Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Humiliating anti-Choice phonies for what they are? Yup. I'm awesome at that.

No, you're not.

Uh, yeah, I am...


Yes sir...a legend in his own mind :)
Follow along Joey... teaching abstinence doesn't in any way affect a woman's right or ability to have or not have a child, which is what you asserted.

Don't be such a blockhead.

Follow along, you need to all STFU about this entire subject or you are going to keep losing elections.

Abstinence-only is a false policy. It keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health.

Abortion propaganda keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health in a much more real way.

As does pulling funding for birth control, if the state refuses to fund abortion clinics.

Show us some "abortion propaganda".
Where is it?
joe's hero, Obama's science/eugenics czar:

"under the United States Constitution, effective population-control programs could be enacted under the clauses that empower Congress to appropriate funds to provide for the general welfare and to regulate commerce, or under the equal-protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Such laws constitutionally could be very broad. Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society. Few today consider the situation in the United States serious enough to justify compulsion, however." p. 837, Ecoscience

P. 786:

"Adoption proceedings probably should remain more difficult for single people than for married couples, in recognition of the relative difficulty of raising children alone. It would even he possible to require pregnant single women to marry or have abortions, perhaps as an alternative to placement for adoption, depending on the society.

"Somewhat more repressive measures for discouraging large families have also been proposed, such as assigning public housing without regard for family size and removing dependency allowances from student grants or military pay. Some of these have been implemented in crowded Singapore, whose population program has been counted as one of the most successful."

P. 787:

"The third approach to population limitation is that of involuntary fertility control. Several coercive proposals deserve discussion, mainly because some countries may ultimately have to resort to them unless current trends in birthrates are rapidly reversed by other means. Some involuntary measures could be less repressive or discriminatory, in fact, than some of the socioeconomic measure suggested."

P. 838...
"Individual rights must be balanced against the power of the government to control human reproduction."

Sounds like all that would be right up joe's alley.
Follow along, you need to all STFU about this entire subject or you are going to keep losing elections.

Abstinence-only is a false policy. It keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health.

Abortion propaganda keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health in a much more real way.

As does pulling funding for birth control, if the state refuses to fund abortion clinics.

Show us some "abortion propaganda".
Where is it?

Did you miss the Carlin poster?
Follow along Joey... teaching abstinence doesn't in any way affect a woman's right or ability to have or not have a child, which is what you asserted.

Don't be such a blockhead.

Follow along, you need to all STFU about this entire subject or you are going to keep losing elections.

Abstinence-only is a false policy. It keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health.

Not having sex = not getting pregnant keeps girls ignorant and endangers their health?

You're an abject moron, you really are.
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joe's hero, Obama's science/eugenics czar:


Sounds like all that would be right up joe's alley.

Except that none of that was true. These are not things Dr. Holdren advocated.

PolitiFact | Glenn Beck claims science czar John Holdren proposed forced abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population

Conservative bloggers have quoted the book extensively, and often out of context, to make the point that Holdren has advocated positions such as the ones Beck stated.

We obtained the book to see exactly what Holdren, then a young man, wrote (or co-wrote). The book is just over 1,000 pages, and it clearly makes that case that an explosion in population presented a grave crisis. Although it is a textbook, the authors don't shy away from presenting a point of view. As the preface states, "We have tried throughout the book to state clearly where we stand on various matters of controversy."

In a section on "Involuntary Fertility Control," Holdren and the other authors discuss various "coercive" means of population control — including putting sterilants in the drinking water. But they stop well short of advocating such measures.

This comes in a section discussing population law. The authors argue that compulsory abortions could potentially be allowed under U.S. law "if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society." Again, that's a far cry from advocating or proposing such a position.

In the book, the authors certainly advocate making abortions readily accessible for women who want to get them. But they never advocate forced abortions. Big difference.

