CDZ Can Hurricane deaths 5 months after Hurricane be blamed on Trump?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

The politics of calculating hurricane deaths

Here’s where we run into trouble. Look at the description of the methodology they used. It’s based on “a careful examination of all of the deaths officially reported to the government of Puerto Rico between September 2017 and February 2018… using state-of-the-art mathematical modeling to compare the total number of deaths during that time to the expected number of deaths, based on historical patterns as well as age, sex, socioeconomic status and migration from the island.”

They’re counting deaths which took place five months after the storm had passed.

Pardon my incredulousness over such a serious matter, but when did we start defining hurricane deaths in this fashion? When we think of people dying in a hurricane, we picture those who are washed out to sea, struck by flying debris, trapped under collapsed buildings, drowned in rising storm surge waters or even expiring from exposure while trapped on their roofs awaiting rescue. But at some point the storm is over and the immediate rescue and recovery operations are complete. People no doubt suffer ill effects from a deadly storm for some time to come, but that’s largely a matter of how good the medical and social support services available to them happen to be.


This new study of Maria, as indicated above, was looking at the number of people who probably would have died on average in each month following the storm going out to February fo the following year. Then they looked at the number of actual death certificates they could find (no matter what they died of) and any in excess of the projection were attributed to the storm. Five. Months. Later.

I’m not saying that there was or wasn’t any political bias involved in the compilation of the Milken Institute study, but that’s really not the point. The question is whether or not this is actual science. If you’re suggesting that every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available, or because they were bitten by a dog who might have been too hungry because he lost his owners in the storm, are directly attributable to the hurricane, then… please.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.
If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

For the last 30 years, the Puerto Rican government has been completely inept at handling regular societal needs, so I just don’t see it functioning in a crisis like this one. Even before the hurricane hit, water and power systems were already broken. And our $118 billion debt crisis is a result of government corruption and mismanagement.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.

The government of Puerto Rico is in Charge, FEMA assists them, if they are corrupt to the core, as the latest arrests of Puerto Rican officials show, it is on them, not Trump....
Of course they can ... they can blame the Reichstag Fire on him if they want. I'm just not sure they know enough about History to have thought of that one.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.

The Feds can't fix local screw ups...

For instance, shortly after the hurricane hit, the government imposed a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am and then changed it. Now, it’s 7 pm to 5 am, and makes no sense. The curfew has prevented fuel trucks from transporting their loads. These trucks should have been allowed to run for 24 hours to address our needs, but they have been stalled, and so we have massive lines at gas stations and severe shortages of diesel at our hospitals and supermarkets.

I’m really tired of Puerto Rican government officials blaming the federal government for their woes and for not acting fast enough to help people on the island. Last week I had three federal agents in my office and I was so embarrassed; I went out of my way to apologize to them for the attitude of my government and what they have been saying about the US response. When the hurricane hit we had experts from FEMA from all over the US on the ground and I was really proud of their quick response. The first responders and FEMA have all been outstanding in this crisis, and should be supported.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.

The Feds can't fix local screw ups...

For instance, shortly after the hurricane hit, the government imposed a curfew from 6 pm to 6 am and then changed it. Now, it’s 7 pm to 5 am, and makes no sense. The curfew has prevented fuel trucks from transporting their loads. These trucks should have been allowed to run for 24 hours to address our needs, but they have been stalled, and so we have massive lines at gas stations and severe shortages of diesel at our hospitals and supermarkets.

I’m really tired of Puerto Rican government officials blaming the federal government for their woes and for not acting fast enough to help people on the island. Last week I had three federal agents in my office and I was so embarrassed; I went out of my way to apologize to them for the attitude of my government and what they have been saying about the US response. When the hurricane hit we had experts from FEMA from all over the US on the ground and I was really proud of their quick response. The first responders and FEMA have all been outstanding in this crisis, and should be supported.

I believe the Puerto Rican local officials acted with incredible swiftness ... just hours into the disaster and they were able to manufacture custom tee-shirts.

If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.

If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.

States don’t have sovereign rights Joe. You must know this since Abe ended that a long time ago. Why are you posting dumb shit again?
If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.


Giving money to American rather than to those who have repeatedly voted not be part of America but still demand America pay all their bills?

Puerto Rico is a 116-year-old child who refuses to leave Mom's basement.

We need to call Dr Phil ... it's time for 'tough love'.
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Of course, that doesn't mean we can't do expansive trade deals with Puerto Rico.

"Can Hurricane deaths 5 months after Hurricane be blamed on Trump?

Yes, absolutely. If rhe cause of death is attributable to an illness or injury originating during the hurricane and caused by a poor emergency services response it can be blamed on the poor response. Trump, as CiC is hence culpable for the poor response. In this case, a lack of LPH's directly stalled and hindered the delivery of life-saving supplies such as medicines and clean drinking water that and troops to administer and safeguard those supplies could have and should have been delivered via helicopters dispatched from an appropriate number of LPH's. Helicopter Carriers (LPH's) were in short supply only because they were not dispatched to rhe area in time.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

The politics of calculating hurricane deaths

Here’s where we run into trouble. Look at the description of the methodology they used. It’s based on “a careful examination of all of the deaths officially reported to the government of Puerto Rico between September 2017 and February 2018… using state-of-the-art mathematical modeling to compare the total number of deaths during that time to the expected number of deaths, based on historical patterns as well as age, sex, socioeconomic status and migration from the island.”

