Can Reps modify abortion stance?


No Joe, not all kids laugh it off as stupid. Given your logic, when kids turn 6 you should give them a crack pipe, a couple syringes, some pot, a case of rubbers and a butt plug 'cause if you tell them otherwise, they'll just laugh at you.

That's beyond ignorant.

Wow... so you are equating sex with drug addiction? Really?

The sad thing is you guys really don't know how crazy you all sound.
There are federal funding birth control programs in place that are separate from Planned Parenthood...or at least, they used to be separate. However, Obama has determined that those who don't want abortions also must do without contraceptive funding:

The federal government will withdraw funding for a Texas program providing more than 100,000 poor women with birth control and other health services because Planned Parenthood clinics are not allowed to participate, a Health and Human Services spokeswoman said on Friday.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the decision in Houston on Friday, prompting a furious response from Texas Governor Rick Perry, who called it an "egregious federal overreach."

Obama Admin Cuts Off Birth Control Funding for Low-Income Women in Texas | The Weekly Standard

So are they interested in helping poor women, as they're always claiming to be, or are they interested in funneling pork to their supporters and using poor women as human shields?
There are federal funding birth control programs in place that are separate from Planned Parenthood...or at least, they used to be separate. However, Obama has determined that those who don't want abortions also must do without contraceptive funding:

The federal government will withdraw funding for a Texas program providing more than 100,000 poor women with birth control and other health services because Planned Parenthood clinics are not allowed to participate, a Health and Human Services spokeswoman said on Friday.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the decision in Houston on Friday, prompting a furious response from Texas Governor Rick Perry, who called it an "egregious federal overreach."

Obama Admin Cuts Off Birth Control Funding for Low-Income Women in Texas | The Weekly Standard

So are they interested in helping poor women, as they're always claiming to be, or are they interested in funneling pork to their supporters and using poor women as human shields?

Or they just don't think they should give a shitload of money to Gov. Perry's friends...

Excluding PP is excluding the most effective agency to get the work done. Anything else is just pissing away money.

No Joe, not all kids laugh it off as stupid. Given your logic, when kids turn 6 you should give them a crack pipe, a couple syringes, some pot, a case of rubbers and a butt plug 'cause if you tell them otherwise, they'll just laugh at you.

That's beyond ignorant.

Wow... so you are equating sex with drug addiction? Really?

The sad thing is you guys really don't know how crazy you all sound.

I have yet to put up a poster of a dead comedian as some sort of supporting argument.
There are federal funding birth control programs in place that are separate from Planned Parenthood...or at least, they used to be separate. However, Obama has determined that those who don't want abortions also must do without contraceptive funding:

The federal government will withdraw funding for a Texas program providing more than 100,000 poor women with birth control and other health services because Planned Parenthood clinics are not allowed to participate, a Health and Human Services spokeswoman said on Friday.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the decision in Houston on Friday, prompting a furious response from Texas Governor Rick Perry, who called it an "egregious federal overreach."

Obama Admin Cuts Off Birth Control Funding for Low-Income Women in Texas | The Weekly Standard

So are they interested in helping poor women, as they're always claiming to be, or are they interested in funneling pork to their supporters and using poor women as human shields?

Or they just don't think they should give a shitload of money to Gov. Perry's friends...

Excluding PP is excluding the most effective agency to get the work done. Anything else is just pissing away money.

Yeah, we wouldn't want those county health departments to be able to hand out free contraceptives without Planned Parenthood standing over them....that would be crazy. They can't be trusted to dispense free birth control...we must have an abortion clinic doing that.
And after 40 years of legal abortion, where no woman of child bearing years remembers it being any other way, you are not going to swoop in and make it illegal. It just ain't gonna happen.

It's not a matter of 'swooping in and making it illegal,' dope. It's a matter of returning it to the states where it belongs. I doubt even one state would make it 'illegal' under any circumstance.

That'd be cool:

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"Questions? What are questions? I don't need to answer no steenkeeng questions. That's only for people who are brave enough to have a DIALOGUE. I stick to monologues, because I'm a poltroon."

