Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Anyone can get birth control in this country. We would still have birth control without abortion clinics. Sorry. You're just repeating another nazi lie, and confusing "contraceptive" with "abortion" and "planned parenthood". They are not interchangeable.

There are some communities where PP is the only source of this kind of support.

But again, you can't comprehend that some women just don't want to have babies.

I imagine you deny the holocaust occurred as well.

Seig heil. You're a good Nazi.

You are the one who is talking about Nazi Germany because you can't defend your own silly position.

Godwin Law applies here. When a conversation gets to Nazis, it's over.

You keep saying that, and it's no more true than it was the first time you said it.

Go back to posting images. They're more entertaining, and better reflect what you're all about...which is spreading disinformation.

Good nazi.

Well, aren't you proud of him for finally finding something he's good at?
YOu mean they were about telling women whether they could have babies or not.

Just like you aspire to be.

Who the fuck is telling women they can't have babies?

Are you fucking high or just severely retarded?

You guys are the ones who want to cut off birth control and preach abstitence...

And here's Bristol Palin to tell you all about it.


"Um, when does my check clear?"

Uhm, Joe.. follow along, preaching abstinence in no way affects a woman's ability to have children. And nobody wants to cut off women's access to BC.

Grow up asshole and quit lying so much... this shit only occurs in your tiny little pinhead.
You are the one who is talking about Nazi Germany because you can't defend your own silly position.

Godwin Law applies here. When a conversation gets to Nazis, it's over.

You keep saying that, and it's no more true than it was the first time you said it.

Go back to posting images. They're more entertaining, and better reflect what you're all about...which is spreading disinformation.

Good nazi.

Well, aren't you proud of him for finally finding something he's good at?

Humiliating anti-Choice phonies for what they are? Yup. I'm awesome at that.
Well, Obama wants to cut off women's access to birth control...if they won't fund abortion, then they don't get no stinkin birth control.
You keep saying that, and it's no more true than it was the first time you said it.

Go back to posting images. They're more entertaining, and better reflect what you're all about...which is spreading disinformation.

Good nazi.

Well, aren't you proud of him for finally finding something he's good at?

Humiliating anti-Choice phonies for what they are? Yup. I'm awesome at that.

No, you're not.
You keep saying that, and it's no more true than it was the first time you said it.

Go back to posting images. They're more entertaining, and better reflect what you're all about...which is spreading disinformation.

Good nazi.

Well, aren't you proud of him for finally finding something he's good at?

Humiliating anti-Choice phonies for what they are? Yup. I'm awesome at that.

The only thing you are "good" at is making an ass out of yourself.

Uhm, Joe.. follow along, preaching abstinence in no way affects a woman's ability to have children. And nobody wants to cut off women's access to BC.

Grow up asshole and quit lying so much... this shit only occurs in your tiny little pinhead.

Follow along. Preaching abstinence doesn't work. This has been scientifically proven.

Abstinence-only sex education doesn't work, say UGA researchers | Online Athens

States that mandate abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools have higher teenage pregnancy and birth rates than states that have more comprehensive programs that also teach other ways to prevent pregnancy, according to Kathrin Stanger-Hall and David Hall.
“This clearly shows that prescribed abstinence-only education in public schools does not lead to abstinent behavior. It may even contribute to the high teen pregnancy rates in the U.S. compared to other industrialized countries,” said David Hall, a genetics professor in UGA’s Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and Stanger-Hall’s husband

And, yes, the Republican Assholes do want to cut women's health.

Court: Texas can cut off Planned Parenthood funds

A federal appeals court ruled late Tuesday that Texas can cut off funding for Planned Parenthood clinics that provide health services to low-income women before a trial over a new law that bans state money from going to organizations tied to abortion providers.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans lifted a federal judge's temporary injunction that called for the funding to continue pending an October trial on Planned Parenthood's challenge to the law.

Beyond stupidity. This is pretty much the war on women, and why women voted 55% for Obama.
Obama's "science czar", John Holdren, proposed that women be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not, that the population should be sterilized by infertility drugs in the nation's drinking water... (Wait, who was proposing this here recently? Was it you, joe?). He also submits that single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized and given to "approved" couples to raise (I hear that on here daily); that people who contribute to social deterioration (i.e. undesirables..another Nazi catch phrase) be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. He wants to establish a planetary regime to assume control of the global economy and to dictate intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force.

Sounds like a guy nazi joe can get behind! Seig Heil! You guys are fab!

Uhm, Joe.. follow along, preaching abstinence in no way affects a woman's ability to have children. And nobody wants to cut off women's access to BC.

Grow up asshole and quit lying so much... this shit only occurs in your tiny little pinhead.

Follow along. Preaching abstinence doesn't work. This has been scientifically proven.

