Can Reps modify abortion stance?

Thhe fact that you people are hung up on abortion is ludicrous, it is a 50/50 issue and does not decide elections.

That's the point of the thread, dimwit: do we define morality as doing what we know is right, even when it costs us, or do we define morality as changing our principles according to what's politicially advantageous at the moment?

I can see you're coming down on the side of "whatever gets me what I want". Outstanding. :clap2:

Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.

God blessed us with morality and reason, some with closed minds do lack the intelligence to use both.
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Alabama tried and failed last year.

The states do not have the right to do this because they failed their populations.

It took SCOTUS to do it.

Will never return to the states.
And after 40 years of legal abortion, where no woman of child bearing years remembers it being any other way, you are not going to swoop in and make it illegal. It just ain't gonna happen.

It's not a matter of 'swooping in and making it illegal,' dope. It's a matter of returning it to the states where it belongs. I doubt even one state would make it 'illegal' under any circumstance.
Nazis were all about managing breeding, commie eugenecist.

YOu mean they were about telling women whether they could have babies or not.

Just like you aspire to be.

Who the fuck is telling women they can't have babies?

Are you fucking high or just severely retarded?

You guys are the ones who want to cut off birth control and preach abstitence...

And here's Bristol Palin to tell you all about it.


"Um, when does my check clear?"
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My story is perfectly straight.

Your own is crumbling, however. I have never implied that poor people should kill their babies, so that progressives on entitlement programs can have a bigger slice of the pie.

That's all you.

No, you just think we should cut them off AFTER They have the babies.

When you start giving a fuck about real babies, I start taking you seriously on the imaginary ones.
YOu mean they were about telling women whether they could have babies or not.

Just like you aspire to be.

Who the fuck is telling women they can't have babies?

Are you fucking high or just severely retarded?

You guys are the ones who want to cut off birth control and preach abstitence...

And here's Bristol Palin to tall you all about it.


"Um, when does my check clear?"

Oh look, more lies.

Who's "cutting off" birth control?

And look, another image. Thank you. It breaks the monotony of your drivel.
My story is perfectly straight.

Your own is crumbling, however. I have never implied that poor people should kill their babies, so that progressives on entitlement programs can have a bigger slice of the pie.

That's all you.

No, you just think we should cut them off AFTER They have the babies.

When you start giving a fuck about real babies, I start taking you seriously on the imaginary ones.

Look, more propaganda.

Also with zero basis in fact. Quick, insert an image to beef up the impact of the lie.
Who the fuck is telling women they can't have babies?

Are you fucking high or just severely retarded?

You guys are the ones who want to cut off birth control and preach abstitence...

And here's Bristol Palin to tall you all about it.


"Um, when does my check clear?"

Oh look, more lies.

Who's "cutting off" birth control?

And look, another image. Thank you. It breaks the monotony of your drivel.

You guys are the ones who want to cut all funding to Planned Parenthood, the only source of birth control in many communities.
That's the point of the thread, dimwit: do we define morality as doing what we know is right, even when it costs us, or do we define morality as changing our principles according to what's politicially advantageous at the moment?

I can see you're coming down on the side of "whatever gets me what I want". Outstanding. :clap2:

Actually you can't see anything at all, you are much to busy pretending to be intelligent.

I'm currently deeply amused that you insulted my intelligence with a run-on sentence. Give it up, honey. You don't have what it takes to condescend to me effectively.

Murder is a moral and religious issue...but that doesn't mean it should be ignored by lawmakers.

The idea that the government should utterly ignore the things that truly matter to and most inform the lives of its constituents has always puzzled me, as does the even stranger idea that government CAN ignore those things.

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My story is perfectly straight.

Your own is crumbling, however. I have never implied that poor people should kill their babies, so that progressives on entitlement programs can have a bigger slice of the pie.

That's all you.

No, you just think we should cut them off AFTER They have the babies.

When you start giving a fuck about real babies, I start taking you seriously on the imaginary ones.

Ah...............the caring for babies.........Im guessing that should be left up to its parents, and extended family........absent that a charitable/religious outreach program or your local bleeding heart leftist i'll take care of you fund.............

Most of us already have families to support, we dont need federal mandates adopting all the nations infants..............
just wait until you get a good taste of Obamacare-flavored socialized'll be "eeeeking" for real....lefty rube...

ObamaCare wouldn't even effect me, as I have private insurance through an employer...

Of course, I'd rather have single payer health insurance...

of course you would......lefty....

just wait awhile....your employer may eventually drop your private insurance.....

and with Obamacare you'll get your abortions for free......state-controlled murder.....

Word is that the IRS is advising people to do their end-of-year tax planning with an eye to how much more Obamacare is going to cost them. So much for the idea that it'll "save money".
They're the same policies.

But continue to support them anyway, I like it when you expose yourself.

Hitlers 1942 policy statement regarding Slavic abortion:

""In view of the large families of the Slav native population, it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible. We are not interested in seeing the non-German population multiply…We must use every means to instill in the population the idea that it is harmful to have several children, the expenses that they cause and the dangerous effect on woman’s health… It will be necessary to open special institutions for abortions and doctors must be able to help out there in case there is any question of this being a breach of their professional ethics."

What was your stance on abortion again?

You may cut and paste the above, it will save you time. Substitute whatever term you'd like for "slavic".

"The programs of mass murder began when physicians
decided that human life was of differential value; when​
race became a metaphor for disease."

