Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

Oh yeah, the war on woman, No need to address that, it's all about the economy.

Overall, 48% of registered voters describe themselves as "pro-choice" with respect to abortion and 45% as "pro-life,"

Nov 3, 2012 – Women comprise more than half of the U.S. electorate, and in presidential elections, about 7 percent more women vote than men.

According to CNN's exit polls , 55 percent of women voted for Obama, while only 44 percent voted for Mitt Romney.

If you have a 7% higher percentage of woman voting than men, and of the woman, you have 11% less of the votes, you can book your vacation.

Obama had a 58,720,700 (50.1%) to 56,145,950 (48.4%) lead on Mitt Romney for the popular vote.

Of course abortion is an issue, and Dems were all to happy to exploit Reps weakness on it. You do know that judges on the Supreme Court will be retiring, and now President Obama will pick the new justices. You say ludicrous?

One must consider all angles, the most important one here is turn out...I am astonshed that our base did not turn out...I did not see that coming.
Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

Oh yeah, the war on woman, No need to address that, it's all about the economy.

Overall, 48% of registered voters describe themselves as "pro-choice" with respect to abortion and 45% as "pro-life,"

Nov 3, 2012 – Women comprise more than half of the U.S. electorate, and in presidential elections, about 7 percent more women vote than men.

According to CNN's exit polls , 55 percent of women voted for Obama, while only 44 percent voted for Mitt Romney.

If you have a 7% higher percentage of woman voting than men, and of the woman, you have 11% less of the votes, you can book your vacation.

Obama had a 58,720,700 (50.1%) to 56,145,950 (48.4%) lead on Mitt Romney for the popular vote.

Of course abortion is an issue, and Dems were all to happy to exploit Reps weakness on it. You do know that judges on the Supreme Court will be retiring, and now President Obama will pick the new justices. You say ludicrous?

One must consider all angles, the most important one here is turn out...I am astonshed that our base did not turn out...I did not see that coming.

That one still confuses me.
Oh yeah, the war on woman, No need to address that, it's all about the economy.

Overall, 48% of registered voters describe themselves as "pro-choice" with respect to abortion and 45% as "pro-life,"

Nov 3, 2012 – Women comprise more than half of the U.S. electorate, and in presidential elections, about 7 percent more women vote than men.

According to CNN's exit polls , 55 percent of women voted for Obama, while only 44 percent voted for Mitt Romney.

If you have a 7% higher percentage of woman voting than men, and of the woman, you have 11% less of the votes, you can book your vacation.

Obama had a 58,720,700 (50.1%) to 56,145,950 (48.4%) lead on Mitt Romney for the popular vote.

Of course abortion is an issue, and Dems were all to happy to exploit Reps weakness on it. You do know that judges on the Supreme Court will be retiring, and now President Obama will pick the new justices. You say ludicrous?

One must consider all angles, the most important one here is turn out...I am astonshed that our base did not turn out...I did not see that coming.

That one still confuses me.

It demoralized me...I just didn't see it coming.
Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.

I'm currently deeply amused that you insulted my intelligence with a run-on sentence. Give it up, honey. You don't have what it takes to condescend to me effectively.

Did you want to take a stab at the 3/5 clause too honey?

Or would that get in the way of you doing your nails?

So why are you here again? Because it certainly wasn't because you had something substantial to add.

Oh, right, you desperately wanted to tell us how we should get over that whole morality thing because it's getting in the way of your quest for power . . . and somehow got distracted by your outrage at having to treat women like people.

Bored now. Shoo.
Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

Oh yeah, the war on woman, No need to address that, it's all about the economy.

Overall, 48% of registered voters describe themselves as "pro-choice" with respect to abortion and 45% as "pro-life,"

Nov 3, 2012 – Women comprise more than half of the U.S. electorate, and in presidential elections, about 7 percent more women vote than men.

According to CNN's exit polls , 55 percent of women voted for Obama, while only 44 percent voted for Mitt Romney.

If you have a 7% higher percentage of woman voting than men, and of the woman, you have 11% less of the votes, you can book your vacation.

Obama had a 58,720,700 (50.1%) to 56,145,950 (48.4%) lead on Mitt Romney for the popular vote.

Of course abortion is an issue, and Dems were all to happy to exploit Reps weakness on it. You do know that judges on the Supreme Court will be retiring, and now President Obama will pick the new justices. You say ludicrous?

"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%

Why Do Married Women Vote Republican? | NYTimes eXaminer
I'm currently deeply amused that you insulted my intelligence with a run-on sentence. Give it up, honey. You don't have what it takes to condescend to me effectively.

Did you want to take a stab at the 3/5 clause too honey?

Or would that get in the way of you doing your nails?

So why are you here again? Because it certainly wasn't because you had something substantial to add.

Oh, right, you desperately wanted to tell us how we should get over that whole morality thing because it's getting in the way of your quest for power . . . and somehow got distracted by your outrage at having to treat women like people.

Bored now. Shoo.

What the hell are you babbling about?

Here is something shiny now go play.
We lost, Unkotare, because women voted 55% and single women 66% against us. They do not think it is myth. That you say so says you are no longer Republican.

The platform on Abortion will change for the GOP in 2016, significantly. The GOP will also support new improvements to the Ledbetter Act.

You evangelical cultists will no longer control the social values positions of the Party.

Tell us the evangelical cult to which you belong? Is it one of the Baptist denominations in the South or upper Mid West?

There is an out right war on women, no myth..
No, that is just tired, discredited bullshit you democrats pulled out of your asses to pander for the election. The election is over, so you can let it go now.
"We" it is again.

It's funny every single time you repeat it.

Is English even your first language?

again, get paid for my writing. ....

Again, if that is true you are defrauding people.

You need to capitalize the first word in a sentence, and you need to provide a subject.

Maybe you should take a class or something to try and improve your English. As it is, you are really embarrassing yourself.

Again, don't proofread for a message board... and you really don't have good arguments if this is the best you can come up with....
Why on earth would we support killing people for political reasons? Why descend to the Progressive level?

Fetuses aren't people.

And they don't vote.

Women, on the other hand, vote.

And when you threaten to make them have their rapists' babies and call them sluts, they have a tendency to vote against you.

Now, if you guys want to lose on a principle, knock yourselves out.

Just understand, this is a loser issue for you.

One must consider all angles, the most important one here is turn out...I am astonshed that our base did not turn out...I did not see that coming.

Your base did turn out.

The problem was, your base wasn't enough.

This is what you guys don't seem to get. you got the most you possibly could get out of your base, but everyone else you alienated.

But please keep telling yourself that the reason Romney lost was that he wasn't "conservative enough".
You're just a sad little man with a problem with women.

Making up nonsense like that just makes you look desperate.


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