Can liberals just admit they are racist?

Wait a minute..this from the people who have determined that marriage MUST include homosexual couplings, and "truth" is relative.


Marriage pre-dates Christianity. Or religion in general.

News as that may be to you.


What does that have to do with the fact that you are striving to change the definition of it, and yet now you're bitching about changing the meaning of words?

What worthless hypocrites and liars.

I find it amazing that the new fad, since you can't find evidence of racism, is to assert that we're using "code" to hide our racism.

That's fucking insane.

OK smart guy present the Epistemology that proves what you claim
Thats all they talk about. They point to racism when there is none. They constantly seperate people into smaller groups. Racism is their only cry when they don't want people to talk about the real issues. How exploitive is that? Its very racist.

They actually don't realize that their behavior is hypocritical and can be viewed as racist. Usually racist against whites or bigoted against christian/catholics.

They dont see it that way though, they think its OK to be racist if its agaisnt whites or bigoted if its against catholics.

Its a weird, twighlight zone style, hypocricy.
Senate, House, Governor Races - Election Center 2010 - Elections & Politics from

about 90 % of blacks vote democratic WHY??????????

If it liberals ( like you claim) that are the racist why do blacks vote for them in such high numbers?

Because libs use racist programs to buy them off.

You provide special programs for people based on their color, they're gonna like you. It's the way racism works.

Note how you separate blacks out from thes liberal numbers?

You are the one who sees them as separate from whites.

You see them as inferiors who will only vote how they are told to vote and can be bribed.

You pretend they are not part of the system but a leach on it.

YOUR racism is transparent.

Actually, it is YOU that is the racist, you little twit. You hold up the 'people of color' like a fucking trophy.... Allie is right, minorities vote liberal because liberals pander to them. Look at the black community. See the damage that your racist behavior has caused. It is decades of pandering to blacks instead of pushing them to achieve for themselves that caused the massive issues within their community. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Conservatives want blacks to succeed, to become educated and independent thinkers, to accept personal responsiblity, to become contributors, and to rely upon themselves not government. Were this to actually happen it would be a disaster for liberalism.
Marriage pre-dates Christianity. Or religion in general.

News as that may be to you.


What does that have to do with the fact that you are striving to change the definition of it, and yet now you're bitching about changing the meaning of words?

What worthless hypocrites and liars.

I find it amazing that the new fad, since you can't find evidence of racism, is to assert that we're using "code" to hide our racism.

That's fucking insane.

OK smart guy present the Epistemology that proves what you claim


You fucking idiot, you've combined "episiotomy" with "etymology".


Maybe they change the meanings of words because they just don't know what words to use and instead of looking them up, they invent new ones.
I used the wrong word, thank you for pointing it out.

I unlike you accept facts to correct my mistakes.
Wrong, wrong and wrong. I am amazed at how little you know about history and the etymology of the word 'liberal' in the United States. This has been documented time and time again and yet you still don't want to believe it. So at this point we're done. You don't want to understand history so you're incapable of understanding the truth.

Actually..I've lived it ace.

And in my book truth != lie.

No matter how many times the interwebs tells ya so.

:eusa_hand: Done. You're clueless. You have joined the Truthmatters club.


The fact you're so dismissive show the weakness of your argument and breaches the meme you think yourself a "liberal".

Liberalism welcomes or at least tolerates all view points.

Got it?

Etymology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time

:clap2: You now know the definition of the word I used. Now try to explain to Sallow how the definition of the word 'Liberal' has changed over time in the United States. Oh wait. You believe the same BS that Sallow believes. Never mind. :eusa_hand:
Thats all they talk about. They point to racism when there is none. They constantly seperate people into smaller groups. Racism is their only cry when they don't want people to talk about the real issues. How exploitive is that? Its very racist.

They actually don't realize that their behavior is hypocritical and can be viewed as racist. Usually racist against whites or bigoted against christian/catholics.

They dont see it that way though, they think its OK to be racist if its agaisnt whites or bigoted if its against catholics.

Its a weird, twighlight zone style, hypocricy.