In your case, the unborn and the poor are a metaphor for disease, which is even more heinous than what the Nazis proposed. At least they thought that some human life had value, even if it was a limited type of human.

Most pro-abortionists today claim no human life has value except that which is granted it by its mother...and if she doesn't then nobody else should. Whereas the Nazis sought only to exterminate certain races/religions/groups, most pro-abortionists today would like to see ALL of mankind removed from the earth...or at least the numbers radically reduced.

It's true. The Nazis were actually rather harsh on women of proper Aryan lineage who didn't want their babies or didn't want to have babies. Leftists today can't seem to think of anyone they actually WANT to have babies.
You guys are the ones who want to cut off birth control and preach abstitence...

And here's Bristol Palin to tall you all about it.


"Um, when does my check clear?"

Oh look, more lies.

Who's "cutting off" birth control?

And look, another image. Thank you. It breaks the monotony of your drivel.

You guys are the ones who want to cut all funding to Planned Parenthood, the only source of birth control in many communities.

Anyone can get birth control in this country. We would still have birth control without abortion clinics. Sorry. You're just repeating another nazi lie, and confusing "contraceptive" with "abortion" and "planned parenthood". They are not interchangeable.

That's true, this is just one piece of the puzzle. 3 million Reps stayed home, and that's another discussion. Frankly it was major screw up to not have our intentions on abortion clearly stated, allowing Dems to accuse us of wanting to outlaw it. Reps are stuck in the mud on this issue. Reps need to fix it if they want to compete in a presidential election.

Where do you get 3 million Republicans stayed home?

More to the point, how do you get "out of the mud" on this issue? Frankly, what exceptions are you going to promote to satisfy fanatics like KosherGirl and Punkotard?

Yes, it really did hurt you guys when you had guys talking about "legitimate rape" and "Gift from God" rape, but that's kind of the logical conclusion of your philosophical position.

If you accept a fetus/Embryo/Zygote has all the same rights as a human being, then you have to be against its termination under ANY circumstances. Or otherwise, you are being inconsistent.

They are blinded by their bias and hatred. I am not worried about changing there minds any more then changing yours.

So if the three million stay-at-home so-called Republicans decided to "punish" Romney for not being conservative enough or Christian enough or libertarian enough or whatever enough, they lost. The last laugh is on them -- and the rest of us: America is now fiscally unfixable, freedom is at an all-time low, and government is more powerful and oppressive than ever.

Read more: Articles: How Republicans Can Rebrand
There are federal funding birth control programs in place that are separate from Planned Parenthood...or at least, they used to be separate. However, Obama has determined that those who don't want abortions also must do without contraceptive funding:

The federal government will withdraw funding for a Texas program providing more than 100,000 poor women with birth control and other health services because Planned Parenthood clinics are not allowed to participate, a Health and Human Services spokeswoman said on Friday.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the decision in Houston on Friday, prompting a furious response from Texas Governor Rick Perry, who called it an "egregious federal overreach."

Obama Admin Cuts Off Birth Control Funding for Low-Income Women in Texas | The Weekly Standard
Oh look, more lies.

Who's "cutting off" birth control?

And look, another image. Thank you. It breaks the monotony of your drivel.

You guys are the ones who want to cut all funding to Planned Parenthood, the only source of birth control in many communities.

Anyone can get birth control in this country. We would still have birth control without abortion clinics. Sorry. You're just repeating another nazi lie, and confusing "contraceptive" with "abortion" and "planned parenthood". They are not interchangeable.

Joe has no women in his life, he would have no idea what is available to them.
Sorry,I was wrong when I said, You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for the moral high ground. Let me correct that. You didn't sacrifice life for votes you sacrificed life for your self righteousness. In that you were successful.

"Questions? What are questions? I don't need to answer no steenkeeng questions. That's only for people who are brave enough to have a DIALOGUE. I stick to monologues, because I'm a poltroon."

You answered your own question, I thought you were having a DIALOGUE with yourself.

I didn't answer any of my questions. I merely stated that I doubted you cared about the answers, whatever they might be for you should you ever strap on a pair and respond.

How many times DID you flunk English in school?
Mmmmm................New Stance ???

Heck perhaps we will pay the full cost for womens birth control pills, and their abortions should they not use them.....................Not that we want govt involved in their bedrooms of course..........

Just that they are completely incapable of providing these things for themselves, and others owe it to them ...................

Good point, Dems are willing to pay for abortions, and Reps...not willing to pay to prevent them.
My story is perfectly straight.

Your own is crumbling, however. I have never implied that poor people should kill their babies, so that progressives on entitlement programs can have a bigger slice of the pie.

That's all you.

No, you just think we should cut them off AFTER They have the babies.

When you start giving a fuck about real babies, I start taking you seriously on the imaginary ones.

Ah...............the caring for babies.........Im guessing that should be left up to its parents, and extended family........absent that a charitable/religious outreach program or your local bleeding heart leftist i'll take care of you fund.............

Most of us already have families to support, we dont need federal mandates adopting all the nations infants..............

Then don't whine when women have abortions.

Because you've forfeited any say.
You guys are the ones who want to cut all funding to Planned Parenthood, the only source of birth control in many communities.

Anyone can get birth control in this country. We would still have birth control without abortion clinics. Sorry. You're just repeating another nazi lie, and confusing "contraceptive" with "abortion" and "planned parenthood". They are not interchangeable.

Joe has no women in his life, he would have no idea what is available to them.

I have a lot of women in my life, and I would never tell them how to manage their lady parts...

Because it isn't any of my business.

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