Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Personally, I'm kinda tired of hearing about abortion, birth control, gays, etc.

Why does the left always bring this shit up? Most people really don't think about that stuff in the course of their daily lives.
of course you just hide under your 'pramatist' and 'plutocrat' hats....

BO talks like he supports nuclear too.....but he really doesn't.....the stimulus bill spent billions on "green" energy like Solyndra......ZERO went to nuclear...

Yawn... the fund Solyndra got set up under was created by Bush, and there was an expectation that some of the companies involved would fail.

If you guys insist on keeping on going there, we aren't going to make any progress.

damn right we will keep on going there so you progressives cannot make any what you call 'progress'....

BO is the one who got to pick the winners and losers like Solyndra...

BO has done very little to promote nuclear....his administration throws up all kinds of blocking loan guarantees and closing off the development of uranium know, the things you need to set up and power nuclear plants....

Really? Well he just got through doing a number(332-206) on Romulus.
Yes, we should stick with the numbers and information provided by PP, the CDC and Guttmacher, who openly admit they don't have accurate numbers, who are financially motivated to lie, and who have been caught repeatedly falsifying information in their clinics.

Yes, let's only give them credence.

C'mon, don't you know that Joe's biases are rooted in knowledge and intellect?

my bias is that PRAGMATICALLY, we had just as many abortions performed before Roe v. Wade as after.

This is just a fact of life.

And after 40 years of legal abortion, where no woman of child bearing years remembers it being any other way, you are not going to swoop in and make it illegal. It just ain't gonna happen.

Now, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions, but that would mean actually giving stuff to the folks you call "moochers".

Feel free to show where I have ever called anyone a moocher ;)
Yes, we should stick with the numbers and information provided by PP, the CDC and Guttmacher, who openly admit they don't have accurate numbers, who are financially motivated to lie, and who have been caught repeatedly falsifying information in their clinics.

Yes, let's only give them credence.

C'mon, don't you know that Joe's biases are rooted in knowledge and intellect?

my bias is that PRAGMATICALLY, we had just as many abortions performed before Roe v. Wade as after.

This is just a fact of life.

And after 40 years of legal abortion, where no woman of child bearing years remembers it being any other way, you are not going to swoop in and make it illegal. It just ain't gonna happen.

Now, there are ways to reduce the number of abortions, but that would mean actually giving stuff to the folks you call "moochers".

No, it's not a fact, and in fact it's a lie. Not only did we have more abortions performed after RvW, they continued to skyrocket through the decades. They grew INCREASINGLY more common.

So quit lying, lying commie. You're just trying to convince everyone we need to follow China's lead.

"In early June, Feng Jianmei was bundled into a van with a pillowcase over her head, then driven to a hospital by family-planning officials and held down while medical staff injected poison into her pregnant belly. The forced abortion of her seven-month fetus occurred because Feng and her husband Deng Jiyuan did not have enough money to pay a $6,350 fine for contravening China’s so-called one-child policy. "
China: Victim of Forced Abortion Is Promised $11,200 |
Forced Abortion in China Prompts Apology and Officials Suspended - ABC News

Forced Abortion in China Prompts Apology and Officials Suspended - ABC News
Abortion is not a losing issue...except for the unborn babies that continue to be killed for convenience sake.

Abortion is definitely a moral issue as are most issues that are the object of legislation...think most recently about homosexual unions. Yes, liberals are always OK with legislating morality so long as it supports their values or beliefs.

Yes, the nation that slaughters the millions so that its women can avoid American be proud.

Just to impeach this poll...

The most recent Knights of Columbus – Marist survey – conducted in late December and early January – is the latest in a series of such surveys commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and conducted by Marist Institute for Public Opinion. In October of 2008 and July of 2009, ....[/

Knights of Columbus? Seriously?

Here's the problem. It isn't a matter of "legislation", its a matter of enforcement. If Roe v. Wade were overturned and you went back to making them illegal on the state level, the wealthy would go to states where they could afford it, or find doctors who can be "discreet", while the poor would be at the mercy of whatever hacks and scammers are out there.

Illegal abortions on Craigslist? Jesus H. Christ, save us from that.

Apart from the fact you provided absolutely NO analysis that the poll was in anyway invalid...or that you provided a poll that argues differently what was your point?

Perhaps if women could not get abortion on demand (which kills babies btw) they'd be more willing to practice sex in such a way as to avoid pregnancy...did you know there are several ways to avoid pregnancy successfully? It's amazing...modernity is like that.

But I digress...the issue for pro life folks is that they actually agree with science that the unborn are genetically complete and living human beings. As such they actually believe the unborn deserve constitutional protection from the lawful slaughter conducted under the banner "woman's right to choose". In much the same way abolitionists (they were mostly Christians too) believed that the lawful slaughter and ownership of black Americans was wrong (remember they were not lawfully considered fully human either).

