Can Putin be ousted?

And he has destroyed fewer countries, deposed fewer leaders, destroyed fewer nations, and killed fewer innocent civilians than George Bush, Bill Clinton ,George HW Bush, and Barack Obama individually!
Yep.... Now now we will be called Putin collaborators child murderers and racists just for starters...
I wasn’t talking about us doing it. It would be nice if some patriot in Russia would take Putin off the board. Maybe someone who doesn’t imagine that the Soviet Union needs to be reconstructed.

I know, but we'd stick our big noses in any way because we are experts at regime change.
I could give two shits what anyone thinks about my comments.

Most of them fell for the war on terror, covid, domestic spying, Russiagate...and the list goes on.
I'm not happy about Ukraine
But I'm also not blind to reality.
Lefty hates on command and then fills in the details later...
What's happening is horrible...but it sure as hell isn't unique. NATO wanted this they have it.
I could give two shits what anyone thinks about my comments.

Most of them fell for the war on terror, covid, domestic spying, Russiagate...and the list goes on.
Your lack of caring is evident in your obsessive and verbose denials of caring.
I'm not happy about Ukraine
But I'm also not blind to reality.
Lefty hates on command and then fills in the details later...
What's happening is horrible...but it sure as hell isn't unique. NATO wanted this they have it.

Yeah, the two Iraq wars and 20 years in Afghanistan were clean and surgical. No civilian deaths, let alone children.
I know, but we'd stick our big noses in any way because we are experts at regime change.
Maybe. Maybe we’d try to nudge them in a favorable direction. You know. Something maybe not too Communist or dictatorial. But maybe we would be better off just sticking our noses out. I don’t care. I doubt they’d boot his ass out just to replace him with a bigger maniac.
Your lack of caring is evident in your obsessive and verbose denials of caring.

Caring for what?

The Ukrainian government?

That dupe Zelensky?

Most Ukrainians with any sense have fled.

Most of the Ukrainian army has as well.

The only ones fighting are mostly the Azov Battalion.

Who are hiding in civilian areas.



Great defenders of the people they are....hiding amongst housing, children and the ill.

Russians have the entire city surrounded.

I hope Putin holds tribunals for these Azov Nazi cocksuckers and hangs them till dead.
About some things. Yep. About others, not really. Your question is not focused.
Neither is your caring. Putin is a bad guy...sure...

NATO is a bunch of bad guys also responsible for the current crisis....


Do you care?

Caring for what?

The Ukrainian government?

That dupe Zelensky?

Most Ukrainians with any sense have fled.

Most of the Ukrainian army has as well.

The only ones fighting are mostly the Azov Battalion.

Who are hiding in civilian areas.



Great defenders of the people they are....hiding amongst housing, children and the ill.

Russians have the entire city surrounded.

I hope Putin holds tribunals for these Azov Nazi cocksuckers and hangs them till dead.

Yeah but the Ukranians have killed and raped 2.5 million Russian soldiers in the past 24 says so on the news...yup...yup...yup!
Yeah but the Ukranians have killed and raped 2.5 million Russian soldiers in the past 24 says so on the news...yup...yup...yup!

The bullshit is getting so deep you need a snorkel.

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