They’re counting deaths which took place five months after the storm had passed.

Pardon my incredulousness over such a serious matter, but when did we start defining hurricane deaths in this fashion? When we think of people dying in a hurricane, we picture those who are washed out to sea, struck by flying debris, trapped under collapsed buildings, drowned in rising storm surge waters or even expiring from exposure while trapped on their roofs awaiting rescue. But at some point the storm is over and the immediate rescue and recovery operations are complete. People no doubt suffer ill effects from a deadly storm for some time to come, but that’s largely a matter of how good the medical and social support services available to them happen to be.


This new study of Maria, as indicated above, was looking at the number of people who probably would have died on average in each month following the storm going out to February fo the following year. Then they looked at the number of actual death certificates they could find (no matter what they died of) and any in excess of the projection were attributed to the storm. Five. Months. Later.

I’m not saying that there was or wasn’t any political bias involved in the compilation of the Milken Institute study, but that’s really not the point. The question is whether or not this is actual science. If you’re suggesting that every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available, or because they were bitten by a dog who might have been too hungry because he lost his owners in the storm, are directly attributable to the hurricane, then… please.

Is Trump president or not?

Fuck, he's taking credit for the economy doing well when he did nothing, now he doesn't want to take the blame for problems that are happening. What a fucking surprise.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.
Then he needs to declare martial law! Put a division of army in there, put the dumb officials in jail and just take over PR. Otherwise he is not responsible.
If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.


Giving money to American rather than to those who have repeatedly voted not be part of America but still demand America pay all their bills?

Puerto Rico is a 116-year-old child who refuses to leave Mom's basement.

We need to call Dr Phil ... it's time for 'tough love'.
So this is kinda like a shakedown!
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.
Then he needs to declare martial law! Put a division of army in there, put the dumb officials in jail and just take over PR. Otherwise he is not responsible.
He could have put a division of troops in PR when they were needed.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.
Then he needs to declare martial law! Put a division of army in there, put the dumb officials in jail and just take over PR. Otherwise he is not responsible.
Exactly !!!!

The storm was catastrophic, and in the modern age those numbers are actually low in regards to the deaths involved. If a Storm like that would have hit them decades ago, the numbers would have been catastrophic in regards to the numbers of deaths. It will probably amaze people as to how many resources have been poured into that area since then. The infrastructure was very fragile due to a number of past reasons, and that also played a huge role in the deaths I'm thinking. Emergency preparedness was probably another factor. We're shelters adequate, high ground routes adequate, transportation adequate, escape routes adequate etc ?

This cheap shot at Trump is pure political bullcrap, just as it was in the blaming of Bush during Katrina. What did that idiot Ralm Emmanuel get caught saying ? "Never let a ??? go to waste"
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.
Then he needs to declare martial law! Put a division of army in there, put the dumb officials in jail and just take over PR. Otherwise he is not responsible.
He could have put a division of troops in PR when they were needed.
He did

Military conducting multiple operations to help Hurricane Maria-struck Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
"Can Hurricane deaths 5 months after Hurricane be blamed on Trump?

Yes, absolutely. If rhe cause of death is attributable to an illness or injury originating during the hurricane and caused by a poor emergency services response it can be blamed on the poor response. Trump, as CiC is hence culpable for the poor response. In this case, a lack of LPH's directly stalled and hindered the delivery of life-saving supplies such as medicines and clean drinking water that and troops to administer and safeguard those supplies could have and should have been delivered via helicopters dispatched from an appropriate number of LPH's. Helicopter Carriers (LPH's) were in short supply only because they were not dispatched to rhe area in time.
The Gator Navy pulled in right behind the storm...........Kearsarge and the Wasp my old ship............and immediately went into rescue operations...........FEMA workers road out the storm on those 2 ships..............nearly 10000 FEMA workers and military were there during the storm because of Irma...............were already rendering aid to the region..........

You can only deliver so much via helo's...........the main push had to be by port then land transport........took them days to clear the water ways..............funny thing about storms...........they litter the harbors with debris.........that had to be cleared to open the water ways...........

Supplies were at the shipping centers already...........but then the truck drivers went on freaking strike in the middle of the storm demanding more money in the middle of a recovery effort.............go on strike when people needed them right then and there...............

Not only that...........the dam was about to break and partially broke that held the Islands water supply........not an easy fix.........the main River changed direction and was now flowing directly through a city .........The Corp of Engineers had to build a levee to redirect an entire River to stop it from flowing into the city.........

Roads were cut..........all roads were blocked by debris........yet the clean up started right after the storm..........

Temp power went out almost immediately to every hospital and key medical centers the next day........getting fuel to them being the next major problem............

Your side is lying about the effort there.......
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.
Then he needs to declare martial law! Put a division of army in there, put the dumb officials in jail and just take over PR. Otherwise he is not responsible.
He could have put a division of troops in PR when they were needed.
He did

Military conducting multiple operations to help Hurricane Maria-struck Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
They keep spinning and spinning.. :spinner:

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