You pro abortionists are some mentally sick folks.

an easy to find more recent poll
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Does he ever post anything but his opinion?

Abortion is not a losing issue...except for the unborn babies that continue to be killed for convenience sake.

Abortion is definitely a moral issue as are most issues that are the object of legislation...think most recently about homosexual unions. Yes, liberals are always OK with legislating morality so long as it supports their values or beliefs.

Yes, the nation that slaughters the millions so that its women can avoid American be proud.

Just to impeach this poll...

The most recent Knights of Columbus – Marist survey – conducted in late December and early January – is the latest in a series of such surveys commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and conducted by Marist Institute for Public Opinion. In October of 2008 and July of 2009, ....[/

Knights of Columbus? Seriously?

Here's the problem. It isn't a matter of "legislation", its a matter of enforcement. If Roe v. Wade were overturned and you went back to making them illegal on the state level, the wealthy would go to states where they could afford it, or find doctors who can be "discreet", while the poor would be at the mercy of whatever hacks and scammers are out there.

Illegal abortions on Craigslist? Jesus H. Christ, save us from that.

Apart from the fact you provided absolutely NO analysis that the poll was in anyway invalid...or that you provided a poll that argues differently what was your point?

Perhaps if women could not get abortion on demand (which kills babies btw) they'd be more willing to practice sex in such a way as to avoid pregnancy...did you know there are several ways to avoid pregnancy successfully? It's amazing...modernity is like that.

But I digress...the issue for pro life folks is that they actually agree with science that the unborn are genetically complete and living human beings. As such they actually believe the unborn deserve constitutional protection from the lawful slaughter conducted under the banner "woman's right to choose". In much the same way abolitionists (they were mostly Christians too) believed that the lawful slaughter and ownership of black Americans was wrong (remember they were not lawfully considered fully human either).

You pro abortionists are some mentally sick folks.

an easy to find more recent poll
Abortion is not a losing issue...except for the unborn babies that continue to be killed for convenience sake.

Abortion is definitely a moral issue as are most issues that are the object of legislation...think most recently about homosexual unions. Yes, liberals are always OK with legislating morality so long as it supports their values or beliefs.

Yes, the nation that slaughters the millions so that its women can avoid American be proud.

Just to impeach this poll...

The most recent Knights of Columbus – Marist survey – conducted in late December and early January – is the latest in a series of such surveys commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and conducted by Marist Institute for Public Opinion. In October of 2008 and July of 2009, ....[/

Knights of Columbus? Seriously?

Here's the problem. It isn't a matter of "legislation", its a matter of enforcement. If Roe v. Wade were overturned and you went back to making them illegal on the state level, the wealthy would go to states where they could afford it, or find doctors who can be "discreet", while the poor would be at the mercy of whatever hacks and scammers are out there.

Illegal abortions on Craigslist? Jesus H. Christ, save us from that.

Apart from the fact you provided absolutely NO analysis that the poll was in anyway invalid...or that you provided a poll that argues differently what was your point?

Perhaps if women could not get abortion on demand (which kills babies btw) they'd be more willing to practice sex in such a way as to avoid pregnancy...did you know there are several ways to avoid pregnancy successfully? It's amazing...modernity is like that.

But I digress...the issue for pro life folks is that they actually agree with science that the unborn are genetically complete and living human beings. As such they actually believe the unborn deserve constitutional protection from the lawful slaughter conducted under the banner "woman's right to choose". In much the same way abolitionists (they were mostly Christians too) believed that the lawful slaughter and ownership of black Americans was wrong (remember they were not lawfully considered fully human either).

You pro abortionists are some mentally sick folks.

an easy to find more recent poll

You people have your head up your ass so far you'll never see daylight again. If you had your way the only thing a woman would have to drive further for than to get an abortion would be to find their precinct on election day.
Personally, I'm kinda tired of hearing about abortion, birth control, gays, etc.

Why does the left always bring this shit up? Most people really don't think about that stuff in the course of their daily lives.

I'm fairly certain you will find some very angry posts in this thread by posters saying this issue is super important and everyone who says otherwise is a evil nazi liberal.;)
I think you have that backwards.

Personally, I'm kinda tired of hearing about abortion, birth control, gays, etc.

Why does the left always bring this shit up? Most people really don't think about that stuff in the course of their daily lives.

I'm fairly certain you will find some very angry posts in this thread by posters saying this issue is super important and everyone who says otherwise is a evil nazi liberal.;)
I watched a movie last night...


You will find every progressive argument for abortion, sterilization and euthanasia in there. It delineates how logic, reasoning and science were used to create an atmosphere in which the abuses of the Nazi regime, specifically in the death camps, could flourish..and also illuminates how it was this mindset that resulted in the most horrific abuses of the Nazis....the doctors were at the heart of the most heinous war crimes of the Nazis, and they used all the same language and logic that today's progressives do.
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Funny, when the left loses elections, you NEVER hear them talking about modifying their stance on anything. Conversely, they just go on rants about doubling down, how stupid the electorate is, how people must be re-educated, etc.

