Can Reps modify abortion stance?

The truth is clear, and you do not have it. I am a Ford Republican, and you are a far right nutso homosexual out of the mainstream of American politics, certainly too far right to be considered mainstream Republican.

If you are saying I am nothing like you, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are not a Republican, and you are a hater. Who would want any part of that?

That's right, little gay Roo, you are not mainstream GOP. There is an out right war on women, no myth.. Women flatly said they will vote against us if we keep up on the social values about women and homosexuality. You should have be happy about the latter, because you can come out. 55% and 66% are figures that defeat us.

The GOP will change move to meet those needs. Watch the lame duck session, for starters.

(smile) You aren't "us".

....and sorry, abortion is a 50/50 proposition at best.

The mythical "war on women" propogated by the media wasn't about abortion...and it wasn't a "real" story.

You aren't very bright kid.

It is a lie propogated by the media, sorry kid.

There is nothing Repub about you, nothing...apparently YOU are the only one who doesn't know it ;)
No, I'm a Republican. You, on the other hand, are not. You seek to destroy and demoralize the party by pretending to be one, and then taking it as far into your lefty extremism as you can.

Luckily, nobody buys it.

You also appear to have a hatred of homosexuals. Why must you hate so, Jakey?
The truth is clear, and you do not have it. I am a Ford Republican, and you are a far right nutso homosexual out of the mainstream of American politics, certainly too far right to be considered mainstream Republican.

If you are saying I am nothing like you, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are not a Republican, and you are a hater. Who would want any part of that?

That's right, little gay Roo, you are not mainstream GOP. There is an out right war on women, no myth.. Women flatly said they will vote against us if we keep up on the social values about women and homosexuality. You should have be happy about the latter, because you can come out. 55% and 66% are figures that defeat us.

The GOP will change move to meet those needs. Watch the lame duck session, for starters.

It is a lie propogated by the media, sorry kid.

There is nothing Repub about you, nothing...apparently YOU are the only one who doesn't know it ;)

LOL, priceless irony :)

You are the spouting all the venom and hate you can just cannot make this shit up.

I am absolutely mainstream Repub llittle guy :)
Guy, you're[sic] reading comprehension is so bad that you read things that clearly weren't there.

But I know, you're extra special... You have a hard time with an argument that's more than a sentence.

'Your' :rolleyes:

You should at least try to improve your English before going out and defrauding any more people.

Yawn, guy, I don't proofread for a message board.

You have to face your shortcomings if you ever hope to improve yourself.
You made the first personal attacks, Roo. Anyone can go back and check. You are simply pissed I retaliated by metaphorically kicking you in the face then stomping you in the dust. Get a tougher skin, or . . . be polite. I always treat others how they first treat me. Or continue to be made fail.

The extremist is neither mainstream America nor mainstream GOP.

The truth is clear, and you do not have it. I am a Ford Republican, and you are a far right nutso homosexual out of the mainstream of American politics, certainly too far right to be considered mainstream Republican.

If you are saying I am nothing like you, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are not a Republican, and you are a hater. Who would want any part of that?

It is a lie propogated by the media, sorry kid.

There is nothing Repub about you, nothing...apparently YOU are the only one who doesn't know it ;)

LOL, priceless irony :)

You are the spouting all the venom and hate you can just cannot make this shit up.

I am absolutely mainstream Repub llittle guy :)
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Let's see....

Legal immigration.(enforce existing laws)
Low Taxes. (for everyone)
Fixing the insolvency issues with SSI and Medicare/Medicaid
Less Gov regulation
Intelligent assistance to those truly in need(drug test a must)
No Bamacare
Unleash American energy stores

Yup, squarely in the middle of the Repub party kid.

You made the First personal attacks, Roo. Anyone can go back and check. You are simply pissed I metaphorically kicked you in the face then stomped you in the dust.

Get a tougher skin, or . . . be polite. I always treat others how they first treat me.

To mess with if you don't want to be made fail.
The truth is clear, and you do not have it. I am a Ford Republican, and you are a far right nutso homosexual out of the mainstream of American politics, certainly too far right to be considered mainstream Republican.

If you are saying I am nothing like you, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are not a Republican, and you are a hater. Who would want any part of that?

LOL, priceless irony :)

You are the spouting all the venom and hate you can just cannot make this shit up.

I am absolutely mainstream Repub llittle guy :)

(smil) You insult everyone you respond to, grow up or deal with the bitch slapping you've received.

I can beat like you a rug all day long, you jus ain't up for it.
Crushing the Plutocrats are[sic] all I really care about.


Is English even your first language?

again, get paid for my writing. ....

Again, if that is true you are defrauding people.

You need to capitalize the first word in a sentence, and you need to provide a subject.

Maybe you should take a class or something to try and improve your English. As it is, you are really embarrassing yourself.
I treat others as they treat me and get along fine with some far righties and a few libertarians. You are the one melting, little gay Roo. :lol: fun to watch
You made the First personal attacks, Roo. Anyone can go back and check. You are simply pissed I metaphorically kicked you in the face then stomped you in the dust.

Get a tougher skin, or . . . be polite. I always treat others how they first treat me.

To mess with if you don't want to be made fail.
LOL, priceless irony :)

You are the spouting all the venom and hate you can just cannot make this shit up.

I am absolutely mainstream Repub llittle guy :)

(smil) You insult everyone you respond to, grow up or deal with the bitch slapping you've received.

