Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

Because at the time it was written English was well understood and had not undergone decades of attack.
You mean they said shit that didn't matter back things like the Constitution?

No kidding
Of course they could.
With all due respect, it is you whom does not seem to know his/her military history.

All the military has to do is kill the leaders (and their underlings) of whatever movement they want to subdue.
The ignorant masses will cower in fear and give in.
When in history has a government had to kill even 10% of the population to subdue it?
Not 'wanted to'.
'Had to'?

And a JDAM is dirt cheap...only $25K a pop.
They could kill a million+ Americans with them and it would only cost $25+ billion.
Which is a tiny fraction of the military budget.
Without even breaking a sweat.
And all the privately-owned firearms in America could not even begin to stop them.

My point is NOTHING to do with guns being bad or good.
The ENTIRE point is that gun bunnies arguing that they need their firearms to protect the masses against a tyrannical government is utter and complete nonsense.
You claim I'm ignorant of "military history" because I find it far fetched that the US military will use massive numbers of smart weapons on US citizens? Show me where that's ever happened? Show me where they've EVER used a smart weapon on a US citizen?
You claim I'm ignorant of "military history" because I find it far fetched that the US military will use massive numbers of smart weapons on US citizens? Show me where that's ever happened? Show me where they've EVER used a smart weapon on a US citizen?

It wouldn't even take "smart weapons"

Ar-15s against tanks and air power don't do shit stupid
You mean they said shit that didn't matter back things like the Constitution?

No kidding

No, they believed brevity mattered. The fewer words, the less chance they could be perverted.
It makes you sound mentally challenged.

Insisting that gun owners are mentally challenged makes you sound mentally challenged...

Having guns is not going to protect you from the police or military.

You need to allow for the very real possibility that, faced with a tyrannical government, many police and military will abandon their oath and fight among the civilians...

With normal police equipment, SWAT teams, police tactics and fire power etc, they can easily neutralize any armed threat or movement. They wouldn't even break a sweat.

I think there are some SWAT teams and police who would disagree with you:

Not to mention, police surveillance tactics will make it impossible for an anti-government group to organize a big enough threat to the regime. You don't have a chance. And that is only the police. Your little AR-15 isn't going to do anything to a drone, tank, apache helicopter, fighter jet or combat unit (much less special forces). There is a reason you have not seen a people's uprising to over-throw a government even in Africa in decade. And really only Sudan has been overthrown by a military coup.

Do you realize what you're doing?

You're explaining why you think it would be a better idea to simply roll over and play dead; Give up. You're a coward. Thankfully millions of Americans are not...

No, the only reason you want certain guns (such as a AR-15) is because you like to have them.

You know what's neat? We don't have to explain to you why we want anything, much less explain it to a coward like you...

It is true the vast majority of gun owners are responsible and good people, including AR-15 owners. But that 1% or 0.05% that are not responsible can cause havoc, as we just saw in Highland park (an event I was on my way to attend and an event to which I know many people that were directly effected).

Yes, there are mentally deficient scumbags out there.

And calling gun owners "gun nuts" exposes you as one of them...

If you want to hunt, then a single shot hunting rifle will suffice. If it is about home defense, then handguns and shotguns (which as both short-range) would be sufficient.

You don't get to tell anyone how to hunt or how to protect their home...

There are many things that can be done, such as arm teachers, have cops in schools, secure soft targets, better mental health facilities, red flag rules and immunity for snitching, involuntary institutionalization, high standards for gun ownership, higher and minimum sentences for illegal gun possession, Federal no buy lists, vicarious liability for guns for the gun owner etc., but stop with the argument that you need guns for tyrannical governments! Because it is foolish.

It wasn't foolish 246 years ago...

There should be a ban on all guns other then single shot hunting rifles, handguns and shotguns.

And what do you think that will accomplish?

Let me help you out: If you ban those guns, the only thing that will happen will be that law abiding citizens turn their guns in.

Criminals; you know, those people who would love to visit violence upon you and your family if given half a chance, will still have theirs. Instead of stupidly taking guns from law abiding citizens, why not do something positive regarding taking those weapons away from criminals?

Now I know handguns are by far the weapon of choice in the vast number of homicides, but so called "assault rifles" (yes I know that is a term the liberals made up) it by far a more sufficient weapon to commit mass murder then a handgun, even if they are semi-automatic (vs full).

You know, when you pull the trigger on an AR-15, you send only one round out of the muzzle. You need to pull the trigger again to shoot another round.

When you pull the trigger on a revolver you send only one round out of the muzzle. You need to pull the trigger again to shoot another round.

But, please, explain what a "single shot" gun is...

Keep sticking to these stances that turn off the moderates (e.g. ban on abortion and do nothing on guns) and then cry about how Demorats can win with gas over $5-6, out of control inflation, major blunders in foreign policy and everyone hating woke politics. If the Demorats keep the House and pick up senate seats you are going to see the most radical changes to this country that we haver ever seen.

That's a big "if".

When it comes to voting, people will care more about lowering gas prices than they will keeping abortion legal.

The democrats are going to get hammered in November...
Idiot. ^^^

You think anyone is talking about a "war against the US government"?

Dude - NO ONE is talking about that. Not the left, not the right, not the outliers, not even Goats. Not even me.

Please, check your insanity at the door.
Holy SHIT!!!
How fucking stupid can you be?