Truthmatters, I'm curious as to your opinion on my comment as I know your a liberal.

Do you take issue with what I stated or do you find it to be accurate?
Actually..I've lived it ace.

And in my book truth != lie.

No matter how many times the interwebs tells ya so.

:eusa_hand: Done. You're clueless. You have joined the Truthmatters club.


The fact you're so dismissive show the weakness of your argument and breaches the meme you think yourself a "liberal".

Liberalism welcomes or at least tolerates all view points.

Got it?


Yep. It tolerates racism from within its own ranks, but screams like little banshees about racism from the right. Conservatives have a word for this... we call it hypocrisy.

Got it?

Wait a minute..this from the people who have determined that marriage MUST include homosexual couplings, and "truth" is relative.


Marriage pre-dates Christianity. Or religion in general.

News as that may be to you.


What does that have to do with the fact that you are striving to change the definition of it, and yet now you're bitching about changing the meaning of words?

What worthless hypocrites and liars.

I find it amazing that the new fad, since you can't find evidence of racism, is to assert that we're using "code" to hide our racism.

That's fucking insane.

Change what definition?

Marriage is one of those "words" that represents a custom. And that custom varies from culture to culture, religion to religion and ethnicity to ethnicity. And it's changed over the ages. It's an enormously complicated and complex thing.

And here's where conservatism is strikingly different from liberalism.

Conservatives are good with long it's their customs, cultures and or religion. You see that with some people here..and in very conservative cultures such as Saudi Arabia.

That's not so with Liberals.
:eusa_hand: Done. You're clueless. You have joined the Truthmatters club.


The fact you're so dismissive show the weakness of your argument and breaches the meme you think yourself a "liberal".

Liberalism welcomes or at least tolerates all view points.

Got it?


Yep. It tolerates racism from within its own ranks, but screams like little banshees about racism from the right. Conservatives have a word for this... we call it hypocrisy.

Got it?


Tolerates racism? Sure.

Tolerates legislating racism? No.

That's what mixed you up.

You can be personally racist..but you can't force your behavior to be the law of the land.
Etymology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time

:clap2: You now know the definition of the word I used. Now try to explain to Sallow how the definition of the word 'Liberal' has changed over time in the United States. Oh wait. You believe the same BS that Sallow believes. Never mind. :eusa_hand:

Again..displaying how weak your argument is.

Your sinking fast chief. Like the titanic.

Sorta sad to watch this sort of stuff unfold.

Etymology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time

:clap2: You now know the definition of the word I used. Now try to explain to Sallow how the definition of the word 'Liberal' has changed over time in the United States. Oh wait. You believe the same BS that Sallow believes. Never mind. :eusa_hand:

Site your etymological evidence of the words changed definition.

That is what I requested.

You see its a right wing meme and not a fact.
Thats all they talk about. They point to racism when there is none. They constantly seperate people into smaller groups. Racism is their only cry when they don't want people to talk about the real issues. How exploitive is that? Its very racist.

They actually don't realize that their behavior is hypocritical and can be viewed as racist. Usually racist against whites or bigoted against christian/catholics.

They dont see it that way though, they think its OK to be racist if its agaisnt whites or bigoted if its against catholics.

Its a weird, twighlight zone style, hypocricy.

Truthmatters, I'm curious as to your opinion on my comment as I know your a liberal.

Do you take issue with what I stated or do you find it to be accurate?

What you mistake as racism against you because you are white and christain is actually allowing non whites and christains the same rights to deside their lives as you already posses.

Why do you think only white christains should have their beliefs protected by our laws?
Actually..I've lived it ace.

And in my book truth != lie.

No matter how many times the interwebs tells ya so.

:eusa_hand: Done. You're clueless. You have joined the Truthmatters club.


The fact you're so dismissive show the weakness of your argument and breaches the meme you think yourself a "liberal".

Liberalism welcomes or at least tolerates all view points.

Got it?


My god, man. It's even in Wikipedia:

Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm beginning to believe that the only reason liberals post on USMB is to show how stupid they are.

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