Can One Of You Repubs Kindly Explain Why Reagan Raised Taxes 11 Times in 8 Years?

The simple fact is that even raising taxes was not enough, Reagan also tripled the national debt by borrowing two trillion dollars. America also, under Reagan, went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation under Reagan. But Reagan was able to make Americans feel good, and many still believe Reagan paid off the debt, lowered taxes, reduced the size of government and built star wars.

Jesus, between you and Ohio I cant tell which is the dumbest between you two.

Reagen was a mean cuss, He ordered the dem congress at the point of a gun to give him everything.

Democrats being natural born pussies rolled over and played dead.

There is your scenario dip shit.
Yeah, that's getting too close, best do the Reagan lowered taxes, built Star Wars, paid off the debt, and convinced Gorby that the USSR needed fixing. Now when it is suggested that Reagan didn't do those things but did triple the debt and raise some taxes, the Democrats are reintroduced as as the culprits. How many of the Democratic evils did Reagan veto?
"President Reagan campaigned on a four-point economic program.*

1. *Cut tax rates to restore incentives for economic growth, which was implemented first with a reduction in the top income tax rate of 70% down to 50%, and then a 25% across-the-board reduction in income tax rates for everyone. *

2. *Spending reductions, including a $31 billion cut in spending.*

3. *Anti-inflation monetary policy restraining money supply growth compared to demand, to maintain a stronger, more stable dollar value.

4. *Deregulation, which saved consumers an estimated $100 billion per year in lower prices. *

These economic policies amounted to the most successful economic experiment in world history. *The Reagan recovery started in official records in November 1982, and lasted 92 months without a recession until July 1990, when the tax increases of the 1990 budget deal killed it. *This set a new record for the longest peacetime expansion ever."

Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures - Forbes
Because he understood it was a two way street. When one raises user fee's, social security taxes...coupled with cut backs in government spending it's a win win scenario. His objective was to lower personal income taxes and cut the size and growth of government and spending. He understood the meaning and enjoyed the art of compromise, however, once he left office the progressive compassionate conservative wing of the GOP assumed control, Papa Bush raised income taxes without cuts, and caved into the Democrats position that a larger more omnipotent centralized government was best for the country. Spending increased, entitlements were never to be truly addressed again, and we are virtually broke. So how is that spend spend spend mentality treating you now? As they say, whoever controls both houses of congress rules the nation.
The simple fact is that even raising taxes was not enough, Reagan also tripled the national debt by borrowing two trillion dollars. America also, under Reagan, went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation under Reagan. But Reagan was able to make Americans feel good, and many still believe Reagan paid off the debt, lowered taxes, reduced the size of government and built star wars.

Jesus, between you and Ohio I cant tell which is the dumbest between you two.

Reagen was a mean cuss, He ordered the dem congress at the point of a gun to give him everything.

Democrats being natural born pussies rolled over and played dead.

There is your scenario dip shit.
Yeah, that's getting too close, best do the Reagan lowered taxes, built Star Wars, paid off the debt, and convinced Gorby that the USSR needed fixing. Now when it is suggested that Reagan didn't do those things but did triple the debt and raise some taxes, the Democrats are reintroduced as as the culprits. How many of the Democratic evils did Reagan veto?
Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

The fact that the Left must carp constantly over Reagan's achievments is proof enough that the moran in the WH now is lacking sadly. If he had done anything worthwhile (no, signing legislation for national secretary's week isn't cutting it) they would be beating their chests.
The truth is Obama is the polar opposite of Reagan. He isn't even as good as Carter. Carter at least appointed Volker.
When Reagan entered the White House the national debt was almost one trillion dollars. When Reagan left the White House the debt was three trillion dollars. Borrowing that kind of money the nation hardly felt the pain, the pain that was coming and is still with us. We might have weathered Reagan's tripling of the debt, but ready with his pen was Bush ready to borrow another four or five trillion dollars, and we never bounced back. And all that just to give the wealthy a tax break.
Gee, what a surprise! NOT!!!

DumbAssDave mindlessly parroting his MessiahRushie's worn out platitudes. :rofl::lmao:
My Messiah is Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, the living Son of God.

And yes, Obama really thinks you're stupid.

And you live up to his expectations.

He thinks you're a whiny fucking pussy.
Typical leftist. Thinks he can speak for God. :lol:

You do know that Obama is just a man, right? He's not a deity?

You have a little shrine to the Lightworker, don't you?

Gee, what a surprise! NOT!!!

DumbAssDave mindlessly parroting his MessiahRushie's worn out platitudes. :rofl::lmao:
My Messiah is Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, the living Son of God.