Abstinence-only sex education doesn't work, say UGA researchers | Online Athens

States that mandate abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools have higher teenage pregnancy and birth rates than states that have more comprehensive programs that also teach other ways to prevent pregnancy, according to Kathrin Stanger-Hall and David Hall.
“This clearly shows that prescribed abstinence-only education in public schools does not lead to abstinent behavior. It may even contribute to the high teen pregnancy rates in the U.S. compared to other industrialized countries,” said David Hall, a genetics professor in UGA’s Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and Stanger-Hall’s husband

And, yes, the Republican Assholes do want to cut women's health.

Court: Texas can cut off Planned Parenthood funds

A federal appeals court ruled late Tuesday that Texas can cut off funding for Planned Parenthood clinics that provide health services to low-income women before a trial over a new law that bans state money from going to organizations tied to abortion providers.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans lifted a federal judge's temporary injunction that called for the funding to continue pending an October trial on Planned Parenthood's challenge to the law.

Beyond stupidity. This is pretty much the war on women, and why women voted 55% for Obama.

Follow along Joey... teaching abstinence doesn't in any way affect a woman's right or ability to have or not have a child, which is what you asserted.

Don't be such a blockhead.
If George says it, it must be true.

Cuz drug-addled comedian hippies are the guys in the know when it comes to politics and stuff...
What % of women do not know that unprotected sex can get them pregnant?
What % of women do not know that sex can get them pregnant?
What % of women do not know that abstinence will NEVER make them pregnant?
90%? 99%?
Teaching abstinence does what?
Teaching birth control does what?
I keep hearing the religious right claim that teaching birth control DOES NOT WORK and causes more pregnancies yet teaching abstinence DOES work.
As usual, they want it both ways.
Obama's "science czar", John Holdren, proposed that women be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not, that the population should be sterilized by infertility drugs in the nation's drinking water... (Wait, who was proposing this here recently? Was it you, joe?). He also submits that single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized and given to "approved" couples to raise (I hear that on here daily); that people who contribute to social deterioration (i.e. undesirables..another Nazi catch phrase) be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. He wants to establish a planetary regime to assume control of the global economy and to dictate intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force.

Sounds like a guy nazi joe can get behind! Seig Heil! You guys are fab!

Wow, actually, you are practicing a bit of a Nazi thing yourself- That if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth...

PolitiFact Gave Rumor A "Pants On Fire!" Rating. According to, "in seeking to score points for a political argument, Beck seriously mischaracterizes Holdren's positions. Holdren didn't advocate those ideas then. And, when asked at a Senate confirmation hearing, Holdren said he did not support them now. We think it's irresponsible to pluck a few lines from a 1,000-page, 30-year-old textbook, and then present them out of context to dismiss Holdren's long and distinguished career. And we rate Beck's claim Pants on Fire!"

Don't worry, he'd be very proud of you...

Follow along Joey... teaching abstinence doesn't in any way affect a woman's right or ability to have or not have a child, which is what you asserted.

Don't be such a blockhead.

Follow along, you need to all STFU about this entire subject or you are going to keep losing elections.

Abstinence-only is a false policy. It keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health.
Obama's "science czar", John Holdren, proposed that women be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not, that the population should be sterilized by infertility drugs in the nation's drinking water... (Wait, who was proposing this here recently? Was it you, joe?). He also submits that single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized and given to "approved" couples to raise (I hear that on here daily); that people who contribute to social deterioration (i.e. undesirables..another Nazi catch phrase) be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. He wants to establish a planetary regime to assume control of the global economy and to dictate intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force.

Sounds like a guy nazi joe can get behind! Seig Heil! You guys are fab!

Wow, actually, you are practicing a bit of a Nazi thing yourself- That if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth...

PolitiFact Gave Rumor A "Pants On Fire!" Rating. According to, "in seeking to score points for a political argument, Beck seriously mischaracterizes Holdren's positions. Holdren didn't advocate those ideas then. And, when asked at a Senate confirmation hearing, Holdren said he did not support them now. We think it's irresponsible to pluck a few lines from a 1,000-page, 30-year-old textbook, and then present them out of context to dismiss Holdren's long and distinguished career. And we rate Beck's claim Pants on Fire!"

Don't worry, he'd be very proud of you...


Your hero ^^^
That's the point of the thread, dimwit: do we define morality as doing what we know is right, even when it costs us, or do we define morality as changing our principles according to what's politicially advantageous at the moment?

I can see you're coming down on the side of "whatever gets me what I want". Outstanding. :clap2:

Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.

God blessed us with morality and reason, some with closed minds do lack the intelligence to use both.

But it doesn't stop you from holding yourself up as a shining example we should all emulate, oddly enough.
Follow along Joey... teaching abstinence doesn't in any way affect a woman's right or ability to have or not have a child, which is what you asserted.

Don't be such a blockhead.

Follow along, you need to all STFU about this entire subject or you are going to keep losing elections.

Abstinence-only is a false policy. It keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health.

Abortion propaganda keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health in a much more real way.

As does pulling funding for birth control, if the state refuses to fund abortion clinics.

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