Can Reps modify abortion stance?


raping the environment...? you eco-socialists never quit do you......?

drilling for oil is currently mainly on PRIVATE land since BO won't open up our Federal greenies are never satisfied since your goal is to control everything....

Well, it would be nice if 40 years ago, when we got hit with the first Oil Shock, we invested in renewable or clean energy. Other countries did this. France, for instance, gets all of its electricity from nuclear power now.

raping the environment...? you eco-socialists never quit do you......?

drilling for oil is currently mainly on PRIVATE land since BO won't open up our Federal greenies are never satisfied since your goal is to control everything....

Well, it would be nice if 40 years ago, when we got hit with the first Oil Shock, we invested in renewable or clean energy. Other countries did this. France, for instance, gets all of its electricity from nuclear power now.

have you so soon forgotten that it was YOU LEFTIES who put the kibosh on nuclear power....?
I am off to work. Hope my solar paneled car makes it 30 miles today as it is cloudy here. If the sun does not come out I am taking the wind mill powered Benz.
Getting young folks out of the concrete jungles to areas like Apalachicola, Florida which I visit a half dozen times a year gives them an appreciation of the environment that lasts a lifetime.
Plenty of folks talk a mean game about ecology but until you have been 4 miles up river in the middle of no where with bald eagles nesting everywhere it is hard for a young person to envision the real importance of protecting the environment.
I cringe when I hear the right wing kooks speak of NO problems with the environment and anyone that claims otherwise is a liberal tree hugger.
Good news is the young folks I know are all for protecting the environment, running off the religious kooks in the GOP and supporting fiscal conservatives.
Getting ready for Joe to respond with "plutocrat" thrown in again.
Maybe he will formulate a sentence with the word in it three times.

Who's raping the enviroment, insisting on the right to drill for oil in those bald eagle sanctuaries, insisting that the only way we can compete with China is to chuck all those environmental regulations. Who is it that insists up and down that Global Warming isn't happening, spends billions of dollars on think tanks to deny the obvious?

To be fair to them, it ain't the religious nutters.

Come on, you can say it...

No one, no one and no one.
In fact the St. Joe corporation which had a huge industrial plant on St. Joe Bay for years sold off thousands of acres for eco friendly development ONLY.
If not for that large billion dollar corporation that property would all be high rises, shopping centers and such. As it was the pine was pulped there for over 100 years. Add in the past turpentine and other related industries there that PROVIDED THE WORKING MAN JOBS for 100 years that entire region was dependent on what you claim as "raping" the environment.
Capitalism does more to protect the environment than any socialist country on earth.

raping the environment...? you eco-socialists never quit do you......?

drilling for oil is currently mainly on PRIVATE land since BO won't open up our Federal greenies are never satisfied since your goal is to control everything....

Well, it would be nice if 40 years ago, when we got hit with the first Oil Shock, we invested in renewable or clean energy. Other countries did this. France, for instance, gets all of its electricity from nuclear power now.

have you so soon forgotten that it was YOU LEFTIES who put the kibosh on nuclear power....?

Not a lefty. I'm a pragmatist.

And it wasn't like the right was fighting that hard for more nukes. Coal and Oil had too much money at stake.
No one, no one and no one.
In fact the St. Joe corporation which had a huge industrial plant on St. Joe Bay for years sold off thousands of acres for eco friendly development ONLY.
If not for that large billion dollar corporation that property would all be high rises, shopping centers and such. As it was the pine was pulped there for over 100 years. Add in the past turpentine and other related industries there that PROVIDED THE WORKING MAN JOBS for 100 years that entire region was dependent on what you claim as "raping" the environment.
Capitalism does more to protect the environment than any socialist country on earth.

Why do you keep acting like Socialism and Capitalism (actually, Plutocracy) are the only choices on the menu?

Oh, that's right, because the last thing you want is people looking at ANYTHING else.

One good deed doesn't erase all the bad ones.
No, they just realize that you can't sell Plutocracy without rapping it in social issues.

They tired that. With Goldwater in 1964. He lost 44 states, and five of the ones he did win is because the inbreds in your part of the country were still mad at LBJ for signing the Civil Rights Act.

(LBJ Said, "I've Lost the South for a Generation". He was an optimist. Then again, these were the descendents of the same dumb shits who went to war so a few rich folks could own slaves.)

It wasn't until Reagan took the poison pill of Plutocracy and wrapped it in the nice Bacony goodness of social issues that you got a lot of working folks to vote against their own economic interests.

My own opinion, the Fiscal Conservatives need the Social Conservatives more than the other way around.

Fiscal Conservatives and Social Conservatives are basically one and the same...they cannot be otherwise...

LBJ turned around and enslaved the South for generations with his "War on Poverty".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them taxing the rich will solve our country's problems...
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

they tell them killing their own children is a "right".....
....and the poor fools continue to vote Demonrat....

it's amazing how many liberal lies the poor fools will fall for...


Fiscal conservatives during Goldwater’s time also believed in responsible governance, which included raising taxes when appropriate. Unlike the reckless TPM of today.

And social conservatives are a blight brought upon us by the Faustian bargain republicans struck with Christian fundamentalists.

Granted.....and the end of financial responsibility began when Reagan didn't cut spending a dime but gave the rich a huge tax cut and he and Bush41 quadrupled the national debt.
Well, it would be nice if 40 years ago, when we got hit with the first Oil Shock, we invested in renewable or clean energy. Other countries did this. France, for instance, gets all of its electricity from nuclear power now.

have you so soon forgotten that it was YOU LEFTIES who put the kibosh on nuclear power....?

Not a lefty. I'm a pragmatist.

