Can Jesus be God if he is not all knowing?

Your obsession is like 36 outta 40 weird, dude
You get all embarrassed because you made a mistake, had the mods edit three posts to cover it up and you are calling me obsessive?
Ill bet my membership vs. yours that a mod didnt edit my post.

Put up or shut up, you obsessed fuckin freak
Who edited it?
I corrected one (my) post.

That devolved you into a conspiracy theory about mods, 3 posts, and a whole buncha other shit. In other words, I made a typo and corrected it, and your disgusting obsession led you to believe that mods were brought in to cover up my typo and edit three posts

You are seriously obsessive and gross
I captured your "typo" when I hit reply. That was mysteriously edited out of my post. As well as one other post.
Then you are into conspiracy territory, obsessive dingerred, cuz ill bet my membership right now that neither me, nor any mods, edited your post.

You wont bet same, though.

Thats alright. no need to reciprocate having a nutsac.
You get all embarrassed because you made a mistake, had the mods edit three posts to cover it up and you are calling me obsessive?
Ill bet my membership vs. yours that a mod didnt edit my post.

Put up or shut up, you obsessed fuckin freak
Who edited it?
I corrected one (my) post.

That devolved you into a conspiracy theory about mods, 3 posts, and a whole buncha other shit. In other words, I made a typo and corrected it, and your disgusting obsession led you to believe that mods were brought in to cover up my typo and edit three posts

You are seriously obsessive and gross
I captured your "typo" when I hit reply. That was mysteriously edited out of my post. As well as one other post.
Then you are into conspiracy territory, obsessive dingerred, cuz ill bet my membership right now that neither me, nor any mods, edited your post.

You wont bet same, though.

Thats alright. no need to reciprocate having a nutsac.
For starters it wasn't a typo, but your ego won't allow you to admit you were wrong, amirite?
I recently saw a meme, Jesus died for your sins? What the hell does that have do with anything? I hit my foot with a shovel for your mortgage?
Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Its the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
I recently saw a meme, Jesus died for your sins? What the hell does that have do with anything? I hit my foot with a shovel for your mortgage?
Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Does the phrase fully human have no meaning to you?
Ill bet my membership vs. yours that a mod didnt edit my post.

Put up or shut up, you obsessed fuckin freak
Who edited it?
I corrected one (my) post.

That devolved you into a conspiracy theory about mods, 3 posts, and a whole buncha other shit. In other words, I made a typo and corrected it, and your disgusting obsession led you to believe that mods were brought in to cover up my typo and edit three posts

You are seriously obsessive and gross
I captured your "typo" when I hit reply. That was mysteriously edited out of my post. As well as one other post.
Then you are into conspiracy territory, obsessive dingerred, cuz ill bet my membership right now that neither me, nor any mods, edited your post.

You wont bet same, though.

Thats alright. no need to reciprocate having a nutsac.
For starters it wasn't a typo, but your ego won't allow you to admit you were wrong, amirite?
A typo is being wrong.

Ive admitted that.

You? You proclaimed that 3 posts were edited, and punked down from wagering that thats true.


I made the wager.

Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Does the phrase fully human have no meaning to you?
Much less meaning than all knowing, and all powerful.
I recently saw a meme, Jesus died for your sins? What the hell does that have do with anything? I hit my foot with a shovel for your mortgage?
Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?
Everything done to Jesus, hell they have done thousands of times since. Not unique, everyone suffers to a larger or lesser degree. But Jesus was immortal, and was chosen to suffer as an example. He wasn't actually sacrificed because he couldn't die, and besides if god loved us so much why put us through all this needless suffering? Seems ultimately pointless. if God knows everything why test the weak and the defenseless?
I recently saw a meme, Jesus died for your sins? What the hell does that have do with anything? I hit my foot with a shovel for your mortgage?
Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Jewish historians wrote about him, early Christians wrote about him, secular historians wrote about him.
Let's see... a convicted criminal, who was put to death by the state, whose ministry only lasted three and a half years, and he was the greatest force for good mankind has ever known. And he was just a kid's tale?