And yes, Obama really thinks you're stupid.

And you live up to his expectations.
Your MessiahRushie KNOWS you are stupid.
And you MORE than live up to his expectations.
The first time you said it, you were wrong.

Now that you know the truth, you're lying.

But then, that's to be expected from leftists. They lie. All the time.
Because raising taxes contracts the money supply and reduces aggregate consumer demand which is the quickest and easiest way to constrain inflation without spiking interest rates. Inflation at over 11% was a very real problem in 1981 when Reagan took office. Not the case when Obama came into office in 2009.

Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2012, Annual and Monthly Tables - US Inflation Calculator

Tax levels don't have the slightest effect on inflation. Reagan eliminated the loopholes in exchange for drastic reductions in marginal rates. The top marginal rate was reduced from 50% to 28.5%. That was in his 2nd term when inflation was already well under control. Reagan cut taxes massively during his 1st term.

Like all the leftwingers on this board, you're an ignoramous who doesn't know the slightest thing about economics.
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Nothing wrong with raising taxes, as long as the people support it and its raised on everyone, not a singled out few.

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with raising taxes, so long as you don't mind everyone being poorer.
Nice try, but very wrong. Reagan signed into law one of the largest tax cuts in history in 1981 --

Soon after taking office in 1981, Reagan signed into law one of the largest tax cuts in the postwar period.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

And, according to your chart, inflation was even higher in 1980 than 1981. So it's not like inflation "snuck up" on him. Thus, Reagan obviously was not concerned about inflation.

However, Reagan was concerned about the budget deficit, which is why...

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,"

You see, Ronald Reagan wasn't Grover Norquist's bitch, like virtually every Repug in Congress today. Reagan would never have signed a "no new taxes pledge" like over 90% of the Repug cowards in Congress.

If Reagan were alive today, every idiot tea bagger on this messageboard would be calling him a RINO. It's absolutely ridiculous (and quite scary) how far to the right the Repug Party has moved in the past 20 years.

Unlike the idiot Repugs in Congress today, Reagan knew the budget deficit and national debt couldn't be reduced without closing tax loopholes for the rich...hence the 1982 and 1984 tax bills.

What a load of horseshit. Those two tax hikes didn't even come close to the tax cut he signed in 1981.

That's what sleazy morons like you always try to ignore.
When Reagan entered the White House the national debt was almost one trillion dollars. When Reagan left the White House the debt was three trillion dollars. Borrowing that kind of money the nation hardly felt the pain, the pain that was coming and is still with us. We might have weathered Reagan's tripling of the debt, but ready with his pen was Bush ready to borrow another four or five trillion dollars, and we never bounced back. And all that just to give the wealthy a tax break.

I seem to remember there was someone between Reagan and Bush. Some Bill somethingorother.

Now Obama's deficits will amount to 2T in less than 2 years.
Dems are the biggest hypocrites to walk the planet.
A Democrat controled Congress.

Boy. That was a tough one.
The Republican House has a Democratic president and a Democratic Senate, yet they have no problem saying no.

Was Reagan too much of a RINO? Or was he too much of a weakling to stand up to the big bad Democrats?

Reagan did 'shut down the government' one time and got blamed for it. Who got blamed when Clinton 'shut down the government'?

Reagan had the choice of vetoing the tax bills and shutting down the government or signing them. There was also the probability that his veto would have been overridden by the Dems in the Congress.
My Messiah is Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, the living Son of God.

And yes, Obama really thinks you're stupid.

And you live up to his expectations.
Your MessiahRushie KNOWS you are stupid.
And you MORE than live up to his expectations.
The first time you said it, you were wrong.

Now that you know the truth, you're lying.

But then, that's to be expected from leftists. They lie. All the time.
See your MessiahRushie's quotes in my sig. :badgrin:
Because raising taxes contracts the money supply and reduces aggregate consumer demand which is the quickest and easiest way to constrain inflation without spiking interest rates. Inflation at over 11% was a very real problem in 1981 when Reagan took office. Not the case when Obama came into office in 2009.

Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2012, Annual and Monthly Tables - US Inflation Calculator

Tax levels don't have the slightest effect on inflation. Reagan eliminated the loopholes in exchange for drastic reductions in marginal rates. The top marginal rate was reduced from 50% to 28.5%. That was in his 2nd term when inflation was already well under control. Reagan cut taxes massively during his 1st term.

Like all the leftwingers on this board, you're an ignoramous who doesn't know the slightest thing about economics.
April 05, 2012
RUSH: Do the stupid know that they're stupid? Probably not, by definition. The stupid think everybody else is stupid.
Oh My....Ronald Reagan, the hero worshipped by all tea baggers, raised taxes 11 times in 8 years. This is a historical FACT and whining and crying about it like all tea baggers love to do will not make this historical fact go away.