And it wasn't like the right was fighting that hard for more nukes. Coal and Oil had too much money at stake.

of course you just hide under your 'pramatist' and 'plutocrat' hats....

BO talks like he supports nuclear too.....but he really doesn't.....the stimulus bill spent billions on "green" energy like Solyndra......ZERO went to nuclear...
Abortion is a losing issue on a national level for Reps. It's trying to impose moral values on a majority that doesn't want it. It's seeking a political remedy for what is considered a religious issue. 50% of Catholics voted for Obama. Reps seem to be all over the board on the issue while trying to avoid the subject. I think we need a clear, this is what we stand for, message. There are over 1 million abortions in the US every year. We are not outlawing abortion we are moving forward with government sponsored abortion. There is no magic wand to stop abortion, why not use tactics that have a chance of success.

Abortion is not a losing issue...except for the unborn babies that continue to be killed for convenience sake.

Abortion is definitely a moral issue as are most issues that are the object of legislation...think most recently about homosexual unions. Yes, liberals are always OK with legislating morality so long as it supports their values or beliefs.

Yes, the nation that slaughters the millions so that its women can avoid American be proud.
have you so soon forgotten that it was YOU LEFTIES who put the kibosh on nuclear power....?

Not a lefty. I'm a pragmatist.

And it wasn't like the right was fighting that hard for more nukes. Coal and Oil had too much money at stake.

of course you just hide under your 'pramatist' and 'plutocrat' hats....

BO talks like he supports nuclear too.....but he really doesn't.....the stimulus bill spent billions on "green" energy like Solyndra......ZERO went to nuclear...

Yawn... the fund Solyndra got set up under was created by Bush, and there was an expectation that some of the companies involved would fail.

If you guys insist on keeping on going there, we aren't going to make any progress.
Abortion is not a losing issue...except for the unborn babies that continue to be killed for convenience sake.

Abortion is definitely a moral issue as are most issues that are the object of legislation...think most recently about homosexual unions. Yes, liberals are always OK with legislating morality so long as it supports their values or beliefs.

Yes, the nation that slaughters the millions so that its women can avoid American be proud.

Just to impeach this poll...

The most recent Knights of Columbus – Marist survey – conducted in late December and early January – is the latest in a series of such surveys commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and conducted by Marist Institute for Public Opinion. In October of 2008 and July of 2009, ....[/

Knights of Columbus? Seriously?

Here's the problem. It isn't a matter of "legislation", its a matter of enforcement. If Roe v. Wade were overturned and you went back to making them illegal on the state level, the wealthy would go to states where they could afford it, or find doctors who can be "discreet", while the poor would be at the mercy of whatever hacks and scammers are out there.

Illegal abortions on Craigslist? Jesus H. Christ, save us from that.
Because we all know the only people who can speak knowledgeably on such matters are those approved by the progressive extremists.

All other sources of information are suspect.
Not a lefty. I'm a pragmatist.

And it wasn't like the right was fighting that hard for more nukes. Coal and Oil had too much money at stake.

of course you just hide under your 'pramatist' and 'plutocrat' hats....

BO talks like he supports nuclear too.....but he really doesn't.....the stimulus bill spent billions on "green" energy like Solyndra......ZERO went to nuclear...

Yawn... the fund Solyndra got set up under was created by Bush, and there was an expectation that some of the companies involved would fail.

If you guys insist on keeping on going there, we aren't going to make any progress.

damn right we will keep on going there so you progressives cannot make any what you call 'progress'....

BO is the one who got to pick the winners and losers like Solyndra...

BO has done very little to promote nuclear....his administration throws up all kinds of blocking loan guarantees and closing off the development of uranium know, the things you need to set up and power nuclear plants....
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Because we all know the only people who can speak knowledgeably on such matters are those approved by the progressive extremists.

All other sources of information are suspect.

A group with a consevative Catholic Bias asking a loaded question?

Yes, I should be suspicious of that. And so should you, if you weren't desperately looking for something to support your worldview that folks were on your side on this one when they aren't.
Yes, we should stick with the numbers and information provided by PP, the CDC and Guttmacher, who openly admit they don't have accurate numbers, who are financially motivated to lie, and who have been caught repeatedly falsifying information in their clinics.

Yes, let's only give them credence.
Yes, we should stick with the numbers and information provided by PP, the CDC and Guttmacher, who openly admit they don't have accurate numbers, who are financially motivated to lie, and who have been caught repeatedly falsifying information in their clinics.

Yes, let's only give them credence.

C'mon, don't you know that Joe's biases are rooted in knowledge and intellect?
Yes, we should stick with the numbers and information provided by PP, the CDC and Guttmacher, who openly admit they don't have accurate numbers, who are financially motivated to lie, and who have been caught repeatedly falsifying information in their clinics.

Yes, let's only give them credence.

I don't give them credence, either.

I just know as a practical matter, if she wants an abortion, she's getting an abortion. All you guys do is cost yourselves votes pretending it's going to be any other way.

I am still waiting for you to tell me how you are going to make an anti-abortion law work.
Yes, we should stick with the numbers and information provided by PP, the CDC and Guttmacher, who openly admit they don't have accurate numbers, who are financially motivated to lie, and who have been caught repeatedly falsifying information in their clinics.

Yes, let's only give them credence.

C'mon, don't you know that Joe's biases are rooted in knowledge and intellect?

my bias is that PRAGMATICALLY, we had just as many abortions performed before Roe v. Wade as after.

This is just a fact of life.

And after 40 years of legal abortion, where no woman of child bearing years remembers it being any other way, you are not going to swoop in and make it illegal. It just ain't gonna happen.

Now, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions, but that would mean actually giving stuff to the folks you call "moochers".

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