In response to the comments from Beck and others, Holdren's office issued this statement: "The quotations used to suggest that Dr. Holdren supports coercive approaches to limiting population growth were taken from a 1977 college textbook on environmental science and policy, of which he was the third author. The quoted material was from a section of the book that described different possible approaches to limiting population growth and then concluded that the authors’ own preference was to employ the noncoercive approaches before the environmental and social impacts of overpopulation led desperate societies to employ coercive ones. Dr. Holdren has never been an advocate of compulsory abortions or other repressive means of population limitation."

This is the problem with you people on the anti-choice side. You assume that people who don't accept your religiously based fanaticism MUST be evil.

ANd then when they figure you can't be reasoned with, they just stomp you into the ground.

Again, see Nov. 6 if you have any confusion on this issue.
Gotta love the libs.. they can't pay for college, they can't payback their student loans, they can't buy food, they can't buy health insurance, they can't buy contraceptives, they require unfettered access to abortions.. blah Blah blah.

What an existence.
Follow along Joey... teaching abstinence doesn't in any way affect a woman's right or ability to have or not have a child, which is what you asserted.

Don't be such a blockhead.

Follow along, you need to all STFU about this entire subject or you are going to keep losing elections.

Abstinence-only is a false policy. It keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health.

Not having sex = not getting pregnant keeps girls ignorant and endangers their health?

You're an abject moron, you really are.

Nope, I'm a realist. Teenagers are hardwired by evolution to get laid.

Telling them "don't do that or Baby Jesus will cry" is sort of retarded and counterproductive.
Gotta love the libs.. they can't pay for college, they can't payback their student loans, they can't buy food, they can't buy health insurance, they can't buy contraceptives, they require unfettered access to abortions.. blah Blah blah.

What an existence.

I'd have no problem with fair wage laws that let people pay for those things themselves.

This is the point you idiots keep missing.

You've been undermining the middle class for decades so a few assholes could have car elevators and dressage horsies...

And these people, well, they just refuse to stop living their lives. They go to the government for help.

And then they totally vote for more of that stuff.
Follow along, you need to all STFU about this entire subject or you are going to keep losing elections.

Abstinence-only is a false policy. It keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health.

Not having sex = not getting pregnant keeps girls ignorant and endangers their health?

You're an abject moron, you really are.

Nope, I'm a realist. Teenagers are hardwired by evolution to get laid.

Telling them "don't do that or Baby Jesus will cry" is sort of retarded and counterproductive.

I'm a realist too Joey.... but I don't denounce people for teaching something that in no way is harmful. FACT - It is no way harmful to teach abstinence.. what's the alternative? Tell your daughter "hey, I know your legs are going to be in the air 24/7, so here's a case of rubbers"? And btw... it's humanly possibly to stress abstinence and still inform your kids about BC.
Follow along, you need to all STFU about this entire subject or you are going to keep losing elections.

Abstinence-only is a false policy. It keeps young girls ignorant and endangers their health.

Not having sex = not getting pregnant keeps girls ignorant and endangers their health?

You're an abject moron, you really are.

Nope, I'm a realist. Teenagers are hardwired by evolution to get laid.

Sounds like a pickup line. Did it work?
Here, you can order the science czar's book for yourself:

[ame=""]Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment: Paul R. Ehrlich, John P. Holdren, Anne H. Ehrlich: 9780716700296: Books[/ame]


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“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”—Edward Bernays, Propaganda

Sadly, joe is neither conscious nor intelligent in his pathetic attempts to manipulate.
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Not having sex = not getting pregnant keeps girls ignorant and endangers their health?

You're an abject moron, you really are.

Nope, I'm a realist. Teenagers are hardwired by evolution to get laid.

Sounds like a pickup line. Did it work?

I stressed abstinence but still kept my kids informed about BC. These libs live in a world of absolutes. They can't understand that while I believe in creationism, I still believe in evolution.

They're not a very curious bunch.
Not having sex = not getting pregnant keeps girls ignorant and endangers their health?

You're an abject moron, you really are.

