Can Reps modify abortion stance?


Of course they're people.

People die on their own. We treat a natural death differently than we treat murder. Because there is a difference.

Not to commies, though.

NO, they aren't.

It isn't a person until It can survive independenly outside someone else's body.

Until then, It is a growth... and if that body wants it out, it's going out. Period.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me how you would ever make an abortion law work with half the population willing to break it or turn a blind eye to it being broken.

you mean a "growth" like a wart or something.......?

i never heard of a wart with a heartbeat....
Your posts on these issues provide all the evidence needed.

Suggestion if you are going to stay in the party. Several suggestions. Adopt

Immigration reform, secure (closed to illegals) borders, businesses penalized for violating hiring regulations.

Simply stop the public war on gays.

Abortion for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

Because the above is what is in the mix for leading up to the 2014 elections.

Yeah, you are an evangelical of some sort: you hate Hispanics, women, and gays.

Of course you cannot support any of those ridiculous accusations, Fakey. You are just lying like a small, dim child with nothing to say. This is one of your three standard responses when you realize you don't have a leg to stand on. You are pathetically predictable, you no-class loser.
I watched a movie last night...

You will find every progressive argument for abortion, sterilization and euthanasia in there. It delineates how logic, reasoning and science were used to create an atmosphere in which the abuses of the Nazi regime, specifically in the death camps, could flourish..and also illuminates how it was this mindset that resulted in the most horrific abuses of the Nazis....the doctors were at the heart of the most heinous war crimes of the Nazis, and they used all the same language and logic that today's progressives do.


On November 25 1939, the Reich Commission for the Strengthening of Germandom (RKFDV), an SS organization, issued this decree:
"All measures which have the tendency to limit the births are to be tolerated or to be supported. Abortion in the remaining area of Poland must be declared free from punishment. the means for abortion and contraceptive means may be offered publicly without police restriction. Homosexuality [which was illegal under Polish law] is to be declared legal. The institutions and persons involved professionally in abortion practices are not to be interfered with by police." (Secret Nazi Plans for Eastern Europe, 1961, p.171)
"Every propaganda means, especially the press, radio, and movies, as well as pamphlets, booklets, and lectures, must be used to instill in the Russian population the idea that it is harmful to have several children. We must emphazise the expenses that children cause, the good things that people could have had with the money spent on them. We could also hint at the dangerous effect of child-bearing on a woman's health. Paralleling such propaganda, a large-scale campaign would be launched in favor of contraceptive devices. A contraceptive industry must be established. Neither the circulation and sale of contraceptives nor abortions must be prosecuted. It will even be necessary to open special institutions for abortion, and to train midwives and nurses for this purpose. The population will practice abortion all the more willingly if these institutions are competently operated." (Harvest of Hate, pp.272-3)

During the Nuremburg Trials, Nazi defendents were accused of "crimes against humanity", and among those crimes were promotion of abortion.

Also...yhe term "Freedom of Choice" in regards to abortion was invented by a Nazi SS propandist as a means to intice Polish women to have abortions and use contraceptions.

Nope, no parallel between that an joe's propaganda. Nope, no sirree..
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Of course they're people.

People die on their own. We treat a natural death differently than we treat murder. Because there is a difference.

Not to commies, though.

NO, they aren't.

It isn't a person until It can survive independenly outside someone else's body.

Until then, It is a growth... and if that body wants it out, it's going out. Period.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me how you would ever make an abortion law work with half the population willing to break it or turn a blind eye to it being broken.

you mean a "growth" like a wart or something.......?

i never heard of a wart with a heartbeat....

A heartbeat that would stop right after being taken out of the body.

Of course they're people.

People die on their own. We treat a natural death differently than we treat murder. Because there is a difference.

Not to commies, though.

NO, they aren't.

It isn't a person until It can survive independenly outside someone else's body.

Until then, It is a growth... and if that body wants it out, it's going out. Period.

It's sad to see weak and misguided fools like you who have been trained to hold human life itself in contempt because it gets in the way of nihilistic political posturing.
Your posts on these issues provide all the evidence needed.

Suggestion if you are going to stay in the party. Several suggestions. Adopt

Immigration reform, secure (closed to illegals) borders, businesses penalized for violating hiring regulations.

Simply stop the public war on gays.

Abortion for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

Because the above is what is in the mix for leading up to the 2014 elections.

Yeah, you are an evangelical of some sort: you hate Hispanics, women, and gays.

Of course you cannot support any of those ridiculous accusations, Fakey. You are just lying like a small, dim child with nothing to say. This is one of your three standard responses when you realize you don't have a leg to stand on. You are pathetically predictable, you no-class loser.

Become democrats! There you go. Solution found.
I watched a movie last night...

You will find every progressive argument for abortion, sterilization and euthanasia in there. It delineates how logic, reasoning and science were used to create an atmosphere in which the abuses of the Nazi regime, specifically in the death camps, could flourish..and also illuminates how it was this mindset that resulted in the most horrific abuses of the Nazis....the doctors were at the heart of the most heinous war crimes of the Nazis, and they used all the same language and logic that today's progressives do.


