Can President Biden be impeached for things that may have happened before he became President - like when he was Vice President?

Without any constitutional authority whatsoever. In fact, worse. In violation of a Supreme Court ruling. Undermining separation of powers by seizing the power of the purse from Congress. Joe Biden with a magic wand. Cost the American Treasury half a trillion dollars in student loan forgiveness, quote unquote. Student loan forgiveness. The president does not have the power. To seize that authority from Congress. He defied a Supreme Court ruling. He and his administration won around two branches of the federal government under our Constitution. One. It has complete control over the purse. The other that was asked to rule on it and did. And Joe Biden still stole half a trillion dollars out of the Treasury. To try and pay off part of his base. That’s a clear violation of his oath of office.
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency.
Interesting article:

Impeaching a Former President Is Plainly Constitutional​

In other words, the Constitution says two things about impeachment: current officeholders shall be removed, and anyone convicted can be disqualified from holding office in the future. Again, that text in no way means that former officeholders cannot be impeached.
In short, one need not appeal to anything extraneous to the text itself to conclude that the two relevant provisions of the Constitution in no way shield a former president from an impeachment trial. That document tells us what happens to sitting presidents, and it also tells us what can happen to former presidents. It does not limit who can be a defendant, or when he can be impeached and tried.

Impeaching a Former President Is Plainly Constitutional
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

If America was a moral country this idiot Potatohead would be dragged out of the White House, tarred and feathered and then run out of town tied to a rail.

They use to do that. We need to bring it back.
May not be impeached, then again that does not shield him from liability for any and all crimes committed while a VP or between his eight years in the WH and running for President. Remember VP Agnew?
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

He should be impeached for his open border. He should be in jail for selling America out.
Its sure as hell is. What they are seeking is entrance to the promised land. We don't need them. They can fix their own country.
You are a fucked up racist asshole! Unless you are native American, we were all immigrants, if you go back far enough.

The border issue is just made up bullshit on your part in order to detract from the real problems facing this country.
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You are a fucked up racist asshole! Unless you are native American, we were all immigrants, if you go back far enough.

I was born in the United States I have lived here all of my life, will surely die here, an whatever disposition is made of my mortal remains will be made here.

The same is true of all of my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.

My nearest immigrant ancestors were great-great grandparents, and I have at least two known ancestral lines that have been in North America since the 1600s.

I am no immigrant. I am native to the United States, and to no other place.
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I was born in the United States I have lived here all of my life, will surely side here, an whatever disposition is made of my mortal remains will be made here.

The same is true of all of my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.

My nearest immigrant ancestors were great-great grandparents, and I have at least two known ancestral lines that have been in North America since the 1600s.

I am no immigrant. I am native to the United States, and to no other place.
Thanks for sharing!
You are a fucked up racist asshole! Unless you are native American, we were all immigrants, if you go back far enough.

The border issue is just made up bullshit on your part in order to destruction from the real problems facing this country.
Technically, of course, there were no “native Americans” either since even the ancestors of the American Indians came here from their lands.

Poor Dildo_really, flummoxed by reality on a never ending basis.
Technically, of course, there were no “native Americans” either since even the ancestors of the American Indians came here from their lands.

Poor Dildo_really, flummoxed by reality on a never ending basis.
Okay, so we are all immigrants! Fuck you, racist!
Okay, so we are all immigrants! Fuck you, racist!
It isn’t “racist,” you dishonest twat, to note that you were speaking on your usual basis of absolute ignorance.

I’m not an immigrant. My family was living here when I was born here to at least one full fledged American citizen.

That said, get back to diddling your anus with a dirty rusty rasp. 👍
According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

How about when he stole highly classified documents while a Senator?

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