I get that you need to call me names to feel better about yourself. It's cool, GT, I can take it. What you intend for evil, God is using for good.
I recently saw a meme, Jesus died for your sins? What the hell does that have do with anything? I hit my foot with a shovel for your mortgage?
Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?
Everything done to Jesus, hell they have done thousands of times since. Not unique, everyone suffers to a larger or lesser degree. But Jesus was immortal, and was chosen to suffer as an example. He wasn't actually sacrificed because he couldn't die, and besides if god loved us so much why put us through all this needless suffering? Seems ultimately pointless. if God knows everything why test the weak and the defenseless?
You are opening the door for nonsensical bloviating and preaching. Rational discussion with a poster that suffers a lack of rational thought, as well as a lack of humility, is fruitless. You will see, though Smack me when ya do.
Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Jewish historians wrote about him, early Christians wrote about him, secular historians wrote about him.
Let's see... a convicted criminal, who was put to death by the state, whose ministry only lasted three and a half years, and he was the greatest force for good mankind has ever known. And he was just a kid's tale?

I get that you need to call me names to feel better about yourself. It's cool, GT, I can take it. What you intend for evil, God is using for good.
Thats good, reverend.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Does the phrase fully human have no meaning to you?
Much less meaning than all knowing, and all powerful.
Not when it comes to what he suffered.

That's the problem people like you have, you need to change the narrative to make your narrative balance.

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Does the phrase fully human have no meaning to you?
Much less meaning than all knowing, and all powerful.
Not when it comes to what he suffered.

That's the problem people like you have, you need to change the narrative to make your narrative balance.
You opinion is weighted as heavy as it deserves.
Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?
Everything done to Jesus, hell they have done thousands of times since. Not unique, everyone suffers to a larger or lesser degree. But Jesus was immortal, and was chosen to suffer as an example. He wasn't actually sacrificed because he couldn't die, and besides if god loved us so much why put us through all this needless suffering? Seems ultimately pointless. if God knows everything why test the weak and the defenseless?
You are opening the door for nonsensical bloviating and preaching. Rational discussion with a poster that suffers a lack of rational thought, as well as a lack of humility, is fruitless. You will see, though Smack me when ya do.
Why don't you and me discuss it in the Bull Ring, GT?

I mean after all, I am irrational, right?

Seems like you would be itching to have your way with me instead of running from me.
Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Does the phrase fully human have no meaning to you?
Much less meaning than all knowing, and all powerful.
Not when it comes to what he suffered.

That's the problem people like you have, you need to change the narrative to make your narrative balance.
You opinion is weighted as heavy as it deserves.
That's not an opinion, brother. That's a fact.

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Does the phrase fully human have no meaning to you?
Much less meaning than all knowing, and all powerful.
Not when it comes to what he suffered.

That's the problem people like you have, you need to change the narrative to make your narrative balance.
You opinion is weighted as heavy as it deserves.
That's not an opinion, brother. That's a fact.
Ok, Reverend. Preach on, keep fighting that good battle.
Does the phrase fully human have no meaning to you?
Much less meaning than all knowing, and all powerful.
Not when it comes to what he suffered.

That's the problem people like you have, you need to change the narrative to make your narrative balance.
You opinion is weighted as heavy as it deserves.
That's not an opinion, brother. That's a fact.
Ok, Reverend. Preach on, keep fighting that good battle.
Same to you. Maybe some day your vision of a world without religion will be achieved.

You are in excellent company.
Jesus was an omniscient, all knowing, all powerful being that was a useful tool to tools like dingerred to point out obvious mores and implications of sacrifice, oblivious to the short sightedness that "it" being "god" itself, means, necessarily, that it wasnt actually even a sacrifice of any sort.
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Jewish historians wrote about him, early Christians wrote about him, secular historians wrote about him.
Let's see... a convicted criminal, who was put to death by the state, whose ministry only lasted three and a half years, and he was the greatest force for good mankind has ever known. And he was just a kid's tale?

