about abortion are not controlling. Nobody wishes to compel any woman to be pregnant. But once she is, the issue goes beyond just her body. The issue involves the other human life or lives inside of her. Separate human life or lives.

A life or human life is not equivalent to a human being or a human person. The zygote or embryo is human, but it's not a human being or person. The woman is the human being and person with rights. You want to force women to remain pregnant for the sake of something that they have no moral obligation to sacrifice themselves for. The irony and hypocrisy is that you religious folks claim to care so much for fetuses (life in other people's wombs), yet you take every opportunity to defund government programs that help single mothers raise their children. Programs that assist single, impoverished mothers with food, housing, healthcare, daycare, job training, school lunches..etc. Whatever you Republican Evangelicals can do to defund these programs, you do it and you don't fill the need. Your "charity" and outreach ministries aren't enough. These programs address issues at a national scale, that not even the Salvation Army or the Catholic Church could adequately address. and serve.

Your hatred for government isn't even Biblical or righteous.
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A life or human life is not equivalent to a human being or a human person. The zygote or embryo is human, but it's not a human being or person. The woman is the human being and person with rights. You want to force women to remain pregnant for the sake of something that they have no moral obligation to sacrifice themselves for. The irony and hypocrisy is that you religious folks claim to care so much for fetuses (life in other people's wombs), yet you take every opportunity to defund government programs that help single mothers raise their children. Programs that assist single, impoverished mothers with food, housing, healthcare, daycare, job training, school lunches..etc. Whatever you Republican Evangelicals can do to defund these programs, you do it and you don't fill the need. Your "charity" and outreach ministries aren't enough. These programs address issues at a national scale, that not even the Salvation Army or the Catholic Church could adequately address. and serve.

Your hatred for government isn't even Biblical or righteous.
You keep repeating your contention as though it was a fact. It isn’t. It’s just your contention. And it’s head up your ass wrong.

So, ya know, there’s that.

And finally, you nitwit, I don’t hate government in general and I especially don’t hate our government. Indeed, I’m very much proud of our Constitutional republic. I am often disgusted by how our elected officials “govern,” but that’s a very different story. Probably miles above your tiny head.
You keep repeating your contention as though it was a fact. It isn’t. It’s just your contention. And it’s head up your ass wrong.

So, ya know, there’s that.

And finally, you nitwit, I don’t hate government in general and I especially don’t hate our government. Indeed, I’m very much proud of our Constitutional republic. I am often disgusted by how our elected officials “govern,” but that’s a very different story. Probably miles above your tiny head.

It is a fact. Zygotes and embryos are clearly not human beings or persons. You can believe whatever you want at the end of the day it will be the majority of the people who vote that will determine the law of the land.
$450.00 OTD.....It was unfired.....A couple weeks ago I passed on a lightly used Beretta 92FS they had there....Glad I did. ;)

I already have a surplus Beretta 92S that I got off a guy that worked for Beretta in MD and had it refinished there. It's a joy to shoot despite the mag release location. Next to my Eastern Block era CZ-75 it's my favorite full sized 9mm. Smooth as silk.

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I had one of those Beretta 92s. My father picked it up in 1972. It's the original Italian design and manufacture. Later on, they moved the magazine release up to the trigger guard, but those were good to shoot.
It is a fact. Zygotes and embryos are clearly not human beings or persons. You can believe whatever you want at the end of the day it will be the majority of the people who vote that will determine the law of the land.
No. It’s an opinion. And it’s wrong. What they are is clearly humans. Living human beings. And they are persons in an early stage of development.
It makes you sound mentally challenged.

Having guns is not going to protect you from the police or military. With normal police equipment, SWAT teams, police tactics and fire power etc, they can easily neutralize any armed threat or movement. They wouldn't even break a sweat. Not to mention, police surveillance tactics will make it impossible for an anti-government group to organize a big enough threat to the regime. You don't have a chance. And that is only the police. Your little AR-15 isn't going to do anything to a drone, tank, apache helicopter, fighter jet or combat unit (much less special forces). There is a reason you have not seen a people's uprising to over-throw a government even in Africa in decade. And really only Sudan has been overthrown by a military coup.

No, the only reason you want certain guns (such as a AR-15) is because you like to have them.

It is true the vast majority of gun owners are responsible and good people, including AR-15 owners. But that 1% or 0.05% that are not responsible can cause havoc, as we just saw in Highland park (an event I was on my way to attend and an event to which I know many people that were directly effected).

If you want to hunt, then a single shot hunting rifle will suffice. If it is about home defense, then handguns and shotguns (which as both short-range) would be sufficient.

There are many things that can be done, such as arm teachers, have cops in schools, secure soft targets, better mental health facilities, red flag rules and immunity for snitching, involuntary institutionalization, high standards for gun ownership, higher and minimum sentences for illegal gun possession, Federal no buy lists, vicarious liability for guns for the gun owner etc., but stop with the argument that you need guns for tyrannical governments! Because it is foolish.

There should be a ban on all guns other then single shot hunting rifles, handguns and shotguns.