Not only that, Reagan believed strongly in ending tax loopholes for the rich. Here's a quote from a speech Reagan gave in 1985 --

We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy.

Golly, tea baggers....what do you have to say about this?? It appears to me that if Reagan were alive today, he would agree with Obama and the Democrats and he would be calling you deranged lunatics "crazy"!!

The tea baggers on this board ain't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole. :lol: Well, unless they tell their usual ridiculous lies, then they might.

Let's see...I'lll take a stab at it. In order to break the Soviets back cause they frankly could not keep up? At the time with all the hype, it is after all what we wanted.
"President Reagan campaigned on a four-point economic program.*

1. *Cut tax rates to restore incentives for economic growth, which was implemented first with a reduction in the top income tax rate of 70% down to 50%, and then a 25% across-the-board reduction in income tax rates for everyone. *

2. *Spending reductions, including a $31 billion cut in spending.*

3. *Anti-inflation monetary policy restraining money supply growth compared to demand, to maintain a stronger, more stable dollar value.

4. *Deregulation, which saved consumers an estimated $100 billion per year in lower prices. *

These economic policies amounted to the most successful economic experiment in world history. *The Reagan recovery started in official records in November 1982, and lasted 92 months without a recession until July 1990, when the tax increases of the 1990 budget deal killed it. *This set a new record for the longest peacetime expansion ever."

Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures - Forbes

Oh gawd...

So I guess we must have to say that Clinton's economic policies -raising taxes to balance the budget etc...were even MORE successful since they led to an even longer expansion.

Right? amiright?

By the way, how did a tax hike in October of 1990 cause a recession that started in July of 1990?
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nobody cares about Reagan s0n.........except of course the k00k left in the nether-regions of the internet.:banana:
Nice try, but very wrong. Reagan signed into law one of the largest tax cuts in history in 1981 --

Soon after taking office in 1981, Reagan signed into law one of the largest tax cuts in the postwar period.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

And, according to your chart, inflation was even higher in 1980 than 1981. So it's not like inflation "snuck up" on him. Thus, Reagan obviously was not concerned about inflation.

However, Reagan was concerned about the budget deficit, which is why...

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,"

You see, Ronald Reagan wasn't Grover Norquist's bitch, like virtually every Repug in Congress today. Reagan would never have signed a "no new taxes pledge" like over 90% of the Repug cowards in Congress.

If Reagan were alive today, every idiot tea bagger on this messageboard would be calling him a RINO. It's absolutely ridiculous (and quite scary) how far to the right the Repug Party has moved in the past 20 years.

Unlike the idiot Repugs in Congress today, Reagan knew the budget deficit and national debt couldn't be reduced without closing tax loopholes for the rich...hence the 1982 and 1984 tax bills.

What a load of horseshit. Those two tax hikes didn't even come close to the tax cut he signed in 1981.

That's what sleazy morons like you always try to ignore.

Irrelevant. Reagan still raised taxes 11 times after 1981 and dumb fuck tea baggers like you would hate his guts if he did something like this today. Grover Norquist would tell all the Repugs in Congress and idiot tea baggers such as yourself that Reagan is a communist and a traitor and you fucking lemmings would believe every word of it.

How many times has Obama raised taxes, dumb ass? I'll give you a's less than 1. Oh yeah....and the 2009 stimulus was the largest middle class tax cut in history.

So why don't you tea baggers love Obama??? After all, Obama has NEVER raised taxes. Well...he is black, and you tea baggers are hypocritical racist white trash pieces of shit, after all.
Oh My....Ronald Reagan, the hero worshipped by all tea baggers, raised taxes 11 times in 8 years. This is a historical FACT and whining and crying about it like all tea baggers love to do will not make this historical fact go away.

Not only that, Reagan believed strongly in ending tax loopholes for the rich. Here's a quote from a speech Reagan gave in 1985 --

We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy.

Golly, tea baggers....what do you have to say about this?? It appears to me that if Reagan were alive today, he would agree with Obama and the Democrats and he would be calling you deranged lunatics "crazy"!!

The tea baggers on this board ain't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole. :lol: Well, unless they tell their usual ridiculous lies, then they might.

Let's see...I'lll take a stab at it. In order to break the Soviets back cause they frankly could not keep up? At the time with all the hype, it is after all what we wanted.

You must have used a butterknife for your "stab". If your lame theory were true, then Reagan would not have cut taxes in 1981. Oops.

Thanks for playing. Better luck next time, lightweight.

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