I can beat like you a rug all day long, you jus ain't up for it.
Sorry kid, I own you.

I treat others as they treat me and get along fine with some far righties and a few libertarians. You are the one melting, little gay Roo. :lol: fun to watch
You made the First personal attacks, Roo. Anyone can go back and check. You are simply pissed I metaphorically kicked you in the face then stomped you in the dust.

Get a tougher skin, or . . . be polite. I always treat others how they first treat me.

To mess with if you don't want to be made fail.

(smil) You insult everyone you respond to, grow up or deal with the bitch slapping you've received.

I can beat like you a rug all day long, you jus ain't up for it.
Let's see....

Legal immigration.(enforce existing laws)
Low Taxes. (for everyone)
Fixing the insolvency issues with SSI and Medicare/Medicaid
Less Gov regulation
Intelligent assistance to those truly in need(drug test a must)
No Bamacare
Unleash American energy stores

Yup, squarely in the middle of the Repub party kid.

You will be if you follow:

Immigration reform by (1) securing the borders, (2) penalizing business that break employment laws, (3) registration of immigrants and comprehensive reform to citizenship
Abortion regulation with exceptions for incest, rape, and health of the mother
Fair Taxes (the wealth will pay more)
Fixing the insolvency issues (modest reform of SS and M/M; massive cuts in defense spending)
Appropriate Govt Regulation
ACA is the law of the land
Appropriate utilization of American energy resources
It's an issue that decides elections when elections themselves are 50/50.

The GOP needs to change how it talks about this issue. It needs to stop threatening to ban abortion and offer alternatives to it.

Otherwise, they are sort of screwed.

Keep in mind who this issue is most important to. Young women, whose ability to control when they get pregnant is key to their career advancement. And, yes, they will keep identifying with the Dems after their child-bearing years are past.

And the guys who like to fuck them...don't forget those guys. Abortion is EXTREMELY important to abusers and pimps.

Not you, of course. We know you don't fly that way....

Actually, I'm straight. But I used protection when I was of that age group when that was an issue.

More to the point, your rantings that there are abusive men making women have abortions at gunpoint is laughable. Never knew a woman who didn't have an abortion who didn't totally decide on her own that what she wanted.

Fact is, as Jake said, 55% of women and 66% of Single Women voted for Obama. I think that pretty much says it all. This issue is a loser for the GOP.

Massachusetts Forced Abortion Order Shocks U.S. | Population Research Institute

Coercion facts:

  • 64 percent of abortions involve some sort of coercion.
  • 45 percent of men interviewed at abortion clinics recalled urging abortion, including 37 percent of married men.
  • Teens are at higher risk for becoming victims of coerced abortion."
Forced Abortions
You will be if you follow:

Immigration reform by (1) securing the borders, (2) penalizing business that break employment laws, (3) registration of immigrants and comprehensive reform to citizenship
Abortion regulation with exceptions for incest, rape, and health of the mother
Fair Taxes (the wealth will pay more)
Fixing the insolvency issues (modest reform of SS and M/M; massive cuts in defense spending)
Appropriate Govt Regulation
ACA is the law of the land
Appropriate utilization of American energy resources

(smile) None of that is mainstream Pub, sorry Lib.
Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

It's an issue that decides elections when elections themselves are 50/50.

The GOP needs to change how it talks about this issue. It needs to stop threatening to ban abortion and offer alternatives to it.

Otherwise, they are sort of screwed.

Keep in mind who this issue is most important to. Young women, whose ability to control when they get pregnant is key to their career advancement. And, yes, they will keep identifying with the Dems after their child-bearing years are past.

'They' stop identifying with the democrats as soon as they get married and start a family.
No, they just realize that you can't sell Plutocracy without rapping it in social issues.

They tired that. With Goldwater in 1964. He lost 44 states, and five of the ones he did win is because the inbreds in your part of the country were still mad at LBJ for signing the Civil Rights Act.

(LBJ Said, "I've Lost the South for a Generation". He was an optimist. Then again, these were the descendents of the same dumb shits who went to war so a few rich folks could own slaves.)

It wasn't until Reagan took the poison pill of Plutocracy and wrapped it in the nice Bacony goodness of social issues that you got a lot of working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

My own opinion, the Fiscal Conservatives need the Social Conservatives more than the other way around.

Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives are basically one and the same...they cannot be otherwise...

LBJ turned around and enslaved the South for generations with his "War on Poverty".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them taxing the rich will solve our country's problems...
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them killing their own children is a "right".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

it's amazing how many liberal lies the poor fools will fall for...

Ever heard of BARRY GOLDWATER?

The father of conservatism.
And he DESPISED social conservatives.
Probably LONG before your time.

Oh look another liberaltarian acting like we dont matter cause he is so fucking hip. Guess what unlike you us social conservative actually believe in free speech you fascist asshole.
he is far from far-left....

except to radical right lunatics.

the constitution has to be read with 200 years of caselaw... you idiots never seem to get that.

do you also think that blacks should still be 3/5 of a person?
should only landed, white male, gentry vote?


Sure they do. Why else would Mitch McConnel and John Boehner pledge to do everything in their power to keep Obama from being reelected

Because they disagree with his policies and political point of view and therefore think his being in office is bad for the country.

Liberals reveal what racists they are every time they assume there's nothing to dislike about Barack Obama except his skin. He's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, for crying out loud. He's going to piss people off, just by the nature of the job.

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