Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Horrors. I don't mind so much..but the fact that dishonest propagandists then turn around and accuse us of cutting off the free birth control...

It's sickening.
This is old news, the Supreme Court made a ruling and the rights afforded and interpretation of the law stands. It is now a moral issue between those that have a conscious and moral compass and those that do not. To overturn Roe vs Wade a case must first go through the laborious court system, appellate court, and then referred to and accepted by the Supreme Court for final review and judication. Simply put, not going to happen. The liberal movement continues to employ the issue as a litmus test, smoke and mirror sham to discredit potential candidates, and the conservatives believe it is wrong and pay the price for their honesty and beliefs.
The question is and should always be should the tax payers of this country be liable for birth control and expense of providing abortions, the answer is no. Let the liberals set up foundations to fund these tasks and lets move forward, but don't discredit those that do not believe life is trivial to promote their agnostic beliefs.

You were doing fine until the bolded, as this has noting to do with ‘liberals’; it’s conservatives and republicans who keep the abortion debate alive, the evidence of that is in this very thread.

And taxes are not the ‘issue,’ either, as public funding of abortion was prohibited decades ago.

At issue is the GOP allowing the extreme right of the Party to dictate National policy, and force into the political arena a private, personal subject best left to the individual to address, in the context of the right to privacy, free from government interference.

How many lives do you save by abandoning your principles in order to court votes?

No one’s compelling anyone to abandon his principles, and this has nothing to do with courting votes. It has only to do with seeking an appropriate and effective solution to ending abortion – banning abortion is no solution, abortion will continue whether it’s legal or not.

Given this fact it’s pointless for conservatives and republicans to continue to attempt to demonize women and others who elect to exercise their fundamental right to privacy.
I'm a pragmatist. Women are going to get abortions, NO MATTER WHAT THE LAW IS.


We are going to get murder, assault and battery, and auto theft NO MATTER WHAT THE LAW IS. You want PROOF? Look at the Philippines. Murder, assault and battery, and auto theft are all illegal there, but they happen all the time anyway! Can you believe that?

Abortion is not "murder" or "assault", which are merely legal terms.

Your opinion matters not. Women have always gotten abortion, they always will, whether the state approves or not.

If the GOP wants to compete nationally, it needs to reach realistically out to women.
It isn't a person until It can survive independenly outside someone else's body.

A newborn baby can't "survive independently." It a newborn isn't constantly cared for by someone that PERSON will not survive. Hell, if YOU are not cared for by someone right now YOU will not survive. In a state of nature, all by yourself, YOU wouldn't last a week, you parasite.
Your posts on these issues provide all the evidence needed.

Ok, show specific evidence for each claim then, or retract your accusation and apologize like a man (if you even want to pretend to be one).

Go ahead.
This is old news, the Supreme Court made a ruling and the rights afforded and interpretation of the law stands. It is now a moral issue between those that have a conscious and moral compass and those that do not. To overturn Roe vs Wade a case must first go through the laborious court system, appellate court, and then referred to and accepted by the Supreme Court for final review and judication. Simply put, not going to happen. The liberal movement continues to employ the issue as a litmus test, smoke and mirror sham to discredit potential candidates, and the conservatives believe it is wrong and pay the price for their honesty and beliefs.
The question is and should always be should the tax payers of this country be liable for birth control and expense of providing abortions, the answer is no. Let the liberals set up foundations to fund these tasks and lets move forward, but don't discredit those that do not believe life is trivial to promote their agnostic beliefs.

You were doing fine until the bolded, as this has noting to do with ‘liberals’; it’s conservatives and republicans who keep the abortion debate alive, the evidence of that is in this very thread.

And taxes are not the ‘issue,’ either, as public funding of abortion was prohibited decades ago.

At issue is the GOP allowing the extreme right of the Party to dictate National policy, and force into the political arena a private, personal subject best left to the individual to address, in the context of the right to privacy, free from government interference.

How many lives do you save by abandoning your principles in order to court votes?

No one’s compelling anyone to abandon his principles, and this has nothing to do with courting votes. It has only to do with seeking an appropriate and effective solution to ending abortion – banning abortion is no solution, abortion will continue whether it’s legal or not.

Given this fact it’s pointless for conservatives and republicans to continue to attempt to demonize women and others who elect to exercise their fundamental right to privacy.

Progressive propaganda. You need a poster.

Here, I have one:

Simply stop the public war on gays.

There is no "war on gays," you lying democrat shill. You democrats have got to let go this asinine "war on" theme. It makes you look hysterical and stupid; something YOU personally cannot afford.
Horrors. I don't mind so much..but the fact that dishonest propagandists then turn around and accuse us of cutting off the free birth control...

It's sickening.

I have linked to articles in other threads that birth control is easily available and affordable.

The cost is on a sliding scale and in some cases free, especially condoms.

that hasn't changed.
ps I have both of them on ignore
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