How the fuck are you breathing?
Your brain capacity must be so INCREDIBLY small to have made this post.
How do you still have enough left over for your basic, body functions?
I guess walking and talking - at the same time - is just a dream for you.



Bye now.

It wouldn't even take "smart weapons"

Ar-15s against tanks and air power don't do shit stupid
When Americans have to "depend" on Government to protect them...then they are under Government's thumb! That's what the right to bear arms is all about...having the right to defend yourself and your loved ones against an increasingly evil world!
Injuring 140 cops...sending dozens to the hospital...smashing their way into the US Capitol, obstructing the official proceedings of Congress...conspiracy to do all of the above...

Law breaking

for every Nazis favorite GAME


In this game the goal is to lie, obfuscate, and gaslight the terrorist crimes of the Nazi democrat Reich during the 2019-2020 Kristallnacht the democrat Brown Shirts waged against America with their terrorist Insurrection.

First round, are you ready?

During the Kristallnacht, democrat terrorist Brown Shirts murdered 39 police officers. HOW MANY did the peaceful protesters at the Reichstag Fire kill?
1.) Zero
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Two:

Can you feel the tension Nazi?

Armed Insurrectionists invaded American territory and held it for 43 days through force of arms which democrat politicians like Kamala Harris funded their treason in what American city?
1.) Seattle
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Three:

Democrat terrorists raped 19 people at the traitorous insurrection known as CHAZ/CHOP, including a homeless MAN. How many people were raped at the Reichstag Fire?

WAIT - unfair question. Decent Americans don't rape people - only democrats do that, so the answer has to be..
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

Round Four:

Between arson and looting, democrat Brown Shirt terrorists caused nearly a TRILLION dollars in damage with the Soros orchestrated Kristallnacht. How many fires were set at the Reichstag Fire?
1.) Zero
2.) Buh Muh Reichstag Fire!!!!

If you're a Nazi terrorist - the perfect score is #2 on all questions - because you KNOW you're #2
It was certainly taking into account the events that happened just a few years before and set the stage for the putting down of a similar insurrection using that well regulated militia just a few years later

And America was CERTAINLY a country from 1781 when the AoC were ratified...some would argue from 1776


Fucking Nazi - Shays Rebellion occurred before the United States was formed.

The talking points you got from your hate site failed.

When are you going to figure out that the Reich lies - which makes you look like an ignorant fool as you post the shit from KOS, CNN, or democratic underground - or whatever hate site you use?
So, what kind of Government do you want? No Government? Just anarchy with no laws or punishments? Are you insane? Our Government isn't perfect. But, it's the best this world has ever seen. It's why everyone from abroad wants to come to the United States of America. Few are fleeing to China, Russia, Venezuela, Columbia, England and so on. Our system of Government with it's basic rights found in our Constitution has created the greatest nation ever on the face of the earth. It's the communists, fascists, atheists and anarchists wolves in sheepskins that are tearing the country down with wokeism, CRT racist divisions and defunding the police. If we can stop the stated spiders of society then we can move forward and become an even greater nation for liberty and freedom around the world.

Our CONSTITUION and the structure of government is the best the world has seen.

In action our government has devolved into a cesspool where fascists driven by Oligarchs lusting for absolute power corrupt every aspect of the federal government. Both parties are in government to enrich themselves personally with the democrats adopting the full blown mantle of Nazism seeking to end the constitution in favor of outright dictatorship, and Republics following behind them hoping to gather any scraps they drop.
Fucking Nazi - Shays Rebellion occurred before the United States was formed.

The talking points you got from your hate site failed.

When are you going to figure out that the Reich lies - which makes you look like an ignorant fool as you post the shit from KOS, CNN, or democratic underground - or whatever hate site you use?
1786 is when Shays Rebellion took place, Uncensored! Did you really want to claim it happened before the US was formed? Talk about looking like an ignorant fool! LOL
The militia clause is written in English...
So is "the right of the PEOPLE," which you Nazis pretend isn't in the enumerated right.

George Mason: “I ask you sir, who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people.” (Elliott, Debates, 425-426)

"Regulated" means "Arms in working order."

Nazi democrats lie about everything - always.
So is "the right of the PEOPLE," which you Nazis pretend isn't in the enumerated right.

George Mason: “I ask you sir, who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people.” (Elliott, Debates, 425-426)

"Regulated" means "Arms in working order."

Nazi democrats lie about everything - always.
A “well regulated militia “ is described in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution

Go read it
When was the Constitution ratified again?

Talk about looking like an ignorant fool!
Moron claims we weren’t a country prior to the Constitution.

Newsflash we were

And when they were writing the Constitution, Shay’s Rebellion was fresh in their minds having just happened.

Not to mention the Whiskey Rebellion (similarly put down by the “Well regulated militia”) occurred in 1794
No, they believed brevity mattered. The fewer words, the less chance they could be perverted.
So you’re saying that they chose their words carefully.
I agree
And included the militia clause because it meant something very particular
So you’re saying that they chose their words carefully.
I agree
And included the militia clause because it meant something very particular
Once again the secodn protects an individual right not a group right.

Smart bombs and tanks and air power etc can indeed be defeated by a lightly armed population your notuons to the contrary are proven wrong by history.
Once again the secodn protects an individual right not a group right.
The word individual is not in the second amendment

That's an OPINION.

Another opinion is that since it is prefaced by the militia is a COLLECTIVE right related to that militia clause

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