Can President Biden be impeached for things that may have happened before he became President - like when he was Vice President?

It isn’t “racist,” you dishonest twat, to note that you were speaking on your usual basis of absolute ignorance.

I’m not an immigrant. My family was living here when I was born here to at least one full fledged American citizen.

That said, get back to diddling your anus with a dirty rusty rasp. 👍
If you go back far enough, you and your fucked up family came here as immigrants. Fuck you, junior! Come back when you are all grown up!
If you go back far enough, you and your fucked up family came here as immigrants. Fuck you, junior! Come back when you are all grown up!
As did the Indians, ya twat rash.

So, the bottom line remains unchanged.

Your failed attempt at an argument requires that we all dispense with the actual meaning of words. You’re still just a retard, Dildo_really. 👍
You are a fucked up racist asshole! Unless you are native American, we were all immigrants, if you go back far enough.

How is 7 million illegals entering the country during the Biden administration "made up?" How are the hundreds of billions we spend spend on social programs this human refuse "made up?" How are all the jobs they take from Americans "made up?"

Is there a single valid justification for letting any of these people into the country?
The border issue is just made up bullshit on your part in order to detract from the real problems facing this country.
Illegal immigration is the biggest real problem facing this country.

“Make sure it’s convictable. The bar is real high…it has to be committed while he was in office, the current office he holds. So what he did as Vice President, and what he did between the two, may not be impeachable.”

According to a legal expert I heard a short time ago on CNN, the Constitution does not allow for that. In other words, President Biden may only be impeached for things that happen during his presidency. All the Hunter Biden stuff the House is claiming happened when President Biden was Vice President. Does anyone have any more legal information about this? What do you think?

Sure it does, he can be impeached for conduct as VP, removal from office in not the only remedy allowed if convicted, he can also be barred from holding federal office. But that would only be a minor charge in an impeachment, he's done plenty as president to be impeached for.


“Make sure it’s convictable. The bar is real high…it has to be committed while he was in office, the current office he holds. So what he did as Vice President, and what he did between the two, may not be impeachable.”

Nothing in the Constitution says that.

As did the Indians, ya twat rash.

So, the bottom line remains unchanged.

Your failed attempt at an argument requires that we all dispense with the actual meaning of words. You’re still just a retard, Dildo_really. 👍
I don't give a flying fuck what you think! You're just a little bitchy troll.

Biden has done nothing in or out of office that is an impeachable offense.
How is 7 million illegals entering the country during the Biden administration "made up?" How are the hundreds of billions we spend spend on social programs this human refuse "made up?" How are all the jobs they take from Americans "made up?"

Is there a single valid justification for letting any of these people into the country?

Illegal immigration is the biggest real problem facing this country.
I didn't say people entering the country is made up, I'm saying the narrative that this is a major problem is made up. We do not spend billions on social programs for undocumented workers.

People in the country illegally, try to limit their exposure to government at a minimum. Therefore, they are more inclined not to seek social services.

Furthermore, these people support local economies by paying rent, transportation and food. The last thing I fear, is someone coming into the country making minimum wage. They are taking jobs most Americans don't want.
I remain hopeful that some normal intelligent people will respond to this thread. NaziCon trolling isn't helpful.

It's hysterical how Democrats believe that intelligence is believing whatever the Democrat party tells you to believe. It's a nice trick, telling those of you who went through life at the bottom of your class, barely graduating if at all, then the Democrat party comes in and tells you to be smart, just repeat what they said!!!!! It's easy to be smart!!!!!!!!!

Damn, you're not even a real Indian. You're just a white guy living in a loft in Soho near the Village. The technical term being Pretendian, MAGA man
"He should be impeached!"


"We don't know, yet!"
He's coming unglued over the issue of his money laundering schemes and how his little boy got all wrapped up in it, was out of control with addictions even though Biden kept using him to make money.
He's coming unglued over the issue of his money laundering schemes and how his little boy got all wrapped up in it, was out of control with addictions even though Biden kept using him to make money.
No he isn't coming glued. You have to make up fantasies to maintain your other fantasies.

But you guys definitely are coming unglued, after a year of eating a shit sandwich fed to you by paid liars. It's pretty funny to watch you tell on yourself all day every day.

"I bleev it! Just wait until we have evidence!"
I don't give a flying fuck what you think! You're just a little bitchy troll.
For some reason, you lying rancid diseased twat, you care very much.
Biden has done nothing in or out of office that is an impeachable offense.
You obviously wouldn’t know that. The evidence we have already certainly suggests he should be investigated for impeachment over political corruption and bribery. Plus we know he stole classified documents and illegally possessed them in a non secure location (his own garage). Another set of examples of his illegal behaviors.
I didn't say people entering the country is made up, I'm saying the narrative that this is a major problem is made up. We do not spend billions on social programs for undocumented workers.
We obviously do.

People in the country illegally, try to limit their exposure to government at a minimum. Therefore, they are more inclined not to seek social services.
Biden has made it perfectly clear that he's never sending anyone back to where they came from. It's an indisputable fact that these illegals receiving tens of billions in social services.

Furthermore, these people support local economies by paying rent, transportation and food. The last thing I fear, is someone coming into the country making minimum wage. They are taking jobs most Americans don't want.
The government pays their rent, transportation and food, nimrod. That means you and me. They drive down wages for hardworking Americans. In a year or two they will be taking formerly good paying jobs like construction and truck driving.

Give me one reason why we should allow them into the country.

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