On November 25 1939, the Reich Commission for the Strengthening of Germandom (RKFDV), an SS organization, issued this decree:


During the Nuremburg Trials, Nazi defendents were accused of "crimes against humanity", and among those crimes were promotion of abortion.


Let me know when you want to have a sane discussion on this issue, and not the crazy talk.
Not at all. Co-opt some of their points, just like Bill did ours.

The shift has happened and will not swing back on these issues.

Your posts on these issues provide all the evidence needed.

Suggestion if you are going to stay in the party. Several suggestions. Adopt

Immigration reform, secure (closed to illegals) borders, businesses penalized for violating hiring regulations.

Simply stop the public war on gays.

Abortion for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

Because the above is what is in the mix for leading up to the 2014 elections.

Of course you cannot support any of those ridiculous accusations, Fakey. You are just lying like a small, dim child with nothing to say. This is one of your three standard responses when you realize you don't have a leg to stand on. You are pathetically predictable, you no-class loser.

Become democrats! There you go. Solution found.
I watched a movie last night...

You will find every progressive argument for abortion, sterilization and euthanasia in there. It delineates how logic, reasoning and science were used to create an atmosphere in which the abuses of the Nazi regime, specifically in the death camps, could flourish..and also illuminates how it was this mindset that resulted in the most horrific abuses of the Nazis....the doctors were at the heart of the most heinous war crimes of the Nazis, and they used all the same language and logic that today's progressives do.


KG loves Nazis. She goes out of her way to talk about them.
joe, you're the crazy one here, I'm afraid. Nice posters, btw...


This pro-abortion poster says: "60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the community during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money, too". It's the way they promoted the use of abortion among despised communities.

Here's the one that our resident eugenecists would approve of:

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On November 25 1939, the Reich Commission for the Strengthening of Germandom (RKFDV), an SS organization, issued this decree:


During the Nuremburg Trials, Nazi defendents were accused of "crimes against humanity", and among those crimes were promotion of abortion.


Let me know when you want to have a sane discussion on this issue, and not the crazy talk.

lol.....what a huff and long loser....
You are a broken, far right extremist Republican record, Unkotare.

Suggestion if you are going to stay Republican. Several suggestions. Adopt

Immigration reform, secure (closed to illegals) borders, businesses penalized for violating hiring regulations.

Simply stop the public war on gays.

Abortion for rape, incest, and health of the mother.

Because the above is what is in the mix for leading up to the 2014 elections.

Keep evangelicalism in your private life.

Of course they're people.

People die on their own. We treat a natural death differently than we treat murder. Because there is a difference.

Not to commies, though.

NO, they aren't.

It isn't a person until It can survive independenly outside someone else's body.

Until then, It is a growth... and if that body wants it out, it's going out. Period.

It's sad to see weak and misguided fools like you who have been trained to hold human life itself in contempt because it gets in the way of nihilistic political posturing.

Have you ever asked yourself, why it is that in the 40 years since Roe, with Republicans making 8 of the 12 SCOTUS appointment since then, that they've never overturned Roe?

Because the GOP doesn't want to overturn it anymore than I do.

Roe was decided by Republicans (Most of the court in 1973 was appointed by Nixon and Ike) and upheld by Republicans (Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter) .

And for the record, I went through the Catholic School Indoctrination system, where they spent YEARS telling me how wrong abortion was and showed the same tired ass pictures of aborted fetuses and they really did their level best to brainwash me on the issue.

Until I finally figured out... they don't care nearly as much as you do.


They don't care about banning abortion. They care about keeping stupid people like you voting for Free Trade and weakened worker's rights and stuff that probably make more people pick abortion when confronted with that choice.

Another argument you won't be able to reason through, I'm sure.
I just know as a practical matter, if she wants an abortion, she's getting an abortion.

Just like any other case where one person is determined to kill another. We haven't given up on laws against other forms of killing, though. Your argument doesn't hold one drop of water.
And after 40 years of legal abortion, where no woman of child bearing years remembers it being any other way, you are not going to swoop in and make it illegal. It just ain't gonna happen.

It's not a matter of 'swooping in and making it illegal,' dope. It's a matter of returning it to the states where it belongs. I doubt even one state would make it 'illegal' under any circumstance.
joe, you're the crazy one here, I'm afraid. Nice posters, btw...

This pro-abortion poster says: "60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the community during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money, too". It's the way they promoted the use of abortion among despised communities.

Actually, abortion was illegal in Germany under the Nazis. In fact, they gave out the death penalty for performing an abortion on an "Aryan" woman. Penalties for having abortions or performing them were increased from the Weimar Law...

Gloria Steinem: The Nazi Connection

A return to a strong family life, women's primary identity as mothers, tax penalties for remaining single, loans for young married couples and subsidies for childbearing, prohibition of prostitution and homosexuality, contraception, and abortion: all these were issues that the Roman Catholic Church, the Catholic Center Party, and the Nazi Party could agree on. And once Hitler came to power, popularly elected in part by the patriarchal backlash against feminist successes, he delivered on his promise to restore male supremacy....

Under Hitler, choosing abortion became sabotage; a crime punishable by hard labor for the woman and a possible death penalty for the abortionist.

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