I get that you need to call me names to feel better about yourself. It's cool, GT, I can take it. What you intend for evil, God is using for good.

just as much was written about Robin Hood
  • Thanks
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Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?
Everything done to Jesus, hell they have done thousands of times since. Not unique, everyone suffers to a larger or lesser degree. But Jesus was immortal, and was chosen to suffer as an example. He wasn't actually sacrificed because he couldn't die, and besides if god loved us so much why put us through all this needless suffering? Seems ultimately pointless. if God knows everything why test the weak and the defenseless?
You are opening the door for nonsensical bloviating and preaching. Rational discussion with a poster that suffers a lack of rational thought, as well as a lack of humility, is fruitless. You will see, though Smack me when ya do.
Why don't you and me discuss it in the Bull Ring, GT?

I mean after all, I am irrational, right?

Seems like you would be itching to have your way with me instead of running from me.
Theres a few things, here.

1, youve tried in over 20 posts to beg me into the "bullring"

2, ive seen you do this with quite a few other posters

3, when i leave the religion forum for weeks and months at a time, youre in the same neener neener tit for tat with the same posters...lots of them, all the same tired and obsessive o.c.d. to just.....needlessly argue, instead of rationally discuss things

4, #3 is why i think that youre sad, to be honest

5, the bullring and the religion forum only differ in your tiny little the internet is turbo important little brain. jesus would be proud
Could you please translate that?

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?

He invented suffering.


He invented death.

Most of the pain of death for a cognizant being isnt even physical to begin with. Ots the loss of another loved one.

Jesus didnt have to wonder of this loss. He knew he was eternal.

Its pretty much pussy shit to pretend that his human body dying was suffering, to the most powerful super hero of evahhhh

its a kids tale, dung.
Jewish historians wrote about him, early Christians wrote about him, secular historians wrote about him.
Let's see... a convicted criminal, who was put to death by the state, whose ministry only lasted three and a half years, and he was the greatest force for good mankind has ever known. And he was just a kid's tale?

I get that you need to call me names to feel better about yourself. It's cool, GT, I can take it. What you intend for evil, God is using for good.

just as much was written about Robin Hood
Robin Hood did not change the world.

If you know.....for a FACT.... that the human body is but a temporary blip... (cuz you created it to be this way)

and that a "soul" is everlasting, i.e. "eternal"

If you ...are all powerful, as the described God, of the bible...

Then what sort of sacrifice is it ....that your human body dies?

1 outta ten?

Suffering death in the manner that was done to him?
Everything done to Jesus, hell they have done thousands of times since. Not unique, everyone suffers to a larger or lesser degree. But Jesus was immortal, and was chosen to suffer as an example. He wasn't actually sacrificed because he couldn't die, and besides if god loved us so much why put us through all this needless suffering? Seems ultimately pointless. if God knows everything why test the weak and the defenseless?
You are opening the door for nonsensical bloviating and preaching. Rational discussion with a poster that suffers a lack of rational thought, as well as a lack of humility, is fruitless. You will see, though Smack me when ya do.
Why don't you and me discuss it in the Bull Ring, GT?

I mean after all, I am irrational, right?

Seems like you would be itching to have your way with me instead of running from me.
Theres a few things, here.

1, youve tried in over 20 posts to beg me into the "bullring"

2, ive seen you do this with quite a few other posters

3, when i leave the religion forum for weeks and months at a time, youre in the same neener neener tit for tat with the same posters...lots of them, all the same tired and obsessive o.c.d. to just.....needlessly argue, instead of rationally discuss things

4, #3 is why i think that youre sad, to be honest

5, the bullring and the religion forum only differ in your tiny little the internet is turbo important little brain. jesus would be proud
Beg you into the bull ring? You mean challenged you. A challenge you never accepted. I think that speaks for itself.

You aren't capable of rational discussion on this subject.

The difference between us is that I am sad for you.

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