Now I know handguns are by far the weapon of choice in the vast number of homicides, but so called "assault rifles" (yes I know that is a term the liberals made up) it by far a more sufficient weapon to commit mass murder then a handgun, even if they are semi-automatic (vs full).

Keep sticking to these stances that turn off the moderates (e.g. ban on abortion and do nothing on guns) and then cry about how Demorats can win with gas over $5-6, out of control inflation, major blunders in foreign policy and everyone hating woke politics. If the Demorats keep the House and pick up senate seats you are going to see the most radical changes to this country that we haver ever seen.
Along with pistols and shotguns I have long guns, like an "AR-15", for dealing with the psuedo-liberal Leftist mobs whom sometimes riot, pillage, and loot, etc. while engaging in sedition.

Should those CHAZ/CHOP crazies threaten me and my family and friends, I intend to recycle their karma.:Boom2:
We're not for UBI. Technology will make working 20 hours a week, five days weekly possible. You can keep your current home, all of your personal property. You won't work for a wage, because the capitalist system where you have a boss and they hire you for a wage..That's the old capitalist system. The new system, is you join a production team. That production team is led by people elected by the workers and you and I will still work, at least 20 hours weekly. Everyone that can work, will work supervising the system. Maybe you'll work four hours daily at the mine, supervising the mining robots. Maybe you will work as a drone operator, piloting high-speed drones that monitor convoys of self-driving 18-wheelers? Maybe you'll work as a physician or nurse, as part of a children's surgical team, that supervises surgical robots. at children's hospitals? Maybe you'll work in a factory supervising the robots that build robots? Maybe you'll work as a police officer, leading a team of patrol robots? Maybe after work, you'll go to the motorcycle shop as I will do, to work on our motorcycles. Maybe you like riding a motorcycle as I do, and we'll ride as part of a club.

Maybe you'll see other people riding their motorcycles and you'll be like "I want to ride a motorcycle"...and you'll go to the distribution center and get your motorcycle. You have a right to get a motorcycle for yourself, and your husband will also have that right. Both of you can now ride motorcycles. Heck your whole family can ride motorcycles. That's the new world we will live in thanks to technology. You and I will have a very high standard of living thanks to technology. We will socialize, democratize production. Capitalism with that little dictator over you, treating you like you're some cog in a machine, all of that is in the past. Socialism is the inevitable consequence of high tech production. No more wage labor, but so what? We don't need wages when we have everything, thanks to technology. We put in a little work, 20 hours weekly and that's it, we live the equivalent of an upper-middclass lifestyle. Are you getting the idea? That's 21st century socialism.

Socialism leads to something even better and more advanced. In the future, maybe in 100 or 200 years, we will have APMMs. Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines. Scientists are working on this right now. It's advanced nanotechnology. With APMMs, you will be able to produce everything in the comfort of your home. You'll pour a glass of water into a machine and that water will be transformed into a leather jacket or a spare part for your motorcycle. APMMs:

Communism is defined by Marx as a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. Socialism is the process that leads to high-communism/high-tech communism. It's when the consumer has complete control over the means of production (APMMs). Socialism will produce APMMs. We will research and develop it. Freeing everyone, giving everyone power to produce whatever they want, practically. If you want to produce a nuclear bomb, we may have a problem. But practically everything else.

21st century socialism / communism...

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Who's going to clean the toilets? Pick up the trash? Do the laundry? Communists always talk about their utopian societies and everyone does the work they love. But then, according to the Democrats, they will always have black and brown people for those dirty jobs that Democrats won't do.
My mother was ready to be pregnant and gave birth to me, as an actual human being. I didn't exist before I was actualized as a human being, so your point is moot. If that zygote or embryo that existed before I existed as a person, had a soul, then I would've returned to heaven with the angels, to be thrown back into another womb. However, you should ask yourself, why would a god that is supposedly all-knowing, allow an unwanted pregnancy? If he already knows a pregnancy is going to be terminated by a woman that doesn't want to be pregnant, why would he allow a soul to enter into that womb? Perhaps we don't have souls, at least not until we are born and breathing, conscious. Perhaps living souls are created once a person takes their first breath? Anyways, soul or no soul, the woman is the actual human being and she is the one that should determine whether she's going to remain pregnant or not. It's not pro-life to force women to remain pregnant and give birth to unwanted children.
You were actualized but it's not at all certain that it was as a human being.
Lol… I always hear this, but when any anti-government group (including ones that are armed to the teeth) are confronted, they lose without much of a fight.

In modern society and with modern technology, armed groups have little chance of upending even third world dictatorship, much less the most power government in the planet.
You don't read to well, do you? Did I say anything about a group? You try to overthrow the Constitution and there are millions who know, without ever talking to another person, what their job is.
Who's going to clean the toilets? Pick up the trash? Do the laundry? Communists always talk about their utopian societies and everyone does the work they love. But then, according to the Democrats, they will always have black and brown people for those dirty jobs that Democrats won't do.

