Can Reps modify abortion stance?

koshergrl is a straight up, self admitted lesbian. It is what it is.

Has she ever said so, or are you aiming for a new low point in your lack of character?

I've never said I'm a lesbian, probably because I'm not..but he can trumpet it from the rooftops if he likes. I think it's funny.

I think it means he spends a lot of time fantasizing about you and another woman, and as much as I like you, may I just say, "Ewwww"?
It doesn't matter. They aren't looking for the truth..they post lies and they post evidence that they're lying, and will stand straight toe to toe with you insisting that they've proven their lie.

It's crazy. We're on the downhill slope...America is over.

Your America is over....

Ours is just beginning.

There is only one America, shitstain. Yes, obama won reelection, but if you crow too much now it'll sting all the more later.
I doubt that it matters to you, but that makes NO sense, you haven't saved a life by not getting votes. If you feel like your better then your foe, good for you, but your opening all the doors to abortion that you don't want open. You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for the moral high ground:clap2:

How many lives do you save by abandoning your principles in order to court votes? If the GOP says, "Oh, never mind the abortion thing, fuck it, no big deal", and then wins election, what have they accomplished? If you have to abandon your principles to win, have you actually won at all?

I doubt that that matters to you, though, because you've made it clear that elections are just about winning a competition to you.

Sorry,I was wrong when I said, You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for the moral high ground. Let me correct that. You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for your self righteousness. In that you were successful.

"Questions? What are questions? I don't need to answer no steenkeeng questions. That's only for people who are brave enough to have a DIALOGUE. I stick to monologues, because I'm a poltroon."
Murder is a moral and religious issue...but that doesn't mean it should be ignored by lawmakers.

The idea that the government should utterly ignore the things that truly matter to and most inform the lives of its constituents has always puzzled me, as does the even stranger idea that government CAN ignore those things.
Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives are basically one and the same...they cannot be otherwise...

LBJ turned around and enslaved the South for generations with his "War on Poverty".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them taxing the rich will solve our country's problems...
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them killing their own children is a "right".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

it's amazing how many liberal lies the poor fools will fall for...


Fiscal conservatives during Goldwater’s time also believed in responsible governance, which included raising taxes when appropriate. Unlike the reckless TPM of today.

And social conservatives are a blight brought upon us by the Faustian bargain republicans struck with Christian fundamentalists.

Granted.....and the end of financial responsibility began when Reagan didn't cut spending a dime but gave the rich a huge tax cut and he and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt.

::flipping frantically through the US Constitution, looking for the place where the President is given control of government spending:: Nope, not there.

And before you give me some bullshit about, "Well, then, Obama's not responsible for the godawful spending under HIS administration", show me where the Republicans EVER had control of Congress under Reagan, let alone sufficient control to allow them to utterly ignore the Democrats.

And until you start bitching about Obama's spending, you would do well to shut the fuck up with trying to pretend to be outraged by Bush's spending, hypocrite.
These people don't care about spending. They just don't want their own criticized, so they attack ours.

Look at Jake as representative of all progressives/commies. Any criticism is turned into a criticism of the person who makes the criticism. Ridicule, propaganda and outright lies are used to distract.

It's what they do.
Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

That's the point of the thread, dimwit: do we define morality as doing what we know is right, even when it costs us, or do we define morality as changing our principles according to what's politicially advantageous at the moment?

I can see you're coming down on the side of "whatever gets me what I want". Outstanding. :clap2:
Quote: Originally Posted by jillian

he is far from far-left....

except to radical right lunatics.

the constitution has to be read with 200 years of caselaw... you idiots never seem to get that.

do you also think that blacks should still be 3/5 of a person?
should only landed, white male, gentry vote?


Why don't you explain the rationale for the 3/5 clause?
I'll help you, you have no idea at all.
Why on earth would we support killing people for political reasons? Why descend to the Progressive level?
Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

That's the point of the thread, dimwit: do we define morality as doing what we know is right, even when it costs us, or do we define morality as changing our principles according to what's politicially advantageous at the moment?

I can see you're coming down on the side of "whatever gets me what I want". Outstanding. :clap2:

Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.
Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

That's the point of the thread, dimwit: do we define morality as doing what we know is right, even when it costs us, or do we define morality as changing our principles according to what's politicially advantageous at the moment?

I can see you're coming down on the side of "whatever gets me what I want". Outstanding. :clap2:

Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.

I'm currently deeply amused that you insulted my intelligence with a run-on sentence. Give it up, honey. You don't have what it takes to condescend to me effectively.
That's the point of the thread, dimwit: do we define morality as doing what we know is right, even when it costs us, or do we define morality as changing our principles according to what's politicially advantageous at the moment?

I can see you're coming down on the side of "whatever gets me what I want". Outstanding. :clap2:

Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.

I'm currently deeply amused that you insulted my intelligence with a run-on sentence. Give it up, honey. You don't have what it takes to condescend to me effectively.

Why...golly wally...the little girl is mean!!!

Get over yourself you ain't all that.
Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

Oh yeah, the war on woman, No need to address that, it's all about the economy.

Overall, 48% of registered voters describe themselves as "pro-choice" with respect to abortion and 45% as "pro-life,"

Nov 3, 2012 – Women comprise more than half of the U.S. electorate, and in presidential elections, about 7 percent more women vote than men.

According to CNN's exit polls , 55 percent of women voted for Obama, while only 44 percent voted for Mitt Romney.

If you have a 7% higher percentage of woman voting than men, and of the woman, you have 11% less of the votes, you can book your vacation.

Obama had a 58,720,700 (50.1%) to 56,145,950 (48.4%) lead on Mitt Romney for the popular vote.

Of course abortion is an issue, and Dems were all to happy to exploit Reps weakness on it. You do know that judges on the Supreme Court will be retiring, and now President Obama will pick the new justices. You say ludicrous?
That's the point of the thread, dimwit: do we define morality as doing what we know is right, even when it costs us, or do we define morality as changing our principles according to what's politicially advantageous at the moment?

I can see you're coming down on the side of "whatever gets me what I want". Outstanding. :clap2:

Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.

I'm currently deeply amused that you insulted my intelligence with a run-on sentence. Give it up, honey. You don't have what it takes to condescend to me effectively.

Did you want to take a stab at the 3/5 clause too honey?

Or would that get in the way of you doing your nails?

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