You answered your own question, I thought you were having a DIALOGUE with yourself.

I didn't answer any of my questions. I merely stated that I doubted you cared about the answers, whatever they might be for you should you ever strap on a pair and respond.

How many times DID you flunk English in school?

You mean this question?

Quote: Originally Posted by Cecilie1200

How many lives do you save by abandoning your principles in order to court votes? If the GOP says, "Oh, never mind the abortion thing, fuck it, no big deal", and then wins election, what have they accomplished? If you have to abandon your principles to win, have you actually won at all?

I doubt that that matters to you, though, because you've made it clear that elections are just about winning a competition to you.

I would have left that part out to because it proves my point.

My answer is, yes I am right. You answered your own question. I'll add that your arguments are weak, unfounded, and insulting.

" Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes."

No Joe, not all kids laugh it off as stupid. Given your logic, when kids turn 6 you should give them a crack pipe, a couple syringes, some pot, a case of rubbers and a butt plug 'cause if you tell them otherwise, they'll just laugh at you.

That's beyond ignorant.

Wow... so you are equating sex with drug addiction? Really?

The sad thing is you guys really don't know how crazy you all sound.

I have yet to put up a poster of a dead comedian as some sort of supporting argument.

Oddly, we live in a world where Comedians are more trusted than politicians...

Because Comedians tell the truth by demonstrating the absurdity of it all.
This is old news, the Supreme Court made a ruling and the rights afforded and interpretation of the law stands. It is now a moral issue between those that have a conscious and moral compass and those that do not. To overturn Roe vs Wade a case must first go through the laborious court system, appellate court, and then referred to and accepted by the Supreme Court for final review and judication. Simply put, not going to happen. The liberal movement continues to employ the issue as a litmus test, smoke and mirror sham to discredit potential candidates, and the conservatives believe it is wrong and pay the price for their honesty and beliefs.
The question is and should always be should the tax payers of this country be liable for birth control and expense of providing abortions, the answer is no. Let the liberals set up foundations to fund these tasks and lets move forward, but don't discredit those that do not believe life is trivial to promote their agnostic beliefs.
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Yeah, right joe. I wish you'd say that BEFORE you pump out all the other propaganda...people will hit the "off" switch a lot quicker that way.
This is old news, the Supreme Court made a ruling and the rights afforded and interpretation of the law stands. It is now a moral issue between those that have a conscious and moral compass and those that do not. To overturn Roe vs Wade a case must first go through the laborious court system, appellate court, and then referred to and accepted by the Supreme Court for final review and judication. Simply put, not going to happen. The liberal movement continues to employ the issue as a litmus test, smoke and mirror sham to discredit potential candidates, and the conservatives believe it is wrong and pay the price for their honesty and beliefs.
The question is and should always be should the tax payers of this country be liable for birth control and expense of providing abortions, the answer is no. Let the liberals set up foundations to fund these tasks and lets move forward, but don't discredit those that do not believe life is trivial to promote your agnostic beliefs.

That's too intellectual for joe. He'll just post a dumb picture, and claim he made you look stupid somehow.
The Republicans have not found it difficult to reverse directions. One morning they simply declare they have been for, or against, something all the time and it was the Democrats that were on the other side. While Republicans have done this for ages, Romney carried it to extremes and even Republicans couldn't keep up, with Romney it was a new direction with every speech.
The beauty of Republicans changing their stance on issues is they then write the history proving themselves to be true. Does it work? You betcha.
The Republicans have not found it difficult to reverse directions. One morning they simply declare they have been for, or against, something all the time and it was the Democrats that were on the other side. While Republicans have done this for ages, Romney carried it to extremes and even Republicans couldn't keep up, with Romney it was a new direction with every speech.
The beauty of Republicans changing their stance on issues is they then write the history proving themselves to be true. Does it work? You betcha.


did I call it or what...loon influx warning...warning...warning...

Oddly, we live in a world where Comedians are more trusted than politicians...