When Republican lose, all we hear is how we must abandon our stance on everything and be more like them to win.

See how that works?
Apart from the fact you provided absolutely NO analysis that the poll was in anyway invalid...or that you provided a poll that argues differently what was your point?

The Knights of Columbus. Enough said. That makes it invalid.

Perhaps if women could not get abortion on demand (which kills babies btw)

That's your opinion, an opinion most people don't share.

they'd be more willing to practice sex in such a way as to avoid pregnancy...did you know there are several ways to avoid pregnancy successfully? It's amazing...modernity is like that.

Yeah, and there's also billions of years of genetic hardwiring to drive us to screw. Now, yeah, it would be wonderful if we taught better birth control... but the Religious Right doesn't want to talk about anything but abstinence, and they'll get Bristol Palin to tell you all about it.

But I digress...the issue for pro life folks is that they actually agree with science that the unborn are genetically complete and living human beings. As such they actually believe the unborn deserve constitutional protection from the lawful slaughter conducted under the banner "woman's right to choose". In much the same way abolitionists (they were mostly Christians too) believed that the lawful slaughter and ownership of black Americans was wrong (remember they were not lawfully considered fully human either).

Yawn. Fetuses aren't people. Sorry, they just aren't. They aren't babies. If they were, we should treat every tampon as a potential crime scene, as their might well be a zygote in there somewhere.


I hate my job now!

You pro abortionists are some mentally sick folks.

an easy to find more recent poll

Again, the same Gallup that predicted that Romney would win by 7 points when he lost by 4...

I'm a pragmatist. Women are going to get abortions, NO MATTER WHAT THE LAW IS.

Take for example, the Philippines, Catholic Country, abortion is completely illegal there, dirt poor, and 800,000 abortions happen there out of a population of 90 million.
I watched a movie last night...

You will find every progressive argument for abortion, sterilization and euthanasia in there. It delineates how logic, reasoning and science were used to create an atmosphere in which the abuses of the Nazi regime, specifically in the death camps, could flourish..and also illuminates how it was this mindset that resulted in the most horrific abuses of the Nazis....the doctors were at the heart of the most heinous war crimes of the Nazis, and they used all the same language and logic that today's progressives do.

the Left supposedly has always been for the underdogs....the weak and helpless......

WHY are they against the most weak and helpless among us.....?
Apart from the fact you provided absolutely NO analysis that the poll was in anyway invalid...or that you provided a poll that argues differently what was your point?

The Knights of Columbus. Enough said. That makes it invalid.

Perhaps if women could not get abortion on demand (which kills babies btw)

That's your opinion, an opinion most people don't share.

Yeah, and there's also billions of years of genetic hardwiring to drive us to screw. Now, yeah, it would be wonderful if we taught better birth control... but the Religious Right doesn't want to talk about anything but abstinence, and they'll get Bristol Palin to tell you all about it.

But I digress...the issue for pro life folks is that they actually agree with science that the unborn are genetically complete and living human beings. As such they actually believe the unborn deserve constitutional protection from the lawful slaughter conducted under the banner "woman's right to choose". In much the same way abolitionists (they were mostly Christians too) believed that the lawful slaughter and ownership of black Americans was wrong (remember they were not lawfully considered fully human either).

Yawn. Fetuses aren't people. Sorry, they just aren't. They aren't babies. If they were, we should treat every tampon as a potential crime scene, as their might well be a zygote in there somewhere.


I hate my job now!

You pro abortionists are some mentally sick folks.

an easy to find more recent poll

Again, the same Gallup that predicted that Romney would win by 7 points when he lost by 4...

I'm a pragmatist. Women are going to get abortions, NO MATTER WHAT THE LAW IS.

Take for example, the Philippines, Catholic Country, abortion is completely illegal there, dirt poor, and 800,000 abortions happen there out of a population of 90 million.

Of course they're people.

People die on their own. We treat a natural death differently than we treat murder. Because there is a difference.

Not to commies, though.

Of course they're people.

People die on their own. We treat a natural death differently than we treat murder. Because there is a difference.

Not to commies, though.

NO, they aren't.

It isn't a person until It can survive independenly outside someone else's body.

Until then, It is a growth... and if that body wants it out, it's going out. Period.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me how you would ever make an abortion law work with half the population willing to break it or turn a blind eye to it being broken.
Yeah, you are an evangelical of some sort: you hate Hispanics, women, and gays.

Of course you cannot support any of those ridiculous accusations, Fakey. You are just lying like a small, dim child with nothing to say. This is one of your three standard responses when you realize you don't have a leg to stand on. You are pathetically predictable, you no-class loser.

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