Nope, I'm a realist. Teenagers are hardwired by evolution to get laid.

Telling them "don't do that or Baby Jesus will cry" is sort of retarded and counterproductive.

I'm a realist too Joey.... but I don't denounce people for teaching something that in no way is harmful. FACT - It is no way harmful to teach abstinence.. what's the alternative? Tell your daughter "hey, I know your legs are going to be in the air 24/7, so here's a case of rubbers"? And btw... it's humanly possibly to stress abstinence and still inform your kids about BC.

Actually, it is harmful, because a teenager hears that shit and laughs it off as stupid.

I seriously think you guys completely forgot what it was like to be teenagers. We got the whole propaganda treatment when I was in Catholic School in the 1970's. And we laughed at it and blew it off. Giving someone advice they are going to ignore and not giving them USEFUL advice is dangerous and kind of stupid.
If that were true, advising them to go ahead and have sex...just use protection is equally futile.

Oh, wait....stds, teen pregnancy, abortion all continue to climb....hmmmmmmm...
Not having sex = not getting pregnant keeps girls ignorant and endangers their health?

You're an abject moron, you really are.

Nope, I'm a realist. Teenagers are hardwired by evolution to get laid.

Telling them "don't do that or Baby Jesus will cry" is sort of retarded and counterproductive.

I'm a realist too Joey.... but I don't denounce people for teaching something that in no way is harmful. FACT - It is no way harmful to teach abstinence.. what's the alternative? Tell your daughter "hey, I know your legs are going to be in the air 24/7, so here's a case of rubbers"? And btw... it's humanly possibly to stress abstinence and still inform your kids about BC.

Where exactly do they not teach abstinence?
And what % of women, teenage girls do not know that not having sex will not make babies?
No offense but that is crazy. EVERYONE knows that abstinence does not make babies.
So what is there to teach? The class would be 10 seconds long for those that do not already know.
"For those that do not know not having sex will not make you pregnant"
What else is there?
Nope, I'm a realist. Teenagers are hardwired by evolution to get laid.

Telling them "don't do that or Baby Jesus will cry" is sort of retarded and counterproductive.

I'm a realist too Joey.... but I don't denounce people for teaching something that in no way is harmful. FACT - It is no way harmful to teach abstinence.. what's the alternative? Tell your daughter "hey, I know your legs are going to be in the air 24/7, so here's a case of rubbers"? And btw... it's humanly possibly to stress abstinence and still inform your kids about BC.

Actually, it is harmful, because a teenager hears that shit and laughs it off as stupid.

I seriously think you guys completely forgot what it was like to be teenagers. We got the whole propaganda treatment when I was in Catholic School in the 1970's. And we laughed at it and blew it off. Giving someone advice they are going to ignore and not giving them USEFUL advice is dangerous and kind of stupid.

No Joe, not all kids laugh it off as stupid. Given your logic, when kids turn 6 you should give them a crack pipe, a couple syringes, some pot, a case of rubbers and a butt plug 'cause if you tell them otherwise, they'll just laugh at you.

That's beyond ignorant.
If that were true, advising them to go ahead and have sex...just use protection is equally futile.

Oh, wait....stds, teen pregnancy, abortion all continue to climb....hmmmmmmm...

Actually, the number of abortions has been in decline for quite some time.


As has the number of teenage pregnancies..


Do you even BOTHER doing real research before you make claims.
Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.

I'm currently deeply amused that you insulted my intelligence with a run-on sentence. Give it up, honey. You don't have what it takes to condescend to me effectively.

Murder is a moral and religious issue...but that doesn't mean it should be ignored by lawmakers.

The idea that the government should utterly ignore the things that truly matter to and most inform the lives of its constituents has always puzzled me, as does the even stranger idea that government CAN ignore those things.


Too many syllables for you, punkin? Before you even start trying for some peudo-lofty insult toward my English usage, let me assure you that my post was entirely grammatical, albeit quite complex. Your desire to have things dumbed down is not my problem.

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