Because Comedians tell the truth by demonstrating the absurdity of it all. about absurdity....

hey Joe why don't you break out a doobie and we'll all sing along to your favorite music which you don't seem to understand.....

[ame=]Pink Floyd -- The Wall [[ Official Video ]] - YouTube[/ame]
There are also someSchool Districts handing out the pill and condoms....

So are they interested in helping poor women, as they're always claiming to be, or are they interested in funneling pork to their supporters and using poor women as human shields?

Or they just don't think they should give a shitload of money to Gov. Perry's friends...

Excluding PP is excluding the most effective agency to get the work done. Anything else is just pissing away money.

Yeah, we wouldn't want those county health departments to be able to hand out free contraceptives without Planned Parenthood standing over them....that would be crazy. They can't be trusted to dispense free birth control...we must have an abortion clinic doing that.
There are also someSchool Districts handing out the pill and condoms....

Or they just don't think they should give a shitload of money to Gov. Perry's friends...

Excluding PP is excluding the most effective agency to get the work done. Anything else is just pissing away money.

Yeah, we wouldn't want those county health departments to be able to hand out free contraceptives without Planned Parenthood standing over them....that would be crazy. They can't be trusted to dispense free birth control...we must have an abortion clinic doing that.

Yikes, don't let joe or the obamadmin know...they'll shut those suckers down cuz if the abortionists ain't doing it, ain't NOBODY gunna do it!

No Joe, not all kids laugh it off as stupid. Given your logic, when kids turn 6 you should give them a crack pipe, a couple syringes, some pot, a case of rubbers and a butt plug 'cause if you tell them otherwise, they'll just laugh at you.

That's beyond ignorant.

Wow... so you are equating sex with drug addiction? Really?

The sad thing is you guys really don't know how crazy you all sound.

I have yet to put up a poster of a dead comedian as some sort of supporting argument.

I think being called crazy for equating sex - which can potentially kill you via AIDS - with drug use - which can potentially kill you via AIDS - by someone who equates sex with blowing one's nose - and if you ever listen to leftists talk about sex, that's exactly how much importance they attach to it - is probably a compliment.

If sanity means treating sex as though it's no more significant and life-changing than scratching your ass, I'll take crazy every time.
So are they interested in helping poor women, as they're always claiming to be, or are they interested in funneling pork to their supporters and using poor women as human shields?

Or they just don't think they should give a shitload of money to Gov. Perry's friends...

Excluding PP is excluding the most effective agency to get the work done. Anything else is just pissing away money.

Yeah, we wouldn't want those county health departments to be able to hand out free contraceptives without Planned Parenthood standing over them....that would be crazy. They can't be trusted to dispense free birth control...we must have an abortion clinic doing that.

Well, the county health department might forget to tell them to kill their babies if the birth control fails. We can't have THAT.
You answered your own question, I thought you were having a DIALOGUE with yourself.

I didn't answer any of my questions. I merely stated that I doubted you cared about the answers, whatever they might be for you should you ever strap on a pair and respond.

How many times DID you flunk English in school?

You mean this question?

Quote: Originally Posted by Cecilie1200

How many lives do you save by abandoning your principles in order to court votes? If the GOP says, "Oh, never mind the abortion thing, fuck it, no big deal", and then wins election, what have they accomplished? If you have to abandon your principles to win, have you actually won at all?

I doubt that that matters to you, though, because you've made it clear that elections are just about winning a competition to you.

I would have left that part out to because it proves my point.

My answer is, yes I am right. You answered your own question. I'll add that your arguments are weak, unfounded, and insulting.

" Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes."

Um, dude, that's THREE questions, not one. HOW many times did you say you flunked English?

And no matter how many times you say I answered my own QUESTIONS (plural, not singular), it won't become true, any more than claiming that your desire to endorse abortion in order to win elections is moral is going to make it, or you, moral.

Finally, let me tell you what "I'm much too good to answer your questions. All I have to do is sit here and speechify about how brilliant I am" translates into around here: I'm a chickenshit with no argument and no cojones.

So thanks for admitting you're beneath notice, not that it was a newsflash. Buh bye.

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