Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

A “well regulated militia “ is described in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution

Go read it

No retard, it sure doesn't.

There is one small blurb regarding the militia, which makes abundantly clear that the militia is all able bodied men. The clause is in regard to calling up the militia in times of war, the text - which you haven't read - is

{To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;}
Moron claims we weren’t a country prior to the Constitution.

Newsflash we were

And when they were writing the Constitution, Shay’s Rebellion was fresh in their minds having just happened.

Not to mention the Whiskey Rebellion (similarly put down by the “Well regulated militia”) occurred in 1794

We were a confederation.

Which is why we had articles of confederation - retard.

Oh, you don't know what a confederation is, do you?

You're a Nazi because you're stupid.
These people are terrified. They've always been paranoid about the government, but now they're also afraid that the Chinese tanks will be rolling down Main Street any moment. They think we live in tyranny. This is what their media has done to them.

Imagine going through life like that.

Actually ... The Government was the first folks to put fully automatic firearms (and more) in the hands of a lot of these people ...
They are also fully aware of what the government is capable of and willing to do in any number of circumstances ... :auiqs.jpg:

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No retard, it sure doesn't.

There is one small blurb regarding the militia, which makes abundantly clear that the militia is all able bodied men. The clause is in regard to calling up the militia in times of war, the text - which you haven't read - is

{To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;}
Everything in the Constitution that is inconvenient to you gun nuts is "one small blurb" and can be ignored...because ya know...the Founders were so sloppy with their words...


You've been demonstrably wrong on every pint so far RETARD
The United States Government did not exist prior to 1789
Horse shit

Everything in the Constitution that is inconvenient to you gun nuts is "one small blurb" and can be ignored...because ya know...the Founders were so sloppy with their words...


You've been demonstrably wrong on every pint so far RETARD

Poor moron, posted a talking point from a hate site - had no idea what it referenced, because you didn't bother to read that text, then cries when he get's his ass handed to him.

Poor moron, posted a talking point from a hate site - had no idea what it referenced, because you didn't bother to read that text, then cries when he get's his ass handed to him.
WTF drugs are you on?

Hate site?

Fuck off
And the funniest thing here is that not only does the Constitution describe what a well regulated militia is and how it is made up in Article 1 Section 8...not only does it describe it's of which is to put DOWN insurrections...

This moron is trying to argue that away by claiming Shay's Rebellion didn't matter because it happened before the Constitution was written (by a few clearly in the minds of the writers of it)...while

The word individual is not in the second amendment

That's an OPINION.

Another opinion is that since it is prefaced by the militia is a COLLECTIVE right related to that militia clause
No it is not an opinion it is fact

You are wrong and ignorant in the extreme. The people means individuals and not an elite select group.

Those are facts proven by basic grammar and legal precedent.

you are full of shit and proven wrong

Like all the amendments in the bull of rights it is not a group eriught or limited to membership in a group
And the funniest thing here is that not only does the Constitution describe what a well regulated militia is and how it is made up in Article 1 Section 8...not only does it describe it's of which is to put DOWN insurrections...

This moron is trying to argue that away by claiming Shay's Rebellion didn't matter because it happened before the Constitution was written (by a few clearly in the minds of the writers of it)...while

Your entire argument is rendered moot by the second amendment itself moron
Everything in the Constitution that is inconvenient to you gun nuts is "one small blurb" and can be ignored...because ya know...the Founders were so sloppy with their words...


You've been demonstrably wrong on every pint so far RETARD
The only dumbfuck proven wrong on every point so far is you
No it is not an opinion it is fact

You are wrong and ignorant in the extreme. The people means individuals and not an elite select group.

Those are facts proven by basic grammar and legal precedent.

you are full of shit and proven wrong

Like all the amendments in the bull of rights it is not a group eriught or limited to membership in a group
The 2A is what it is and says what it says

And Article 1 Section 8 renders this entire thread moot since the CONSTITUTION says that the militia (mentioned in the 2A) should be used to put down the insurrections this thread is about...and indeed it was used for exactly that purpose both just prior to writing the Constitution and well after
Not correct.

The United States was formed by the ratification of United States Constitution. The colonies formed a Confederation after the defeat of the British. The United States Government did not exist prior to 1789

Facts matter.
The United States was formed when the former Colonies sent the Declaration of Independence to King George. The Constitution set up how that newly formed nation would function. Claiming that the United States didn't exist until the ratification of the Constitution is laughable!
And you clearly know dick about military history.
And apparently have never heard of a 'military base'?

And you are making a ridiculous and extreme assumption that every, single gun owner in America is going to be fighting this 'tyrannical' government you are fantasizing about.
Which is beyond nonsensical.
Americans cannot even agree whether the last election was stolen or not.
Are you so utterly clueless that you actually think most Americans would be in agreement about a government being 'tyrannical' or not?

If you are going to delve into simplistic, sci-fi fantasies?
I will not waste my time reading your ridiculous posts on this.


Every American doesn't have to be in the obviously don't understand your military history.......a tiny number of people have taken over countries........the nazis were never the majority, the taliban were never the majority.....

600 million guns in private hands allows us to arm those who will actively fight, the rest give support....and as the government becomes more and more repressive, the more they lose popular support.
Every American doesn't have to be in the obviously don't understand your military history.......a tiny number of people have taken over countries........the nazis were never the majority, the taliban were never the majority.....

600 million guns in private hands allows us to arm those who will actively fight, the rest give support....and as the government becomes more and more repressive, the more they lose popular support.
So how many people are you willing to KILL because you hate liberals and love Trump?

Sick fucks
The 2A is what it is and says what it says

And Article 1 Section 8 renders this entire thread moot since the CONSTITUTION says that the militia (mentioned in the 2A) should be used to put down the insurrections this thread is about...and indeed it was used for exactly that purpose both just prior to writing the Constitution and well after
Yes it is what it is and says what it says and it says the right ot the PEOPLE not the militia

You lose bitch
So how many people are you willing to KILL because you hate liberals and love Trump?

Sick fucks You guys willingly allowed BLM and antifa to murder over 40 people during the 7 months the democrats ordered them to burn, loot and murder in black neighborhoods.....
Yes it is what it is and says what it says and it says the right ot the PEOPLE not the militia

You lose bitch
"A Well Regulated Militia being necessary"

Is how it begins. That clearly states the reason for the 2A

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