We can build modern infrastructure that will do most if not all of that dirty work. You may not volunteer two or three days a month to do some "dirty work", but hundreds of thousands, even millions of people will be more than willing to dedicate a couple of days monthly to such tasks (I being one of them). While we are working such unsavory jobs, we are also developing new technologies to replace human labor, so eventually, we will have robots and a community infrastructure that makes it possible for humans not to do that type of work.

You keep confusing democrats and American liberals with communists. We're not democrats or liberals, we are genuine leftists, and Marxists, we wear suits and ties, we don't dye our hair green or purple nor do we subject children to dangerous hormone treatments to "transition" them to the opposite gender. We don't deprive children of puberty, we are against pornography. We would ban it. You apparently don't know the difference between fake leftists/liberals and actual leftists.
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You were actualized but it's not at all certain that it was as a human being.
Because I believe the interests and health of actual human beings take precedence over the non-existent will and prerogatives of zygotes and embryos attached to the uterus of human beings, I'm according to you, not a human being? You're the champion of fetuses. but I prefer to prioritize life outside of the womb. You're all about the rights and safety of embryos and to the hell with the women that have to brave the hazards and cost of pregnancy and childbirth. Typical warped Evangelical "logic" and "love".
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It's not a human being in the earliest stages of development before it actualizes itself into a human being. You assume that the human medium through which the zygote or embryo is developing, namely an actual human being (i.e. the woman), is morally obligated to bear the physical burden and monetary expense of at least, nine months of pregnancy (she might lose her health, job..etc) and childbirth. That seems logical to you, but not to me and many other people who share my sentiments.

At best, we can say that a fetus in the later stages of development is a pre-natal human being, with a brain, and perhaps the ability to feel pain and suffering. Nonetheless, in the early stages of pregnancy, women should be afforded the right to end their pregnancies. They're the ones pregnant and as a man, I really feel uncomfortable telling women they have to remain pregnant. What do I know about being pregnant? My conscience informs me that women should have the right to decide, not me or anyone else, including the government.

Sticking to your ignorant lie, I see.

Just to remind the sentient posters, a Zygote is a fertilized egg. A 3 to 4 days after fertilization, the zygote stage is over.

100% of surgical abortions occur after 6 weeks.

98% occur after 20 weeks - long after heart, brain, and the nervous developed.
Zygotes and embryos aren't babies, they're potential babies, not actual ones.

You said the same about Jews. Your type always seek to dehumanize your victims.

And of course you're lying.

No abortionist in history has EVER aborted a zygote.

However one would be required to create a clone from your finger (not that such a cell would be used) you anti-science ignoramus.
A life or human life is not equivalent to a human being or a human person.

Like an enemy of the party is not equivalent to a party member? Which is why there are different laws for party members than for enemies?

It's how you justify the forced labor camps and death camps that ALWAYS are part of socialism - 100% of the time.

The zygote or embryo is human, but it's not a human being or person. The woman is the human being and person with rights. You want to force women to remain pregnant for the sake of something that they have no moral obligation to sacrifice themselves for. The irony and hypocrisy is that you religious folks claim to care so much for fetuses (life in other people's wombs), yet you take every opportunity to defund government programs that help single mothers raise their children. Programs that assist single, impoverished mothers with food, housing, healthcare, daycare, job training, school lunches..etc. Whatever you Republican Evangelicals can do to defund these programs, you do it and you don't fill the need. Your "charity" and outreach ministries aren't enough. These programs address issues at a national scale, that not even the Salvation Army or the Catholic Church could adequately address. and serve.

Your hatred for government isn't even Biblical or righteous.

Government is like fire. It is a destructive force that can be useful if carefully controlled and contained.
Government is like fire. It is a destructive force that can be useful if carefully controlled and contained
Excellent analogy. Government can be freedom-protecting, but when it is use for ANYTHING more, it is already out of control.

This is why we already need to start over.

Machine guns MUST be available to all.

Machine guns or Valhalla

The Feds and state gov'ts have invaded and illegally violated the privacy of gun owners..and the left and the media have been just fine with that. The media, the left, and leftist run gov't both state and gov't have been just fine with the invasion of the privacy of those who do not want the clot shot and those that support President Trump. But now look at just how concerned the media and the left are over their alleged worry over the privacy of those women seeking abortions and those teachers who want to turn our children into homos and trans.
The personhood of that thing doesn't exist until it is actualized. For example, if you're a child, you're not an adult until you become one. You're a potential adult. The zygote and embryo is a potential human being and person, not an actual one. The woman is the actual human being, with rights. She shouldn't be forced to remain pregnant to actualize a thing into a human being. Her interests and needs should take precedence over the non-existent prerogatives or will of a zygote or embryo attached to her uterus.
The unborn is a child.

Just like the born child that needs only nurturing and care from its mother to become a human adult, the unborn child needs only nurturing and care from its mother to become an adult. The 1-year-old needs food and nurturing that it cannot give itself. The unborn child needs food and nurturing that it cannot give itself. Ideally, they will both also get love, care, and teaching from their mother but from a purely biological perspective, neither of them need anything different from their mother to become an adult.

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