Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Nazis were all about managing breeding, commie eugenecist.

YOu mean they were about telling women whether they could have babies or not.

Just like you aspire to be.

No, they were all about convincing them to abort their babies in their best self interest, to maintain a *healthy* population and eliminate poverty and sickness.

Just like you do.
They too asked
and answered the question: who shall live and who shall die?
Then and now the subject at hand is killing, letting die, helping
to die, and using the dead. Then and now the goal is to produce​
healthier human beings."

^^^^pro-abortion stance.

Also the stance of the doctors working in the death camps.

That's true, this is just one piece of the puzzle. 3 million Reps stayed home, and that's another discussion. Frankly it was major screw up to not have our intentions on abortion clearly stated, allowing Dems to accuse us of wanting to outlaw it. Reps are stuck in the mud on this issue. Reps need to fix it if they want to compete in a presidential election.

Where do you get 3 million Republicans stayed home?

More to the point, how do you get "out of the mud" on this issue? Frankly, what exceptions are you going to promote to satisfy fanatics like KosherGirl and Punkotard?

Yes, it really did hurt you guys when you had guys talking about "legitimate rape" and "Gift from God" rape, but that's kind of the logical conclusion of your philosophical position.

If you accept a fetus/Embryo/Zygote has all the same rights as a human being, then you have to be against its termination under ANY circumstances. Or otherwise, you are being inconsistent.
They too asked
and answered the question: who shall live and who shall die?
Then and now the subject at hand is killing, letting die, helping
to die, and using the dead. Then and now the goal is to produce​
healthier human beings."

^^^^pro-abortion stance.

Also the stance of the doctors working in the death camps.


MOre tired Zionist propaganda?


I mean, you can go on with this Nazi kick all day, but frankly, Godwin's Law applied to this thread a long time ago.
How many lives do you save by abandoning your principles in order to court votes? If the GOP says, "Oh, never mind the abortion thing, fuck it, no big deal", and then wins election, what have they accomplished? If you have to abandon your principles to win, have you actually won at all?

I doubt that that matters to you, though, because you've made it clear that elections are just about winning a competition to you.

Sorry,I was wrong when I said, You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for the moral high ground. Let me correct that. You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for your self righteousness. In that you were successful.

"Questions? What are questions? I don't need to answer no steenkeeng questions. That's only for people who are brave enough to have a DIALOGUE. I stick to monologues, because I'm a poltroon."

You answered your own question, I thought you were having a DIALOGUE with yourself.
They too asked
and answered the question: who shall live and who shall die?
Then and now the subject at hand is killing, letting die, helping
to die, and using the dead. Then and now the goal is to produce​
healthier human beings."

^^^^pro-abortion stance.

Also the stance of the doctors working in the death camps.


MOre tired Zionist propaganda?


I mean, you can go on with this Nazi kick all day, but frankly, Godwin's Law applied to this thread a long time ago.

I imagine you deny the holocaust occurred as well.

Seig heil. You're a good Nazi.

In other words, according to the German Supreme Court, the Nazis had no respect for human life, and to insure human life​
’s protection for the future, we have to respect all human life, including life in the womb. The decision came to apply to all Germany after unification in 1990 and was re-affirmed by a second decision in mid-1993.iii

The 1975 decision by the German High Court was completely the opposite of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in​
Roe v. Wade two years earlier, which had allowed abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy."

Go figure. America led Germany into the horrors of the death camps...and we continue to lead the way. 9/hunt9.pdf

"Then a professor, Dr. Ley spoke. He claimed he was a racial hygienist (Rassengygieniker), that the morality of the past could no longer help Germany, and that law has no purpose; it is the servant of the German people. In referring to the large number of abortions
before Nazism, Ley went on to say that there was no advantage in
increasing births​
per se; that while abortion should remain illegal,
Germany still had to measure quality against quantity, and that
abortion was a necessary evil that Germans had to accept
out of
respect for life
[emphasis mine] (“ ist ein notwendiges Übel,

das wir hinnehmen m
üssen aus Achtung vor dem Leben”).vii

Sound familiar? It should, it's the crap that every pro-abortionist on this site (and everywhere) spouts.
ObamaCare wouldn't even effect me, as I have private insurance through an employer...

Of course, I'd rather have single payer health insurance...

of course you would......lefty....

just wait awhile....your employer may eventually drop your private insurance.....

and with Obamacare you'll get your abortions for free......state-controlled murder.....

Private Employers would probably have dropped insurance regardless... This is the problem. With big corporations making a killing, medical costs rise at three times the rate of inflation.

Now, short of having a single payer dicate prices on costs to provide, Obamacare is a patch that big pharma and big insurance went along with.

rising costs is probably a subject for another thread....nevertheless with single payer dictating prices you can count on RATIONING making its ugly appearance....

unless you're a Party member or have money it'll be near impossible to get that gall bladder operation but anybody will be able to count on getting quick and easy free abortions.....ever wonder why....?
You have to face your shortcomings if you ever hope to improve yourself.

Again, compared to you, I'm awesome.

Not according to the way you present yourself here. You really should consider taking an English class so you don't have to embarrass yourself like this for the rest of your life.

In order to be embarrassed, one must have a sense of shame. Liberals don't truck with that sort of nonsense.
Progressives tell women, particularly poor and minority women, that they SHOULDN'T have babies, and portray babies as an illness/disease/hardship/threat to life that can easily be eliminated via abortion.
rising costs is probably a subject for another thread....nevertheless with single payer dictating prices you can count on RATIONING making its ugly appearance....

unless you're a Party member or have money it'll be near impossible to get that gall bladder operation but anybody will be able to count on getting quick and easy free abortions.....ever wonder why....?

Why would you count on that?

Frankly, we ALREADY have rationing from private insurance. They limit yoru lifetime claims, and if that doesn't work, they manage to get you fired from your job.
Mmmmm................New Stance ???

Heck perhaps we will pay the full cost for womens birth control pills, and their abortions should they not use them.....................Not that we want govt involved in their bedrooms of course..........

Just that they are completely incapable of providing these things for themselves, and others owe it to them ...................

I imagine you deny the holocaust occurred as well.

Seig heil. You're a good Nazi.

You are the one who is talking about Nazi Germany because you can't defend your own silly position.

Godwin Law applies here. When a conversation gets to Nazis, it's over.

You keep saying that, and it's no more true than it was the first time you said it.

Go back to posting images. They're more entertaining, and better reflect what you're all about...which is spreading disinformation.

Good nazi.
Progressives tell women, particularly poor and minority women, that they SHOULDN'T have babies, and portray babies as an illness/disease/hardship/threat to life that can easily be eliminated via abortion.

Please point out where they do that at all?

I thought the whole point of this last election was you guys were w hining about the welfare people being "takers" and "moochers" and having too many babies.

It would be nice if you could get your story straight.
My story is perfectly straight.

Your own is crumbling, however. I have never implied that poor people should kill their babies, so that progressives on entitlement programs can have a bigger slice of the pie.

That's all you.
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